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Marvel: More console games are coming, announcements next year

In response to a fan question about whether or not Marvel was still looking for partners to create console games, Marvel Games producer Mike Jones confirmed that they are and that projects are in the works.

"We are very much focused on what our console strategy will be for the future," Jones said. "Obviously console games take a lot longer to incubate, so that will be a slower process for us.

"We are very much taking a controlled, less-is-more, quality-focused, developer-focused strategy," he said, "but it is very top of mind, and we'll have a lot more announcements probably next year."



Please let at least one quality fighting game, or beat em up be announced.

Honestly, I would love for a Koei Marvel Warriors title someday.


Spider-Man by sucker punch!! Sony has ties with Disney and they own the Spider-Man movie rights so it is possible





My body is ready...



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

It needs to happen (with Raven at the helm this time)
I sure hope another Hulk game in the style of Ultimate Destruction or a Punisher game like the one on PS2/XBox is on the minds of whoever is in charge of these decisions.

If that "developer-focused" strategy means that Marvel will have less mandates on who/what Capcom must and must not put in a game, then by all means...!

The Marvel side of MvC3 was great. Perhaps the only real WTF one was M.O.D.O.K, but he played very uniquely.

And something like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3; Just so we won't have to dig for the older copies of Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2 from last gen.

I sure would like to see that too or X-Men Legends III since that Sinister tease being unresolved has always bothered me.


Junior Member

As many of you may know, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, 3, & Ultimate 3 were removed from online stores & ended print almost a year ago. The most popular theory behind this was that Marvel pulled them alongside Activision's releases (including the then-recent Deadpool game) to establish a shared game universe similar to their Marvel Cinematic Universe. While I can understand why this theory is commonly believed (more so given how hands-on Marvel was with the MvC3 games & how they gave Capcom a strict time table on said game), one thing sticks out to me, that thing is Marvel vs. Capcom Origins.

Origins was released sometime after UMvC3 came out, & it included both Marvel Super Heroes & MvC1 with extra features & online. Oddly enough, it's still available for digital download. This could easily be explained by the fact that this game was on a separate contract from the other MvC games that were pulled. But that begs the question, why wasn't Origins pulled anyway. Time didn't seem to be an issue with the Activision purge, so why not Origins. My reasoning leads back to the fate of the other MvC games. These games have a contract with a set amount of time before the company who bought the license has to either renew or relinquish the rights. Given Capcom's financial troubles at this present time, they more than likely relinquished the rights because they didn't see it as profitable to renew it. This also adds up given that Disney worked with Capcom & WayForward to release DuckTales Remastered that apparently did pretty well, so there's at least a positive relationship between Capcom & Marvel's parent company (& likely by extension, Marvel). On top of that, the inclusion of Rocket Raccoon in UMvC3 had a hand in Rocket's popularity now & the success of the recent Guardians of the Galaxy movie (though how much of a hand UMvC3 had can be debated). Plus, in Season 3 of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon (which is remotely decent now that Loeb isn't in charge), they blatantly reference the MvC series, right down to the moves & stances used, so Marvel clearly still holds the MvC series in high regard. Overall, I think it's more of a financial issue on Capcom's end that's keeping the MvC series from continuing than on Marvel's end (even if they're doing that mobile game that's a knock-off of Injustice Mobile). As such, I don't think that the series will never return, I just don't think we'll get one for another decade when Capcom hopefully gets their financial shit together
unless Sony did what they're doing with SF5 & foots the bill for licensing & some of development (which oddly fits, given Sony's positive relationship with Marvel)
. But that's just me, what are your thoughts, GAF?

UPDATE: MvC Origins may have been pulled from PSN & XBLA, but my points still stand.

UPDATE 2: Marvel has been showing quite a bit of love to the MvC series lately through a page in Spider-Verse (with an official name for the MvC Earth) & The Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl's variant cover.

Let us take a gander at a lot of the speculated reasons behind the future of the MvC Series. I guess it's long overdue that I make such a thing. To start, I will say I agree with Neoxon about why Origins is still up and why Capcom relinquished the rights.

Shared "Marvel Gaming Universe" Theory/Rumor - Unsubstantiated
Source - TQ Jefferson, Marvel VP of Games
“You might have noticed that certain similarities and threads touch from one game to the next,” said TQ Jefferson, Marvel’s VP of games, regarding new developments in Marvel’s gaming space. “Much like you see in publishing and film, we’re trying to build a gaming universe connected by common elements and narrative into a larger gaming initiative.”

So how well does this hold up beyond conjecture? What does this mean beyond "yeah some of our games will use some of the same IPs and associated concepts"? At this same event they were praising Avengers Alliance, a F2P game that's been out forever and not taken down alongside many other titles were in December of 2013.

Arguably, this was just hinting at Disney Infinity 2.0. Beyond that, how more similar are these games that have continued to receive updates and/or have been announced since aforementioned comments were made?:
- Disney Infinity 2.0
- Various movie tie-in iOS games, even for competitive cinema properties
- Marvel Heroes
- Spider-Man Unlimited
- Marvel Contest of Champions

The answer? Not much. They all use Marvel characters and, most notably to MvC, take their own narrative liberties and skew outside of Marvel Studios characters.

But what if it's just iOS games that skirt by this new ideology/rule? - Possible, unlikely because of the presence of Infinity
It appears sort of illogical to assume that no matter how lucrative or strong the venture/opportunity, Marvel would throw all that aside to maintain whatever nondescript narrative which Disney Infinity 2.0 otherwise contains. For all we know, this just means you need to represent the Avengers in the game. And why not, when they are culturally relevant characters that fans of all kinds would want?

We forget that MvC3 was almost prophetic in terms of the direction of the MCU, was released while The Avengers was in production, and still churned out a pretty diverse cast that used more than Marvel Studios properties. Do I think Marvel Games knew all there was to know about the MCU at that time? No, because much was just between Feige and select others at that time. Similarly, I think the force exerted by Marvel Studios on the games division is much less than assumed because of the diverse casts we've seen in games regardless since the MCU broke out. Yeah, Marvel Studios has favourites, but they consistently make exceptions and let properties they know are big breathe, partly because they can still use those strong brands for direct profit (games) and indirect profit (merchandising) as well. Contest of Champions is the biggest thing contradicting the idea of a completely Marvel Studios cast, featuring Spider-Man himself front and centre on their website.

Make no mistake. Money makes sense.

Capcom and Marvel have a damaged relationship because of the shitty contract! - Mixed, logically unsound
The assumption that the contract was shitty is just kind of strange. I mean, yeah, they don't get to throw out shit willy nilly, but that's because it's not their IP. And the IP they're dealing with here is a multibillion dollar one. That multibillion dollar IP having a quite significant pull when it comes to representations in other media is not unusual, nor is Capcom the only victim of this. The contract is what it is, and as the years go on people just seem to project more of their desires into all of the stuff we don't know about the contract to fill in the blanks. Yeah, it worked out pretty shitty for the MvC community, but business is business.

Svensson, who negotiated the MvC3 deal and project, and described himself as the primary relationship holder with Marvel, is no longer at Capcom and left about a year ago. Doom and gloom time? Maybe. Most likely not; he's likely not the only person to built a relationship between the two companies, and the idea of both companies backing away from doing business because he's he's not there sounds more unlikely than likely.

The flipside? Post-MvC3 Seth Killian, former community director at Capcom, said that Capcom still had a good relationship with Marvel. Which is immediately apparent leading into UMvC3 and beyond as the Marvel team was super enthused and it's hard to see why not. It is probably the most prolific game to use the Marvel IP, and one with the greatest sales, and there is no reason why Marvel wouldn't jump on the opportunity, even if they Avengerize it.
Capcom is broke! That's why we didn't get MvC4 this year/2013/2012/simultaneously-with-UMvC3! - Possible, but thinking about this in the context of now is doing it wrong
Now, as far as I can tell from financial reports, Capcom being a sinking ship is greatly exaggerated and they've still put up profits the past few years. I'm not sure why co-development is seen as an indicator that a company is "broke," just because you have a partner that is willing to subsidize costs. That sounds advantageous for me, especially if it ends up being more lucrative than making it multiplatform, which you pretty much have no way of knowing unless you're a Capcom shareholder. There is reason to believe Capcom is currently focusing effort on their 6 breadwinner IPs, and I even think they stated it outright, but this would obviously mean a SF should come before an MvC. We've heard all these rumblings about Capcom not being able to fund SFV in very close proximity to when the game was announced, so a bit of skepticism is required here when reading into these statements, and less assumption about where they are allocating an unknown amount of money to an unknown number of projects.

Why would they put out MvC4 or even start talking about it before SFV is out? Makes no sense, agreed? SFV was just announced and we initially got estimates that it was much further off. As a general rule, we should learn not to take so much stock into "you might not see another iteration until exact year here." These comments are inherently speculative and should not be confused with formal announcements.

That said, when Seth said that the franchise needs time to breathe, the genre was getting very saturated. 2011/2012 probably had the most fighting games released ever, and that included TWO MvC titles in the span of a year. Something Capcom caught a lot of flak for, and it might even be further damaging if they bring out another so soon, and before SFV. It does not make sense right now. The MCU isn't going to die out tomorrow, so there isn't really an urgency to strike while the iron is hot. Now is clearly not the right time for Capcom as far as positioning their brand and releases goes, and who knows for Marvel.
So when will we get it, and when is best for Capcom? Why should Marvel care?
Ideally, a few years out from SFV, just how MvC3 was. But things are different now, we might get it earlier. It all depends on Capcom's momentum moving forward with SFV and whether they make that link between companies again. It is in both of their interests because MvC is a multimillion unit franchise for both of them, but we really don't know how Disney's licensing works now or what Capcom is planning. For all we know, it's in pre-production already.

All we can do is wait and see, unfortunately, and try not to get misguided by unfounded totalitarian-Disney rumours or particularly weak & unsupported arguments for why an MvC4 is unlikely. Make no mistake, I believe an MvC4 will only happen when the stars, interests and schedules (remember, MvC3 and UMvC3 release periods were determined by Marvel) of both companies align, but it's so mutually beneficial and makes sense for both their money and portfolios that it seems way more likely that we'll see it soon than we'll see Disney fold or SFV not do well.

Also general lol @ anyone believing they'd rather work with WB/NRS on an off-colour wannabe that'll sell less than the real deal with a company they already have a working relationship with.


1 Ultimate Alliance 3 pls

this already exists

marvel heroes is fantastic, it has way more characters and all comic book fanservice than either of those UA games. i'd rather play it on consoles though.

diablo 3 on ps4 was damn good.
Spider-Man by sucker punch!! Sony has ties with Disney and they own the Spider-Man movie rights so it is possible

Activision still owns the Spider-Man video game rights, I believe. Though I think there might be a loophole when it comes to properties based on specific movies.


Junior Member
This would also be very welcomed. Along with P* Spider-Gwen.
Will Platinum get its chance to make a Spider-Gwen game?
Way too soon for that.

Activision still owns the Spider-Man video game rights, I believe. Though I think there might be a loophole when it comes to properties based on specific movies.
Sony originally signed that deal with Activision for Spider-Man games, separate from their other Marvel license. When Marvel got the merchandising rights to Spider-Man, they got the deal Sony made with Activision. If I recall, that deal expires in 2017.
Lego Marvel Avengers
Lego Marvel Vs DC
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Lego Marvel Infinity Wars

Oh there's Marvel console games coming alright...


Junior Member
Lego Marvel Avengers
Lego Marvel Vs DC
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2
Lego Marvel Infinity Wars

Oh there's Marvel console games coming alright...
Given that Marvel has been revoking the X-Men & Fantastic Four licenses from vendors lately, I doubt that we'll see a Lego Marvel 2. Or more specifically, I doubt we'll see a Lego Marvel 2 that has the same roster variety as the first game.

This also carries over to a potential MvC4. If it happens, say good-bye to Wolverine, Deadpool, Magneto, Storm, X-23, Sentinel, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Doctor Doom, & Super-Skrull.


this already exists


Given that Marvel has been revoking the X-Men & Fantastic Four licenses from vendors lately, I doubt that we'll see a Lego Marvel 2. Or more specifically, I doubt we'll see a Lego Marvel 2 that has the same roster variety as the first game.

This also carries over to a potential MvC4. If it happens, say good-bye to Wolverine, Deadpool, Magneto, Storm, X-23, Sentinel, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Doctor Doom, & Super-Skrull.

Given that Marvel has been revoking the X-Men & Fantastic Four licenses from vendors lately, I doubt that we'll see a Lego Marvel 2. Or more specifically, I doubt we'll see a Lego Marvel 2 that has the same roster variety as the first game.

This also carries over to a potential MvC4. If it happens, say good-bye to Wolverine, Deadpool, Magneto, Storm, X-23, Sentinel, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Doctor Doom, & Super-Skrull.

What would be the point of a versus game then? :lol


The Marvel side of MvC3 was great. Perhaps the only real WTF one was M.O.D.O.K, but he played very uniquely.

Well, not really a slight against what we got, but just what could've been. This is more along the lines of where we heard about how Niitsuma's crew wanted to put in the likes of Cyclops and Juggernaut (but got vetoed from Marvel), and even the likes of Dimitri was left out on the Capcom side because there was no way that Marvel was going to let his Midnight Bliss attack genderbend their characters.

Ironic in retrospect, considering what they're doing now in their own comics, but be as it may...
I hope so. I'll enjoy their Telltale project, but the brand really deserves more. The Batman Arkham series really highlights the lack of great superhero games out there.
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