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For a while now Sony has been securing (minor) exclusive game content...

Ever since Arkham Asylum it seems like Sony made it a strategy to secure relatively minor "day one" game content exclusives. My question for all the multiplatform owners out there is: Has this impacted your purchase decisions?

Where as Microsoft chooses to secure major but temporary game content exclusives (COD maps, GTA episodes, Fallout expansions), Sony began a strategy of securing more minor but seemingly permanent exclusives. Over the past year or so I recall:

Batman: Arkham Asylum - "Joker challenge maps"
Mafia II - "The Betrayal of Jimmy" missions
Red Dead Redemption - "Solomon's Folly Gang Hideout" and the "Walton Gang Outfit"
Toy Story 3 - playable "Zurg" character
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - "Copernicus Conspiracy" missions

With the notable exception of Batman, these games perform better on the Xbox 360, but the 360 version you will never have all the content created for the game. Is this content pushing anybody over the the PS3 version when you otherwise would have bought the 360? Has Sony's strategy paid off?


I don't think anyone knows or cares enough to let it effect sales. Hence why AC:B got destroyed by the X360 sales.

Either Sony is just really bad at marketing their exclusive content in the PS3 versions or superior running/looking version is more important to the average person.


Has no PEINS
Didn't they do something special with the PS3 version of Dante's Inferno, too?

As for your question, I'd think stuff like co-marketing would be more effective than minor exclusive stuff, but that's me

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I guess I wouldnt be right person to ask since I get ps3 games normally but this wouldnt effect my purchasing. I just see it as a cool bonus I guess.

What gets me is sony's first party lately doing minor exclusives to select stores :/


A Good Citizen
Better performance and visuals are more important to me than minor, usually meaningless content.

I would rather Sony pay developers to make sure they get their games running on par, but that'd probably cost them more.
I grit my teeth for a bit and usually end up getting the 360 version, anyway.

I'll buy the PS3 version if it's straight up better, like Castlevania.

Generally, when PS3 gets exclusive content, I find out if the content is any good. If it's not, or not worth taking a less stable version in some scenarios, then I'll pass.


I got to the point where I can't even complete the main games, never mind the DLC, so I just get the superior version still.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I bought Batman on PS3 because of the Joker maps. It was worth it. Playing as Joker is awesome.


Bebpo said:
I don't think anyone knows or cares enough to let it effect sales. Hence why AC:B got destroyed by the X360 sales.

Either Sony is just really bad at marketing their exclusive content in the PS3 versions or superior running/looking version is more important to the average person.
Ironically, it was the PS3 version of Brotherhood that was advertised everywhere; yet the game apparently sold less than ACII-PS3 last year, and the 360 version sold more.

Another example to the main post:
Dante's Inferno

The thing is that in most cases, in the best case scenario sales end close between both versions, but overall sales end higher on the 360 version so either people don't know or just don't care.

Kratos in Mortal Kombat did turned the heads of a few friends, and unless they announce an Xbox 360 character; they'll get the PS3 version. :p
Aigis said:
Better performance and visuals are more important to me than minor, usually meaningless content.

I would rather Sony pay developers to make sure they get their games running on par, but that'd probably cost them more.
Exactly this.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Nope, it was more important for me to play Batman/Mafia 2 in actual HD (aka 1080p) at 60 fps. The same will go for AC Brotherhood.


Aigis said:
Better performance and visuals are more important to me than minor, usually meaningless content.

I would rather Sony pay developers to make sure they get their games running on par, but that'd probably cost them more.
Ehhh, money won't necessarily get their game running better if the developers at [insert company here] aren't capable of optimizing their code for PS3. Unlike exclusive DLC, which is something that is realizable and a 'sure-thing' as far as getting it done, optimizing a game or trying to get it to 'run-at-par' with another console isn't as sound as exclusive dlc.


Only game on there I have is Batman, and I went with the PS3 version for the Joker maps even though I prefer the control setup on the 360.

So... yeah, I guess. I'm not happy about supporting this practice, though. :/


Bought Batman and RDR for the PS3. Didn't buy the rest on any console.
expy said:
Ehhh, money won't necessarily get their game running better if the developers at [insert company here] aren't capable of optimizing their code for PS3. Unlike exclusive DLC, which is something that is realizable and a 'sure-thing' as far as getting it done, optimizing a game or trying to get it to 'run-at-par' with another console isn't as sound as exclusive dlc.
But is that true, sales wise?
No, stuff like this has never affected which version I buy. Only things that influence my choice are which version performs better, if theres a pc version or controller preference for the type of game.


I bought BLOPS on X360 because of the timed-exclusive maps. Now, I don't know if I'll ever purchase them when they come out, but at least I have the option.


I don't care about silly shit (like extra costumes, missions, maps) that should be included in every version but I do care about bonuses like MoH Frontline HD and Dead Space Extraction HD. I don't know if it's Sony's doing or the developers, but more power to them.

BTW - If, MS pulls that Fallout shit with Elders Scroll 5, I will rage so hard. It's bad enough they don't give a shit about PC gamers, just leave Bethesda the fuck alone.


NullPointer said:
But is that true, sales wise?
I didn't mean as far as sales wise. I meant that if you pay for exclusive dlc, you WILL get exclusive DLC, if you pay them to 'try and optimize the game' the end results may not be what you paid for.


It made me pick Batman: AC on the PS3 as I felt it being the lead sku with the Joker bonus.

I will also switch platform for Dead Space 2 due to the inclusion of Dead Space Extraction, despite owning the first game on the 360.

Overall, I like picking up single player games on the PS3, and online-driven games on the 360. I feel that the online community for any game on the 360 will last longer. I don't want the community to be dead already in 12 months.


is now taking requests
I always figured that the exlusive content in these cases was done to make Sony sort of happy despite their version being the inferior version. There seems to be a direct correlation - the shittier the PS3 version is the more likely it is that an exclusive piece of DLC will rear it's ugly head...


jorma said:
I always figured that the exlusive content in these cases was done to make Sony sort of happy despite their version being the inferior version. There seems to be a direct correlation - the shittier the PS3 version is the more likely it is that an exclusive piece of DLC will rear it's ugly head...

Really? Did we miss PS3 exclusive DLC for Bayonetta and CODBLOPS (I always wanted to say that) ?


is now taking requests
Takao said:
Really? Did we miss PS3 exclusive DLC for Bayonetta and CODBLOPS (I always wanted to say that) ?

I guess there should have been some PS3 only DLC for Bayonetta seeing as that was reportedly one of the shittiest versions ever. I only played it after the patch mind you, so it wasn't all that bad for me. Probably helped that i never got to compare the versions :p


I bought Batman for the Joker addon but RDR and Mafia 2 I bought for 360 (really pointless addons tbh and better version on the 360).


I bought both the 360 and PS3 versions of Batman. I couldn't pass up the Joker, yet, I haven't even played the PS3 version.

Now though, I have no choice since my 360 bought the farm recently. I'm stuck with PS3 version of games no matter how inferior they happen to be.


expy said:
I didn't mean as far as sales wise. I meant that if you pay for exclusive dlc, you WILL get exclusive DLC, if you pay them to 'try and optimize the game' the end results may not be what you paid for.
There's always the option of downgrading the 360 version.:lol
Nope, in fact I forgot about this content until you mentioned it in this thread. Btw, isn't this a win/win for publishers? Sony pays them for extra content yet they still sell more on 360?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I much prefer playing on my PS3 than Xbox 360 anyhow, so it's just a cherry on top.
Exclusive DLC is a stupid idea because it only works to sway those that own both a PS3 and a 360, and while I'm sure there's more than enough people here on GAF that have both (because GAF is crazy like that), for the rest of the world it really sucks.

No way is anyone buying a PS3 (or vice versa) because a handful of multiplatform games got an extra $5 of content for free, and there are quite a few people out there (a dominating percentage of gamers, I'd wager) who only own just a 360 or just a PS3.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
They're ok.

I like free stuff. Don't really care if it's exclusive or not though. Kinda like a cherry on top.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
I thought Sony said they are not going to "Bribe" the developers. (I believe they used this exact term but I may be wrong). So are they getting these extras for free?
For every multi-console game I buy, I wait until there is direct comparison reviews between the two versions on the Internet. Then if the consensus is "console A's version is better"' well then I'll buy A's.

Did this for Batman, RDR, both Fallouts and some others. Oh the joys of owning all consoles and having a choice.

Now all I need to do is save me some money and upgrade my 4 year old PC...


not really, theres some dlc on the op list i never heard of, even though i own 90 % of those games :lol


I can't force myself to give a single fuck about piecemeal exclusive content. If I have access to it, I consider it a nice little bonus. If I don't, it rarely enters my mind that other people are getting a marginally supplemented experience. I buy games to play games. As long as I'm not denied a major feature, I'm happy.
Bebpo said:
I don't think anyone knows or cares enough to let it effect sales. Hence why AC:B got destroyed by the X360 sales.

Either Sony is just really bad at marketing their exclusive content in the PS3 versions or superior running/looking version is more important to the average person.
Assassin's Creed has just been heavily tied with 360 early on, which partially explains why it will continue to do better. It's like how since FF is tied to PlayStation, FFXIII just naturally did better on PS3 even in NA.

The exclusive content was definitely marketed, it's just that people who rather have it on 360 still were going to buy on 360, and the people who prefer (or only have) PS3 bought it for that.

Batman AA being a brand new game made it much easier to take advantage of the content.


fernoca said:
Ironically, it was the PS3 version of Brotherhood that was advertised everywhere; yet the game apparently sold less than ACII-PS3 last year, and the 360 version sold more.

That is weird. I wonder if it's because a lot of people apparently thought the game was multiplayer only, and PS3 owners are generally less interested in multiplayer.

And yes, I realize there are a bunch of assumptions being made in this post. :)

Gadfly said:
I thought Sony said they are not going to "Bribe" the developers. (I believe they used this exact term but I may be wrong). So are they getting these extras for free?

Here's what Sony has to say about it:

Rob Dyer: [laughs] I wish it was... I used to joke that I was a Maytag repairman for a long time, because it was so hard to get people excited about PS3, given what we were doing. I use the phrase "self-inflicted wound"; it was. We weren't selling hardware. It was hard to get people pumped up.

But I think we've turned the tide, and it started with the announcements coming out of GDC and Destination PlayStation. You'll see some really good stuff at E3 -- where now we do have third parties contacting us. They are calling us up to say, "How about this?"

It really started -- and I always go back to Batman: Arkham Asylum -- with Eidos. God bless them for being as insistent and bulldog-like tenacious in getting us to do that with them. Karl Stewart and Bob Lindsey were very emphatic, and they were right.

And I'm glad we jumped on it because it's proven to be one of the real bellwethers for PlayStation 3 third-party, and we've been able to take that model and move it across any number of publishers to be able to show that if you do this, not only will we support you.

It's not about just taking share away from Microsoft. It's about expanding the pie. It's about giving people a reason to want to buy this game. How many people bought Batman after they found out all this cool exclusive stuff, and otherwise weren't going to buy Batman no matter what platform it was on? [Rocksteady's Batman for PS3 included exclusive playable Joker content.]

If you ask Karl, if you ask Bob, they will tell you, "We've more than did our numbers on 360. We killed our numbers on PS3." And that to me speaks volumes for if you do this stuff correctly, you're going to really start advancing the industry. And that's what we're trying to do.

I'm not going to sit here and try and figure out who's got the bigger you-know-what between me and Seattle. They're going to win when it comes to money anyway, anytime, all day, all night. It doesn't matter. Let's figure out how to make the industry bigger. Let's grow this thing.

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