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LTTP - Killzone: Shadow Fall

I've just written a big update about this in the 52 Games... topic and I felt like I had so much to say that it would be better placed in a LTTP of its own.

I finished this last night, after almost two months of playing sporadically, and I haven't felt like I've played a game this maddening and inconsistent in a long while (actually, probably not since I finished Destiny last week, but that's just semantics). I've had a love/hate relationship with the Killzone franchise since the beginning, but I do consider myself a series fan, and it's annoying to see Guerrilla get so close to greatness on so many occasions, only to be held back by something confoundingly idiotic. Upon finishing Shadow Fall my thoughts are that the actual core elements of the gameplay are superb, but it's severely dragged down by the game design being extremely inconsistent.

Let's start with the good stuff though, and why I think overall Shadow Fall is absolutely worth playing:

Gameplay detail and depth
I really liked the range of options in how you could approach levels thanks to a suite of cool functions and gadgets. I liked being able to 'ping' the sonar to detect enemies within a certain distance, but do it for too long and it gives a feedback screech and alerts all those enemies to your location. I liked that the waypoint is not always on screen, but you can tap up to see the waypoint, or hold it down to see a log of the objectives. It's good un-intrusive design which doesn't spoon-feed anything to the player. I like being able to press down to get an alternate fire mode on many weapons - whether this is a different firing mode like a ranged energy blast or an under-slung grenade launcher, or simply a flick between burst fire or semi-auto. It just felt like all these things gave me more options in how I wanted to approach the levels and I was really grateful for that.

The OWL is great. It solves the problem of feeling 'alone' in shooters by giving you a teleporting invincible robot drone companion, and it has four distinct functions which lend themselves really well to differing play-styles. I mostly used the flashbang and attack modes, but the zipline was pretty awesome (would have been good if more of the level design allowed for its use) and the shield was really useful in places where you're able to bottleneck enemies and then mow them down. I actually would have liked some instances of enemies having their own versions of the OWL,
although I know Tyran has one in the boss battle you have with him.

Enemy AI
Guerrilla are one of the best in the business at programming AI in my opinion, and although this doesn't quite hit the heights of Killzone 2 it does get pretty close. I never felt like I was fighting idiots in this; they'll hang back and approach with caution if you hide around a corner, even seeking out an alternate route if possible,

Wonderful visuals and presentation
Again, it's no surprise coming from Guerrilla who have been a technical powerhouse ever since Killzone 2, but this is easily still one of the best looking games of this generation. The detail is excellent, the scale is vast and it looks colourful and pretty and distinct. The harsh dark colours of New Helghan contrast really well with the brighter blues and pastel colours of the Vektan side of the wall, even if it's a little on-the-nose; Vektan society is idyllic while the Helghast have to live in the shadows, reliant on their breathing apparatus and with the skies greyed by their equally harsh industries. As a side note, I think the HUD and general UI is gorgeous and I really love that from boot-up you're on the game menu within about 20 seconds. More games should do this.

The Forest (aka level 2 'The Shadow')
This level is great! Like, seriously superb, and I wish they'd taken this and used it as the template for the rest of the game - I loved being dumped in a relatively large open area, having a few different objectives which you can approach in whichever order you like, and being left to it. It gave me a really positive impression of the game and made me very hopeful for what was to come.

Level 4 'The Patriot'
This was another seriously enjoyable level; particularly the second part where you assaulted the building with the hostages, and you could choose your method of entry, and then once you were inside the building its walls were destructible which lent a really fun and fast-paced feel to encounters. It's just a shame that this scenario was a one-off and they didn't do it again later in the game, or have more levels with destructible walls.

But there's plenty wrong as well:

The Story
Oh my god, what a steaming hot mess of nonsense. This isn't really a surprise for anyone familiar with the series, but given it was a 'soft reboot' I'd hoped they'd use the opportunity to get better writers on board. Initially
Lady Visari
is presented as the main antagonist, but then it
shifts to Tyran
, and then it shifts again to
Stahl near the end
, and then
with the game's final, totally expected twist. It spends a lot of time focusing on
Massar's weapon which I took to be some kind of genetic bio-weapon, but during the attack on Helghan by the Vektan forces Tyran detonates the weapon and it's a massive red explosion which shuts down all VSA ships and sends them plummeting out of the sky
- I was unclear what the weapon was or what its effects were, and if you don't understand the stakes how can you possibly care about the story or this conflict they're trying to focus on. I don't even know what happened to
as she seemed to disappear half way through the game.

EDIT - one other thing I forgot to mention; what position did Sinclair hold? I thought he was head of the Shadow Marshals rather than the whole Vektan army, but at the end he's making his speech about declaring war on the Helghast as though he's the most senior member of the army on Vekta. Was there no government or city mayor to have a say, for example?

Questionable level design
Later in the game when you're on Helghan you're in a ruined city and you have to load power supplies with Petrusite coils and then shoot them to blow the large static security drone they're powering, but the game doesn't tell you this at all. I spent probably upwards of half an hour in that area trying to work out what to do, because the waypoint is sending you further than you can get and there's nothing to suggest that you need to destroy this machine specifically. It doesn't help that there's another large bot patrolling which it's better to avoid altogether, and the area is relatively large with no indication that you need to focus specifically on the area behind this security drone. And then there are the freefall and wingsuit levels, which feel pointless and only added frustration. I thought the wingsuit level where you're flying over Helghan could have made a cool vehicle section, but Echo and Kellan decide to abandon their escape vehicles and float in instead, I guess?

Difficulty spikes
This might be me going a bit soft, but there were a few sections of the game later on where you have to hold your ground while dozens of Helghast pour in, and the game gets so punishing. I hated the section where you're at the end of the massive room on the balcony with about three other guys, and you have to defend against about 50 enemies, and then ATACs and a dropship show up. And then there's that big 'control room' just before you find
, and after you defeat the initial wave of enemies, about 20 more spill in from the two doors at the back of the room and it was such a hard section. Then there was the section quite near the end just before you fight
, and you have to hack two consoles while Echo does something inside, and you literally have to fight 50+ guys alone. I mean, I enjoy a good 'defend the thing' section in a shooter as much as anyone, but there were too many here and I didn't really find any of them enjoyable.

I mean, it's succeeds more than it fails, but it's just frustrating to see a game that's so close to being great just trip itself up in a few avoidable ways. For me it's a solid 7/10, but with a few minor changes it could have easily been an 8.5/10.


So where next? With Guerrilla Games in the Netherlands working on Horizon: Zero Dawn and Guerrilla Cambridge working on RIGS, does that mean Killzone is dead? Well, I kind of hope not, and I really enjoyed KZ Mercenary, but honestly they've been trying to make this series relevant for almost a decade and it's never really hit its stride so I wonder if Guerrilla as a whole would be better moving on from the series permanently and putting their obvious talent to use elsewhere.


Who did KZ Mercenary again? Whoever did that should be handed the Killzone franchise going forward. That game was fantastic!

But like you said, the series never hit its stride... much like Resistance which has 5 titles as well. Time to move on perhaps.


Who did KZ Mercenary again? Whoever did that should be handed the Killzone franchise going forward. That game was fantastic!

But like you said, the series never hit its stride... much like Resistance which has 5 titles as well. Time to move on perhaps.

G Cambridge
I've just picked this up on the cheap , I've already read reviews and read all the bad points, still looking forward it to just for the gfx.
Yeah, their characters and story are trash. The writers for GG must be blackmailing the CEO, I have no other idea how the fuck they keep getting hired every year to do it. I know they have a new Fallout writer and Witcher 3 game designers, but that's just one writer. The other game they're working on (be it another Killzone or another new IP) should also replace the writers and possibly game designers.

Anyways, I do think this franchise needs a shake and there's only two ways about it for me. I'd prefer they introduce another alien lifeform and have it turn into a 3 way or 2v1 war. Add some lore and world building which allows for writers to take advantage of new lore. Or have you playing as the Helghast. We've been playing the villain for every game. -_-
I really didn't like this game, and I loved killzone 3. I got it at launch and I ended up having a better time with knack. The game is gorgeous but it doesn't save it from some very tedious level and encounter design. The world was cool however.


If they are going to continue the series the first thing they need to do is have a protagonist from Helghan. The best way to soft reboot, or continue a soft reboot is to switch sides. It would be a first in the series and something a lot of people have been wanting for a long time. They also need to get the Guerilla Cambridge to take control.

I liked Shadow Fall though, especially the multiplayer! I wonder if they ever plan to release this on PS+.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
My problem with this game was that it didn't feel like Killzone. Everything about the controls/movement felt like generic FPS #5000 and it was a huge turnoff.

The first 30+ mins of the game being a long linear tutorial/mostly-movie was another turn off.

Killzone in name only.


I thought it was pretty good. I almost never play FPS games but I really enjoyed this. The only thing that bugged me was the way they reset your guns at the start of each level so even if you find something nice you just lose it. It was a really nice challenge on hard and the gameplay was far more interesting that other FPS games I've tried which bored me to death.


If they are going to continue the series the first thing they need to do is have a protagonist from Helghan. The best way to soft reboot, or continue a soft reboot is to switch sides. It would be a first in the series and something a lot of people have been wanting for a long time. They also need to get the Guerilla Cambridge to take control.

I seem to recall playing as one of those red-eye guys in Killzone: Mercenary...


I just got this for next to nothing and I'm in the Forest. Really like the presentation so far. I can tell the story is going to be questionable already, but that's standard for most video games I play.
I just got this for next to nothing and I'm in the Forest. Really like the presentation so far. I can tell the story is going to be questionable already, but that's standard for most video games I play.


Most games seem like they were written by 4 year olds so I won't especially hold it against this one


Ive always thought that KZ:SF felt like a rushed game for launch - I really enjoyed the level design from the early levels (its not surprise with hindsight what level they demoed when showing off the game) where there was some choice how to proceed (Im amazed how Ive seen some think thats a negative?!?) but that just disappeared only a few levels later. It just went so generic...

I dont feel theres much to redeem the SP beyond the graphics, theres mistakes there that just shouldnt exist in 3rd game of the franchise. The world of KZ is really well fleshed out but the writers just dont seem to commit to it when it comes to how the player progresses, our existence/actions seem to matter little.

The MP though is still pretty enjoyable once you learn not to be spawn camped - I think Warzone is one of the best modes Ive ever seen in a FPS, it just seems to deliver in every match and creates impetus and tension when youve got 2 good sides. Dont understand why it isnt copied as Id buy a game purely for that mode...

ps3ud0 8)
If they are going to continue the series the first thing they need to do is have a protagonist from Helghan. The best way to soft reboot, or continue a soft reboot is to switch sides. It would be a first in the series and something a lot of people have been wanting for a long time. They also need to get the Guerilla Cambridge to take control.

If they have another game I'd gladly see a mix of gameplay from KZM and SF, starring Echo working for a third faction whose efforts are to prevent war outbreaking between the two sides.

I seem to recall playing as one of those red-eye guys in Killzone: Mercenary...

Nope; in KZM you work for the VSA for I think about 7 levels, then you 'work for' the Helghast for about 1 level, and then at the end you're fighting against everyone.


I can't imagine that's their main project right now. It doesn't look like a big scope title. They were rumored to have been put on the mainline Killzone series.

Possibly, I recall Cambridge aren't very big though. But yeah, you've reminded me that they were hiring for a "multi-million selling franchise" last year.
Who did KZ Mercenary again? Whoever did that should be handed the Killzone franchise going forward. That game was fantastic!

But like you said, the series never hit its stride... much like Resistance which has 5 titles as well. Time to move on perhaps.

The Cambridge Studio has better things to do.
(And I hope nobody forces them to continue this boring IP).

I can't imagine that's their main project right now. It doesn't look like a big scope title. They were rumored to have been put on the mainline Killzone series.
Studio Cambridge = ~60 people

RIGS is big enough.


You didn't play multiplayer? You only played the terrible half of the game.

Yeah. For me this is like judging Battlefield 4 for its Single player campaign only. But I don't know how active the MP is these days but I think it should be no issue finding games.
You didn't play multiplayer? You only played the terrible half of the game.

Yeah. For me this is like judging Battlefield 4 for its Single player campaign only. But I don't know how active the MP is these days but I think it should be no issue finding games.

I've played about an hour of it so far - not enough that I felt I could really give an informed opinion on it. Seems good, even though I suck pretty badly and I kind of hate that a one of the classes has the ability to disappear.


Killzone Shadowfall is one of the worst games I have ever played to completion.

I found it actively annoying the entire time I played it, and that includes the two--yes, two--times I have charitably attempted to give this atrocity another chance after originally trading it in.

I was a big fan of the original Killzone, I liked KZ2 a lot, and KZ3 was decent too, but Shadowfall has pretty much destroyed the series for me.

Time to relegate the franchise to history's dustbin.
Killzone 2 is the benchmark. Always will be. :(

Totally agree.

KZ2 is GOAT tier and I think greatly under appreciated as an FPS.

KZ SF was serviceable but it felt like it was missing that weighty gameplay/dirty future war vibe KZ2 had nailed. I know many hate that colour palette pf previous games, which is why GG went a bit brighter with SF.

Online was great though, GG always have their multiplayer on point.
A great steaming turd of a game.

Nice enough engine but so tedious to play.

The directors and producers should have been fired after shipping this turkey.
Picked up Shadow Fall with Splatoon for $15. I thought KZ2 was very well done on the presentation front, but the shooting always felt off. As someone who's not very heavy into shooters these days, I was incredibly surprised at how much I enjoyed the game.

The out of nowhere Dead Space style missions were very interesting imo, and small touches like being able to shoot away the solar guards to roast the Helghast were really inventive. There are times where the difficultly spikes like crazy, but most of the time having the OWL makes you feel like you're never truly out numbered.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
I've had a nice time playing the single player on hard and no hud on. The looks amazing with no hud.
I've got amazing time playing K:SF. Great game with exception to one part which takes you to defuse a bomb placed within train.
For me that game is rock solid 8/10 (single Player campaign).
And it has during credits the biggest "WTF?" ever ;)


If they are going to continue the series the first thing they need to do is have a protagonist from Helghan. The best way to soft reboot, or continue a soft reboot is to switch sides. It would be a first in the series and something a lot of people have been wanting for a long time. They also need to get the Guerilla Cambridge to take control.

I liked Shadow Fall though, especially the multiplayer! I wonder if they ever plan to release this on PS+.

Yup, and the human side needs to be ditched altogether. It could not be less interesting.


Played through it twice and it was alright. I feel the same as you OP, I've always enjoyed the Killzone franchise but they've never really hit their stride. The game have always felt like they're worth playing just because they're a Playstation exclusive rather than playing them because they're flat-out amazing. Hopefully there is more Killzone in the future but they do really, really need a shake up. I agree with some other posts, make the protagonist a Helghast, maybe being a spy for a renegade group or something.

Looking forward to see what the talent manage to pull of with Horizon.


Such a strange game.

Started off loving the "Goldeneye" feel of the beginning and then it felt like they fired all the people with good ideas after the first few levels. The falling sequences? Really? Who the hell thought that would be fun and soo much fun that we can do it twice? I guess that's the "launch date" winning out over level design and gameplay.

I liked the game at the start and then hated it before I ever got to the end.


Did anyone find the actual final mission, post credit stealth section, ABSURDLY punishing??!!!

Anyway, ShadowFall is truly a boring game. I have a lot of leniency when it comes to FPS titles as this is my favorite genre, but I was utterly surprised at how boring the game was. I literally fell asleep while playing it in some sections lol.

I wish I could say what makes KZ:Mercenary so much more fun than SF or the other KZ titles. Maybe the Cambridge studio devs are much better at designing actual shooting scenarios?
Was eh at the start, loved the middle, disliked the last few levels. It's still graphically stunning and the gameplay is pretty good but I would say it's not worth more than a rent.

And I wasn't a fan of the multiplayer long enough to stick around.


I want Killzone 2 remaster and Killzone 2 multiplayer. That's my contribution to the thread, sorry OP!

(I've bought KZ SF, couldn't hold my interest for the single player, and since it's multiplayer was not Killzone 2, I couldn't get into it.)


Aftershock LA
I really liked Shadowfall, but KZ Mercenary was better. I wished Sony had had Cambridge port Mercenary to the PS4 with the Shadowfall engine.

My main issue with Shadowfall was that outside of the Helghan part of the planet, it didn't feel like Killzone. All of the Killzone games, even Liberation on the PSP (another awesome portable KZ), had a distinct style that you recognized as Killzone. The Vektan side in Shadowfall, while fucking gorgeous, just looked like standard future city 101. The Helghan side was much better, but I really miss that concrete and steel, grey and brown and metallic blue color scheme the other titles are known for. It was very 1940's WW2 propaganda poster look that I loved, and associated with Killzone.

But I do understand that SF takes place 20+ years after KZ3, and things have naturally, visually progressed, but I miss that old aesthetic, and want to see it return. I think the KZ series shouldn't be over yet, because it's a good series with great lore that still has yet to be fully utilized. With that said, I'm glad Guerilla is moving on to a new IP. Maybe Cambridge will handle Killzone from now on.


It's such a shame the story is really weak in Shadow Fall, Killzone has a fucking awesome backstory/lore...

One thing I still remember about the game though is the awesome soundtrack by Lorn and the fun multiplayer. Spent a lot of time on that with GAFers.


Still like the game for what it was. A launch title that shows off some of the PS4's capabilities. And the world was okay. Really liked the gritty metallic red-neonfilled depressive Helghan levels. Always had a favour for dark Sci-Fi stuff so no surprise here. Heck, I even platinumed it and I will never become tired to mention this in every trophy or "your personal milestone" thread lol


I really liked where the story seemed to be going in the beginning, examining both the tension of the Helghast having to "live alongside those who destroyed their planet" and Echo's place in that world. And then they just fell back on homicidal-maniac-wants-to-use-super-weapon-to-destroy-everything plot. It was just so much wasted potential. And then there was that awful wingsuit section.

All that said, I'd be totally down for a sequel starring Echo.
Totally agree, OP. Godly graphics, art and mechanics. Rubbish storytelling as usual, and inconsistent scenario design.

Sony gave Killzone three chances, why can't they gI've The Order 1886 one? I think they've succeeded as much as any of the Killzone games have....
Did anyone find the actual final mission, post credit stealth section, ABSURDLY punishing??!!!

I played it twice; the first time I really struggled and I turned it off before finishing, and the second time I fared much better and it was actually pretty straightforward. It's not a long mission if you know what you're doing, but sometimes avoiding guards is really tricky and annoying.

I want Killzone 2 remaster and Killzone 2 multiplayer. That's my contribution to the thread, sorry OP!

I'd love a KZ2 remaster, but I would need to controls to be similar to Shadow Fall. I don't think I could go back to the clunky controls and slow feel of the original without some concessions, or at least the option to play SF controls or KZ2 original controls.

I really liked Shadowfall, but KZ Mercenary was better. I wished Sony had had Cambridge port Mercenary to the PS4 with the Shadowfall engine.

Yeah; I'd love a port of Mercenary. It's a good looking game but would obviously need some visual updates, but overall I felt it was a better and more consistent game than SF.

One thing I still remember about the game though is the awesome soundtrack by Lorn and the fun multiplayer. Spent a lot of time on that with GAFers.

I loved the soundtrack; it was seriously awesome. Was it not done by Joris de Man this time then? Did not realise that.


Totally agree, OP. Godly graphics, art and mechanics. Rubbish storytelling as usual, and inconsistent scenario design.

Sony gave Killzone three chances, why can't they gI've The Order 1886 one? I think they've succeeded as much as any of the Killzone games have....

SCE are looking at it from a business point of view.. Each Killzone sold well enough to get a sequel greenlit.
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