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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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Of course, the middle ground could have been to have a POV perhaps for the Greatjon, just a few chapters. Enough to give us more Robb, but not enough to detail the extend of his injury before he marched back to Riverrun

If the GRRM of today wrote A Clash of Kings, this would have happened. Maybe one day GRRM will pull a Lucas and go back and start adding stuff to the original story...


Aaaaaand done with ADWD. Time to cross over to the other thread. Farewell for now!

On the book, eh, it was pretty good. Definitely better than AFFC, and though it dragged out in the middle it ended on a high note.

Shame it ended before climax to most of plots. At least TWOW will kick out with a bang.

Daenerys and Tyrion were obviously disappointments. Tyrion was maybe understandable (though some of the fat in some of the chapters could've been easily trimmed and condensed. Dany though..... the only redemption is that she might finally be getting that it is finally time to move on and she seems to be able to have children again. A threat from pale mare is there, but I think it's rather just some diarrhea. This is GRRM though, who knows.

Though we really didn't have to have several paragraphs describing how Dany was shitting. Seriously.

Now, other parts were great, especially The Wall. Even the final Meereen chapters with Barristan and Quentyn were interesting. The book suffered from some weird editing though, that's for sure. Inclusion of some chapters is baffling. Jaime, Arya, whatever, but that absolutely random Dorne chapter out of nowhere is just WEIRD. Same goes for leading us all up to two major battles only to end the book just before they happen.

Still, I have high hopes for TWOW now. Especially since every plot seems to be nicely set up. Hopefully we will get it within 2-3 years, until then I'll attempt at getting my hands on Dunk & Egg tales.

ADWD 90%


I don't even want to know what happened to Ghost. May he live with Tormund for all of his days.


Hunky Nostradamus
ADWD 90%


I don't even want to know what happened to Ghost. May he live with Tormund for all of his days.

:lol XD
ADWD 90%


I don't even want to know what happened to Ghost. May he live with Tormund for all of his days.

Not really a spoiler, but a suggestion of what to do after finishing the book ADWD
Re-read the Melisandre chapter.


So...can we talk about the show here, in the same spoiler tag terms? I'm up through Episode 7, but I can't find an active thread that's not devoted to the second season.
If the GRRM of today wrote A Clash of Kings, this would have happened. Maybe one day GRRM will pull a Lucas and go back and start adding stuff to the original story...

Which is interesting/funny in part because Elio Garcia was so outraged at the thought of Robb having a "major" role in the second season. I think Martin is a great storyteller but some fans oversell him - not just as a writer, but as a master story teller. He does some things in the later books that lead to the general story straying a bit, to say the least.


ADWD 96.23%
Nooooooo! Jon :(
This is worse than when Robb died. I don't want to read what happens to Ghost in the next book like when how we later learned about Grey Wind in ASOS. That part made me sick.
ADWD 96.23%
Nooooooo! Jon :(
This is worse than when Robb died. I don't want to read what happens to Ghost in the next book like when how we later learned about Grey Wind in ASOS. That part made me sick.
Come to the unmarked spoiler thread when you're finished, most people don't believe Jon is dead


Come to the unmarked spoiler thread when you're finished, most people don't believe Jon is dead
That is good to hear. Should finish up tomorrow and I'll be there. I'd like to read what others think and why. The last quarter of this book really got interesting.


AFFC with 1/7th through DWD
So unless I am missing something, the fourth book does not really end at all, as I can remember there is no real pivotal moment or thing that the book is leading towards. Cersie is in the cellar and Jamie totally despises her and that final exchange where he ignores her letter was great. I only picked up halfway through the book, having not read it in 6 months but what is the deal with the blade made of dragon galss that sams find?

The book was mostly dull, kinda dragged on and not a whole lot happening. Waiting 5 years for AFFC would have sucked knowing DWD is another 5 years. I hope brienne isn't dead, I loved her character. Book 5 does a great job in its opening chapters refreshing the readers where these characters are at and i dunno, maybe could be a good introduction point I guess. GRRM does a decent job recapping past events while also moving the story foward. I am loving this book much more than AFFC, things are happening. Tyrion is off to see Dany, Bran is meeting with the 1 eyed crow. A lot of exciting shit is starting to come together.


Kills Photobucket
Finished the first book (Via audio book). Like the OP, I found it tough to get into, but a friend and free audible coupon solved it.

Was very interesting. Stayed away from the TV series, and only got a few spoilers from various threads when .gifs and other pictures were shown, but certainly wasn't spoiled for anything that wasn't really obvious, or that big in the scope of the book (
Biggest one was Joffey on the throne, leading me to an early assumption that Robert was dead. Also a picture of him in that incest thread a few weeks ago led to it's own conclusions...
). Not head over heals about it, and would have liked to see the book be more self contained rather than just leading right into the 2nd book, but oh well. Clearly meant to be a series that's written that way. Will certainly continue, and yes. it is gud.

Going to watch the first TV series now. Might be hard to hear the TV show voices, Roy Dotrice did an amazing job in the audiobook. Would certainly recommend it for anyone interested.
Finished the first book (Via audio book). Like the OP, I found it tough to get into, but a friend and free audible coupon solved it.

Was very interesting. Stayed away from the TV series, and only got a few spoilers from various threads when .gifs and other pictures were shown, but certainly wasn't spoiled for anything that wasn't really obvious, or that big in the scope of the book (
Biggest one was Joffey on the throne, leading me to an early assumption that Robert was dead. Also a picture of him in that incest thread a few weeks ago led to it's own conclusions...
). Not head over heals about it, and would have liked to see the book be more self contained rather than just leading right into the 2nd book, but oh well. Clearly meant to be a series that's written that way. Will certainly continue, and yes. it is gud.

Going to watch the first TV series now. Might be hard to hear the TV show voices, Roy Dotrice did an amazing job in the audiobook. Would certainly recommend it for anyone interested.

The first book is the most self contained arc in the series, it gets more and more spread out as the series progresses.


Kills Photobucket
Guessing it's answered in later books, but one thing that doesn't add up about the first book...

The attempt on Bran''s life. Book implies some third party made the attempt in effort to frame the Lannisters, and a few other possibilities.

But regardless of who did it, the question is, what was the point of it, and how could they know how things would play out. If Catelyn wasn't there, he would have killed Bran and been off, no evidence. If he had been caught, he would have probably said who hired him. The events only play out only because he failed in his attempt, and was killed by the wolf.

Please no spoilers beyond book 1 if you respond to this. More of an observation, but if I missed something, please let me know.


So for those that read AFFC recently or when it was released 5 years ago, what did you think. The more I think about the book, the more I am disappointed by it.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
So for those that read AFFC recently or when it was released 5 years ago, what did you think. The more I think about the book, the more I am disappointed by it.

It has the best chapter in the series (Victarion's seafaring badassery.) I enjoyed it quite a bit, even if I had to wait forever for it and ADWD.

Kud Dukan

So for those that read AFFC recently or when it was released 5 years ago, what did you think. The more I think about the book, the more I am disappointed by it.

I thought it was good (not great) on my first read through, but on subsequent reads I have really enjoyed it. I love a lot of the viewpoints, even some of the ones that a lot of people seem to take issue with.


So for those that read AFFC recently or when it was released 5 years ago, what did you think. The more I think about the book, the more I am disappointed by it.

I enjoyed it a lot, even though it's mostly build-up with no pay-off the characters and the world are as engaging as ever.


I was largely impressed with the first season of the show. It's greatest achievement is probably in the casting: just by looking at certain characters, with no introduction, you know exactly who they are. And the actors all nail their roles. I can't think of any weak links. I know Sansa gets a lot of grief, but I think that's more about how her character was aged up and written in the show, not any fault of the actor.

Here there be Game of Thrones spoilers. Some semi-random observations.

I liked how Bronn's fight with the dude in armor in the Eyrie served as a foreshadowing metaphor for Ned's demise, the noble man in a fight against someone he was totally outmatched against. It was the show's way of announcing loud and clear that doing things the "right", or noble way, will get you killed. And then we watch Ned walk in slow motion into it. Just agonizing.

Few deaths in all of fiction have upset me as much as Ned's. Such a wonderful character, a proud and honorable man tossed into the snake pit, and just demolished for not adapting. His death in the book was upsetting, and doubly so in the series because I saw it coming. But I liked how the show gave him a moment of peace at the end: he had asked for his man to save Arya, and he saw that she was (probably) taken to safety. It was a rare moment of mercy from the writers, and took a small bit of the sting from his cruel death.

Peter Dinklage deserved the Emmy and Golden Globe. Good lord. The entire cast is solid, but he really dug into a rich, fun character and totally owns him. He, Bronn, Ned, Arya and Catelyn are standouts.

Dany's story was pretty well done. I wish her husband's character had been fleshed out earlier, but at least they gave him some time later on. Her arc, from meek and submissive to commanding, realizing what she was and who she could be, was very well captured. The actress playing her is excellent.

Which brings me to the nudity. There's a lot of sexuality in the books, so it doesn't really need to be amped up in the adaption. But it is, clearly just to make sure there's boobs (and everything else) on every show. Sometimes they stretch so hard to get it in there, out of nowhere, it really does take the show down a peg.

The budget also shows. I realize the big battle at the end was also not shown in the book, but it was clearly like, 30 guys and Jaime in that scene. No hint of a big battle going on. Hope the budget doesn't hamper Blackwater.

In such a detailed book, it's impossible to get everything in the adaption. But there were two moments I wish had been captured. The first was Robb's strategy session with Cat. It showed his genesis as a brilliant military strategist and tactician - the decision to split his army and take Riverrun - and they left it out. I wish they had not, as it's critical to understanding is ongoing success in Clash of Kings.

The other was during the climactic scene of the season/book. In the book, Dany approaches the fire gradually, testing herself, rather than just marching on into the flames. And - even more bothersome - the crack of the eggs was cut out. For some reason that was important to me. The dragons themselves were very well done.

So, yeah. Pretty good stuff. I'm diving into Storm of Swords in the next week.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finally started reading DwD. I just finished the chapter where
Jon chops off Janos Slynt's head. Never was a big Jon Snow fan, but the recent events have certainly made him a way more interesting character. This is a pivotal chapter and certainly my favorite of his overall. Not only because of this event, but moreso for his final talk with Sam, ordering him to get his shit together and stop doubting himself. 'Kill the boy'. Well, he certainly did. And Stannis' nod of approval at the end? This was a perfect chapter.

I'm just dreading the
Dany chapters so much, really hoping there's some good stuff in her storyline here
I was largely impressed with the first season of the show. It's greatest achievement is probably in the casting: just by looking at certain characters, with no introduction, you know exactly who they are. And the actors all nail their roles. I can't think of any weak links. I know Sansa gets a lot of grief, but I think that's more about how her character was aged up and written in the show, not any fault of the actor.

Here there be Game of Thrones spoilers. Some semi-random observations.

I liked how Bronn's fight with the dude in armor in the Eyrie served as a foreshadowing metaphor for Ned's demise, the noble man in a fight against someone he was totally outmatched against. It was the show's way of announcing loud and clear that doing things the "right", or noble way, will get you killed. And then we watch Ned walk in slow motion into it. Just agonizing.

I think Littlefinger says something to Ned not long after the Bronn fight that makes the metaphor even more obvious. "You think your honour protects you like armour, but all it does is way you down." (Can't remember the exact quote)


Kills Photobucket
Almost finished with Clash of Kings. I finally figured out what this series reminds me of so far. It's 24 but in a fantasy realm. Everything that goes right has two things that goes wrong. There is never any conclusion to anything.

Just finished the chapter where Catlyn talked to Jamie, and can honestly say I have no idea if he's going to be dead or alive next time it's her Chapter.

Can not say the same for Bran and Rickon. Don't believe for a moment they are dead, and if for some reason they are I'll be doubly pissed for all the boring Bran chapters and nothing to show for them but an annoying side plot with the Iron folk throwing one more wrench into the story.


EDIT: Not going to lie, the next Theon chapter had me going for a while.

Though it seems odd to me that Luwin would not have known that it was not Bran and Rickon's body. Then again it would be smart for him to keep his mouth shut, so maybe he does know...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Okay, huge DWD spoilers

The Children of the Forest... are alive. Oh man. And the three eyed crow, all in one chapter. Apparently there's a connection with him/it? to the Dunk & Egg stories, have to read these at some point.

There's another Targaryen? That explains why Illyrio was so protective of that kid. How did this baby switch happen? This last Tyrion chapter was something else. If the greyscale zombies and creepy atmosphere weren't enough, GRRM suddenly throws this 'Aegon's alive!' bombshell out there.

This book is certainly delivering on the big reveals, and so early on. Bran and Jon chapters used to be my least favorite of the books, but suddenly they've become the most exciting. Now with Stannis off on a mission, Mel + Jon could get very interesting.

Holy shit.


Kills Photobucket
Finished A Clash of Kings

Well, everything just all screwed up now.

Little annoyed by all the stuff in the North, with the Boltons and the Greyjoys. For now it comes off as "Hey one more wrench in the story". Hope there's payoff. Overall pretty good. Knowing that no resolutions would come made it easier than the first book.

On to Storm of Swords.

And you find spoilers in terrible places... No clue what book it's from but I had spoiled for me
that Rob dies. Guess it's not too surprising as he hasn't been a very visible character and was only seen in a single chapter of this book.


Finished A Clash of Kings

Well, everything just all screwed up now.

Little annoyed by all the stuff in the North, with the Boltons and the Greyjoys. For now it comes off as "Hey one more wrench in the story". Hope there's payoff. Overall pretty good. Knowing that no resolutions would come made it easier than the first book.

On to Storm of Swords.

And you find spoilers in terrible places... No clue what book it's from but I had spoiled for me
that Rob dies. Guess it's not too surprising as he hasn't been a very visible character and was only seen in a single chapter of this book.

So long as the HOW wasn't spoiled you're not too bad. KEEP READING.


i'm breezing through catching up on the TV series and it is fantastic. is the first book painful to get into if i have a bit of background with what happens, should i go straight to the second, or will the first be hard to read but i should tough it out anyway?
i'm breezing through catching up on the TV series and it is fantastic. is the first book painful to get into if i have a bit of background with what happens, should i go straight to the second, or will the first be hard to read but i should tough it out anyway?

Start with the first, it's worth it.
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