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Senate Recess scaled back, remain in session for first two weeks of August.


No bald cap? Lies!
Good luck with that.

McConnel right about now:
McConnell: *to himself* If I keep pushing back the voting day, it's bound to payoff eventually!
His Co-Workers: Sir, we'd really like to have our vacation no-
McConnell: SILENCE!! *double-takes at the loudness of his own voice as his head and neck instantly retract into the security of his turtle shell suit*
Well, this is going to be a tactic that actually works. If Turtle keeps them from going on their planned vacations, they will eventually cave.


WaPo: McConnell delays August recess to complete work on health-care bill, other issues
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Tuesday that he will delay the August recess by two weeks to give Republicans time to complete work on health care and other issues.

“In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of August,” McConnell said.

In addition to health care and appointments, the Senate will also devote time to passing a defense authorization bill “and other important issues,” McConnell said.

Work on the Senate’s health-care bill, meanwhile, remained uncertain Tuesday. Senate leaders still planned to release a revised bill by the end of this week and hold votes beginning next week, according to a senior GOP leadership aide. McConnell’s announcement appeared designed to to give Republicans time to move on to other matters.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) planned to make the case to fellow Republicans that they should embrace a radical change to the Affordable Care Act that would allow companies to offer minimalist plans on the private insurance market that don’t meet current coverage requirements.

The presentation, which Senate GOP aides said Cruz planned to make behind closed doors at the caucus’s weekly luncheon Tuesday, highlights the party’s ongoing struggle to devise a health care plan that can satisfy a broad enough swath of lawmakers.
One person familiar with leadership strategy said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is expected to present GOP senators with a “binary choice” in Tuesday’s lunch between getting a deal done among them or having to work with Democrats, which is a less palatable option.

The person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said another main purpose of the meeting will be for Cruz to have the chance to pitch his controversial amendment, particularly to skeptical moderates.
Leaders are still waiting for the Congressional Budget Office to produce an analysis determining the budgetary and coverage impact of the Cruz amendment, but some aides said they worry the outcome could be devastating to the overall savings in the bill.

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former CBO director, said it appears that Cruz’s amendment would send all of the young, healthy people who are cheaper to cover into one insurance pool — and leave sicker, older people “in a glorified high-risk pool.”

“It would be expensive and possibly not particularly stable,” Holtz-Eakin said in an interview. “If the public-policy goal is to give people access to affordable insurance options, there’s a set of people who would just not have access to that.”

Holtz-Eakin said he would expect insurers to flee the exchanges even faster than they are under current policy, driving up premiums and forcing the federal government to increase subsidies to keep up with the skyrocketing rates.

The concern over how the change could create two separate pools of consumers, paying very different insurance rates, has prompted a group of more moderate rank-and-file senators to pitch a plan that they say would curb the risk of that sort of segmentation. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said he spoke with McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) Monday night in a private conversation on the Senate floor.

Rounds said he wants to create a fixed ratio between the least expensive plan and the most expensive plan that each company offers in a given state, though he did not offer details on how this goal would be achieved.


McConnell looks like he's aged a good 10 years since all this started.

This means that repealing the ACA is more likely right?

Not really, it just means it's still up in the air and they are still going at working at it. The fact they are delaying it again says they don't have the votes yet
This fucking thing.

It's like Schrodinger's bill. Eternally in a state of either completely dead or definitely passing, and nothing in between. It's incredibly stressful.


Kills Photobucket
It's going to pass in one shitty form or another.

Shocked they aren't voting this week while people are distracted with Trump Jr. Stuff.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If they want Dem support they better commit to taking something seriously. I'm not sure what. Just something important that a person should take seriously.


Here's a spoiler: they're going to assemble another unpopular bill full of awful parts like some sort of legislative Frankenstein, its CBO score will show it still throws millions of people off their health insurance, and then it'll get shitcanned because nobody in the Senate will want to stick their necks out for it.
Not taking vacation in order to take health care away from people and thus making it so those same people can never afford to take a vacation. The senate is simply pulling a Chris Christie so they can have all the vacations spots to themselves


It's going to pass in one shitty form or another.

Shocked they aren't voting this week while people are distracted with Trump Jr. Stuff.

People haven't been distracted from this ever, I don't know what you all go on about with that stuff. Healthcare has been the hot issue everyone and their mother has had hawk eyes on


Publicly, this is what they're saying right now. But I don't think it's going to happen if they're scaling back the recess.

I think they are scaling back the recess primarily to avoid talking to their constituents about 1) Trumpcare and 2) Red Don.

This is just an excuse.

IMO, Trumpcare ain't going nowhere.


I think they are scaling back the recess primarily to avoid talking to their constituents about 1) Trumpcare and 2) Red Don.

This is just an excuse.

IMO, Trumpcare ain't going nowhere.

I'm not gonna assume Trumpcare is really dead until it is well and truly gone.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
I think they are scaling back the recess primarily to avoid talking to their constituents about 1) Trumpcare and 2) Red Don.

This is just an excuse.

IMO, Trumpcare ain't going nowhere.

I really don't think people should assume the bill is dead. They're literally trying to use the Donald Trump Jr story as cover to pass this thing. They pushed this bill further to the right because they don't care about winning Murkowski and Collins anymore. They know those two can vote no and they can still pass this bill with Pence as the tie-breaking vote.

People need to keep up the pressure.
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