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Official MLB 2007 Offseason thread: For the 29 teams not playing

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First off, let me congratulate the Boston Red Sox on... well, fuck those guys actually. They basically just raped the shit out of a comatose team for their title, but oh well what can you do.

Now, hope can spring eternal for the other 29 teams! Yes, it's time to look forward to the offseason and all that it entails!

-Who is the Yanquis' new skipper?
-Will Slappy stay a Yanqui?
-What the fuck will happen to Joe Torre?
-Will Mo and Jorge come back?
-Does the worldwide leader realize that other teams exist? NO.

As for myself and other Braves fans, we basically want the same couple of things to happen:

-We need at least two serviceable starting pitchers. One of which can be Tom Glavine I guess, and if Edgar Renteria must be traded to obtain the services of a younger guy then I say go for it.
-We're gonna need a new CF. I would prefer Aaron Rowand but we'll probably use some old carcass like Mike Cameron as a stop gap measure for a year or two, which I guess I'm fine with.
-On a personal level, I would really like it if the Mets do something absurdly stupid like drastically overpay for a shitty starting pitcher or three. That would be awesome. The odds of this happening are pretty good.

So, what about your teams?




Oh yea, that Post-season thread title is a lie. Clint Hurdle is a Met and the sole reason for the Rockies sucking in the World Series.


Triumph said:
As for myself and other Braves fans, we basically want the same couple of things to happen:

-We need at least two serviceable starting pitchers. One of which can be Tom Glavine I guess, and if Edgar Renteria must be traded to obtain the services of a younger guy then I say go for it.
Yeah, Smoltz and Hudson will be unquestionably amazing. And we will definitely go for Glavine. So the big question is whether the Braves try to push a trade, or try to catch lightening in a bottle twice, between Hampton, Bennet, Jo-Jo and Chuckie. I think it's a safe guess that one of those guys could work out (at the very least we'd end up with James's four innings), but two is pushing it. Personally, I think the best move would be to try to leverage Yunel for a Blanton or Snell. That would put us in the best short term position (Renteria is MUCH better than Yunel) and long term position (We'd still have Lillibridge). It's gonna be interesting to see who gets short and if we snag a starter.

-We're gonna need a new CF. I would prefer Aaron Rowand but we'll probably use some old carcass like Mike Cameron as a stop gap measure for a year or two, which I guess I'm fine with.
Honestly I would be fine filling this internally. Lillibridge could pull it off, or even Blanco if we're desperate. Regardless, this guy is probably going to be batting 8th, and it won't be too tough to replace the anemic numbers AJ put up last year. If we can trade cheaply for Coco or Dejesus as an interim while waiting for Shaffer to develop, that would probably be the best move.

Cameron should NOT be signed as that will cost us our first draft pick.

-On a personal level, I would really like it if the Mets do something absurdly stupid like drastically overpay for a shitty starting pitcher or three. That would be awesome. The odds of this happening are pretty good.
I hear Mark Redman is available.

Also, just so you're all aware and appropriately intimidated, outside of those slots mentioned above, the Braves team next year is going to be SICK. They were top 3 offense and bullpen last year, and only stand to improve next year as they'll get a full year out of Tex, Moylan, Acosta, and Devine. Gonzo is coming back. The youngsters will continue their upward trend. The Braves offense and bullpen will be absolutely psychotic in 08, and we all know they have two of the best starters in baseball. If they can get a few respectable innings out of Glavine, and another solid starter....


never heard about the cat, apparently
- Sign Glavine
- Trade Renteria for a solid number 3 (Blanten, Harden, Garland?)
- If we can't sign Rowand than put Lillbridge in center or maybe Jordan Schafer(probably a little too early for him though).
- Play Diaz full time in Left.
- Let Hampton/James/Reyes battle it out for the 5th spot, the other two go to the bullpen. I would prefer it to be James as a number 5. Reyes could wait a year to get back in the rotation and Hampton can become the next John Smoltz, starter to reliever.


CajoleJuice said:
Tom Glavine is not serviceable.

over 200 innings, 23 quality starts (5th in the NL)?

I'll take that over chuck james or mike redman especially if he comes at a low price....


I doubt it would be feasible given how stingy Liberty Media is, but I would really like to see us (Atlanta) go after Torii Hunter.


Triumph said:
Sure he is! He performed the service of keeping the Mets out of the playoffs this year! That was GREAT.

:lol :lol :lol

I'd love for us to get Aaron Rowand. I don't like the idea of trading Edgar for an SP though.


Torri Hunter interested in playing in Atlanta:

Originally Posted by Bill Ladson MLB.com

WASHINGTON -- After the World Series comes to an end, Twins outfielder Torii Hunter is expected to file for free agency, and he said on Wednesday that he has an interest in playing for the Nationals because of his close relationship with first baseman Dmitri Young.

Young and Hunter have known each other since the early 1990s, when Young played with Hunter's cousin, Basil Shabazz, in the Cardinals' Minor League system.

In fact, before the trade deadline in July, Hunter campaigned for the Twins to pick up Young for the pennant stretch, but the Nationals ended up signing Young to a two-year extension.

"I want to watch and see what's going on. I'm interested [in going] anywhere," Hunter said by phone on Wednesday. "Dmitri Young makes it very interesting. I've always wanted to play with Dmitri. He has been one of my buddies since I was 18 years old. I used to watch those guys play and hang out. I've known him a long time."

Hunter also said that Washington's large African-American population is a factor in his interest in playing for the Nationals, as he would like to be a leader in the community. Hunter said the Braves have also piqued his interest, for the same reason.

"I always talk to my wife about being interested in playing in front of the African-American fans and trying to get the African Americans back to playing the game," he said. "If I go to Atlanta or D.C. and make a difference that way, I would love it. Trust me -- D.C. is very interesting to me as well as Atlanta."

Hunter, considered one of the best defensive center fielders in baseball, has won six consecutive Gold Gloves and helped the Twins reach the postseason four times this decade. He is coming off a season in which he hit .287 with 28 home runs and a career-high 107 RBIs for Minnesota.

But even though the Nationals are looking for a center fielder, can they afford Hunter? Though the team has not ruled out signing free agents, team president Stan Kasten said during a luncheon with the local beat writers more than a month ago that the organization would not pay outrageous prices.

Hunter declined to say how much he was seeking.

"I can't tell you [how much money] it will take to come to Washington -- not as a free agent," he said. "What's fair is fair. That's all that matters. That's one of many teams I will be watching. With Dmitri Young over there, it makes it very interesting."

Nats FTL.


ToxicAdam said:

Dave's idea isn't bad in theory I think. Obviously its a step down from last off season where we wanted Matsuzaka.

Anywho my list for the M's offseason:

1. Decide what you're doing with Jose Guillen. Re-signing or letting go? I'd prefer to let him go.

2. Decide what you're doing with Richie Sexson. Does he have any value?

3. Find some way to not play Raul Ibanez in the outfield next year. I don't care how, just don't put him back out in the outfield.

4. If you let Guillen go, please, please, please find a left handed hitting outfielder to play the other outfield spot.

5. Jose Lopez are we keeping him or replacing him?

6. Rotation, who is in it? Felix, Washbum and Batista are all coming back but who else? We've got a #1 a #3 and a #4. We need a #2 baaaaaadly.

7. No more fucking war test veterans for the bull pen. Trust the kids, they're awesome!

8. Brandon Morrow, starter or reliever?

9. Don't buy long term into shitty veterans.


bluemax said:
Dave's idea isn't bad in theory I think. Obviously its a step down from last off season where we wanted Matsuzaka.

Anywho my list for the M's offseason:

1. Decide what you're doing with Jose Guillen. Re-signing or letting go? I'd prefer to let him go.

2. Decide what you're doing with Richie Sexson. Does he have any value?

3. Find some way to not play Raul Ibanez in the outfield next year. I don't care how, just don't put him back out in the outfield.

4. If you let Guillen go, please, please, please find a left handed hitting outfielder to play the other outfield spot.

5. Jose Lopez are we keeping him or replacing him?

6. Rotation, who is in it? Felix, Washbum and Batista are all coming back but who else? We've got a #1 a #3 and a #4. We need a #2 baaaaaadly.

7. No more fucking war test veterans for the bull pen. Trust the kids, they're awesome!

8. Brandon Morrow, starter or reliever?

9. Don't buy long term into shitty veterans.

10. Don't trade young lights-out relievers for #7 starters.


I doubt the Braves even sit down with Hunter, not with cheap internal options available, a top prospect in the pipeline, and Tori Hunter's high price and likely desire for multiple years. For that matter, I doubt we sit down with Rowand either.

And while I'd be in favor of trading Renteria for a good starter on a theoretical level, the bottom line is that to get the kind of starter we should want, Yunel would have to be involved.

Also LOL Horacio Ramirez.


As a Nats fan, I want the following:

The new stadium to be worth the wait.

Torii Hunter and Andruw Jones in Nats uniforms.

Pitching, Pitching, Pitching. The Nats are in one of the biggest markets in the country, it's time to start acting like it.
Flizzzipper said:
My only hope is Dusty Baker gets fired before opening day.

I really don't understand why Reds fans hate Dusty. Far as I know he's a pretty solid manager, right? I mean, you guys can't get any WORSE, so...
worldrunover said:
I really don't understand why Reds fans hate Dusty. Far as I know he's a pretty solid manager, right? I mean, you guys can't get any WORSE, so...
There's a worse. And it's about to happen. He runs starting pitchers into the ground, not a myth, the numbers are alarming and he has a history of playing washed up vets over younger players. I also remember him going off in Chicago about how he doesn't give a crap about obp, WTF!
Flizzzipper said:
There's a worse. And it's about to happen. He runs starting pitchers into the ground, not a myth, the numbers are alarming and he has a history of playing washed up vets over younger players. I also remember him going off in Chicago about how he doesn't give a crap about obp, WTF!


1. Girardi as manager, Pena as bench coach, please. Girardi is excellent at baseball tactics, and at motivating players. Pena will make sure it's done without making vets flip out. Both of them are catchers, and will be able to handle a pitching rotation really well, too. And none of them will be drinking Bigelow Green Tea and sleeping in the dugout.

2. A-Rod must be resigned, at any cost. This is A-ROD. No explanation necessary.

3. Mariano Rivera must be resigned, at any cost. This is MARIANO RIVERA. No explanation necessary.

4. Jorge Posada should be resigned, though not at any cost. He is probably as irreplaceable as A-Rod or Mo, though...but he's a catcher. The decline there, when it comes, is going to be massive and sad. But he's not looking like he's gonna fall off. Gotta pay the man. 3 years, $40M please.

5. Full/healthy years from Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy in the rotation. If they stay healthy, they'll do fine. Nothing miraculous, but figure between 10 and 15 wins for each of them with ERAs between 3.5 and 4.5 is plausible with a strong offense behind them.

6. Wang has to be his best. The Chien-Ming Wang that we saw in the Mets game screwing Reyes into the ground is the true Wang, and it's possible when his fingernail isn't split open and he's trusting his stuff. He has to do that again. The wins will come. The Ks will make him Cy Young - count on it.

7. Abreu and Damon should be retained. If they are, they need to come into the season healthy, and hitting. If they do that, the offense is murder from day 1.

8. Cano should be moved up in the lineup, perhaps to 6th (where Matsui was). That kid is a great hitter. Let him move the runners over!

9. Unless Matsui will learn 1B, trade him for a good starter/reliever.

10. Giambi must NEVER use a 1B glove. DH or PH 444eva. And goddamnit, start hitting the other way again! They are going to play the shift on you forever. If you can still hit, might as well hit against the shift and make them pay, right?

11. Jeter needs to be healthy/in shape, too. If he has to DH or sit out for a rest sometimes, so be it. His lack of range/health is beginning to hurt defensively :-(

12. The next manager needs to get the players to be patient in at-bats, even when they're down. First-pitch swinging and impotent/inexplicable double-plays owned you clear out of the playoffs.

Gruco said:
I doubt the Braves even sit down with Hunter, not with cheap internal options available, a top prospect in the pipeline, and Tori Hunter's high price and likely desire for multiple years. For that matter, I doubt we sit down with Rowand either.

Signing Hunter means Texeira will not be resigned. We've got some internal options with center that should be tried before spending $12M+ for a glove. Brandon Jones and Francoeur should be given a shot. Beyond that I guess Lillibridge is an option, but I don't think he's ready - plus he's probably more valuable as an infielder.

I think the only thing that's gonna happen is getting Glavine back and some minor changes in the bullpen. I would like to keep Renteria simply because he's the one cog in the line up that makes everything click.




siamesedreamer said:
Signing Hunter means Texeira will not be resigned. We've got some internal options with center that should be tried before spending $12M+ for a glove. Brandon Jones and Francoeur should be given a shot. Beyond that I guess Lillibridge is an option, but I don't think he's ready - plus he's probably more valuable as an infielder.

I think the only thing that's gonna happen is getting Glavine back and some minor changes in the bullpen. I would like to keep Renteria simply because he's the one cog in the line up that makes everything click.
Yeah, between the various other costs the team will have, losing a draft pick, and Shaffer, signing a free agent centerfielder would just be flat out stupid.

It's been pretty clearly stated that Francoeur will stay in right. I haven't heard anything that suggests BJ has the range for center, but if he does I'm all for it. Also all for Lillibridge.

I agree we should hold on to Edgar, but I don't think the team's management agrees at this point due to 1) cost and 2) they've probably gone ahead and decided Yunel is a lot better than he really is.
Gruco said:
It's been pretty clearly stated that Francoeur will stay in right. I haven't heard anything that suggests BJ has the range for center, but if he does I'm all for it. Also all for Lillibridge.

So I guess that begs the question - what do we do with BJ? Is he the LH platoon part with Diaz?

And with Lillibridge, the latest BA compared him with Kalil Greene. If that's accurate, then I'd rather see him at short and Yunel at second. That figures to be a nice combo for years to come.

I'm really curious to see what happens in center. Should be a good way to evaluate how Wren will operate.


siamesedreamer said:
Signing Hunter means Texeira will not be resigned. We've got some internal options with center that should be tried before spending $12M+ for a glove. Brandon Jones and Francoeur should be given a shot. Beyond that I guess Lillibridge is an option, but I don't think he's ready - plus he's probably more valuable as an infielder.

I think the only thing that's gonna happen is getting Glavine back and some minor changes in the bullpen. I would like to keep Renteria simply because he's the one cog in the line up that makes everything click.
I'd say there's a 99% chance that Tex won't sign a free agent deal with the Braves. We know he's not gonna sign an extension because that's not what Boras lets his clients do. If we win the WS next year, then maybe drop it down to 95%.

While I like Renteria just fine, he's older and more expensive then either Yunel or Lillibridge. If you're going to sign Glavine and add payroll with another starter (traded or signed) then you're probably going to have to subtract some dollars from somewhere and it might as well be a spot where we're three deep with quality players.

Finally, we need to leave KJ alone at 2nd base all year and trading a SS will help with that.

Gruco, what's your knock on Escobar?


Escobar's value was insanely inflated by high BA/BIP last year. Plus, I don't think we can project much power from him. I think he's a fine player, and I'd be happy to have him at short after Renteria left, but I think the Braves are projecting him as some sort of super stud, which he won't be. Renteria is better at short, KJ is better at second, and Lillibridge is still there waiting.

Our best chance this year involves another starter, and Yunel will fetch a better price than Renteria will (that is, a team in a sale position will not be particularly interested in 1 year of a relatively costly short), good as Renteria is.

Also, Yunel should not have taken time away from KJ last year.

Hmmm....actually, when I look at the numbers, Renteria had a pretty inflated year too. Yunel is probably a lot closer to Renteria than I realized, especially considering age. Wow.

Well, regardless, I think we should just make the move that gets us the best rotation.

Smoltz /Hudson/(traded guy)/Glavine/(hope one of the internal guys pulls it off).

I dunno where Brandon Jones goes. I am guess he will platoon left, unless he is part of a trade.


worldrunover said:
I really don't understand why Reds fans hate Dusty. Far as I know he's a pretty solid manager, right? I mean, you guys can't get any WORSE, so...

Dusty Baker is a terrible manager. He's a kiss of death for your franchise.

siamesedreamer said:
I forgot to mention:


Make it happen Arte Moreno.

Andruw in CF, GMJ in RF, Scrappy in LF, Vlad at DH.
siamesedreamer said:
I forgot to mention:

Yikes, no kidding. If I was an AL team I'd be very wary, given his declining skills plus the transition to a tougher league.

Also, go Red Sox.


yeah, so the Reds are fucked unless somehow dusty's arm-ruining ways don't mess up their pitching, or they manage to get some more awesome minor league guys who can come up and contribute right away.

I'll still watch them, especially since now I can actually get fsn ohio, but it's going to be another disappointing season.
Alex Rodriguez notified the Yankees on Sunday that he's opting out of his record $252 million contract, SI.com has learned.

Rodriguez's decision means he will become a free agent and be able to negotiate with all clubs. Rodriguez's bombshell move will shake up the entire winter for the Yankees -- who had hoped to retain him with a big extension -- as well as other big-market clubs that will now pursue him.

Rodriguez's agent Scott Boras said he sent word of the opt-out in writing Sunday and left phone and text messages for Yankees general manager Brian Cashman. The Yankees have said that once A-Rod opts out, they wil not pursue him, since they will lose the benefit of the Texas Rangers' $30-million subsidy.

"Alex made the decision today,'' Boras said. "I thought we should notify the club.''

The Yankees were preparing an extension to his current contract for either five or six years, believed to be for close to $30 million annually. However, team officials said Boras has politely declined to meet with them in recent days, and they never presented the offer.

Rodriguez technically had until 10 days after the World Series ended to exercise his opt-out rights, which were provided in his $252 million Texas deal. However, Boras said Rodriguez felt there was no way he could make a decision to stay in that short a period of time since several situations remain unsettled, including those of Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada and Andy Pettitte.

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