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Rumor - Retro Studios Next Game Might be an Original IP they Proposed to Nintendo

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From Tamaki on Gamnesia's podcast:

In yesterday's feature from the podcast, Robertson told us that Retro Studios typically gets three chances to pitch a project to Nintendo, and if the concept isn't greenlit by Nintendo after the third attempt, they'll be assigned a project that NCL deems more likely to sell well. I asked him later on whether Retro Studios' current project is something they pitched to Nintendo, or whether it was a project Nintendo had deemed "safe."

"I don't actually know what the project is, exactly, but I know that it is something that Retro themselves pitched. … They came off of Tropical Freeze in very late 2013, I think it was, and they continued throughout 2014 pitching new projects. … And then they eventually pitched a project that went through, and NCL greenlit, and I assume that's what they're doing now—by all accounts, it is." — Liam Robertson
We joked for a moment before he more seriously said that based on his discussions with sources at Nintendo, he doubts that Retro is working on Metroid Prime 4.

"I don't think Retro wants to do [Metroid Prime 4]. … I'd be surprised if Retro themselves pitched [that]. I think they've had their fill of Metroid. … And if it is Metroid, then it will be something different—like maybe a 2D one, or something—different from Prime." — Liam Robertson
I then asked him whether they could be working on multiple projects at once—a question many Nintendo fans have been speculating for a while—and whether their new project could be a new IP or one of Nintendo's storied franchises.

"I think they have the potential to work on multiple projects, but I feel like the money isn't there. People don't realize it, but Retro is one of the priciest studios for [Nintendo] to maintain, and I can't see them letting them do two projects at once. As far as I know, they have one NCL producer with them right now, and I couldn't see this person overseeing both of them; I think this person would be doing one.

… And you were saying, 'could it be an original property?' I think, actually, the time is now for Retro to do an original property. They've done two established Nintendo franchises, they've done Metroid and Donkey Kong, and I think now is the time to let them take hold of the reins a bit more for themselves and do that. And I think if it is something that they pitched themselves, then that does make it more likely that they pitched something original." — Liam Robertson
- See more at: http://www.gamnesia.com/podcasts/re...to-nintendo-and-it-could#sthash.rknMcwEe.dpuf
Source: http://www.gamnesia.com/podcasts/re...ething-they-proposed-to-nintendo-and-it-could
I really wish I knew if I could trust this guy and his sources. I don't feel that anything he's said has actually come to pass, though I could be forgetting something.
Personally I hope they do make something that's very western-oriented and more edgy, just because, Nintendo needs a team that can do games for them that aren't like their other games, like Raven Blade if they pitched a reboot of it, or maybe even an FPS.


Yes Please! This is what I have been wanting to see from Retro for ages.

Personally I hope they do make something that's very western-oriented and more edgy, just because, Nintendo needs a team that can do games for them that aren't like their other games, like Raven Blade if they pitched a reboot of it, or maybe even an FPS.

This is what I want to see from Retro. I basically want them to become the new Rare for nintendo.
Making numerous games on original IPs or based off nintendo that can catch more interest from western players.


"Might"/"I think" =/= is.
Not seeing much behind this rumor tbh.

Edit: the "they pitch so it's a new IP" logic is completely wrong too.


Cool. After the success of Splatoon, I hope Nintendo becomes more lenient when it comes to green lighting high budget new IPs. I'm sure Retro can come up with something very unique, or at least an exclusive that fills a gap in the first party Nintendo lineup.
Screw franchises, I just want an awesome game from an awesome developer.
That's actually the reason I'm waiting for Metroid Prime: Federation Force. NLG does not disappoint.


Personally I hope they do make something that's very western-oriented and more edgy, just because, Nintendo needs a team that can do games for them that aren't like their other games, like Raven Blade if they pitched a reboot of it, or maybe even an FPS.

Ravenblade is the definition how dead a videogame can be. Even that ET game is more alive


I'm not falling for this again. People went crazy before when we were under the impression Retro wasn't gonna make another Donkey Kong. That's what I'm gonna expect from them since I like their DK games, and if it's something else I will be pleasantly surprised.
There is no rumor here. It's literally just some guy saying what he thinks will happen. "Retro pitched the game themselves." Yeah, so? They also pitched Tropical Freeze, even though the whiny manchildren think that Nintendo is enslaving them to make Donkey Kong games against their will. I personally believe that they are working on a third DKC game for Wii U and something else, potentially Metroid, for the NX.


Cool. After the success of Splatoon, I hope Nintendo becomes more lenient when it comes to green lighting high budget new IPs. I'm sure Retro can come up with something very unique, or at least an exclusive that fills a gap in the first party Nintendo lineup.

The thing they kind of have to be good as well. Splatoon is great and unique and had a great reception when it was announced.

Raven Blade is the Retro pitch everyone brings up but according to Michael Kelbaugh it was absolutely terrible.


Raven Blade rises from the ashes!

... This company frustrates me so much with how much I love them. I want them to make Prime 4, but then they go and make two great Donkey Kong games instead. I want them to make Prime 4, but then they might make a great new IP I totally love.

We need to clone Retro so one of them makes Prime 4.


Tamaki? The Unseen 64 guy? The one that didn't had a single one of his "sourced rumours" turn out to be real? The only thing I have to say is: LMAO.


After the succesful launch of Splatoon (and the fact that is a really really great game) I'm hyped for this. Hope it's true though.


Also, the "new IP" part is complete speculation on his part. Just because they pitched the idea themselves doesn't mean it's not an established franchise.
Whatever it is, I don't expect a release until 2017 at the earliest. These guys have a typical 3 year dev cycle. That said, it'd be nice to have something at NX launch.


An original IP from Retro could be pretty great. I wonder if Nintendo's become more open to big budget original IPs after games like Xenoblade and Splatoon (especially the latter) performed well? They've always had new IPs throughout the years, though they usually were niche, lower budget projects (stuff like Chibi-Robo, Odama, Sin and Punishment, etc). I'm interested to see what Retro would make on their own.

Watch their pitch turn out to be DKCR3
Whatever it is, I don't expect a release until 2017 at the earliest. These guys have a typical 3 year dev cycle. That said, it'd be nice to have something at NX launch.

They should have something ready by the end of 2016, since Tropical Freeze development wrapped up in Nov. 2013. Nintendo could obviously push it to 2017 or give them more time though.
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