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Where do you get most of your reading done?

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I pretty much only read when I'm not at home; otherwise, I can't concentrate. I read on the train to and from work and in coffee shops, mostly.

EDIT: Oh, son of a bitch. Wrong forum.

what is the release date?

jkjkkjkjk ... I read my books almost exclusively in bed. When I'm on the couch my short attention span takes over and I have to play video games. And I get sick if I'm trying to read on the road.

Magazines on the toilet.


I do the vast majority of my reading in the bathtub actually. I find if I try to read any other time, I get distracted by other things, so if I really want to read something, I take a bath instead of a shower.

I used to do a lot of reading on the airplane when I was traveling a lot for work, but now I am usually asleep before the plane takes off.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
On my couch or at a cafe. I've been reading more at home lately, mostly because I'm too lazy to go out. I like going out to read because I have fewer distractions (like internet) than I do at home, and I enjoy the atmosphere of a nice cafe.


Primarily just laying on my bed at home. It is often a preamble to falling asleep.

Other than that I'll read while on the toilet. If I'm at work I'll use the iPod Kindle app to pick up right where I left off.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
demon said:
On my couch or at a cafe. I've been reading more at home lately, mostly because I'm too lazy to go out. I like going out to read because I have fewer distractions (like internet) than I do at home, and I enjoy the atmosphere of a nice cafe.

There really is nothing quite like sitting by the window in an empty, cozy cafe on a dark, rainy night, with light jazz in the back and coffee cup in front. Perfect reading atmosphere.
Leisure reading mostly in bed, though I only tend to read for pleasure during holidays.

Studying I try to do at my desk in my room, but lately I can't seem to read more then 10 pages without losing concentration, it's driving me nuts. My mind keeps wondering of.

Wish I could read in the train but I travel during rush hour wich means I have to stand 5 out of 10 times.


In bed
forever alone

But seriously, it's peaceful and there are no distractions. The only thing I don't like about it is the poor lighting I have in my room.
I'll actually dedicate and allocate my chunk of the week's free time toward whatever I'm doing, which I try to limit to one at a time. So if I'm playing a video game, no reading until that game is done. Then after that game I'll use that same time to read a book. And so on. Doesn't necessarily need to go back and forth between the 2 mediums though; I'll go through a few games, a few books... whatever I'm in the mood to tackle next when it's time to make the decision.

As for when/where exactly, it's usually anytime between the hours of 7:30-12 every night as long as the chores are done. I'll read on the couch (facing away from the TV) or in bed right before I go to sleep.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
MrOogieBoogie said:
There really is nothing quite like sitting by the window in an empty, cozy cafe on a dark, rainy night, with light jazz in the back and coffee cup in front. Perfect reading atmosphere.
...I go to stare at the hot college chicks. :p


Any serious reading has to be done away from the computer. I read all over my apartment as long as it's not at my desk.
MrOogieBoogie said:
There really is nothing quite like sitting by the window in an empty, cozy cafe on a dark, rainy night, with light jazz in the back and coffee cup in front. Perfect reading atmosphere.

And the best thing is, someone could be setting right outside your window and you wouldn't able to see them because of the lighting difference causing your window to become a mirror.
I read the Metro (free local paper) on the tube (local subway) in to work, I read books on the tube home and I read graphic novels before bed.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
MLH said:
In bed
forever alone

But seriously, it's peaceful and there are no distractions. The only thing I don't like about it is the poor lighting I have in my room.

The problem I have with reading in bed is that I always pass out like ten pages in. It's always been impossible for me to read laying down. I just get very sleepy very fast. Weird.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Are you guys with the shitter comments for real?

I don't think I've ever sat on a toilet long enough to even CONSIDER opening up a book/magazine, let alone actually spend ample time reading something. I always thought this was an exaggerated expression, but apparently it isn't. Seriously, what the hell? Do you go an hour before you need to shit or something? Or once you're done, do you just sit there without moving?

Seriously, explain this nonsense phenomenon to me.


Five minutes of reading while on the toilet is a better use of time than five minutes of nothing while on the toilet.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
ultron87 said:
Five minutes of reading while on the toilet is a better use of time than five minutes of nothing while on the toilet.

You spend five minutes on the toilet? What the fuck? The second I walk in I do my business. Same for when I have to pee. What's taking you so long?


Aftershock LA
I read wherever I can: At home, on the bus to work, at work, etc.

I just finished Storm of Swords on the bus to work today, and will be starting Feast For Crows shortly.

It might be a slow day at work, so maybe I can squeeze some reading in.


MrOogieBoogie said:
You spend five minutes on the toilet? What the fuck? The second I walk in I do my business. Same for when I have to pee. What's taking you so long?

You can't force it. And depending on factors wiping might take a bit.


MrOogieBoogie said:
Are you guys with the shitter comments for real?

I don't think I've ever sat on a toilet long enough to even CONSIDER opening up a book/magazine, let alone actually spend ample time reading something. I always thought this was an exaggerated expression, but apparently it isn't. Seriously, what the hell? Do you go an hour before you need to shit or something? Or once you're done, do you just sit there without moving?

Seriously, explain this nonsense phenomenon to me.
Based on a limited sample size, I'm gonna say people have different bowel movement styles. Mine is way too stressed so it takes a while. It's like perpetual constipation relieved only whenever I drink coffee. One guy I know poops at least 3-4 times a day, a little each time, and like you it's pretty quick each time (funny related story how eating oatmeal almost destroyed his LSAT test taking experience). Another is more efficient at dumping, goes like once a week but unloads it all in one sustained sitting and it's not even constipation. I try not to bring anything with me while I go because it's just unsanitary. 10 minutes of concentration isn't terribly boring. The frequent pooper likes to bring his laptop with him as entertainment so he tends to stay on business is finished. The third poops in the nude cuz he showers afterwards. Yes pooping is serious business and is the subject of many conversations.


Gold Member
MrOogieBoogie said:
Are you guys with the shitter comments for real?

I don't think I've ever sat on a toilet long enough to even CONSIDER opening up a book/magazine, let alone actually spend ample time reading something. I always thought this was an exaggerated expression, but apparently it isn't. Seriously, what the hell? Do you go an hour before you need to shit or something? Or once you're done, do you just sit there without moving?

Seriously, explain this nonsense phenomenon to me.

Shitting is event for me. I love it. I take 30 minute shits on the reg. I also take my shirt off and sometimes my pants. There is nothing better than a long shit in the nude. Reading is perferct for this. I also only shit like once a week, so when I do I bring the ruckus.

Yea if I have my ipad or something I'll get to rocking the tower defense, then I stay on the pot (in the nude) well after I complete the shitting. Same for a good book.

No one can bother me or fuck with me in there. It's my quiet sanctuary, nothing but the hum of the vent.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Mattdaddy said:
Shitting is event for me. I love it. I take 30 minute shits on the reg. I also take my shirt off and sometimes my pants. There is nothing better than a long shit in the nude. Reading is perferct for this. I also only shit like once a week, so when I do I bring the ruckus.

Yea if I have my ipad or something I'll get to rocking the tower defense, then I stay on the pot (in the nude) well after I complete the shitting. Same for a good book.

No one can bother me or fuck with me in there. It's my quiet sanctuary, nothing but the hum of the vent.

What is this... I don't even...


entrement said:
On the subway.

Pretty much. I have tried to read at my house, toiler, shower, library, parks, rooftops and many more places. I just can't focus anywhere else. On the subway I just enter the world of the book. Sometimes I miss my stop.


To everyone who sits on the toilet for 30+ mins. Enjoy your hemorrhoids.


Gold Member
MrOogieBoogie said:
What is this... I don't even...

You'll be liberated. Do it. Pants are an annoyance during the shatting process. They bunch up around your ankles and it's distracting.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Mattdaddy said:
You'll be liberated. Do it. Pants are an annoyance during the shatting process. They bunch up around your ankles and it's distracting.

Bro, I don't even put my ass on the toilet seat. Haven't done so in YEARS. Not even at home, but especially not in public restrooms. I literally squat inches above the toilet. This way I don't even have to fumble with toilet paper creating a padded seat.
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