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(Not so) LTTP: Resident Evil Revelations 2

Alright so i'm a pretty big Resi fan and I've had the physical version of this game sitting on my shelf since April 3rd. I just wasn't that excited for some reason and pushed it aside in favour of other games (including replaying RE2 and 4). Holy crap was that a stupid decision. RE:R2 is one of the best surprises this gen so far (excluding Wolfenstein).

This is Resident Evil, it plays like the later levels of Resident Evil 4 where your tiptoeing through the Autopsy Rooms with the Regenerators. If you don't like the direction Resident Evil is going in, play this. The gameplay isn't a drastic step forward and there's a few gameplay elements lifted from other games like The Last of Us but pretty much everything it does is executed extremely well.

I'm not a fan of the episodic direction they took this in, it made sense on 3DS where bite sized missions worked hand in hand with the portable nature of the system but here it just feels like a sales gimmick. It's hard to complain too much with the physical edition.

Speaking of Revelations 1, man this is a lot better, that's coming from someone who has about 25 hours logged into RE:R1. The main issue with the first game is when it took you away from the ship and into these action segements, a similar approach is taken here with a split narrative between Barry and Claire but there's far better gameplay continuity and superior pacing.

I really like Revelations 2, it doesn't try anything drastically new but it takes everything the series has ever done well and wraps them into a nice little budget release. By far my favourite spin off Resident Evil thus far and I would even pin it ahead of a few numerical releases on my personal preferences.

If your a Resident Evil fan who's decided to skip Revelations 2, you need to reconsider. It's a terrific game.


Episodic was great. I really looked forward to the next week as if I was watching GoT.

I think the game falls somewhat short if you play it all right away, because some things become apparent such as using the same areas in reverse. But I liked it, the ending was pretty good too.

Its just that Raid can't hold my attention as much as RE5 Mercs did. The shooting mechanics are worse in Rev 2, and going through dozens of easy stages first is a chore. I greatly prefer Mercs.
Had no problem with the episodic nature of the game- the story and characters were pretty great (Dat Claire and Barry oh my goodness)-fantastic music and features a nice skill tree/character progression system. Weapon upgrading and secret medallions also return from 'revelaitons'.
If your a Resident Evil fan who's decided to skip Revelations 2
Then you would'nt be much of a fan.

Played about 35 hours of Raid mode alone on XB1 and PS4-(own both) still addicting as ever. Daily challenges rock.


I've only got the first episode but thought it was great.
Reminds me of RE4 but with better controls.Was expecting it to be more like RE6!
Raid mode seems pretty good too, what with it's unlocks and leveling up.Haven't played it much though.
I'll probably wait until the season pass is on sale before buying it, got to many games as it is just now.


Santa May Claus
Revelations 2 is one of the best crafted Capcom games to come out recently. It's well constructed and laden with smart decisions and proper pacing.

I can't help but think that the smaller budget forced the development team to actually create interesting gameplay and be cognizant of pacing, rather than forcefeed us explosions and nonsensical setpieces.

I also don't really care for the episodic nature of the release schedule myself, which is why I waited for the physical release. When the game is already completed, I find that stretching out the experience is an unnecessary gimmick. That said, it was a minor ding to the experience because I thankfully had the option to pick up the complete version.

I bought RER2 not really expecting a whole lot, but I got a hell of a good game.


I really didn't like Revelations 2. I loved Revelations 1 though. 2 felt cheaper, like it was lower quality and I hated the partner bullshit..

Revelations was a muuuuuuch better game. I feel like I'm missing something for not liking Revelations 2. I think I liked RE6 more than this.
Amazing game. I'm still playing both Story and Raid mode. Approaching 300 hours.



Great game, but I'm pissed that you can't re-play previous chapters the items you had up to that point...there's a really shitty thing on Claire's chapter 3 that basically determines what ending you get for the game...if you want a different ending you have to clear the entire game again...hell no


Great game, but I'm pissed that you can't re-play previous chapters the items you had up to that point...there's a really shitty thing on Claire's chapter 3 that basically determines what ending you get for the game...if you want a different ending you have to clear the entire game again...hell no

Not really, you can just replay Claire's chapter 3 and then Barry chapter 4 to get the other ending.



14 hours on my initial Normal playthrough, 3 hours on my Casual playthrough, 3 hours on my Normal S rank playthrough 3 hours on my Survival playthrough, 4 hours on my Countdown playthrough, and then the rest on Raid Mode.

I've still got No Escape and Invisible modes to do for Story Mode. Still got years of Raid Mode left. Oh, and the bonus episodes. I still need to S Rank them.
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