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The Last Guy (PSN) teaser site open!


An blind dancing ho
Zoe said:
Has anybody Youtube-ed the new interview on the site? Can't connect from work :(


HD goat or burst my dude , you don't want to see Hindustan Electronics's mascot in 320 x 240


aka andydumi
Zoe said:
Heh, more like "Go this way! No no that way! You're doing it wrong! Let me do it!"

We were just watching the trailer and my wife was yelling "turn left, turn left!!!" even though it was a trailer. So yes, it will be "multiplayer" indeed. Just like Uncharted is "multiplayer" in the sense that she sits there and yells "Glint! Glint!!" whenever there's a treasure nearby.


Game is up on the Japanese PSN store. 313MB, 500 yen. Downloading it now, impressions soon.

Game is officially listed as "The Last Guy Japan Premium", so maybe the US will get a different version?


Remy said:
Game is up on the Japanese PSN store. 313MB, 500 yen. Downloading it now, impressions soon.

Game is officially listed as "The Last Guy Japan Premium", so maybe the US will get a different version?
Please do. I had no idea this was scheduled for this week. I hope the US store gets it this week too. PEACE.



No Goat T__T


Remy said:
Game is up on the Japanese PSN store. 313MB, 500 yen. Downloading it now, impressions soon.

Game is officially listed as "The Last Guy Japan Premium", so maybe the US will get a different version?

cool, can't wait to hear em.


Remy said:
Game is up on the Japanese PSN store. 313MB, 500 yen. Downloading it now, impressions soon.

Game is officially listed as "The Last Guy Japan Premium", so maybe the US will get a different version?
Sweet. Can't wait.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Remy said:
Game is up on the Japanese PSN store. 313MB, 500 yen. Downloading it now, impressions soon.

Game is officially listed as "The Last Guy Japan Premium", so maybe the US will get a different version?
I think it's episodic, "Japan Premium" being the JP stages.


Okay, so...let me try to take this apart piece by piece.

The videos are pretty accurate, but if you haven't watched them yet, it's not unlike Pacman crossed with Snake. You have to find people - sometimes they're out in the street (in the tutorial level, there's a group arranged to spell out "HELP"), most of the times they're in buildings and you have to coax them out by standing next to it.

Meanwhile, there are monsters running around, and in the three levels I've played (all Tokyo - more on this in a bit), I've come across four monsters. The large eyeball things are slow and don't chase you so much; the zombies will chase you from some distance away; the large bugs are constantly moving along the roads; and there's another type of bug that goes apeshit when it sees you and DOES. NOT. STOP. CHASING. YOU. They're the sole reason I failed out on my third stage. Monsters that touch your crowd send all those people into nearby buildings. If they touch you, you're done for. One nice effect - the crowd screams and shakes on screen when a monster is nearby. The DualShock 3 also shakes as a warning.

You do have some tools, though. Pressing X shows you an "infrared mode", where you get green dots overlaid on the map where there are people. Large green blobs on buildings indicate more people. But you don't want to hold down the button the whole game because it removes the monsters from the map - I plowed into a zombie without looking. You can also zoom the map in and out (R1/R2), pan the camera (right stick), and dash (Triangle). Dashing is limited by your stamina bar, which will increase the more people in your crowd. One more useful trick: if your crowd is long enough to wrap around an entire building with people in it, you'll automatically gain all those people and not have to wait for them to empty out.

Oh, and there are powerups! Some just refill your energy or give you limitless amounts; one freezes all monsters for about 30 seconds; and one (Return / "Re") moves you and your crowd back to the starting point. There's also an invisibility one I haven't had a chance to use yet.

The objective for each level is to bring X number of people to the escape area(s). (The third level had two escape zones!) Now, interestingly, mixed in with all the other people in the level are four VIPs. You don't get any indicators as to where they are using the "infrared mode", but if you find them you'll see a green person icon above a spot in your crowd. Getting them to the escape zone is worth extra points (and they unlock little bios in the level select screen). Score is based on total number rescued, VIPs rescued, and largest single crowd rescued. There's a star system for how well you did, 1-3.

That's pretty much it, at least from what I've gleaned in the first three levels. Oh, those three levels expand upon each other - so the first level is entirely contained within the second level, which is entirely within the third level. It does help you learn the geography a little - some people keep hiding in the same spots from level to level, so it helps to know where you can sweep through.

Music - the only song I've heard is the one from the trailers. I can only hope there's some more music later, because as awesome as that song is, it may torment me like the Hydlide theme did. I didn't try to do custom soundtracks via the XMB yet.

Import friendliness - the important menus and instructions are English, the explanatory text is in Japanese. If I can fumble my way through the game, you can too.

Someone asked about modes - there aren't any, really. Play, Manual, Tutorial. That's the main menu in its entirety. There IS online ranking, though, both for full "career" and individual stages.


Woohoo! I get to be #1 at something for maybe an hour!

Overall: it's not a terribly deep game, but it is challenging and amusing. 500 yen is a reasonable price for what it is. I say splurge on it if you can.


Yes! 500 yen is true!

My 5000 yen card with a purchase of GT5P 4500 didn't leave me with much else to buy.

Now I can finally spend my 500 leftover yen!


Yeah, I'm enjoying the game so far. It's not overly deep, but I enjoyed the 40 minutes I spent on it so far.

Well worth the 500 yen.

Contemplating on picking up Eden as well.

Baby Milo

Farnack said:
Yes! 500 yen is true!

My 5000 yen card with a purchase of GT5P 4500 didn't leave me with much else to buy.

Now I can finally spend my 500 leftover yen!
haha same here

game is pretty cool


Thanks for the impressions Remy. Do you know how many stages there are in the game? Maybe based on the ranking lists or something.


Well I finished the third stage.

Seems like that may be it.

It shows a quick montage of Washington DC and other maps, and nothing else is unlocked.


Really wish dpad could be for movement. The analog stick just doesn't cut it for precision.

It was also very difficult to tell the walkable routes. Some places were blocked off by a sliver and really made it hard to keep my line away from monsters.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Remy said:
Okay, so...let me try to take this apart piece by piece.

The videos are pretty accurate, but if you haven't watched them yet, it's not unlike Pacman crossed with Snake. You have to find people - sometimes they're out in the street (in the tutorial level, there's a group arranged to spell out "HELP"), most of the times they're in buildings and you have to coax them out by standing next to it.

Meanwhile, there are monsters running around, and in the three levels I've played (all Tokyo - more on this in a bit), I've come across four monsters. The large eyeball things are slow and don't chase you so much; the zombies will chase you from some distance away; the large bugs are constantly moving along the roads; and there's another type of bug that goes apeshit when it sees you and DOES. NOT. STOP. CHASING. YOU. They're the sole reason I failed out on my third stage. Monsters that touch your crowd send all those people into nearby buildings. If they touch you, you're done for. One nice effect - the crowd screams and shakes on screen when a monster is nearby. The DualShock 3 also shakes as a warning.

You do have some tools, though. Pressing X shows you an "infrared mode", where you get green dots overlaid on the map where there are people. Large green blobs on buildings indicate more people. But you don't want to hold down the button the whole game because it removes the monsters from the map - I plowed into a zombie without looking. You can also zoom the map in and out (R1/R2), pan the camera (right stick), and dash (Triangle). Dashing is limited by your stamina bar, which will increase the more people in your crowd. One more useful trick: if your crowd is long enough to wrap around an entire building with people in it, you'll automatically gain all those people and not have to wait for them to empty out.

Oh, and there are powerups! Some just refill your energy or give you limitless amounts; one freezes all monsters for about 30 seconds; and one (Return / "Re") moves you and your crowd back to the starting point. There's also an invisibility one I haven't had a chance to use yet.

The objective for each level is to bring X number of people to the escape area(s). (The third level had two escape zones!) Now, interestingly, mixed in with all the other people in the level are four VIPs. You don't get any indicators as to where they are using the "infrared mode", but if you find them you'll see a green person icon above a spot in your crowd. Getting them to the escape zone is worth extra points (and they unlock little bios in the level select screen). Score is based on total number rescued, VIPs rescued, and largest single crowd rescued. There's a star system for how well you did, 1-3.

That's pretty much it, at least from what I've gleaned in the first three levels. Oh, those three levels expand upon each other - so the first level is entirely contained within the second level, which is entirely within the third level. It does help you learn the geography a little - some people keep hiding in the same spots from level to level, so it helps to know where you can sweep through.

Music - the only song I've heard is the one from the trailers. I can only hope there's some more music later, because as awesome as that song is, it may torment me like the Hydlide theme did. I didn't try to do custom soundtracks via the XMB yet.

Import friendliness - the important menus and instructions are English, the explanatory text is in Japanese. If I can fumble my way through the game, you can too.

Someone asked about modes - there aren't any, really. Play, Manual, Tutorial. That's the main menu in its entirety. There IS online ranking, though, both for full "career" and individual stages.


Woohoo! I get to be #1 at something for maybe an hour!

Overall: it's not a terribly deep game, but it is challenging and amusing. 500 yen is a reasonable price for what it is. I say splurge on it if you can.

Great impressions. I'm playing the game as well so let me fill in with some extra info.

Invisibility makes u and the crowd invisible for a bunch of secs. Custom soundtrack is NOT supported. Same with Trophies. Text is in Japanese, but voice over is in Indian :lol

Game is pretty tough.

Edit: oh, another thing. When monsters make contact with the crowd people are not killed. The just hide in the closest buildings so u can pick them up again.


Loving the fact that i finally got to use that 500yen that's been in in my Japanese account since i bought GT5 prologue.

The game is... strange, The music is cool though. I need to play more later after work.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
TTP said:
Great impressions. I'm playing the game as well so let me fill in with some extra info.

Invisibility makes u and the crowd invisible for a bunch of secs. Custom soundtrack is NOT supported. Same with Trophies. Text is in Japanese, but voice over is in Indian :lol

Game is pretty tough.

Edit: oh, another thing. When monsters make contact with the crowd people are not killed. The just hide in the closest buildings so u can pick them up again.

I'm guessing you mean Hindi.


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)

*The Last Guy Japan Premium = greatest ¥500 I've ever spent.

Sure, it may be three stages long, but you could spend your entire life honing those three stages down to the perfect game. I just played it for altogether too long, and I cannot get it out of my head. That thrice-damned theme song. It's evil. It's viral. It beckons me to continue playing.

Hindustan Electronics = Your New God

Edit: Also plz enjoy *The Last Guy Anywhere – http://lastguy.jp/
It doesn't look like we're going to have to wait long to get The Last Guy in the US

Recently at E3, SCEA announced some really cool PlayStation Network titles, including Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, Fat Princess, Flower and Crash Commando. Well, the goods keep on coming because I’m excited to tell you today about ANOTHER new downloadable title we are bringing to PSN very soon: The Last Guy.

As for the gameplay, here’s a basic rundown. The Last Guy is a fast-paced and addictive classic arcade style game with simple controls. The game uses real-life aerial maps of various cities around the world, including Tokyo, London and Los Angeles. As the player, you are the last remaining hope in each of these cities to rescue mankind from the zombies roaming the streets. As you navigate the city, you gather survivors hidden throughout buildings and other nooks and crannies in the city. Once rescued, the nervous survivors will form a line behind you. The objective is to lead them back to the Escape Zone so the United Rescue Force can pick them up and whisk them off to safety.

Along the way, you will encounter 10 types of zombies , not including tougher “boss” enemies. As the Last Guy, you possess special powers like thermography or heat vision to help you see where survivors are hiding. You’ll also find helpful power-ups, like freezing time, warping back to the escape zone and temporary invisibility, scattered throughout the city to help avoid the pesky zombies.


On another note, people are really becoming obnoxious on the PSblog about this trophy crap. Stop asking about them.
sykoex said:
Was just about to post this. PSB is really hitting it out of the park with their posts lately.

It's without a doubt one of the best decisions Sony has made this decision. Especially since the developers actually do respond to questions they're asked on it.

Rainy Dog

SolidSnakex said:
It doesn't look like we're going to have to wait long to get The Last Guy in the US http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/07/31/the-last-guy-is-here-to-rescue-you/

Thanks, great news. Recall someone posting an official release schedule for the Australian PSN and The Last Guy was down for the 28th August with R&C: Quest for Booty arriving a week earlier on the 21st. Is a cracking summer line-up with Siren last week, Pixel Junk Eden this week then the aforementioned in August.
Rainy Dog said:
Thanks, great news. Recall someone posting an official release schedule for the Australian PSN and The Last Guy was down for the 28th August with R&C: Quest for Booty arriving a week earlier on the 21st. Is a cracking summer line-up with Siren last week, Pixel Junk Eden this week then the aforementioned in August.

And Bionic Commando: Rearmed looks like it's coming on the 14th of August. It looks like Sony's finally got PSN titles on the right track.


So, if the "Japan Premium" is only 3 stages, and the blog says that the game uses maps from Tokyo, London, LA, etc and includes 10 different zombie types and boss stages.... does that mean the one up right now is pretty much a 500 yen demo? ^^;

Oh and Aokage, Lastguy.jp is AWESOME! :lol


duckroll said:
So, if the "Japan Premium" is only 3 stages, and the blog says that the game uses maps from Tokyo, London, LA, etc and includes 10 different zombie types and boss stages.... does that mean the one up right now is pretty much a 500 yen demo? ^^;
Kinda fishy. I'll wait, finish Siren and play Eden until this is cleared up.


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
duckroll said:
So, if the "Japan Premium" is only 3 stages, and the blog says that the game uses maps from Tokyo, London, LA, etc and includes 10 different zombie types and boss stages.... does that mean the one up right now is pretty much a 500 yen demo? ^^;

Pretty much! But with a game this awesome it's totally okay. I'm expecting a London Premium and an LA Premium to drop in the European and American stores respectively. I currently live in Tokyo, grew up in LA, and spent a lot of time in London, so I'm totally gonna buy all three :D

duckroll said:
Oh and Aokage, Lastguy.jp is AWESOME! :lol

Right?! Let's try and get NeoGAF on the ranking!


Last time I checked, demos were free.

Plus, while it must take a while to 'clean' the maps and modify them with the game engine to create the 'wall' areas and all that... I doubt it takes too long, so 500 yen seems fine enough for me, for the full game. Or maybe they can charge about 100 yen for each city pack?... Dunno..


sykoex said:
Well elefunk is a full game and it's $5.

Castle Crashers is $22, what's your point?

If Sony did not clearly state that it was a demo, I hope that they allow you to buy map packs so you don't have to pay for the same maps again when the full version is out.
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