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Eversion: A cute platformer with a dark secret


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Eversion is a freeware platform game, available for download here. I wrote up the following, for http://todaysfreegame.com/ :


To say that Eversion isn’t the platformer it initially appears to be is a bit of an understatement. I feel that the entire experience is much more impactful if the player goes into it not really knowing too much about what they’re getting into (as I did), so I suggest you just hit the download link above and run through it (it’s only about seven levels) before coming back and reading this write-up. All you really need to know is that the platforming gameplay itself is very solid, and the sugary-sweet title screen and first few levels are pretty goddamn heavy misdirection.

The game was created for TIGSource’s Commonplace Book Competition, and was inspired by the Lovecraft quote “sounds - possibly musical - heard in the night from other worlds or realms of being.” The creator describes his game as “A cute platformer with a dark secret.”

The core platforming gameplay is familiar - run, jump on enemies’ heads, collect gems, etc. The hook is that you also have access to an “everse” button. At specific points in a level the music will change and the background will fade a little. This is your cue that you can “everse” into a parallel version of the same level. The layout remains basically the same, but you might now be able to step on clouds instead of passing through them, or break blocks that were previously unbreakable. The mechanic introduces some light puzzle elements, as you might need to everse to the proper phase of a stage to collect some tricky gems.

The mechanic also introduces what makes Eversion so damn creepy. It seems like every time you everse, you’re taken to a world that’s a little more… well… Lovecraftian. It starts out subtle - in Stage 1, the flowers might be wilted and dying instead of happy and cheery. It very quickly becomes not-so-subtle:



As the landscapes become more hellish, so too do the other elements of the game. The gameplay becomes more than difficult - it gets downright tricky and mean. The music becomes considerably more foreboding. The little “Ready!!” message that appears before a stage begins changes to “I see you.” at one point, which I found especially disconcerting, for some reason.

I think the reason Eversion’s creepiness stuck with me longer than more traditional horror titles is because it really is a gradual descent. There’s no shock scares, here. Just a slow realization of what’s going on, as you progress through the levels.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Kulock said:
Wow, you posted blatant spoilers on some of the bigger surprises of the game. Well done?

I suggested in the first paragraph that everyone stop reading and download the game, so as to not ruin the surprises. I can't force anyone to comply.

Edit: You're right about the images though. Will link them.


GDJustin said:
I suggested in the first paragraph that everyone stop reading and download the game, so as to not ruin the surprises. I can't force anyone to comply.

Advice I'm taking right now! Downloading before reading.
GDJustin said:
I suggested in the first paragraph that everyone stop reading and download the game, so as to not ruin the surprises. I can't force anyone to comply.

I skimmed over that, sorry. Good call on changing the images to links, though.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I am stuck in the second level , i have to make a huge jump into a platform but i just can't reach there. help?


Gexecuter said:
I am stuck in the second level , i have to make a huge jump into a platform but i just can't reach there. help?
You've to find an eversion spot, i recall. Spam the eversion button in suspicious locations. The game is fun enough but pretty pointless (easy/short) unless you try to collect every gem.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Graphics Horse said:
No need, the background colour changes slightly when you're in the right place.

And the music changes. Eversion spots aren't meant to be "hidden" - they're all fairly obvious.
Protip: For those of you getting stuck in Level 4,
the only part of the hands that kills you is the red part. Just get close enough to trigger the hands, then jump through the black part.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
I love the concept and the execution, but the game itself is pretty crummy, which makes going through the experience pretty difficult (poor controls, unforgiving hit detection, horrible jumps made more horrible due to the controls, etc.).


Metalic Sand said:
Umm how do you beat the boss? He just walks up to me and i cant do anything

I think that's simply the ending. Perhaps something different happens if you get all the gems, I haven't tried it.


Mr.Wuggles said:
played it. really liked it. solid platformer, quite eery. is there a hidden meaning behind it all?
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.


Completed it a fun and un-nerving little game didnt know what was going to happen next! Thanks for the link OP :)


Fun little game. After beating the game
I went back to the first level and was taken aback by how cute and happy it all was. Despite only playing the game for a few minutes, it does a good job of shifting to a overall darker theme
Metalic Sand said:
Anyone else jump when the hand came out of the water the first time? Scared the shit out of me
same level, only the block that, when you hit it, turns the level into the 'nightmare zone' did it for me


Princess Skittles said:
I love the concept and the execution, but the game itself is pretty crummy, which makes going through the experience pretty difficult (poor controls, unforgiving hit detection, horrible jumps made more horrible due to the controls, etc.).

I'd say it's actually pretty good for a freeware platformer, the controls and physics are certainly better than most are.

@Metallic Sand, I imagine you need to get all the gems, though I'm not sure. Still working on it.


Behind you.

Ready! (To Die!)


I agree that the mechanics/level design was a bit iffy, but it was very entertaining because I didn't know WHAT to expect. I'd love more games like this, that play with conventions and expectations. I think they were talking about ideas like these on one of the 1UP podcasts (Shawn Elliot was on it)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Leezard said:
I think that's simply the ending. Perhaps something different happens if you get all the gems, I haven't tried it.

There's absolutely a hidden ending for collecting all the gems. It's great :D

It's on Youtube if you can't man-up and collect them all
Cosmo Clock 21 said:
Protip: For those of you getting stuck in Level 4,
the only part of the hands that kills you is the red part. Just get close enough to trigger the hands, then jump through the black part.

How do you get past the jump after
you have to walk past the hand

I got it. Just walk towards the edge just close enough to trigger it.
Leezard said:
I think that's simply the ending. Perhaps something different happens if you get all the gems, I haven't tried it.
When you get all 240 gems, a new eversion point appears in Stage 7. Finish the stage at that eversion level to get to the awesome final stage and alternate ending. You're really missing out on a lot of the puzzles by not collecting all of the gems.
To say that Eversion isn’t the platformer it initially appears to be is a bit of an understatement. I feel that the entire experience is much more impactful if the player goes into it not really knowing too much about what they’re getting into (as I did), so I suggest you just hit the download link above and run through it (it’s only about seven levels) before coming back and reading this write-up. All you really need to know is that the platforming gameplay itself is very solid, and the sugary-sweet title screen and first few levels are pretty goddamn heavy misdirection.
OK, this is all I have read. DLing right now.

Cave Story gotz me hooked on FW plateformers.


I'm downloading it right now. I didn't ready anything in the OP to not spoil it for myself.


Oh wow, it's by Zaratustra. I last heard that name when I was heavily into VERGE... which was around 1999. 10 years ago. Wow.
Finished it a bit ago, the part that really got me is when the game scales back from hell into the happy go lucky states, I felt so relieved.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Okay, I just readed the first lines of the OP and I'm downloading it blindly. If it's a screamer, I'll rip your nuts off. Through the internet.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Awesome! Will download and play right now!


Oh wow, I just found some pretty fucking awful game design. In level 5, I screwed myself into a non-escapable situation. No enemies to kill me. Ugh, I need to reset. Oh, and this is a situation that's pretty easy to get into.

edit: oh thank god it saves. Still, bad game design right there.


JSnake said:
Oh wow, I just found some pretty fucking awful game design. In level 5, I screwed myself into a non-escapable situation. No enemies to kill me. Ugh, I need to reset. Oh, and this is a situation that's pretty easy to get into.

edit: oh thank god it saves. Still, bad game design right there.
Yeah, I ran into that same problem


man, i died when i walked off the end of the stage after jumping over the goal flag. had to redo that last section in level 4. the pin point accuracy required reminds me of those brutal mario world hacks.


JSnake said:
Oh wow, I just found some pretty fucking awful game design. In level 5, I screwed myself into a non-escapable situation. No enemies to kill me. Ugh, I need to reset. Oh, and this is a situation that's pretty easy to get into.
I think that's intended. It's part of a puzzle. (Though I guess a suicide button wouldn't have hurt)

Some of the puzzles and the platforming required for getting all crystals are pretty hard. I'm still at 198.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Awesome :lol
although the Lovecraft quote was a pretty big hint. Pretty neat how it's really your fault that the cute world shifts into a hellish dimension.
I actually found the mechanics solid, I don't know what you guys are complaining about. Yeah, unforgiving and whatnot, go play some nes games and you'll see this is spot on.


Pretty cool little game, but sometimes it makes me want to maim. Especially when I have every little nuance of an area memorized and can fly through it, only to die because I jumped a split second too late and an enemy brushed my pinky toe.


facing a bright new dawn
lol trees are clouds blowin my mind all over again.

pretend edit: probably beaten...havent read thread yet. i took the OPs advice and just started playing before reading any more.

real edit: nevermind, i thought the trees turned transparent when i reversied or whatever its called


beat it. quite neat. and spoiled myself on the good ending. which was also neat. and it really accomplishes something in a game that doesn't take an hour to play through.

at first i found the controls feeling quite stiff. but other than that, there's nothing really wrong with them. just have to adapt to it.
F* - The made an runtime error while i was trying to beat the sixth level. It didn't save and now i have to start all over, and i went through the trouble of collecting all gems :(

What really got to me was the "Behind you" message - i work alone at nights at a hotel ;)


Pretty interesting game. The puzzle elements were actually really well done and the more complex ones took planning and creative thinking. The good ending was pretty clever as well. Also, it's pretty interesting to see indie game developers make sprite puzzle/platformers that have secret meanings behind them (Eversion, Immortality, Braid).

And this game reminded me why I hate platforming with the keyboard.


This is pretty awesome, glad I listened to the advice of not reading ahead and just checking it out first. I couldn't finish it though, I don't play PC games and literally cannot fucking control a game using the arrow keys. I got to World 4 or 5 after dying about 50 times and gave up -_-.
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