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Cross Plataform Games free on XBL Silver

Interesting, good for someone who had gold in the past. I mean, why else would you have Shadowrun?

Truly underrated team based shooter. It's a shame it came with the Shadowrun name. It got a lot of undue hate because of that.

For what it is, it does a lot of innovative things. The magic and tech makes the game stand out.

PSGames said:
So gears of war should be free aswell right?

Not cross platform.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
PSGames said:
So gears of war should be free aswell right?
Gears of War does not have cross-platform online play like Shadowrun, so I am going to guess no.
Someone there says Lost Planet Colonies works too. I just bought that for 15 bucks, but haven't tried it yet. I hope it's true! (is too lazy to try it right now, waits for GAF to do it for me)



Junior Member
Oldschoolgamer said:
That's fucking sad...

I agree. It would have been awesome if this was analagous to MS's stance that all DLC be made free that is free on another system but I was clearly expecting too much..


If that continues though, having a developer make their games Cross Platform playable would mean instantly free Xbox Live, which would mean other games, like The Darkness, Prey or Condemned 2 which don't have a huge multiplayer base and can't compete with Halo 3 or COD would then get more sales because of it.

eh? EH?
This could be really good if Microsoft ever gets around to making a GFW Live Arcade. Maybe the online portion of Arcade games wouldn't die off so quickly.
Da1nonly J said:
This could be really good if Microsoft ever gets around to making a GFW Live Arcade. Maybe the online portion of Arcade games wouldn't die off so quickly.
On that note, is true that they intend to make it so that if I bought an XBLA game on the 360, I'll get access to the PC version for free? Is 1UP mistaken?


i took the title of the thread to mean multiplatform games, like COD4 or something. knew it was too good to be true.


sp0rsk said:


This is the second time in 2 days where I've an unexpected Song ID! I've always liked this song when I was younger, hearing it on the radio so often, but I had no idea who made it and what the title was. I really didn't even know any lyrics to google with.

So thanks!

And yesterday, I was justing hopping from shoutcast radio station to another, and found a Trance song I used to love back in the mid 90's. Again, I had the song on an old mixtape, but never knew the name and I've lost the tape years ago. But I knew the track was from Platypus records. Anyways, the shoutcast radio stream had it correctly titled and I found it on YouTube: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=VvsR3gVDsfw

Odd that someone posted a pic of a platypus here...


I've noticed sometimes that when people get embarrassed or sometimes they feel striken with greif they tend to pretend to laugh in order to shake it off or pretend they aren't feeling down. Kinda odd. There has to be a term for that.

Seriously though, any serious PS3 gamer would love to have that on the PS3. You guys might not think so because...well, look are your usernames...but I'm talking about serious gamers with no blind allegiances to mega-corporations.
FightyF said:
I've noticed sometimes that when people get embarrassed or sometimes they feel striken with greif they tend to pretend to laugh in order to shake it off or pretend they aren't feeling down. Kinda odd. There has to be a term for that.

Seriously though, any serious PS3 gamer would love to have that on the PS3.
Poimandres said:
Lost Planet is pretty great online...
Agreed. I've always loved Post Grab, but Colonies adds some pretty unique modes. The "destroy the other team's mech" mode is fun and "Akrid Hunter" is unlike any multiplayer experience on consoles. Worth the budget price of admission.


And I thought the thread title meant games that are out on both consoles. That would ave been news. This is just stupid.


y'all should be ashamed
FightyF said:
I've noticed sometimes that when people get embarrassed or sometimes they feel striken with greif they tend to pretend to laugh in order to shake it off or pretend they aren't feeling down. Kinda odd. There has to be a term for that.

Seriously though, any serious PS3 gamer would love to have that on the PS3. You guys might not think so because...well, look are your usernames...but I'm talking about serious gamers with no blind allegiances to mega-corporations.
This isn't the first time you've declared crapware as some kind of holy beacon PS3 owners would supposedly kill for.

FightyF said:
Really, the whole "shit games on XBLA" thing is a fanboy excuse that doesn't represent the reality of the situation. PSN fans would KILL for a "shit" game like Mr. Driller Online, or Triggerheart Exelica.

I just find it funny that you're in tune with the PS3 audience to know what they want. Heck, you know how the game industry works better than game devs themselves, wouldn't you say?

chubigans said:
This isn't the first time you've declared crapware as some kind of holy beacon PS3 owners would supposedly kill for.

Odd that you're calling him out on his knowledge of the PS3 userbase, yet at the same time condemn a game you haven't played. Odd.

What's the ratio of :lol to people who have actually played Shadowrun?

Try it...seriously.

Give Shadowrun a week. The game is damn good, and has a decent playerbase still, but it's a shame there won't be any more updates due to FASA closing. We really could use a few more maps.

It's sort of the anti-gritty brown shooter you all seem to hate so much.

I just don't get it, but I'll end my Shadowrun meltdown here before I get Brimstoned..


chubigans said:
This isn't the first time you've declared crapware as some kind of holy beacon PS3 owners would supposedly kill for.

If you're calling Shadowrun crapware, then you don't deserve to hold any console gaming controller! It was never worth a full price purchase (well, to many it was), but to deny the quality of the game just because you prefer one corporation over the other is completely nonsensical.

I just find it funny that you're in tune with the PS3 audience to know what they want. Heck, you know how the game industry works better than game devs themselves, wouldn't you say?


You've demonstrated that through your team's mismanagement, you were not able to capitalize on a PS3 port. You're assuming that EVERY SINGLE DEVELOPER would mismanage in the same way you guys have, which I find hard to believe.

Secondly, the scenario you painted could exist even without an exclusivity clause. As you said, you would have to be a big developer to work on a multiplatform port. You guys made the decision to go with the 360 first. Why didn't you go with the PS3 first? You've explained why, and I find it funny that the lack of an exclusivity clause wasn't a big enough factor for you.

Again, I'm repeating myself here, it still doesn't explain why 2-3 years later we aren't seeing the games being ported over.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand...a simple way to test whether Edge is correct or not in regards to Halo 3 is to make a new Silver account and give it a shot.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Excellent news, I've yet to try Colonies but hell, Lost Planet was a blast to play itself, so I can't imagine how much I'd play with all those new modes...

So I might pick up Lost Planet Colonies when I go to New Jersey tomorrow since I see that Play Asia says it's region-free, and back in Europe Shadowrun is pretty cheap... good for those who stick to Silver...

It's hilarious how people had to catch feelings for FightyF's comment and come back with the smiley defense - and imagine if someone had said "crapware" in a PS3 thread (something Shadowrun is far from) - the bawling that would occur that thread, oh boy...
a Master Ninja said:
Is there an indication that you are playing a PC player when you play these games? Like an icon or something? I've played a lot of Colonies but never knowingly encountered a PC player.

Didn't we just have a "FREE Live Weekend" promotion? Either way, I want to BELIEVE.

There's on-screen indication that you are playing a PC player in Shadowrun. Don't know about LP Colonies.


FightyF said:
Really? PS3 owners would kill for Shadowrun on their console.

Not really. Shadowrun was good, but nothing special. There are plenty of games on the PS3 that give you just as good, or better experience.
I played Shadowrun and it sucked. There are plenty of good 360 games I'd want on my PS3 if I didn't have a 360 already.

Lost Odyssey
Halo 3
Ninja Gaiden 2

I might buy a silver account if I didn't prefer Rainbow 6 and COD4 online over Halo 3. Halo 3's campaign is better though. Do want to play Gears of War 2 online co-op... but I mean... I can also just play it offline.
slicedking said:
Why would PS3 owners kill for a game with connection issues and no developer support?

What connection issues?

It was patched last year, a month or two after release..

Spank_Magnet said:
Really? I played Shadowrun and didn't like it that much. Certainly not as much as MGO.

What similarities do Shadowrun and MGO share in their gameplay or any other aspect for that matter? Two utterly different kinds of shooters.

I swear, this is one of those games that's cool to hate so people who've never even thought about giving it a shot just pile on.
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