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I find the military culture in America pretty disturbing(facebook pic)

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Getting higher education is pretty much worthless when it comes to government jobs. Agencies would rather have military experience than someone with a 4 year degree (or preferably both).

Veterans get 5 or 10 points added to their score when it comes to government agencies looking through applications. Say for example I score a 95 on a test. The veteran also scores a 95, but since he's a veteran, he gets another 5 points added to his score. So now the veteran scored a 100.
Yep. It's why I am trying to get my VA claim done as soon as possible.
Veteran AND disabled?! Whoo boy!



Funny this thread shows up, saw this on my own Facebook earlier today as well and took a double take.

a cater that big would ruin the WHOLE WORLD not just over there....
That's not entirely true. The military is still the employer of last resort for many directionless young men.

Thank you John Kerry!

From what I understand, you're not allowed to choose where you get posted? And there lies my problem. Take Iraq...enlisting when you know you could be fighting an illegal war based off of lies, and as such potentially killing so many innocent civilians. Same shit with drone attacks etc.

So what is a fair assessment of someone who enlists knowing they could be fighting a baseless and false war, involved in a potentially illegal occupation, one mainly fuelled by corporate shenanigans?

Illegal War?
For a job that only requires a HS education the military is a very good career route.

But you also need to pass the ASVAB....or join the Marines with a waiver. Heh. Heh.

now all you gotta do is factor in the ridiculous hours and the high stress levels

I'm not going to argue that its attractive to the desperate, but the pay really isn't that good...

And the lack of freedom relative to the average civilian. And also contracts that you can't just walk away from.


From what I understand, you're not allowed to choose where you get posted? And there lies my problem. Take Iraq...enlisting when you know you could be fighting an illegal war based off of lies, and as such potentially killing so many innocent civilians. Same shit with drone attacks etc.

I don't know how people sign up with that knowledge. If you could choose where you were sent, fair play. Humanitarian work, the wars or battles that actually are justified etc. Problem is, these days so many aren't.

So what is a fair assessment of someone who enlists knowing they could be fighting a baseless and false war, involved in a potentially illegal occupation, one mainly fuelled by corporate shenanigans?

I'd say they had higher priorities that contributed to their decision to enlist. Also, people that think that way don't tend to enlist to begin with and if they do they tend to go for jobs that lower the possibility of them being deployed or involved with war directly. Most people see the military as a profession not an opportunity to spread freedom to the heathens.
But you also need to pass the ASVAB....or join the Marines with a waiver. Heh. Heh.

And the lack of freedom relative to the average civilian. And also contracts that you can't just walk away from.

Yeah, but the lack of freedom is met with high facilitation and opportunity potential.
Yeah, but the lack of freedom is met with high facilitation and opportunity potential.

What about the lack of porn and the ability to participate in political elections and comment on the government or elected officials..... which I think the latter is VERY VERY good as the US military has stayed out of wanting to run the government. Former Generals have become Presidents, but no Presidents are Current Generals, which can't be said of many countries.


What about the lack of porn and the ability to participate in political elections and comment on the government or elected officials..... which I think the latter is VERY VERY good as the US military has stayed out of wanting to run the government. Former Generals have become Presidents, but no Presidents are Current Generals, which can't be said of many countries.

Wait what?


Isn't there regs on not possessing adult material (or so I've heard), I was mostly being sarcastic though with the second reason as a real example.

If there is it's one of those regs that aren't followed at all. Like regs against sodomy.

Can't have it in the AOR.

Oh yeah that one lol. As long as you keep it on your PC and don't try to take it through customs then you're good. They might have gotten more serious since 2009 though.


This guy went to my high school. Fairly normal dude, pretty nice. Recently went military.


Not even just some regular soldier, he's like a door gunner using the heavier weapons. I'm not sure if this guy knows that he's going to shoot at people or not.

Uhh yeah these people know damn well what there going to be doing. In America, Canada, China, wherever the hell, the people who defend the country and put their own lives at risk and sacrifice everyday are celebrated.

I don't understand the problem


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
People argue being critical of the military is America bashing. It not only happens in this thread but in our daily lives. Many believe you are bashing America if you hold a critical viewpoint of America's military.
And vice versa, at times. A lot of folks just don't understand the role of the military in a society, even if they're in the military. And, the "America" part is unnecessarily specific... this one goes across borders. The US is hardly the only country that keeps an active, professional military.

Why else did he join the military? Does he in fact want to satisfy his bloodlust or did he just like the benefits they give?
These aren't the only two reasons people join.

I'll just say that unless you're a member of the military or a veteran as I am, you will never understand the complexities that come from serving.
Look, I know what you're saying, but this kind of thing just shuts down discourse. They're not going to even try to understand if we tell them there's no way they could understand, especially when it implies a "so, shut up".

Interestingly enough, it's also why so many programs that are intended for the educated to fulfill fail. Military experience is different from education. Look at the HTS program being a true failure, a complete waste of money with military leadership. I don't mean to combat you, just pointing something out. The military should learn to strike a better balance when it comes to this.
Actually it depends on what kind of career you're looking for. A lot of large corporations are easy for fomer military to integrate into because they're used to dealing with hierarchies and protocols. As long as they can make the transition to being an individual contributor, they can have a lot of success, even if they weren't techies.

I don't even wear my ABU (my camo uniform), this is what I'm required to wear at work

Turn on the fun.

I wanted to sign up just to get fit from boot camp and then quit.
You do know what a fat farm is, right?

join the Marines with a waiver
That ain't happening
a cater that big would ruin the WHOLE WORLD not just over there....

Seriously. Looking at this purely from an ecological perspective, an explosion large enough to cause a crater like that would result in a mass extinction that would make the K-T Extinction Event look like a minor cold. Hell, it would probably render the planet uninhabitable for a few million years at least.


Look, I know what you're saying, but this kind of thing just shuts down discourse. They're not going to even try to understand if we tell them there's no way they could understand, especially when it implies a "so, shut up".

What it implies is that it's a circular argument/discussion that never really goes anywhere. People on the outside who have negative views of the military already will rarely ever think that there are reasons other than overt machismo or baby-killing to join the military. Some of the responses in this thread are proof of that. They will never truly know what it's like to serve unless they do and that's a fact. You can't deny that.

If the photo was of Nugent brandishing his numerous firearms and saying the same thing I would be more disturbed by it. Everyone in the military has firearms training, no matter your job. You don't see these kinds of thread when a random hunter on facebook posts photos of his gun or his kills do you? Those are much more disturbing to me than someone who literally has to train with firearms since it's part of his job detail.
The food is pretty good too btw



I had great chow including cheeseburgers with fixings on fresh baked buns, steak, prime rib, shrimp, lobster, freshly made pizza and baked goods, salad bars, cakes, pies, and soft serve ice cream, bug juice and coffee, fresh fruit and vegetables when available and a variety of canned goods.

But sometimes, after we'd been at sea for several months without replenishment, I had to subsist on sardines, crackers, dehydrated soup and powdered eggs. Once we opened #10 cans of ravioli to find they were infested with little weevils. The cooks picked them out, and served it anyways.

One cool thing was trying food products from all over the world. In foreign ports, we'd receive giant fresh grocery orders delivered. In home port, on the weekends, the duty section had about 8 dozen fresh doughnuts delivered each morning. But a later CO axed that because of the negative health effects. What about morale MF ? :D


I was annoyed by a commercial from a few years ago.

A guy shows up in his hometown after deployment, in full uniform, and arrives at a party of some sort (again, in full uniform) and sees his high school friends, who are surrounding a TV and I think they were playing videogames. They ask him the typical immature questions and he looks down and smiles condescending at them.
I was annoyed by a commercial from a few years ago.

A guy shows up in his hometown after deployment, in full uniform, and arrives at a party of some sort (again, in full uniform) and sees his high school friends, who are surrounding a TV and I think they were playing videogames. They ask him the typical immature questions and he looks down and smiles condescending at them.
the best part about that commercial (I remember seeing that when I was younger) is that all my USAF friends are huge video game nerds lol.



the best part about that commercial (I remember seeing that when I was younger) is that all my USAF friends are huge video game nerds lol.

haha, exactly. I also thought maybe they were uncomfortable around him because he was wearing that typical hardcore Army readiness attitude, as if there was a chance that Taliban were going to jump out of the nacho bowl in front of them.

It also should have ended with him leaving and one of them turning and saying, "Wow, and I'm just an investment banker...I guess my dad will never be proud of me..."

(also, cannot find it for the life of me)


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
You don't see these kinds of thread when a random hunter on facebook posts photos of his gun or his kills do you?
Actually, they had one a couple of months ago about Don Trump's stupid ass kids posing with a dead leopard and holding up a severed elephant trunk.


I have to agree, the military culture in the US is incredibly strong. It's a little scary at times (I'm Canadian).

I really don't know why (like honestly), but it makes me a little uneasy. I mean, maybe it's because the country as a whole is depicted as super patriotic nation fueled by its military presence and the whole America, fuck yeah! image.


I have to wonder if you guys that live here realize that without the armed forces that we would be in deep shit. Talking wouldn't stop other countries from coming here and burning and raping their way across america.


I was annoyed by a commercial from a few years ago.

A guy shows up in his hometown after deployment, in full uniform, and arrives at a party of some sort (again, in full uniform) and sees his high school friends, who are surrounding a TV and I think they were playing videogames. They ask him the typical immature questions and he looks down and smiles condescending at them.

I like the Airforce commercial where the guy fights a demon with the sword that is illegal for non officers to carry.


I have to wonder if you guys that live here realize that without the armed forces that we would be in deep shit. Talking wouldn't stop other countries from coming here and burning and raping their way across america.

Now why would they do that? There are no economic benefits.


It's either excited about the fight, or afraid of dying. Or you're a stoic iron-man, with grace under fire. There's nothing inherently wrong with that picture. I'm sorta disappoint, because there's plenty wrong with martial culture.
I have to wonder if you guys that live here realize that without the armed forces that we would be in deep shit. Talking wouldn't stop other countries from coming here and burning and raping their way across america.
You mean that your country wouldnt be in as much of a deep shit without your army i take it? BEcause not having to fight multiple wars saves quite a lot of money!
I have to wonder if you guys that live here realize that without the armed forces that we would be in deep shit. Talking wouldn't stop other countries from coming here and burning and raping their way across america.

You mean that your country wouldnt be in as much of a deep shit without your army i take it? BEcause not having to fight multiple wars saves quite a lot of money!

I think it was just sarcasm


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I have to agree, the military culture in the US is incredibly strong. It's a little scary at times (I'm Canadian).

I really don't know why (like honestly), but it makes me a little uneasy. I mean, maybe it's because the country as a whole is depicted as super patriotic nation fueled by its military presence and the whole America, fuck yeah! image.
Do you believe those commercials where everyone looks like they're having an orgasm while they play Yahtzee?

I like the Airforce commercial where the guy fights a demon with the sword that is illegal for non officers to carry.
That's the Marines.

We're all D&D geeks.


Countries have some sort of military power because you need it. Anyone that thinks any country would be fine without some type of military is stupid and living in candy land. Groups of people will always fuck up other groups of people. And a group that is vulnerable won't be around for long.


Countries have some sort of military power because you need it. Anyone that thinks any country would be fine without some type of military is stupid and living in candy land. Groups of people will always fuck up other groups of people. And a group that is vulnerable won't be around for long.

lives in candy land
(Today, 04:42 PM)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Don't worry, you're gonna love having us around

from who? There are basically three countries within a few thousand miles of canada: The US, Greenland, and Russia, and Russia's not near any of the populated areas.

Like, you can't get more isolated than the US and Canada.

And Canada can take care of itself.


I like the Airforce commercial where the guy fights a demon with the sword that is illegal for non officers to carry.

Or the modern commercials where it looks like a videogame on Mars, like Red Faction Guerilla and suddenly it "warps away" to show a more real life scenario...that's suddenly not nearly as interesting.
Countries have some sort of military power because you need it. Anyone that thinks any country would be fine without some type of military is stupid and living in candy land. Groups of people will always fuck up other groups of people. And a group that is vulnerable won't be around for long.

there is a difference between playing "world police" (sarcasm) and a self-defense army.


Countries have some sort of military power because you need it. Anyone that thinks any country would be fine without some type of military is stupid and living in candy land. Groups of people will always fuck up other groups of people. And a group that is vulnerable won't be around for long.
Iceland seems to be doing alright.



im not disturbed by a dude holding a gun. he's real gung ho about going to shoot at people. that's my issue

Yeah, I have a problem with this too. A lot of people I know who joined the military after high school just treat the whole damn thing like it's some video game.

Not surprising, considering the military's ad campaign. I saw a commercial for the Air Focre (i think) that started out looking like some sci-fi space military shooter, and then was all like 'YOU CAN DO THIS SHIT FOR REAL! IT'S AWESOME! JOIN THE MILITARY."


I don't like that military fought some false war. People need to back off on being mad at the armed forces though. The general public wanted blood after 9/11 and Bush chose the easiest mark he could find that would also have some sort of benefit. That isn't the military's fault.

Anyone that thinks a country or group of people can survive without some type of military force is naive. I would love to here how some of you would stop a country from invading a country that has no military force.
I have to agree, the military culture in the US is incredibly strong. It's a little scary at times (I'm Canadian).

I really don't know why (like honestly), but it makes me a little uneasy. I mean, maybe it's because the country as a whole is depicted as super patriotic nation fueled by its military presence and the whole America, fuck yeah! image.

How is it scary? You should be damn happy you live next to us, knowing if you are ever attacked we would offer to help you with our scary military.
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