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Nintedo Has The Potential to Pull a "Sony 2015" at E3 2016


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone

Qualifier: I'm 99% sure they'll never do this.

The last huge surprise Nintendo pulled at an E3 was the GC Twilight Princess reveal in 2004. After that, I don't think there has been that much of a unanimous outcry of joy until Sony's press conference last E3 with the reveal or re-reveal of several long dormant franchises or projects.

The following Nintendo franchises have been dormant long enough for them to make a huge showing/reveal event:

A Proper Metroid
EDIT: Exploration focused 3D Mario (Mario 64/Galaxy style)
Console Animal Crossing

Plus we still know nothing about Zelda U and next to nothing about the NX.

If they did a proper live stage show (anyone know if they're doing E3 in a direct style again?) and blew the doors off the NX reveal with even ONE of those games/franchises above, they could really generate some positive vibes going into the holiday season.

But - Nintendo gonna Nintendo.


Junior Member
I'm honestly not sure. We may get our NX Platform reveal before E3 to avoid the likely PS4K reveal. Likewise, I'm honestly not sure if we'll get a new Metroid game anytime soon. I'm also not sure if a press conference is really necessary,

In short, set your expectations low so you won't get disappointed.


The following Nintendo franchises have been dormant long enough for them to make a huge showing/reveal event:

A Proper Metroid
Proper 3D Mario (Mario 64/Galaxy style)
Console Animal Crossing

Plus we still know nothing about Zelda U and next to nothing about the NX.

You're setting yourself up for disappointment already. As soon as you start expecting the specific types of megatons like these, it'll end badly.


None of those games have the mythic quality that The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7R and Shenmue 3 had, in my opinion.
They need to pull off another "Zelda 2004 trailer" moment but I have no idea what game can garner that kind of reaction.

Meteoroid Prime 4 maybe?
I really, really hope so, but I doubt it.

There will be cool stuff, sure. But so many megatons? Don't think so.

But hey, nobody expected that Sony conference so who knows?


It's definitely possible! However, there's also a good chance of them pulling a "Nintendo 2012".
Typo jokes aside, I honestly hope they do a proper Press Conference this E3. They need to show their new console and games. I LOVE the digital event and the funny stuff they do with it, but I think a proper press conference is needed.


So, a remake of Super Mario 64, a kickstarter for Beyond Good and Evil 2, and Metroid Dread.


They also have a potential to pull a "Sony 2006" aswell...

Not really, since they would have needed a presentation a year prior where they promised big things about NX, only for the reality to hit people like a bucket of ice-cold water.

...which means Nintendo already had their Sony 2006 moment with 2012.
"Proper 3D Mario"

Fuck that, I hope we get 3D World 2.

but really i'd be very happy with any style that's not galaxy

if it were galaxy I'd only be kinda happy
I need

Open world Mario like a direct sequel to super Mario world but in gorgeous 3d

I'd love a racing game at launch. Please make a stunt race fx sequel that allows you to create your own vehicle, online races, course creator, and a cell shaded look
None of those games have the mythic quality that The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy 7R and Shenmue 3 had, in my opinion.

Disagree, F-zero, Eternal Darkness, Prime, Beyond good and evil - All those games have been in haitus for a veryyyyyy long time.

BTW can someone make a thread on this?

Nintendo invested nearly $527 million in research and development in the past fiscal year

Link: http://nintendoeverything.com/ninte...arch-and-development-in-the-past-fiscal-year/

Could it be NX Related perhaps?
Zelda blow-out is a given and a 3D Mario is very likely. I doubt Retro is working on another Metroid, but I do expect a first look at whatever they're working on. It's been almost 2,5 years since Tropical Freeze was released.

Add Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Bayonetta 3 (a man can dream) and they could have a hell of a showing.
I know analogies are *like* super popular and stuff.

But sometimes it doesn't work. Let Nintendo define their E3 on their own terms. They don't have to be Sony's E3 2015 to have a good show.

Too caught up in comparisons. Analogies are sometimes just too common.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The issue with these wishes (and I'd love them too) is that I feel Nintendo is planning to shake things up. I don't believe just announcing sequels to popular franchises will do much for them since that's been something they've been doing for decades. We got a new F-Zero, 3D Mario, and Metroid game on GameCube. Did it really help? Nope.

I get the impression that Nintendo is aiming to make another left turn here. NX couldn't possibly be just another Nintendo system. The Wii U is the a great Nintendo fan system but it's not enough.


Hoping for Sony 2015s in the future from anyone is gonna leave you hella disappointment. Best expect nothing and let them surprise and delight you if their stuff is good.


The only of those you mentioned that can reasonably be expected this E3 is 3D Mario. But since I think it's more likely they deviate from SM64 and Galaxy than follow them directly you probably won't think it's "proper" anyway.


It's not even remotely possible no matter what they're going to show. The Last Guardian, FFVIIR and Shenmue III (+ Shenmue III) play in a completely different league above everything else.

That said, I'm optimistic that Nintendo can pull a good show this year.


Junior Member
I can't stand the dislike for 3D World. It has more creative worlds than any other 3D Mario game. I played with 2 other people and I loved it.
Amen to that. It's the most I've played a 3D Mario game since Galaxy 1. It was fantastic, & fun with friends.

Full console 3D Pokemon RPG would be part of it.

It's never gonna happen
The closest you'll get is Gen 8 made for the NX Handheld that can be played on the NX Console. Game Freak prefers to develop mainline Pokémon games for handhelds.
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