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2015 GAF TV Show of the Year Voting Thread! Cast your votes!

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1. Nathan For You
2. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
3. Rick and Morty
4. Better Call Saul
5. The Last Man on Earth
6. Fargo
7. Brooklyn 99
8. Master of None
9. Bojack Horseman
10. South Park


Show of the Year
1. American Crime; thrilling adventure where every episode felt like it meant something.
2. The Flash; absolutely the strongest comic book show, especially the second half of the first season.
3. The 100; Someone called it a Science Fiction Game of Thrones. Only here the characters actually care about what they do. That decision by Clarke alone would give its spot here.
4. Limitless; Surprise hit of the year. I would never have expected this to be such a good and fun crime procedural. It doesn't deserve to be this good.
5. iZombie; Another crime procedural done absolutely right. Cases of the week are ridicously fun, the lead switches it up all the time and Ravi is the perfect back-up
6. Grey's Anatomy; Lost Derek Sheperd. Is now a better show for it. Deserves the nomination already on that double episode after his death.
7. The Vampire Diaries; Managed to reinvent itself with great villains, came back stronger as The Salvatores.
8. How To Get Away With Murder; Viola Davis and Alfred Enoch kill it in their scenes together. Interesting twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat.
9. Arrow; Yes, season 3 wasn't as tight. So what, still a thrillride and what I want to see first on Wednesday.
10. Reign; Unexpected mention, but the three queens are incredible. And there is the one episode from last season where
Mary was raped
which took on a real difficult subject.

Edit: Fargo kicked out, I loved the first season but it was 2014. I didn't see season 2.

Fail of the Year
1. Game of Thrones; That was just boring and wrong. Have to keep watching for the ending as the books won't come, but no.
2. Community; Last good season was the gas leak season. Harmon went over the top in Season 5 and he bored us in season 6.
3. The Walking Dead; Dropped it. No way I keep watching that live. The episodes are just a slog.


1. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
2. Unreal
3. Rectify
4. Broad City
5. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
6. iZombie
7. Inside Amy Schumer
8. Orange is the New Black
9. Sense8
10. Homeland

Other favourites that follow closely:

Jessica Jones
Jane the Virgin
The Flash
Agents of Shield
How to Get Away with Murder
The 100
Fresh off the Boat


This year was packed with good TV. I am sad to see cartoons getting such little attention with gems like Gravity Falls and Steven Universe exploding this year. I'll start compiling my top 10 asap. I still need to watch Fargo and I think I'll be good to go.


Did The Americans fall apart this year? I saw all sorts of nominations for it last year but hardly any this year.

Anyway my (limited-sized list):

1) Last Week's Tonight

2) Daredevil

3) Sense 8

4) Master of None

5) Agents of Shield

6) Jessica Jones

7) The Flash

That's it. I don't get to watch modern shows too often. Mostly older shows. But don't worry Gaf, I plan to see Fargo for the 2016 list!

Best show I watched this year that isn't a 2015 show: Babylon V.

TV Fail: Game of Thrones. I shouldn't felt obliged to turn off my brain when I watch a HBO show especially of one involving my favorite book series.
01. Person Of Interest - Absolutely stellar season. It was definitely one hell of a ride from start to finish. On a random note, this is one of those shows that would greatly benefit from a Netflix like release. It was made to be binge watched IMO.

02. Sense8 - Very rarely does a show capture me from the get go as much as this show did. I realize it's not perfect but I'll be damned if I say I didn't enjoy the ride.

03. The Flash - Definition of FUN television. I feel like this is the quintessential Comic Book show, it's not afraid to dip into the craziness that is an actual comic book. I'd like to see another show pull off Time Travel, Multiple Earths, a giant Gorilla enemy, a giant shark enemy and still have a lot of heart.

04. Parks & Recreation - Knowing this was the last season was kinda hard. I knew it had to end eventually, but I still wasn't ready for it. However, they handled it amazingly well. The final season time jumps made things fresh again.

05. The 100 - Crazy how far this show has come in such a short period of time. Really not much to say that hasn't already been said. It's a Sci-Fi Game Of Thrones and I love it for that.

06. Jane The Virgin - This show really caught me off guard. I was ready to hate on it simply for the absurdness of the plot, but the writing is genuinely good and the cast is even better. It's a show that has a LOT of heart and I love it for it. Plus it gave us the amazing narrator.

07. iZombie - Wasn't a fan of the Graphic Novel the show is based on so I went in simply because Rob Thomas was attached to it. Veronica Mars is still one of my all time favorite shows and this is essentially Veronica Mars with zombies. That's not a bad thing.

08. The Goldbergs - I always feel this is completely underrated in the grand scheme of ABC comedies. Beverly and Barry Goldberg have to be some of my favorite characters on TV at the moment.

09. Agents Of SHIELD - Not a perfect show but one that I still look forward to on a weekly basis and one I definitely miss when it's not on. I think the whole Inhuman plot totally gave the show the personality I felt it lacked before, ultimately making it a lot stronger.

10. How To Get Away With Murder - This show is CRAZY. It constantly has me at the edge of my seat. Yes, some of the reveals are silly and yes, sometimes it becomes to convoluted, but it still keeps me coming back for more. Season 2 so far is better than Season 1.

TV Fail - Heroes Reborn.


Neo Member
1. Mad Men
2. Mr. Robot
3. Fargo
4. The Americans
5. Nathan For You
6. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
7. Master of None
8. Rick and Morty
9. Better Call Saul
10. The Affair


1. Narcos ; Your thoughts on TV Show A.
2. Bojack Horseman ; Your thoughts on TV Show B.
3. Better Call Saul ; Your thoughts on TV Show C.
4. Jessica Jones ; Your thoughts on TV Show D.
5. Flash ; Your thoughts on TV Show E.
6. Daredevil ; Your thoughts on TV Show F.
7. Fargo ; Your thoughts on TV Show G.
8. Rick and Morty ; Your thoughts on TV Show H.
9. Master of None ; Your thoughts on TV Show I.
10. Hannibal ; Your thoughts on TV Show J.

The Doc

Care to elaborate?

Well , mr robot is too cliche: the characters are just stereotypes (the sociopathic hacker - neo, the kickass sexy girl - trinity, etc etc ) , and i find that anti-establishment rhetoric quite corny. The screenplay also is poor: explicit tropes, the escamotage of the protagonist's alleged madness just for the sake of suspance / plot coherence , arresting but untruthful dialogues, etc etc..

On the countrary the americans 3 is solid , fresh. Elizabeth is one of the best female characters ever appeared in tv series. She kinda reminded me of sophocles' antigone.


1. Broad City
2. Rectify
3. Mad Men
4. Transparent
5. Better Call Saul
6. The Knick
7. Louie
8. Justified

EDIT: TV fails: Game of Thrones: so boring I dropped the show, I'll stick to the books for now.
1. Hannibal
2. The Leftovers
3. Mad Men
4. UnReal
5. Mr. Robot
6. Fargo
7. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
8. BoJack Horseman
9. Deutschland 83
10. Scream Queens

There's honestly too much good tv on at the moment. I am current with a disgusting 70+ airing shows. The list above is tip of an iceberg, honorable mentions go to most everything on Comedy Central, most everything on Netflix, so much of the just plain fun stuff on the CW, and the BBC networks which I find a ton of shockingly great stuff is being made by. I feel my list captures the stuff this year that stood out the most to me by being different in one way or another(plus MM which stuck the landing beautifully IMO).


1. Mr Robot

2. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

3. DareDevil
1. The 100. This was so goddamn good and the season 3 trailer promises to get even better.

2. Mr. Robot. A stellar look not just at technology but what it's like to be a crazy person.

3. UnREAL. It's shocking to think just how accurate this probably is.

4. Black Sails. Pirates doing pirate shit and everything coming together for a perfect finale.

5. Brooklyn 99. Andre Braugher can do no wrong and he's just one of the many great talents on the show.

6. Jane the Virgin. Funny and heartwarming while still pulling OMG WTF twists consistently.

7. Banshee. A rollercoaster ride barreling towards the end in its unique style.

8. Z-Nation. The Asylum making a good show ? With zombies ? HOW ????

9. iZombie. Rose McIver killing it every week, the show rightly turned away from the procedural crap to the good stuff: the weekly Liv and backstory.

10. Sense8. Such a crazy concept but they somehow pulled it off. Shine on you crazy Wachovski's (as long as Tom Tykwer is there to keep it from going off the rails).

Almost made it:
Jessica Jones, too much clutter around the central four
Fargo, all the deaths diminished the impact of them and the last episode that tried to tie all the loose ends together too messily
Manhattan, for again a sloppy last episode that had to do too much where there was plenty of room in the season
You're the Worst, despite Aya Cash being absolutely brilliant the season felt too disjointed as if whole episodes were missing.
The Last Kingdom, not enough Brida

1: True Detective. WTF happened there will make for a good documentary in a few years.
2: Game of Thrones. I think the actual Dorne footage got deleted by accident and they had to remake it in 4 hours.
3: Quantico. New Turd of the Year. Even fails as so-bad-its-good light fodder.


The most succinct summary of position: I believe that you believe that. I don't know whether it's true. I certainly don't believe it has to be true to the extent that we have control over our dispositions toward things.
I agree with you on general story elements/beats, but when it comes to "shocking" death scenarios/game-changers I have to disagree with you. And not in a way of "There is or isn't scientific proof", but in a sense that the element of surprise, surprise that shakes you and leaves you baffled - no matter how long that one single second holds - is precious to me. I'm not argueing that having be spoiled will determine my view on a particular pop culture-product in the long run, quite the opposite, but that that isn't why I want to avoid major spoilers for specific shows at any cost in the first place.

On the other hand Spoilers can entice me for things i had little interest before, so they can be quite handy.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
1. Fargo. Nothing this year touches it. This has been an amazing year of tv, but this show took it to the next level in Season 2.

2. The Leftovers. I was a latecomer to the show. Binged and caught up with about 3 episodes left in the second season and I'm so glad I did.

3. iZombie. Consistently funny and handles all of its main characters with care. Season 1 was decent, but Season 2 has gotten nearly every episode right.

4. Hannibal. Talk about going out with a bang. I've loved this show since Episode 1, and even though it might be gone for a few years, the ending was extremely satisfying.

5. The Americans. "Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?" If you watch the show, I don't even need to say more. That episode is prestige television at its best

6. The 100. Some of the best written female characters on tv, and an actually engaging sci-fi show. Even though the premise is teen centered, all the adults are reasonable and useful. Very surprising, especially coming from The CW. SyFy wishes they had something like this.

7. Better Call Saul. High expectations from a Breaking Bad, and for the most part they were met. Only disappointment was the season finale. It was solidly written, no doubt about that. But it felt extremely anticlimactic. The kind of ending where you expect the show to come back next week with the "real" finale.

8. The Knick. It hasn't quite reached all the heights of Season 1 for me yet, but it's still beautifully shot, acted, and written. A show that takes its time setting things up and letting the drama brew.

9. Black Sails. Thank goodness this show came back from a second season. Plots that seemed obtuse and pointless in Season 1 came back here and slaps the viewer across the face. Not to shit on Game of Thrones, but watching Black Sails S2 made me see the new season of Game of Thrones and just say "So what?" THIS is the show where you honestly have no idea what's going to happen next.

10. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I loved 30 Rock and this felt like an even quirkier version of that. One of the few shows to make me consistently laugh.

Honorable Mentions:
Rectify - Still on Season 2, can't comment on S3
Daredevil & Jessica Jones - I want more of this Marvel. Keep the movies (except for maybe Captain America) and give me stuff like these shows.
Manhattan - People sleep on this show, but it's one of those overlooked treasures
Man Men - I have a hard time putting it on this years list. It definitely belongs there for 2014, but AMC splitting up the season killed the pacing. Finale was pitch perfect, and I actually liked the penultimate episode even more, but they need to stop doing this for finale seasons. Breaking Bad and Mad Men aren't The Walking Dead, those year breaks damage the final run just a little bit.

True Detective....wow...just wow. And I was one of the people in the TD S2 thread that was nicer about it. But they really shit the bed on that one. I've never seen a show kill almost all of the audience interest and critical praise it had in one season. HBO needs to force Nic into getting a writer's room. I know he was pressed for time and the pressure probably got to him. And yeah, writing an entire season of a show in such a short window isn't going to be easy. But if they want anyone to care about True Detective Season 4...writer's room. Please. Let Nic be the showrunner, let him plot out the season, whatever. But they need a room.



1. iZombie - This show is so much, the cast is great, I love the characters, the writing is sharp and I enjoy both the procedural and serialized elements, it's one of the few shows I CANNOT miss.

2. The 100
3. Jessica Jones
4. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
5. Fargo
6. Mr. Robot
7. The Flash
8. Deutschland '83
9. Scream Queens
10. Penny Dreadful

I'll edit in more reasons later, I'm just really tired right now.

1. The Walking Dead - So much potential, so shitty writing. This is the most frustrating show because it is actually good twice per season but everything in between is so bad.
1. Justified: After an okay fifth season, this show went out with a bang with maybe the best finale since The Shield. Olyphant and Goggins were a joy to watch, and both of which will go down as some of the most underrated performances in a TV show to date.

2. Ash vs Evil Dead
: I don't think I've enjoyed a show more than this in a long time, strictly from a fun perspective. There are surely better quality shows out there, but for me, none give me the amount of fun week in and week out that this one has managed.

3. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: As someone who loves 30 Rock, this show ticked all the right boxes in filling the void. Titus might be the best comedic character in a comedy for the entire year.

4. AKA Jessica Jones: I've grown tired of the usual Marvel movies that come out this year, but this and Daredevil (which will come later) I'm really impressed with the TV offerings, which offer better characterized heroes and villains due strictly to having the time to do so. Tennant was also a fantastic villain.

5. Scream Queens: As American Horror Story dipped in quality, Scream Queens came and filled the void of horror themed shows, except with camp and twists instead of shock. Emma Roberts deserves more love from the critics for her role as well, as she was magnetic whenever she was on screen.

6. Star Wars Rebels: After a fantastic ending to season 1 that brought the quality of the show back up closer to the levels of The Clone Wars, season 2 continues that trend by bringing back old characters and giving us perhaps the scariest Vader in anything since the original trilogy. While still a bit too kiddie in nature, it's still one of the best animated shows airing right now.

7. Daredevil: The hallway fight is the perfect summation of everything the show does right, and I'm not sure how much more there is to say. While not as compelling as Jessica Jones from a narrative perspective, the action is some of the best seen on TV.

8. Veep: It was another season of similar quality to one of the most horribly hilarious shows on TV. Not much can be said that hasn't been said before.

9. Silicon Valley: While the first season was much higher on my list last year, the final episodes of this season saved it from being disappointing after a rocky start.

10. Togetherness: My list ends with three HBO comedies, partly due to having a lot of catching up to do over the holiday, but also because the channel has been putting out the best comedies on TV. This one got lost in the shuffle, and understandably, as the target audience isn't the current HBO crowd, but it really does tug at the heart strings, and is more honest than most comedies about middle age.

My list will probably change a bit, as I have Hannibal season 3 on Blu-Ray I need to watch that I'm sure will place highly, and I also need to catch up on Better Call Saul and knock out Fargo.


Tough pickings this year. Lot of good stuff, but nothing brilliant sprung to mind
Edit: woops forget some things. Time for a tinker

1 1864

Beautiful, cinematic and fascinating 1864 was a grower. Script is a little ham fisted in spots but it manages to be historically fascinating whilst having a cast of well rounded characters. Reminded me of Paths of Glory in spots, and that is no mean feat. Also have some of the most striking battle sequences I have ever seen. Great stuff.

2 Mr Robot

Stupid, predictable and childisly anarchic but hell Mr Robot is such well realised TV. Lurches about like a drunk on skates but held together by Rami Malek's central performances and what appears to be an understanding of hacking. Don't know if it can sustain any more seasons, but man what a gloriously fun ride the first was.

3 This is England '90

Great ending to a superb series. Jack Thorne on top of his game and the actors have managed to shape their characters so it feels like you are just hanging about with a genuine gang of friends. Joe Gilgun and Vicky McClure are sublime.

4 London Spy

Slow as anything but didn't get into many other shows like I did London Spy. Baffling, perplexing but so damn intoxiacting. Laurie Rose shooting the thing and Ben Wishaw's performance two main reasons.

5 Detectorists
Finest sitcom of the last half decade. The sitcom Gervais has been trying to make for near 15 years, Crook has managed without the vulgarity. Gentle and touching Detectorists gives me a glow that nowt else does. Love it so much.

6 Wolf Hall
Glacial and historically all over the gaf(and Beeb please put some more dosh into the set design, was so obvious they were just walking about national trust gardens), Rylance elevates what could have been dry historical plodder into interesting tense political (well Tudor politics) goings on

7 The Bridge Season 3
Best crime show with best new character in ages continues to be great. Next

8 Jordskott
Got well dumb by the end but a nice supernatural twist on another damaged female led scandi noir crime thriller.

9 The Last Panthers
Sky money showing through clear as day, but manages to create a grimy underworld of its own through some great use of often underused locations. Compelling stuff.

10 The Saboteurs

Tightly wound well done Norweigan thriller. Unnecessary love story aside, good exploration of an otherwise barely talked about part of the second world war.
Honourable Mentions:

  • Hannibal S3
  • Rectify S3
  • The Last Kingdom
  • Fortitude
  • Peep Show
  • Cucumber
  • Show Me A Hero
  • No Offence.


1. Broad City ;
Fantastic show; insanely and consistently funny; It's hard to make me laugh but this show always does; one of the few I can binge watch. And I'm hard to please with comedies.

2. Daredevil ; Was told I should watch this and I did last weekend; this show is just so great in all the right ways; likeable, non stupid characters, likeable secondary characters and well written.

3. This is England '90 ; Randomly saw the movie; this follow up is great and consistent with what I was expecting from such a great movie.

4. Unbreakeable Kimmy Schmidt ; So much funny; so much fun even the slightly less good later episodes

5. Man in the High Castle ; High quality, great acting, keeps me wanting to watch more and takes its time without being too slow paced. The characters are great.

6. South Park ; IMO South Park fell off during S7-12. On the rise again in s13, but this season has really reminded me of why I'm still watching.

7. Master of None ; Started Watching for Aziz, stayed watching for the superbness.

8. Ash vs Evil ; I actually only watch the first 1.5 Evil dead movies; love this show; real entertaining; all the best goofieness.

9. Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp; Funnier than the movie. This show had so many reasons it shouldn't work, but it did.

10. PBS NEWS HOUR; The best and most underrated american news program. If you like your news to be uninformative and a trainwreck, this is not for you.
I will reduce this list to ten and in all likelihood rearrange
  1. Justified
  2. Person of Interest
  3. Jessica Jones
  4. iZombie
  5. Limitless
  6. Daredevil
  7. Mr. Robot
  8. The 100
  9. Wayward Pines
  10. Survivor
  11. The Genius (Korean Game Show)
  12. Crime Scene (Korean Show)
  13. Gravity Falls
  14. Undateable


I shot people I like more for less.
1. Justified - What a return to greatness. After a subpar (by Justified standards) fifth season, the sixth (and final) season knocked it out of the park. The main cast was as good as ever, if not better. This season also added some wonderful characters like Ty Walker, Avery Markham, Mundo/Choo-Choo, Boon, and Zachariah Randolph, none of which felt out of place in the show's universe. Not only that, but they managed to bring back old favorites like Dewey Crowe, Dickie Bennett, Ellstin Limehouse, Loretta McCready, Constable Bob, and even Arlo Givens, and do it in a way that didn't feel forced in the slightest. Really, the biggest losses with the end of this show are its incredible cast of characters and its world-class dialogue. I earnestly believe that this show has some of the best dialogue that's ever been on television. It flows freely and is always believable, smart, and often hilarious.

What was the absolute best about this season though was the finale. During the course of the whole show, one of the recurring elements was the saying and song "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive," which often played during the finales (aside from season 3), and it was hard not to have that on the forefront of your mind whenever it was time for a season finale. The series finale did a great job of subverting expectations while simultaneously feeling absolutely appropriate. The last exchange was perfectly acted and the dialogue was wonderful, with so much said using so few words. Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins nailed it. It was the perfect end, and was honestly one of the best, most apropos series finales I've ever seen for any show. My only complaint for the season was that there wasn't enough Tim and Rachel, but that was a given for every season, so not a big deal in the long run. I will miss this show, and I hope down the road that more people will watch and enjoy it. Graham Yost really did a great job of doing Elmore Leonard proud.

2. Fargo - When they first announced a TV series for Fargo, I was skeptical, but was willing to give it a shot. It blew away my expectations. This season, I didn't have the same skeptical thoughts, but it definitely managed to blow away my expectations yet again. Perfect casting, great humor, frequent bizarreness, lots of tension, solid cinematography, solid emotional payoffs, awesome use of the score, and a large amount of visual and narrative style made this season something I looked forward to every week. Each week a different actor or actress seemed to shine, and I was left very impressed especially by Kirsten Dunst, Bokeem Woodbine, Ted Danson, Patrick Wilson, Jeffrey Donovan, and even Nick Offerman (who I never expected to deliver the way he did). Great season, and I can't wait to see what's in store for the future of the show.

3. Mad Men - The end of an era indeed. Impeccable writing, a varied and brilliant cast of characters, subtle humor, and remarkable emotional lows and highs are all trademarks of the series which continued in the last part of season 7. There were so many great moments, and taken as a whole it's really crazy to think of how these characters started out and how they ended up. The final moments we got with the characters were all appropriate and true to the way they had been developed over the eight years of the show's airing. The finale was an interesting choice with Don largely being separated from the rest of the cast, but as Roger says in one of the late episodes, he tends to do that. I think it was a largely successful series finale, and it was really surprising that the biggest, most affecting scene was one from a one-off character, and his monologue was fantastic, as was Jon Hamm's subsequent acting. The final moment of the show was brilliant. Loved the season, loved the show, and there will absolutely be a void left with it gone. One of the all-time greats. A thing like that.

4. The Americans - An incredibly smart and gripping show that continues to do a great job balancing the spy aspects with the familial ones. This show continues to get better each season, which is amazing considering the quality. This season had two of the most hard to watch scenes this year: the suitcase scene and the tooth scene, the latter of which was surprisingly intimate. Credit to Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell, who continue to effortless and masterfully embody their roles with the perfect amount of resolve, care, anger, and sadness. They also do a great job of feeling relatable even when you have to reconcile that with the fact that they're committing terrible and uncomfortable acts. Noah Emmerich, Holly Taylor, Alison Wright, and newcomer Frank Langella were all also great, though one must mention Lois Smith, who was absolutely stellar in the amazingly titled "Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?" and was a large part of one of the most powerful scenes of the season. The plot also went interesting places, with several characters now understanding the basics of who Elizabeth and Philip truly are. Really, it's just an amazing show that more people should watch.

5. Rectify - This show continues to be one of the most beautiful, affecting shows on television. The dialogue is wonderful, but the things that aren't said are just as important. So much emotion is relayed in every interaction, and the characters make your heart ache and soar, often interchangeably within minutes. The cast continues to be great, with Aden Young, Abigail Spencer, and Clayne Crawford being especially wonderful this season. Some powerful cinematography as well, with many shots saying more than words ever could. Rectify continues to be a show I wish more people would watch. It'll break your heart, but you'll love it.

6. Better Call Saul - If people were worried that this show was going to be a shameless cash-in on the popularity of Breaking Bad, they were thankfully quite mistaken. Most people loved Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad, but Better Call Saul allowed the audience to get to know and really care for Jimmy McGill (and made them wonder what his ultimate post Breaking Bad fate is). There were lots of great Breaking Bad references, whether they were character related or dialogue related. Lots of great acting as well. Who knew that Bob Odenkirk could do serious so well? Jonathan Banks had a really amazing episode as well that deserves a ton of praise. Michael McKean also had some really fantastic parts as well, particularly in the penultimate episode of the season. My only complaint was Michael Mando didn't have a lot to do, but hopefully next season remedies this. The show had lots of hilarity as well of course, such as the perverted talking toilet, and adding "Chicago Sunroof" to our lexicon. Really great stuff from Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan. They even brought back Michelle MacLaren to direct an episode. What more could you ask for?

7. Mr. Robot - Often thrilling, just as often confusing, and almost always entertaining. Mr. Robot has a great cast of characters, with Rami Malek giving an amazing performance. There is a twist that most will probably figure out, but the execution and fallout are delivered quite well. The show does a great job of developing the main character's paranoia, and the fourth wall breaking internal monologues are great. Really fun show.

8. Deutschland 83 - A fun and entertaining spy tale during the Cold War which takes place in Germany and explores the relationship between East and West Germany. The standout performance is Jonas Nay as Martin Rauch, a young border patrol guard from East Germany who goes undercover as the aide-de-camp of a West German general. Deutschland 83 has lots of excitement, some cool spy moments, a great use of 80s music, and lots of interesting context for the time period. As much as I love The Americans, it was definitely cool to see things from this time period from the perspective of a different country.

9. Person of Interest - This season explored what happens after the main protagonists suffered a huge blow, and it absolutely delivered. Lots of tension, twists, and an amazing finale. This show makes really great use of its cast, especially with how thoughtfully they bring back old characters. Keeps getting better and better.

10. Rick and Morty - Incredibly creative and endlessly quotable. Rick and Morty's sophomore season was even better than the first. The laughs were great of course, but perhaps even more compelling were the moments of humanity that the season had in regards to Rick in the premiere, the episode with Unity, and the finale. Plus, there was a character named Mr. Poopy Butthole. Enough said.

Honorable mentions:

South Park - Continuing the continuity aspect of the previous season but with a more streamlined focus, South Park was fantastic this year. Extremely biting and witty. The "Yelper's Special" song might be one of their best songs ever, and it killed me.

Daredevil - Very enjoyable. I quite liked the leads, especially Charlie Cox in the titular role.

Louie - I preferred season four, but this was still a great season of Louie. Lots of laughs and lots of surprises. Still remember jumping from that fucking nightmare thing.

Archer - A much better season than the fifth. Plus, it had the return of Conway Stern (which is not his real name).

Orphan Black - Tatiana voiced a scorpion. She's awesome.

Fail of the year:

True Detective - Left everyone feeling apoplectic, or else looking up what apoplectic meant and then feeling that way. Huge letdown compared to season one, though it did have some decent moments here and there.

I had a really hard time with the ordering of two through six, so might change my mind there.
1. Mr. Robot
2. Fargo
3. The Leftovers
4. American Crime
5. Better Call Saul
6. Survivor
7. Last Man Standing
8. Undateable
9. Supernatural
10. ------


American Horror Story: Hotel (surprise, surprise)
The last season of The Amazing Race
1. Gotham; S2 is an entirely different animal than S1. They have embraced the madness and dropped the "villain of the week" structure. Truly one of the best, and craziest, shows on TV.

2. The Flash; Pure comicbook fun. I'M A FUCKING SHARK.

3. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah; there's still some teething pains, but Trevor's done a great job stepping up to the plate.

4. Brooklyn 99; Terry Crews alone grants it an automatic top 10 slot, but this season really is firing on all cylinders.

5. Daredevil; Drops off hard towards the end, but starts extremely strong.

6. Arrow; S4 is a damn fine step up from S3, but it's still not hit S2's highs. Getting there, though!


1. Flash

2. Jessica Jones

3. Agents of SHIELD

4. Arrow

5. Supergirl

6. iZombie

7. The Walking Dead

8. Daredevil

9. Game of Thrones

10. Into The Badlands


1. The Leftovers; I liked season 1. But the show made some changes for season 2. Was abit scared of that. But didnt need to be. Maybe one of the best seasons of a show in the last 5 years for me.

2. House of Cards ; Was it as good as the first two seasons? No. But still a great show and season

3. Better Call Saul ; Always loved Saul in in BB. And i really like to see how it all started. They did a great job already in the first season.

4. Bloodline ; Netflix doing it again. Great acting by Ben Mendelsohn

5. Daredevil ; Not the biggest fan of Marvel and the Ben Affleck movie didnt help either back in the day. But loving Daredevil now. With a great villain.

6. Fargo ; Liked season 1 abit more because of Malvo. But season 2 was great also. With alot of character and great setting.

7. Game of Thrones ; Its GoT

8. Mr Robot ; Always love to see new shows to pop up like this out of nowhere. Really enjoyed the setting

9. Mad Men ; Great finale season. Really closed it and a great final shot

10. Show me a Hero; Great mini serie on HBO with Oscar Isaac in a leading role playing Nick Wasicsko

Honorable Mentions:

Maybe at the same spot as number 10. But can only choose one haha.

Jessica Jones


1. The Americans

2. Fargo

3. Banshee

4. Parenthood

5. You're the Worst

6. Halt and Catch Fire

7. The Affair

8. The Man in the High Castle

9. Bates Motel

10. Master of None

Seems like I need to give Mr. Robot another shot beyond the first episode.
1.The Flash - Fun, heart warming, and mind blowing. A comic book show that isn't afraid to be what it is. Takes the good and bad in full stride. Great dynamic between the cast, and the crossovers are a treat.

2.Mr Robot

3.Master of None

4.Better Call Saul


6.Brooklyn 99


8.Mad Men



Fail of the Year

1.True Detective
2.Minority Report


1 - The Flash: everything I've ever wanted for a show based on a comic book.
2 - Fargo: great in every aspect.
3 - The Knick: Clive Owen deserves more love.
4 - Mr. Robot: I'm not sure I like the direction it took in the final episodes, but overall is a great and fun show.
5 - Arrow: Season 4 has been really good. Damien Darhk is responsible for this making it be part of my top 10.
6 - Ash vs Evil Dead: weekly Bruce Campbell? Sign me up!
7 - Sense8: cheese, lots of cheese...but it works.
8 - Master of None: fun little show with great writing.
9 - Daredevil: enojyed the hell out of it. Kingpin was great, but the last episodes kinda dragged a bit too much for me.
10- Penny Dreadfuk: Eva Green is a joy to watch.


1. Narcos ; What's up with GAF ignoring the best new show of the year? Anyways, my boy Wagner nailed the delicate balance between joviality and terrifyingness of Escobar, and Padilha is back to doing what he does best: hardboiled noir with South American swagger. I guess you could complain about the accents, but then you do have some genuine Paisa as characters, or how dumb it is that the American part is souped up to make it gringo friendly, but then Javier Pena bests his GoT role of last year. Can't wait for the second season.

2. Bloodline ; Probably some of the best acting in any tv show ever, this family drama got under my skin (who doesn't have a Danny in the family?). Beautiful backgrounds of a paradise lost, that moves perhaps a bit too slowly for its own good, but layers on complexity and nuance in its characters. Danny might be right, but does that make him right?

3. Mr. Robot ; Cool hacker show that's not riddled with technobabble, but actually takes the viewer seriously. Sadly stays too close to a certain influential movie to make it to the top.

4. Daredevil ; Marvel doing a bit of a DC, going street level with more believable characters. Great choreography and production values and a good lead that almost washes away the bad taste left by Baffleck. Some of the sidecharacters and main villain ham it up a bit too much and I really hope they reconsider the costume next season.

5. House of Cards ; Season 3 was a bit of a wash, it didn't really lead anywhere and not-Putin was too much like Putin to not see it as making some kind of overwrought point, but these are still my favorite characters in a tv show, and I loved watching it. But next season should probably be the last one.

6. Sense8 ; Great new show with high highs and low lows that really does look the part. Don't like all the characters that much, but a few of them are great and in the end you feel like you shared something with all of them. I could really do with less gross moments for shock value though.

7. Orange is the New Black ; Too bad Alex keeps returning, but OitNB became more of a comedy with this season, and honestly I like it. Not sure if it's going anywhere though.

8. Last week tonight with John Oliver ; Some of the jokes are better and even better researched than Jon Stewart's show. Some of it should actually be mandatory watching at schools you have to think. But then other items feel more partisan and sometimes a bit cheap.

9. Better Call Saul ; I honestly didn't like Breaking Bad that much. It was good, but nothing more. None of the characters were particularly likable, and it only became really interesting in the last one and a half season. I think so many people are used to a show becoming worse in the later seasons, that a number of people confused that with BB being better than it actually was. That said, there was one character that I did really enjoy and gets time to shine here. This series is an enjoyable romp (though with perhaps a bit too much I guess necessary tragedy), and I quite like it above BB.

10. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt ; It starts off weird and overacted, but then it gets its groove (or you do as a viewer) and it becomes really infectious, leading you to binge watch a comedy show.

edit: totally forgot Sense8.

Stuff like Jessica Jones and GoT I also enjoyed watching but had too many flaws to make it to this list imo.

edit2: ugh how could I forget Orphan Black. Too many series! Though I guess the third season wasn't as good as the previous two. Don't like the castor clone that much.


Top 10
1) Marvel's Daredevil ; Has quickly become the thing I anticipate most in the MCU
2) Mr. Robot ; Amazing season with twists I didnt see coming
3) Black Sails ; I gave the show a shot on a whim, and it delivered in a big way
4) The Flash ; Would fight for the top spot if it didnt have to slot in filler episodes to fill in the 22 episode network order
5) Fargo ; A few missteps in Season 2, but still top tier TV
6) Homeland ; A stretch to place it here, but I just find Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin to be some of the best actors in the TV space
7) Hannibal ; Good night sweet prince
8) Marvel's Agents of SHIELD ; What a turn around from its debut
9) The Leftovers ; What a ride
10) Vikings ; Enjoyed the scale of Season 3, but lost a little in the transition

Honorable Mentions
11) Better Call Saul
12) Penny Dreadful
13) Sense8
14) Marco Polo
15) Narcos
16) Game of Thrones
17) Arrow
18) Gotham
19) Jessica Jones
20) Bloodline
21) House of Cards
22) The Walking Dead
23) Tyrant
24) Agent Carter
25) True Detective
1. Game of Thrones
2. The Knick
3. Daredevil
4. Jessica Jones
5. Banshee
6. Mr. Robot
7. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
8. Arrow
9. Flash
10. Justified


1. Mad Men
2. Fargo
3. Hannibal
4. Better Call Saul
5. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
6. Veep
7. Bob's Burgers
8. The Jinx
9. The Last Man On Earth
10. South Park


1. catastrophe - two seasons this year. both absolutely fantastic. no-one writes such well observed characters just on a line to line level.
2. this is england '90 - this series has a refreshing commitment to following characters over long time instead of creating contrived adventures and presents a masterful social history of uk in recent decades. this has the most powerful scene on tv this year - dinner table. essential.
3. mad men - i think i liked this more at the time, since then i haven't thought much about it. but it's good, i thought a lot about it at the time. mad men's distinct feel is always something i want to spend time with and it always played by its own rules. it's probably the best tv show since the dekalogs just through accumulated quality over time. i'm not sad it's gone because there's always more to explore with each episode/season/character etc.
4. better call saul - it fades away as it becomes too much like breaking bad 2.0, but it regularly showcases just the most fantastic confidence in the power of pure storytelling. this prequel divorces the tiresome grandiose character arc of breaking bad from it's pure stylistic genius and storytelling verve and applies that style to a more subdued, sadder, less comic booky character story.
5. bojack horseman - takes the kind of ironic clever animated comedy style and roots in so deeply in specific dramatic character exploration in a way that resonates with me a lot
6. bloodline - not sure if it's really about anything or if it mattered at all but it's nice to follow the slowburn, careful pacing and mendelson is spellbinding.

i haven't seen transparent or rectify yet and won't before the deadline. these were two of my favs in previous years. i also wish i'd seen show me a hero.
don't get at all: fargo, all the marvel stuff, you're the worst, master of none
1. Mad Men
2. Mr. Robot
3. The Knick
4. Fargo
5. The Americans
6. Better Call Saul
7. Peep Show
8. Rectify
9. Master of None
10. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

The Hermit

I only watched superhero shows ( ._.)

1- The Flash - best/funniest/most exciting superhero show ever. I get anxious before every episode. I really like how the over the top stuff are not taken seriously.

2- One Punch Man - does this count? Anyway, best anime I've watched in a long time

3- Daredevil - amazing effort from Marvel, introduced one of the best vilains from the MCU so far, Kingpin

4- Better Call Saul - being a spinoff from BB, it had no right to be as good as it is.

5- Mr robot- the OT title basically spoils the twist, but it still a good show. I really can't see how they will go forward now


I need to watch Hannibal and Fargo.
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