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In what scenarios could a man defeat an ape without man-made weapons?

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The "Brock Lesnar vs chimp" mini-debate last night got me thinking: in what scenarios would a strong, well-trained human being stand a reasonably good chance of defeating an ape without the use of guns, bows or other weapons?

Let's look at a few scenarios here:

1) Elite human fighter vs 150 lb chimpanzee in the octagon.

In this scenario, we're talking about one of the biggest and baddest of the badass human fighters ever to walk this earth. Mike Tyson in his prime, Brock Lesnar, or someone of that sort. Someone who could easily K.O. the average Joe off the street with a half-strength punch. He goes up against an average-sized chimpanzee. Not a hulking mass of chimp like that 200-pounder that ripped the woman's face off, but a chimp of average or even slightly-below average size.

I honestly believe the human would have a better than 50% chance at winning if he stuck to strikes. No grappling, no wrestling. Just pure strikes. In his prime, Tyson was rumored to throw a punch with 1600 psi of force. Even the thicker chimp skulls are going to be ringing after one or two of those.

HOWEVER, the most common argument used against me was that the chimp would maul the man with its teeth. If we concede that the chimp's teeth are too much of an advantage, then I give you the next scenario:

1b) Elite human fighter vs muzzled 150 lb chimpanzee in the octagon.

Exactly the same as the above, but the chimpanzee is unable to bite. It can only use its four limbs and sheer brute strength.

If we take the teeth out of the picture, can the elite human defeat the chimp?

Since I said the human could win in scenario 1, it goes without saying that I think he could win in scenario 1b. But if you thought that the human had no chance in the first scenario, does putting a muzzle on the chimp change your mind?

HOWEVER, another common argument was that chimps don't play fair and would reach for our oversized human genitals and rip them off. If we concede that the willingness and ability to castrate an opponent by hand is too much of an advantage, then I give you the next scenario:

1c) Elite human fighter wearing impenetrable jockstrap vs muzzled 150 lb chimpanzee in the octagon.

Exactly the same as the above, but now the human's bits and pieces are safe. This will probably allow the human to survive brief grappling periods against the chimp, and probably makes the human the dead nuts even if you didn't think he could win in scenarios 1 or 1b.

Scenario 2) Elite human fighter vs chimp in small forest arena.

The next scenario takes our combatants out of the octagon. The chimp is no longer muzzled, and the man doesn't get his jockstrap. However, they are placed in a small, fenced-in, forested area littered with rocks and tree branches. Both combatants can use anything they find. So while there are no man-made weapons, the human can throw rocks and sticks or use them to bash the chimp over the head. The chimp can do the same if it can figure out how to do so.

I'm definitely taking the human in this fight. If he can pick up a decent sized tree branch of sufficient hardness, it's gg chimp.

Scenario 3) Elite human fighter vs gorilla in larger forest arena. Both get prep time. No traps.

In this scenario, the stakes are raised as our elite human fighter finds himself up against the king of the primates. This is no 150 lb chimp. This is a 450 lb gorilla. It is actually 8-10 times stronger than the human. Again, there are rocks, trees and sticks around. Both combatants are given some time to formulate a strategy and to fashion whatever kinds of weapons they can. However, the human cannot build Predator-style traps. He can only create items that he can carry in his hands.

I have much more trouble taking the human here. His best chance would be to find some kind of tree branch that he could shape into a spear. But he doesn't have any kind of knife to carve a pointed end on the spear with, so he'd have to hope that snapping a branch in half would result in an end with sufficient sharpness. If he can do this, he has a fighting chance. If all he can do is throw rocks or swing sticks, I think the gorilla takes this one every time.

Scenario 4) Major League Baseball Fireballer with multiple rocks vs chimp or gorilla. Apes must start from 100 yards away.

In this scenario, we take an ultra-athletic major league pitcher with 100mph heat and give him lots and lots of rocks to throw. The ape starts from 100 yards away and must close the distance.

I think the human has a great chance vs the chimp in this scenario. A baseball sized rock striking the chimp's head at 90+mph is going to do some damage. I'm not sure how much the rocks would hurt the gorilla though.


HOWEVER, another common argument was that chimps don't play fair and would reach for our oversized human genitals and rip them off.

would reach for our oversized human genitals and rip them off

for our oversized human genitals and rip

oversized human genitals


Meadows said:
HOWEVER, another common argument was that chimps don't play fair and would reach for our oversized human genitals and rip them off.

would reach for our oversized human genitals and rip them off

for our oversized human genitals and rip

oversized human genitals

Humans have much larger genitals than any other primate. Gorillas are much bigger than humans, but have penises less than half the size.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If your timing is good enough to jump over the barrels, a man-made hammer isn't necessary.
Was there ever a consensus reached on exactly how much stronger the average chimp is than the average human? I think a lot is riding on this question. Because keep in mind that Tyson or Lesner are much stronger than the average human too.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Trent Strong said:
Was there ever a consensus reached on exactly how much stronger the average chimp is than the average human? I think a lot is riding on this question.
You must have missed the report given at the APE-X Summit 2008.


Trent Strong said:
Was there ever a consensus reached on exactly how much stronger the average chimp is than the average human? I think a lot is riding on this question. Because keep in mind that Tyson or Lesner are much stronger than the average human too.
Repeated tests in the 1960s confirmed this basic picture. A chimpanzee had, pound for pound, as much as twice the strength of a human when it came to pulling weights. The apes beat us in leg strength, too, despite our reliance on our legs for locomotion. A 2006 study found that bonobos can jump one-third higher than top-level human athletes, and bonobo legs generate as much force as humans nearly two times heavier.


You forgot the scenario where they fight in the ocean and they both have to wear headgear and boxing gloves.
There have been crazy ass motherfuckers who killed tigers and bears with their bare hands. Chimps aint got shit on humans.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Defeating an ape without weapons is no problem... for a Winner.



Trent Strong said:
Only twice as strong? Shit, a 250 pound MMA fighter would destroy a 150 pound chimp if that's true.

Maybe, but keep in mind the article says that most of their mass in in their arms. Given this mass and the longer length of their limbs in general (more power), I'd wager a punch would hurt like a sonofabitch. My money is also on the chimp if/when they hit the mat.


nyong said:
Maybe, but keep in mind the article says that most of their mass in in their arms. Given this mass and the longer length of their limbs in general (more power), I'd wager a punch would hurt like a sonofabitch. My money is also on the chimp if/when they hit the mat.

Ah but monkeys aren't trained to punch. No way they do too much damage. I'd be more afraid of them clawing the shit out of me which they are certainly capable of.
If the chimp is muzzled, has boxing gloves on(so he can't claw or tear anything) then I think someone like Fedor Emiliananko(sp) in his prime could win.

No human fighter could ever beat a gorilla though. They're several times stronger than the strongest humans.

Now a gorilla vs a bear, that's something I'd want to see!


Aselith said:
Ah but monkeys aren't trained to punch. No way they do too much damage. I'd be more afraid of them clawing the shit out of me which they are certainly capable of.

Yeah that and biting you in the face with those fucking teeth



It depends what you mean by defeat. I mean, I could probably score a 10–8 round against an average-sized chimp, providing the bout was being judged by Cecil Peoples. It all depends.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Chimps are freakishly strong. I know a guy who's big.....6 foot, well over 200 pounds, and when he was at some zoo-thing in thailand he got to mess around with chimpanzees and one of them grabbed him by the hand and effortlessly threw him down to the ground like he was a 5 year old child. You don't wanna fuck with chimps. Not to mention they'll bite your face and rip your dick off.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
ShaunBRS said:
It depends what you mean by defeat. I mean, I could probably score a 10–8 round against an average-sized chimp, providing the bout was being judged by Cecil Peoples. It all depends.
Jea Song said:
chimp would win. Would tear off your arms and rip your face in half.
Rip your dick off and throw it in the tall grass.
Mike tyson? Brock Lesnar?

a trained shaolin monk would beat up both at the same time in minutes.

a usual chimp would kill a shaolin monk though and he would literaly rip apart Lesnar before he could even say "ouch".

you can't compare apes and humans anyway because it's not fair at all.
They are way stronger
They are way more agile
They are way faster
Their bones are massive compared to human bones. in fact, apes avoid water because they would drown because of their bones.
Their skin is incredibly thick.

chimp attacks on humans are a gorefest.
first they rip off your jaw and genitales. Then they tear you apart.

now imagine what a Gorilla could do with you.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Why does this thread not factor in telepathy?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
iamaustrian said:
Mike tyson? Brock Lesnar?

a trained shaolin monk would beat up both at the same time in minutes.

:lol :lol :lol

Pretty easily i imagine. The chimp really wouldnt know whats going on so you could act all friendly and get behind it and choke it to death.

Im more interested in whole would win a faeces flinging contest. Chimps have the experience but i think man would be better suited to the task.


user-friendly man-cashews
How a MMA fighter does to punch the windpipe of a chimp roughly half its size?

Also : Puddles, you're pretty fucking dumb.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
The only possible way to destroy a chimp would be to to outsmart him. By use of the environment or other means. But physically humans are no match for a chimp. A chimp is simply too strong.
Biologist on chimps attacking humans in Uganda:
"In most cases they bite off the limbs first before disemboweling them, just as they would the red colombus monkey, which is among their favorite prey."

on the James davis attack:
By the time the attacking chimps were subdued (i.e., shot) they had bitten off Davis' nose, and torn off his left foot, most of his fingers, and his, ah, testicles.

yeah, good luck Mr. Lesnar

just think of it. a chimp throws itself onto a tree with one freaking arm.





now imagine getting in the ring with one these:

"you stole my banana?"


Does a stick count as a man-made weapon?
If not then I suppose that could give the human a better chance at winning as that little bit of extra distance would be crucial.


the only way a human would last more than 10 seconds is if the ape had gloves on. If it could grip it would rip a human apart so quickly it's not funny.


austrian saves this thread
i discussed this shit in that nature thread with the OP but he keeps saying the most ridiculous things

human has no chance end of debate
ANY biologist nature expert would agree

yet the OP and his MMA shit knows better then all of us offcourse


Even a chimp would tear your jaw and genitals straight off before you even had a chance to defend yourself. It's what they do.


Even if the human had an average gun, he'd have a difficult time (if they start out 20 ft apart or so).
Without any man-made weapons (including sticks), the best fighter in human history doesn't have a chance against the average chimp...
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