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GAF Games of the Year 2011 - Voting Thread - Voting's Over, Folks!

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1. Skyrim
2. Bulletstorm
3. Game Dev Story
4. Portal 2
5. Dark Souls
6. Super Mario 3D Land
7. Pilotwings Resort

I can't think of any other games I actually enjoyed enough to warrant putting on the list.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
1. Skyrim
2. Portal 2
3. Frozen Synapse
4. Trackmania 2

i will add some more next week after i had time to play some more games (lots still in the backlog), finally vacation yay! :p


1. Catherine It wasn't perfect, but I love weird games and it's basically in a genre of it's own. A different genre! How refreshing.

2. Child of Eden Beautiful, highly replayable, and incredibly fun.

3. Rayman Origins Way more fun than NSMBWii. I said it!!!

4. Resistance 3 Half-life 2-innovation+fun=Resistance 3

5. Dodonpachi Ressurection So glad RisingStar went region-free for this one. Not my favorite Cave shooter, but more Cave is never not good.

6. Shadows of the Damned Will probably end up being a sleeper hit, but I was there day 1. A damn fun game.

7. Portal 2 Wheatley annoyed the shit out of me, there was less freedom, and it had that whole middle section that had a sterility level approaching Half-Life2, but this was a great game.

8. El Shaddai Tripping balls.

9. You Don't Know Jack! A great game to have around when non-gaming company rolls through.

10. Uncharted 3 Weaker than U2, but the formula still works...for now...

If Ico/SotC could have been a choice, it probably would have been my #3. Unbelievable games that I'm thankful I got to experience after having missed them on PS2.

I was relatively disappointed in LittleBigPlanet 2 and extremely disappointed in Skyward Sword.

Still haven't played Dark Souls, Arkham City, Disgaea 4, Skyrim, Deus Ex, Bastion, Forza, Yakuza and god knows how many others. 2011 was crazy busy.


1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2. Uncharted 3
3. Dues Ex Human Revolution
4. Infamous 2
5. Batman Arkham City
6. Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
7. Bastion
8. Outland
9. Halo Anniversary
10. Killzone 3

Honorable mention Dungeon Hunter Alliance (PSN) I think this game came out last year in other devices, but I been playing the psn version with Move and really enjoy it feels kind of like I am playing with a mouse. Beyond Good and Evil HD deserves a mention also even though it is just really an HD version game still is better than a lot of new games released.
Goto multiplayer game - Modern Warfare 3.
Co op game - Renegade Ops, Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3.
Sports game - Fifa 12. The ball control feels amazing this year. Top Spin 4 is great with friends.
Driving game - Driver: San Francisco. The fact that its a decent driving game is a bonus. Coz its good at so many other things.
iOS game - Tiny Wings and GTA3 (such a great great port).

That sums up my gaming needs. Now, the games that blew me away and are highly recommended -

GOTY. Deus Ex
* Shadows of the Damned
* L A Noire
* Dark Souls
* Max and Magic Marker
* Rock Band 3
x. Uncharted 3 - In awe of ND's achievement that is UC3. I would buy their stocks, not just their games.

2010. RDR.


1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PC)
2. Skyrim (PC)
3. Dark Souls (360)
4. Saints Row The Third (PC)
5. Boom Boat (iOS)
6. Portal 2 (PC)
7. Mortal Kombat (360)
8. Scribblenauts (iOS)
9. Dead Space 2 (360)
10. Gears of War 3 (360)


1. SpaceChem; It's a fresh experience, a mental gymnastics puzzle game with real bite. The puzzles are objectively difficult to solve, tiny solution spaces speckled through a vast problem space, but the solutions aren't singular. There are, in reality, many ways of solving each one, and any particular solution is rated on three scales (number of cycles, number of elements or commands, and number of plants), along with the distribution of results that other players have scored in each. This brilliant little bit of feedback pushes the perfectionist in me to keep going back and refining each solution, hunting for a better mousetrap, wracking my brain to figure out how those 2% of players managed to get this ozone manufactured in twenty fewer cycles than my solution. So addictive, such a time sink, and with the patched-in tools for publishing your own puzzles, almost infinitely expandable from its core toolset. Maybe it's the engineer in me: Nothing in gaming has been more satisfying than watching my little machines pump out four different chemicals and ship them to the correct containers, the fruit of an hour's labor.

2. Portal 2; Valve now has three franchises which hinge on one conceit: You are a rat in a peculiarly structured maze, and your only chance to survive is to attempt an escape. Half Life's Gordon Freeman runs a gauntlet of alien predators and paramilitary thugs to survive an extraterrestrial invasion. The Survivors in Left 4 Dead struggle to stay alive for another sunrise to run for sanctuary in the midst of the zombie apocalypse. In the Portal games Chell is literally run through laboratory mazes. The artifice is bare, visible to all. But what a fantastic maze it is! And what deliciously naive malefactors, comically oblivious to how silly their motivations are! And how perfect that, in the end, you finally see the unobstructed night sky and think, aha... Escape!

3. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective; What a surprise, another puzzle game. It's been an odd year. The humble DS has birthed a few improbable successes, games that succeed because of (not in spite of) the platform's quirks and extreme limitations. Ghost Trick is the latest, and maybe the last, of these... the baton for this sort of thing is being passed on to new handhelds, perhaps phones with their small screens and invisible control options. Screenshots of this game look simply terrible. The gameplay sounds thin, the premise silly. Put it in action, though, and this pig can dance and sing... The stills can't convey the winsome animation. The gameplay really works on the touch screen of the DS (or iOS devices, I presume), and while the puzzles aren't at all difficult they're fun in an "escape the locked room" kinda way. And the story, while definitely silly, is endearing in the talky, mushy, earnest way of other Shu Takami games... it shares that pleasing TV dramedy quality of the better Phoenix Wright titles.

4. Xenoblade Chronicles; A great, grand RPG, it's a wealth of riches in a genre that's become increasingly stingy, and on a console that has never before boasted such a big game. It's big in many senses. The story is loooong, packed with twists and turns (and told with hours and hours of voice acting). The cast list is likewise long. The gameplay system is deep, rewiring Final Fantasy 12's real-time combat system with clever new "foresight" elements. The options for character and party customization are extensive. So far, so much a jRPG, but the developers weren't satisfied with one genre's idea of big design. They pulled in ideas clearly more common in western RPGs: a crafting system that can be used to upgrade equipment, mounds and mounds of optional quests complete with hidden quest lines and (unfortunately) gathering quests in the type of "kill X of Y to get Z", fast travel to most previously-visited places, always visible enemies, and so forth. It even steps in territory normally trodden by MMORPGs and Monster Hunter sorts, with "mining" veins and dynamic day-night and weather cycles. Even the game's environments seem crafted to impress with a sense of scale, with a titanic creature standing in malevolent vigil against the skyline. None of these elements are new, of course, and someone can point out games that do any of these, but there's no denying that it's been hard to find a game daring to be so grand in every direction, and doing it all so flawlessly, even on such humble hardware. Of the several big-scale RPGs released this year this is my choice for a memorable, rewarding gameplay experience.

5. Deus Ex: Human Revolution; I've never played a Deus Ex game previously, and I think that worked in my favor here. The theme of the game is Doubt. In a gameplay sense this is promoted by giving the player many options but little feedback on which is the correct path. Consequences are real (at least in the view of completionists)... my Adam was stealthy and quiet but no hacker, and I was painfully aware that my decision to stay relatively computer-illiterate prevented me from seeing some of the game content protected behind firewalls that would fry my cyberbrain like a wet toaster. I'm also a sucker for the setting- I don't believe cyberpunk in a videogame has ever been better done. Someday I'll get around to playing the Blade Runner adventure game and, perhaps, prove myself wrong.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
GOTY Child of Eden

Other picks:
-Radiant Historia
-Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
-Ghost Trick
-Hard Corps: Uprising
-Strania: The Stella Machina
-King of Fighters XIII
-Tactics Ogre PSP
-Atelier Totori
-Zelda: Skyward Sword
-HD remakes: Radiant Silvergun, Guardian Heroes, Sonic CD
Best game of 2010 that I played this year: Bayonetta


1. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim; Bugs? Sure, but I sank 130 hours into this beast without flinching and enjoyed all of it.

2. Portal 2; Great puzzles and some of the funniest dialogue I've heard in a game.

3. Mortal Kombat 9; Awesome single player story mode, and my friends and I have a blast pausing at the end of every round to look at the fatality input.

4. Bastion; The narrator!

5. Alice: Madness Returns; Such great style, love the art.

6. King of Fighters XIII; A very nice, well rounded fighter. Love this series

7. Batman: Arkham City

8. InFamous 2

9. Little Big Planet 2


1. Radiant Historia

2. Xenoblade Chronicles

3. Dark Souls

4. Portal 2

5. Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim

6. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

7. Dead Space 2

8. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

9. Shadows of the Damned

10. Bulletstorm

x. Legend of Zelda:Skyward Sword
x. Super Mario 3D Land
x. Ghost Trick
x. Resistance 3
x. Yakuza 4

*Will add info to each later when I have time.
1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2. Battlefield 3
3. Bastion
4. Terraria
5. Witcher 2
6. Limbo (PC)
7. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine ; Biased... :)
8. Magicka
9. Portal 2
10. Dark Souls
1. Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
2. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
3. Infamous 2
4. Portal 2
5. FIFA 12
6. Resistance 3
7. Stacking
8. Killzone 3
9. LittleBigPlanet 2
10. L.A. Noire

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
  • Catherine
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • Pokémon Black and/or White

Those are the only three games I had any meaningful time with this year. Next year doesn't look any better. Video games are dying to me.


1. Dark Souls

Need I say more?

2. Mass Effect 2

I liked the world of Mass Effect, but the shooting wasn't good. Well, they rectified it this time.

3. Dead Space 2

Loved the first Dead Space though I'm not a survival horror fan. The second game opens up nicely and perfects the game mechanics.


1. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
2. Skyrim
3. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
4. Xenoblade Chronicles
5. Radiant Historia


1. Portal 2
2. Bastion
3. Batman: Arkham City
4. Saints Row The Third
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
6. Rayman Origins
7. Dark Souls
8. Dead Space 2
9. Mortal Kombat
10. Uncharted 3


1. Portal 2; Hands down the funniest game I've played. Steve Merchant is brilliant as Wheatley. Loved the addition of the paints, really freshened things up. Great puzzle gameplay and an insane ending. Pure......lunacy.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; The motion controls made it have properly engaging combat, and gave it combat that's unique to any game. It wasn't simply the fidelity, but you had to throw your opponent off with your movements regularly. Some fantastic dungeons, great music and a fresh structure. There were some absolutely baffling design decisions in here and Fi was as annoying as adverting, but these things still didn't prevent it from being one of my favourite games of the year.

3. Batman: Arkham City; The combat was already amazing but they refined it further here to add more variety and make it less rote. Same goes for the stealth sections which made you feel powerful but still were quite challenging. I welcome the open-world aspect and loved traversing the city, didn't feel too big, which was crucial.

4. Bastion; Great memories of this one. Fantastic soundtrack and really tight, well-balanced mechanics. Having the game build in front of your feet was genius, as well as the dynamic narration.

5. Uncharted 3; A flat ending, poor melee combat and unpolished encounter design hold this back, but nonetheless it remains a game that had my mouth agape more than any other this year.

6. L.A. Noire; Mechanically, it doesn't welcome close scrutiny and I don't think it bears repeating. Still, the facial animations allowed for some terrific performances and added immeasurably to the mechanic of detecting if someone is holding back on you. Storywise I found it restrained, engaging and well-realized. I also loved the shift the main character goes through about half-way in.

7. Outland; Visually stunning and solid mechanically.

8. Dead Space 2; I felt it was somewhat uninspired, nothing wrong about it per se, but there was a lack of fresh ideas for me. I still love the series and there were some great moments. Some amazing looking levels in here too.

9. Spacechem; There is no game this year that literally kept me up at night and got me out of bed to see if I was on to something. That alone puts it on my list. Deceptively simple gameplay which really forces you to think, along with a very fitting soundtrack.

10. Child of Eden; A truly unique experience.

2010. Dead Rising 2; Only got around to it early 2011. The weapon crafting worked really well and more than made up for the loss of photography. Love the core mechanic of rescuing folks.

Dr. Malik

And that's just from page 1 of this thread, where it was rated 7, 10, x, and 9. It's a shame for the fantastic team at ND that their great game - one of the best of the year - will ultimately end up being considered an epic failure by Neogaf. It wasn't a failure in the same way that, say, Crysis 2, Resistance 2, or MGS4 were failures, it seems people dislike it because it didn't improve on UC2. Quite how the game could improve on UC2 (except for, yknow, building a fantastic multiplayer, adding co-op campaigns, adding split-screen play, etc) is unclear, especially since it had a development team about half the size of UC2.

smh, its on the top 10 of people's list, in the end it will be in the top 10 of GAF's GOTY list. Stop nitpicking, there are more posters who are hailing the game just as much as those who are expressing its shortcomings.

Your Excellency seems to be doing his best to confirm my suspicion that Sony/Uncharted fanboys are worse than Hitler.



And that's just from page 1 of this thread, where it was rated 7, 10, x, and 9. It's a shame for the fantastic team at ND that their great game - one of the best of the year - will ultimately end up being considered an epic failure by Neogaf. It wasn't a failure in the same way that, say, Crysis 2, Resistance 2, or MGS4 were failures, it seems people dislike it because it didn't improve on UC2. Quite how the game could improve on UC2 (except for, yknow, building a fantastic multiplayer, adding co-op campaigns, adding split-screen play, etc) is unclear, especially since it had a development team about half the size of UC2.

You quoted me (the person who ranked it 9th).
But you took one line out of context. In the second part of that same sentence, I said it didn't matter to me that it's not a huge improvement.

Also, to make it in my top 10 means it's anything but an "epic failure". I play a lot of games. To be #9 on my list is pretty significant.

I like UC3 more than I do UC2. Not many people do, but I do. But I still had better experiences with 8 other games this year. That's not to say UC3 is a bad game. Instead, it reflects on how great I thought these other games were. This isn't a difficult concept to understand.

Just look at the master list of games. There are a lot on there, and that doesn't even cover every release (one of my top 10's isn't even on the list). #7, 9, 10, and honorable mention is a very positive thing.
Really, dude? His defending of Portal 2 sparked his little diatribe anyways.

That may well be, but it was all just a careful ruse so that he could slip under the radar before whipping off his jumper and revealing a TRIPLE FO LIFE - NAUGHTY GODZ t-shirt. And clearly shitting up a GOTY voting thread on GAF is far worse than the murder of millions of innocent people, any sane and rational person can see that.


Really, dude? His defending of Portal 2 sparked his little diatribe anyways.

Indeed. The guy even made a whole thread calling ICO terrible because of his love for Portal 2. I have no idea how anyone could be actually enough to think that he's a Sony fanboy after that thread.
That may well be, but it was all just a careful ruse so that he could slip under the radar before whipping off his jumper and revealing a TRIPLE FO LIFE - NAUGHTY GODZ t-shirt.

Dude, I'm not a Naughty Dog fanboy, I'm not a Valve fanboy, and I'm not a Sony fanboy...I'm just a man who loves gaming. You don't hear people say 'Man Sonic 2 is shit because its basically exactly the same as Sonic 1', you don't hear people say 'Man Gran Turismo 2 is crap it's just the same thing as Gran Turismo 1', and if you did hear that then it doesn't change the fact that GT2 and Sonic 2 are great games which stood the test of time.

Will Uncharted 3 and Portal 2 stand the test of time? I'm gonna make an educated guess and say 'well, duh, they're freakin amazing'. If history tells us anything it's that some artworks aren't appreciated in their own time. When we play a game, when we watch a movie, when we view a sculpture, we're watching it with the collective subconcious clouding our vision. At the moment, the collective thought is 'disappointment'. In ten years time, it might be 'this was a cornerstone in gaming history where games essentially combined with movies and led to a complete change of direction for action games (UC3), or 'this was the moment where scriptwriting in a game truly stood up proudly alongside scripts for film and television' (Portal 2). We have no idea yet but we should at least try to view the current games on our list with some thought as to the wider implications of the games in question.
Indeed. The guy even made a whole thread calling ICO terrible because of his love for Portal 2. I have no idea how anyone could be actually enough to think that he's a Sony fanboy after that thread.

If you look at that thread I actually justified my beliefs really well, because I was talking purely on a gameplay perspective. I hadn't considered the fact that the reason people like Ico was for it's emotional content. It took about twelve pages but I did get it in the end, though I still stand by my belief that I would have enjoyed Ico a LOT more had I not just completed Portal 2 a few days earlier.


1. Batman Arkham City ; It was the story that ultimately sealed the deal for me here. Extremely well designed, from top to bottom. Includes the most powerful moment in a video game this year.
2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution ; I never asked for this. But after playing this game, I should've.
3. Shadows Of The Damned ; Campy pulp-fest backed up by outstanding audiovisual design and rock solid gameplay.
4. Dead Space 2; It took me over 8 months to complete this game, solely because of the constant tension. A very unpleasant game to play, but an experience I will never forget.
5. Portal 2 ; Valve at the top of it's game.
6. L.A. Noire ; The only fresh experience I had the pleasure of playing in 2011.
7. Bulletstorm; Dick-ti...ah forget it.
8. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception; Could have ended way higher on my list if it wasn't for all the questions that remained unanswered by the time the credits rolled by. The aiming issue soured me on the overall experience as well.
9. Mortal Kombat ; Cursing at your buddy, who is right beside you on the couch, whooping your ass. That has been a while.
10. Gears Of War 3 ; Satisfying end to the franchise that helped shape this console generation. For better or for worse.

x. inFAMOUS 2; Best locomotion in any game ever.
x. Resistance 3; That atmosphere.

2010. Super Meat Boy ; I want to kill this game, then make love to it.


1. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
2. Super Mario 3D Land
3. The King of Fighters XIII
4. Pokemon Black Version
5. Ghost Trick Phantom Detective
6. Kirby's Return to Dreamland
7. Kirby Mass Attack
8. Professor Layton and the Last Specter
9. Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together
10. Solatorobo Red The Hunter
1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
3. Uncharted 3
4. Yakuza 4
5. NBA 2K12
6. Battlefield 3
7. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
8. Gears Of War 3
9. Alice Madness Returns
10. Corpse Party
Dude, I'm not a Naughty Dog fanboy, I'm not a Valve fanboy, and I'm not a Sony fanboy...I'm just a man who loves gaming. You don't hear people say 'Man Sonic 2 is shit because its basically exactly the same as Sonic 1', you don't hear people say 'Man Gran Turismo 2 is crap it's just the same thing as Gran Turismo 1', and if you did hear that then it doesn't change the fact that GT2 and Sonic 2 are great games which stood the test of time.

Will Uncharted 3 and Portal 2 stand the test of time? I'm gonna make an educated guess and say 'well, duh, they're freakin amazing'. If history tells us anything it's that some artworks aren't appreciated in their own time. When we play a game, when we watch a movie, when we view a sculpture, we're watching it with the collective subconcious clouding our vision. At the moment, the collective thought is 'disappointment'. In ten years time, it might be 'this was a key moment where gaming combined with movies and really changed the direction of action games (UC3), or 'this was the moment where scriptwriting in a game truly stood up proudly alongside scripts for film and television' (Portal 2). We have no idea yet but we should at least try to view the current games on our list with some thought as to the wider implications of the games in question.

Look tiger, obviously I'm not a mod so take the following as the advice of one of your peers. This is going to be my only serious post on this, enjoy it like a fine rare wine.

I couldn't care less whether you're a fanboy of anything, or what your justification is for doing so. However, for the sake of your reputation with other posters here, I don't think you should be PM-ing other members and questioning their personal opinions, and I don't think you should be in this thread picking apart other peoples' lists. For a start, this is the voting thread. There will be a results thread when they've been collated, so if you feel like taking a huge steaming dump on your fellow posters for not recognising the "wider implications" of their opinions, then maybe you should bottle it all up and save it for that.

Personally? I hope you just get over it. Who gives a fuck about why someone thought Portal was better than Portal 2, or Uncharted 2 was better than Uncharted 3? And more to the point, who do you think you are to question that person's right to hold that opinion?

If you don't care about your reputation here however, then have at it. Just don't expect many people to take you seriously the next day.


Neo Member
1. Battlefield 3; Even though I didn't touch the campaign or the co-op this is by far my most played game this year and the most fun I've had with a multiplayer shooter in quite some time.
2. The Witcher 2; Although the story could've been better the world is so beautifully crafted and full of detail it was a joy to be in it.
3. Terraria; This is also my biggest surprise of the year BY FAR. I bought this game on a huge sale a few months back and played it for around 40 or so hours in one week or so. The game was super addicting and fun and I can't wait to try out the new improved version.
4. Dark Souls; Another amazing surprise. I bought this a bit concerned but after a bunch of hours I love it. It turned out much less punishing and frustrating than I had heard and it is, surprisingly, alot of fun and very, very rewarding.
5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; I don't think much more needs to be said about Skyrim. It's a wonderfull world filled with wonderfull "stuff" to visit, learn about and explore. I wish i had the time to really dedicate myself into this game.
6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution; I never played the original (i know i know..) so I came into this "sequel" with no expectations. I loved it, played it almost 2 times and I can't wait to play through the DLC someday
7. Bastion; Wonderfull....... The ammount of love and dedication that went into creating this game is amazing and it shows. Fantastic
8. Saints Row: The Third; Fun, fun, fun, crazy fun. Did I mention fun? FUN. Friday? Sorry...
9. Crysis 2; A bit of a departure from the first two Crysis games but still very very enjoyable. Probably my favourite FPS campaign this year (i haven't played many though)
10. Dead Island; Even with all the open world jankyness I'm loving this game.

Games yet to play (and that would probably be on my top 10 if I had)
Uncharted 3
Infamous 2
Batman Arkham City
1: Batman: Arkham City
2: The Witcher 2
3: Portal 2
4: Battlefield 3
5: Dark Souls
6: Gears of War 3
7: Bastion
8: Alice: Madness Returns
9: Bulletstorm
10: Mortal Kombat


1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2. Portal 2
3. LittleBigPlanet 2
4. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

... and that's it for games I'd list. I'm still to play Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 3 and Driver: San Francisco (quite enjoyed playing it in-store once). I'm hoping for one of the three for xmas, so the list may be updated then ;-) I'll probably pick up Infamous 2 second hand some time next year. I'm waiting for a sale to try out RAGE. And I should probably try out Resistance 3 at some point...

2010: Red Dead Redemption

Android games: Epic Astro Story, Great Little War Game


1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim ; Map is too small.
2. Batman: Arkham City ; I think I can trust this guy.
3. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings ; Muster up a hug for an old friend.
4. Gears of War 3 ; Should have watched more MacGyver.
5. From Dust ; Under your fate.
6. Dark Souls ; Alight with soul.
7. Portal 2 ; I like your style.
8. You Don't Know Jack ; Being chipper schtick one's lack.
9. Outland ; Perfect act break.
10. Saint's Row: The Third ; Strapped.

2010. Alpha Protocol ; I really hope this game has a bigger influence on future titles than its sales success would imply.

x. Nostalgia of the Year - Renegade Ops by Avalanche Studios. Never has a game hit me with a wave of nostalgia so hard while still keeping its own identity. The official thread mentions Jungle Strike and Jackal. My unexpected surprise was that the game really reminded me of, Return Fire. On its own Renegade Ops is a fantastic game. However, the wide swath of games that I remembered while playing really adds something special and I hope Avalanche releases more small digital titles.

x. Supporting Character of the Year - Malik - DEHR by Square-Enix. In a game filled with characters I can't say I cared for, Malik stands out all the more for it. At first she was just another disposable face. I hated the convenience of her past life being paired with game locations. Her 'loyalty' mission felt really forced. However, it turns out that seeing my trusty chauffeur in a compromising position is enough for me to take notice. When 'the event' happens it immediately changed my style of play. From that point on everyone had to die.

x. Undervalued Soundtrack of the Year - Outland by Ari Pulkkinen. With so many fabulous AAA event games this year Ubisoft has been quietly building a stable of impressive DD titles. Outland's beautiful soundtrack should not be overshadowed by the rest of the game's standout features. Each zone's thematic artistry and gameplay change is marvelously mirrored by Pulkkinen. Fin.

x. Disappointment of the Year - Sword of the Stars 2 by Kerberos. I want more 4X games. I am willing to put up with a lot of crap to get one. I guess Kerberos was aware of this and tried to throw something out there in the hopes 4x fans would just gobble it up. Well, they went too far. Cocks.

x. Worst Pre-Order Bonus of the Year - Automatic Unlocking Device - DEHR by Square-Enix and Gamestop. What kind of idiot thought this was a good idea? There are several moments in the game where getting a hack done quick and quiet is key. Why the hell was this limited to a pre-order item?

x. Best Gaming Related Television Event of the Year - Spike VGAs. G4 hosted a little award show completely dedicated to games. They even invited winners to have some face time on TV and have their say. Where is the GAF thread? Spike VGAs are the perfect reminder that taking these things seriously is silly. Long live awfulness.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Man..sad to see Dark Souls have such a good start the first few pages, but now seems to be gone from most lists. But this page has a ton of Witcher 2 which is nice to see!
Love the extra award categories Mindlog. Supporting character is a tough one, I'd probably put Kenzie from Saints Row 3 before Malik, but Malik was awesome. I haven't spoken with anyone who played HR who didn't care what happened to her which is quite an achievement.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Look tiger, obviously I'm not a mod so take the following as the advice of one of your peers. This is going to be my only serious post on this, enjoy it like a fine rare wine.

I couldn't care less whether you're a fanboy of anything, or what your justification is for doing so. However, for the sake of your reputation with other posters here, I don't think you should be PM-ing other members and questioning their personal opinions, and I don't think you should be in this thread picking apart other peoples' lists. For a start, this is the voting thread. There will be a results thread when they've been collated, so if you feel like taking a huge steaming dump on your fellow posters for not recognising the "wider implications" of their opinions, then maybe you should bottle it all up and save it for that.

Personally? I hope you just get over it. Who gives a fuck about why someone thought Portal was better than Portal 2, or Uncharted 2 was better than Uncharted 3? And more to the point, who do you think you are to question that person's right to hold that opinion?

If you don't care about your reputation here however, then have at it. Just don't expect many people to take you seriously the next day.

Couldn't have said it better. *clap*


Man..sad to see Dark Souls have such a good start the first few pages, but now seems to be gone from most lists. But this page has a ton of Witcher 2 which is nice to see!

I'm also disappointed by how few SS votes there are :(

Oh well, it's still going to be an interesting race between Skyrim and Portal 2.


From skimming through this thread I'd say that skyrim and portal are the front runners, based off of sheer consistency.

1. L.A. Noire
2. Child of Eden
4. Rayman Origins
5. Batman: Arkham City
6. Sega Rally Online Arcade
7. Fancy Pants Adventures
8. Shadows of the Damned
9. Top Spin 4
10. Grand Prix Story

2010. Deadly Premonition
*high five*


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Look tiger, obviously I'm not a mod so take the following as the advice of one of your peers. This is going to be my only serious post on this, enjoy it like a fine rare wine.

I couldn't care less whether you're a fanboy of anything, or what your justification is for doing so. However, for the sake of your reputation with other posters here, I don't think you should be PM-ing other members and questioning their personal opinions, and I don't think you should be in this thread picking apart other peoples' lists. For a start, this is the voting thread. There will be a results thread when they've been collated, so if you feel like taking a huge steaming dump on your fellow posters for not recognising the "wider implications" of their opinions, then maybe you should bottle it all up and save it for that.

Personally? I hope you just get over it. Who gives a fuck about why someone thought Portal was better than Portal 2, or Uncharted 2 was better than Uncharted 3? And more to the point, who do you think you are to question that person's right to hold that opinion?

If you don't care about your reputation here however, then have at it. Just don't expect many people to take you seriously the next day.

Seriously, thank you for this post.

I always like reading through the voting thread and reading the posts that actually explain why they voted for each game. I'll post mine sometime near the end as I still have to play Saint's Row and I'm getting a 3DS, so that might shake it up. This isn't the time or the place to pick apart why each person is voting for what, save it for the results thread. In there I'll gladly rant about why UC3 is, in my opinion, an outright mediocre game, not even compared to 2. But for now, all it does it make this thread annoying to read.


extend the january 7th date mang

because of finals and shit i didnt get play much near the end of the year. got a lot of catching up in the holiday break
I didn't play as many of the new games this year as I would have liked, but here is the rankings of what I currently have played.

1. Dark Souls
2. Battlefield 3
3. Skyward Sword
4. Portal 2
5. inFAMOUS 2
6. Xenoblade Chronicles
7. LittleBigPlanet 2

There are still some games on my backlog which likely would have made this list if I played them in time, namely Skyrim, Uncharted 3, and Dead Space 2.
1. Super Mario 3D Land. I was expecting it to be good, but not this good. From graphics to soundtrack, from inventiveness to pacing, from lenght to secrets, from animations to variety this is the reason to buy a 3DS. i'm not even finished yet and already starving for the next

2. Xenoblade Chronicles. Everything has been said about this game; best RPG in years

3. Zelda Skyward Sword. The hate is wildly unjustified. Second best Zelda game after MM

4. Portal 2. Bigger, better, funnier than the first one

5. Kirby Mass Attack. Long, satisfying, visually majestic, fantastic soundtrack, meaty gameplay, never boring, full of love

6. The Witcher 2. Some big flaws imo, but a great RPG with a lot of interesting characters and a gripping plot;

7. Deus Ex Human Revolution. Hacking computers never been this fun. Great lenght, characters, pacing and multiple ways to complete a mission are fantastically tied together in one tight package. Atrocious boss battles really smash some of its appeal, though

8. Ghost Trick. The most original game in years, with superb graphics and a plot so apparently crazy and convoluted only a genius could write. The fact it all comes together at the end makes Shu Takumi a man with a gift for writing the best mystery plots in this medium

9. Saint's Row The Third. Looks great, plays great, it's what Crackdown 2 should have been and then some. The perfect game to release some stress, although a bit too wacky at times

10. Pushmo. 250 fantastic puzzles for a ridiculous price? While you wait for the next Picross, this one will keep you busy; tied with SM3DL as the reason to own a 3DS

2010: Super Mario Galaxy 2. More variety in ten levels than in a thousand games from different companies, it's pure gaming bliss. Maniacally chiseled to concoct the most fun a game could deliver, it hits the target with a rainbow coloured arrow full of distilled gameplay, smashes it and raises the bar for the whole medium to unreachable heights. Only Nintendo could beat themselves, and they did. But how could they possibly beat SMG2? Glove's been thrown, we can only expect more


1. Mortal Kombat
2. Gears of War 3
3. Portal 2
4. Saints Row: The Third
5. Rayman Origins
6. Assassin's Creed Revelations
7. Forza Motorsport 4
1. Bastion - Such an amazing experience from start to finish. The graphics, the simple but satisfying combat, the MUSIC OH GOD, the narrative. It reminded me why I play games.

2. King of Fighters XIII - The culmination of everything the King of Fighters series (and by extension SNK) learned and suffered through from 1994 to 2011. Pure Honest Fighting mechanics that are honed to a level no other company has reached, and not without its sacrifices. If this was SNK's swan song for fighting games, this was the best way to go.

3. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Having a lot to live up to for the gloriousness of the original Deus Ex, HR combines enough of the new with what made Deus Ex what it was, showing that shooters can still challenge players to not run in a straight line following someone else.

4.Skyrim - Getting lost in the world and just living the life of whoever I wanted to be within the confines of the world is second to none. Just a great world to get lost in and explore.

5. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - MVC3 was a great release, but UMVC3 added some huge fan favorites of mine (Iron Fist, Rocket Raccoon, NOVA EFFIN PRIME) and just scratched that comic book fanboy itch i developed from reading too much Cosmic Marvel

6. Saints Row: The Third - Power. I need a hero, You're the best (AROUND!). Great set pieces of pure lunacy paired with impeccable song choice made this a pure fun romp.

7. Dead Space 2: Improved on the sequel and maintained what made Dead Space so good. I'm a sucker for horror and Dead Space 2 straddled the line between "What now bitch!" to "Oh God No!" to great effect. Issac having a face made the simple narrative stronger, and shouldn't be overlooked.

8. Dark Souls : The loneliness, the dread, the triumph. What KOF did for fighting games, Dark Souls did for action rpgs much stronger. Beats you down and slaps you even lower, which made the triumph that much sweeter.

9. Portal 2 : Great single player romp paired with an amazing Coop campaign exemplified elegant, focused design.

10. Witcher 2: A gorgeous beast that pulls you into the narrative and makes you feel like the badass womanizing witcher, granted you survived the opening hours.

Honorable Mention goes to League of Legends: Probably the most played game in my library. Can't get enough.
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