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Why I didn’t like the PC platform for awhile [very long]

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A long time ago when I was much younger, you could have easily called me someone who was primarily a PC gamer. This was back in the 1990s, mind you. Now I’m aware of all of the benefits that PC gaming has over consoles, and the fact that the console outlook isn’t looking good right now. I can concede with the fact that the PC is probably the best “gaming” console there is due to the sheer flexibility of it and the fact that it’s infinitely easier to make an independent game on it compared to a console for obvious reasons. I consider myself well aware of the power of the PC.

So why have I been so apprehensive of it for so long? Well, it all has to do with a certain meme I call the “PC Master Race.”

Now I’m sure you’re all asking me right now “But Notebook, that’s just a stupid meme that doesn’t mean anything, and nobody actually uses it anymore!” Well first off, while it is indeed nothing more than a stupid meme, it is also a side effect of just who makes up the PC gaming audience, but more on that particular aspect later. I want to get to the second part first.

I’ve encountered this meme back when it was still in vogue at the end of last year/beginning of this year, when I was thinking about getting into hardcore PC gaming scene. Now I’ve encountered my fair share of stupid memes and fanboys over the years on the internet so I’m not surprised to see my fair share of idiots get into things that I like, but it was kinda different with the PC gaming scene. I had definitely expected the PC gaming scene to be a lot more mature than the console gaming scene. I mean after all, I had assumed that the PC crowd was a lot older and wiser not to fall to the same pratfalls compared its console counterpart from what I had read from numerous sources.

Not only did I find the PC crowd to be full of the same type of idiocy the console crowd suffered from, I’ve also found some seriously disturbing things being spouted out that well, quite frankly disturbed me as a person of color [that means I’m a black person], because up until then I had only heard two sets of people describe themselves as the Master Race—Nazis and a certain evil Time Lord. And one of those two are fictional.

“Notebook!” I know you’re telling me now while shaking your fist in protest, “Are you calling PC fanboys racist!?!?” Calm down, I’m not calling anyone racist. It’s just—how do I say it? I think we’re all aware that the gaming industry isn’t exactly the most progressive industry when it comes to diversity. Sure, things are slowly getting better with time, but that’s not what I’m getting at. And… uhm. Y’know what? I’ll just be flat out honest here. I am very wary of being a part of a crowd who presents themselves as majorly white proclaiming they’re a part of a master race of any sort.

“But Notebook, you’re black, not Jewish!” Well, that is true, but I’m pretty sure the Nazis didn’t like black people, or that there is no such thing as black Jewish people. But as anybody can tell you, being a black person is a very different experience from being a white person. As a black person you’re aware of some things that white people are just not aware of unless they are taught.

To put this in perspective, let’s say that there are two teenagers—one is black and the other is white. They both have an interest in PC gaming and they saved up enough money to buy parts to upgrade their computer so they go down to Seemingly Harmless PC Gaming Store to buy stuff. SHPCGS just happens to be having a big sale with everything 50% off for that day. Everything is all fine and well until they enter the store, where just about everything is drenched in Nazi memorabilia. Turns out the slogan for the sale is “50% off for everyone who is willing to become a part of the Master Race” or perhaps something a lot less wordy than that. The black person, who has suffered from discrimination before [not necessarily from Nazis mind you] is in utter shock. However, that isn’t the worst part, the black teenager sees his friend wearing the free, snazzy Nazi uniform that comes with every purpose.

“Why are you dressing as a Nazi and what the hell does it have to do with video games!?” The black teenager cries out as he tries to shake some sense into the white teen. “It’s just a joke.” The white teenager replies, “There’s no need to get all offended by it. Besides, it’s totally true. PC gamers are totally superior to console gamers. You should be glad to be a part of the master race! We’re all post-racial now, right?”

The black teenager, so completely baffled at what he just experienced, leaves his friend and the store behind, goes back home, and chucks his PC in the trash. The entire incident left him with a horrible view on PC gaming in general and he decided to spend the rest of his life as a librarian, forever free from anything related to video games.

You can say that I was in fact that I was that hypothetical black teenager, except I did not chuck my PC into the trash or dedicate the rest of my life as a librarian. I did however become completely disillusioned on how not different the PC crowd was different from the console crowd.

“But it wasn’t like they called you any names! It wasn’t like someone called you the n-word on X-Box Live! Why don’t you grow some skin!?” You may ask? Well, there’s a load of difference between the overt, pointy white hood variant of racism everybody hates and the subtle ignorance of knowing that you’re still the “other.” There’s few of the former but a lot, and do I mean a lot more of the latter. The master race meme is an example of those more subtle forms that stem from ignorance. What’s worse is that you can’t exactly fight this form without it becoming a huge hassle because it’s pretty much everywhere—almost always in the place you would at least expect it. I have tough skin, but it’s energy draining to put it on all the time so sometimes I just expect to “turn it off” when I want to relax. I thought the PC crowd would be one of those areas where I could avoid it, but I found out the hard way that it wasn’t.

It’s been a long time since then, and although I’m not as an opponent to PC gaming as I once was, I’m not entirely excited getting into something that suffers from subtle ignorance. I gotta be on guard to make sure if any “ignorance” comes up, I’ll be ready to handle it.

Of course, it was inevitable that I would have to get over it, since I am interested in playing video games of all sorts, but what about someone who’s a person of color who wants to get into video games for the first time? How would they handle being a part of the “master race?” I can definitely guarantee if it was someone else who wasn’t as interested as video games like I am, they’d be completely turned off altogether.

Now remember waay back when I mentioned about who makes up the PC gaming audience? Well… I can’t exactly word this in any way that won’t rile up any feathers but… it’s white people. I mean, I’m not trying go all “white people are evil” or anything like that; you have to understand that in America at least, being white person is just a completely different experience from being a black person. There’s no getting around that. White people have privilege of being the “default” when it comes to video game protagonists, not so much anybody else. This isn’t about “THAT’S RACIST” or anything like that it’s just how things are. Which is why I kinda find the entire “The PC library is diverse” thing hilarious because, while it’s true that the PC library by default is diverse in one way, it’s hardly diverse in another certain way.

Yeah, I’m sure there is some obscure game out there that stars a lesbian black female that I haven’t heard of, but the problem is that there’s a very high chance that the majority of the PC gaming audience would reject it at first glance regardless of whether or not it’s an actual good game or the right “style.”

“Then just play games that don’t star white protagonists! Just play games that allow you to create your own character!” You maybe saying. Well, biggest problem is that there aren’t many games out there that don’t star white protagonists if they aren’t something else. And create-a-character only really works with certain games as well. It’s just… having something that is different from the norm can be enough sometimes.

I’ll give my own example. When I was young, Independence Day was one of my favorite movies ever. Yeah, I know it’s pure cheese and there are lots of issues with the plot like Jeff Goldblum’s MacBook and what that one Cracked article mentioned, but let’s forget all of that for a second. The biggest reasons why I loved it is because the hero was a black male. For the first time in my entire life, I saw a black man [with the help of a [former?] Jewish man] go up against an evil alien race and be responsible for saving the entire world. He wasn’t a drug dealer or a criminal or anything like that. He was just a simply family man just doing his best to protect the world from some scumbag aliens.

Now what am I trying to say with all of that? I think the PC platform is perfect to create epics starring PoC not being stereotyped but imply doing some badass things like punching aliens saving the urth. It’s essentially an open-ended platform that doesn’t have to deal with things like publishers and all that. And yes, I know there are some PoC protagonists out there, I’m not trying to say that they’re aren’t. But in order for us to get more, we have get more PoC interested, and things like proclaiming to be part of a “master race” that doesn’t involve Time Lords is not the way to do it.

That’s why I didn’t like the PC platform for awhile. Sorry for this being so long, but I figured out that there was no point in trying to pull punches when it comes to things like this anymore.


To put this in perspective, let’s say that there are two teenagers—one is black and the other is white. They both have an interest in PC gaming and they saved up enough money to buy parts to upgrade their computer so they go down to Seemingly Harmless PC Gaming Store to buy stuff. SHPCGS just happens to be having a big sale with everything 50% off for that day. Everything is all fine and well until they enter the store, where just about everything is drenched in Nazi memorabilia. Turns out the slogan for the sale is “50% off for everyone who is willing to become a part of the Master Race” or perhaps something a lot less wordy than that. The black person, who has suffered from discrimination before [not necessarily from Nazis mind you] is in utter shock. However, that isn’t the worst part, the black teenager sees his friend wearing the free, snazzy Nazi uniform that comes with every purpose.

“Why are you dressing as a Nazi and what the hell does it have to do with video games!?” The black teenager cries out as he tries to shake some sense into the white teen. “It’s just a joke.” The white teenager replies, “There’s no need to get all offended by it. Besides, it’s totally true. PC gamers are totally superior to console gamers. You should be glad to be a part of the master race! We’re all post-racial now, right?”

The black teenager, so completely baffled at what he just experienced, leaves his friend and the store behind, goes back home, and chucks his PC in the trash. The entire incident left him with a horrible view on PC gaming in general and he decided to spend the rest of his life as a librarian, forever free from anything related to video games.

I'm not sure if I'm going to make it past this part.


erotic butter maelstrom


Fanboys are exactly like racists

Any kind of smack talk is precisely the same thing as saying brown people are inferior


The master race stuff can be a bit much at times, but seriously dude? It's part of a joke to a fragment of PC gamers, even on GAF. I really hope this is just a case of Poe's Law.


Corporate Apologist
So, uh... This is a very wordy metaphor to World War 2 games that were very popular during the mid 2000's, right?


NotebookJ2 said:
Seriously? I mean I know it was long but still. I wasn't calling PC-GAF Nazis at all.
so when the pc store is having a sale with nazi memoribelia and stuff, etc, etc, etc, what did that mean?
NotebookJ2 said:
Seriously? I mean I know it was long but still. I wasn't calling PC-GAF Nazis at all.
You had a 'what if' scenario in which a person goes to a computer game store and literally puts on a Nazi uniform.
I'm sorry I read the op in it's entirety and all I can say is "what in the fuck did i just read?". The meme is not that serious, I think its pretentious and annoying, but the fact that people on both sides take it so seriously now bothers me much more. Also you kind of completely changed tangents there ignoring the fact that analogy was just over the top.


Corporate Apologist
Maybe it was just glossed over in the History books, but were black people even persecuted by Nazi Germany?


NotebookJ2 said:
Seriously? I mean I know it was long but still. I wasn't calling PC-GAF Nazis at all.

nope but you're somehow stating these:

1) comparing people who use the master race meme to nazis explicitly, like as far as to directly put it as an example
2) assuming that the PC userbase is mostly made out of white people for something regarding this very reason or some crap, wich is laughable
3) saying that the reason games dont have more black protagonist is because the PC crowd is just white people spouting MASTER RACE memes and that black people just arent interested because of that

your post is fucking ludicrous, and no, you dont have "tough" skin at all man. The only issue here lies with you.

Pie Lord

So in other words, the arrogant members of the PC gaming community remind you of Nazis, and the PC library does not have racially diverse protagonists because the majority of PC gamers are white?


I definitely don't care for the whole "Master Race" thing, but it would be silly to hate a platform because of its fans. I don't think I'd like anything if I worried about how the fans behave, particularly in the gaming sphere because every platform/company has its share of smug and unbelievably apologetic loyalists that are rage-inducing.


there aren't nearly enough black heroes in videogames. And to be honest I'd rather there be no black characters at all than have the token black sidekick character.

as a side note:

While I think having role models that look like you is obviously important I think it's positive for kids to have role models from all different races or cultural groups. I'm White, and growing up I had Black role models in Gordon (Sesame Street), LeVar Burton (Reading Rainbow), Bill Cosby, Dwayne Wayne (who is the first character I remember thinking was cool) and of course Michael Jordan. I think this has helped me overlook the superficiality that is "race", but has made me appreciative and sensitive to the the differences cultures between.

side note 2:

Never really hung with a PC centric crowd. My one hardcore PC gamer friend I had to stop being friends with because I discovered he actually harboured strong Nazi sentiment....


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
aeolist said:
Fanboys are exactly like racists

Any kind of smack talk is precisely the same thing as saying brown people are inferior

That's basically what I got from the OP, yeah.

I mean even for me (right now) it's like 50% consoles, 40% handhelds, 10% PC, and even I don't have that big a problem with the "master race" thing. I mean it isn't exactly false, you pay more you get a (slightly) better experience (for certain games.)
I don't want to entirely dismiss the post because it seems like you put some thought and it, but I think you've misinterpreted and overanalyzed the master race meme. It's a joke from a Zero Punctuation review that was quite tongue and cheek about PC gamers considering themselves better than console gamers, and it was a genuinely funny bit that people (both those who self identify as PC or console gamers, and those who like me find the whole self identification as a "gamer" to be a joke in itself) latched on to. For all intents, its one of the few nonimflammatory memes on this board that everyone has fun with.

I can respect if the meme offends you and others. That said, I think your taking this meme and unscientifically concluding that "PC gamers = white people" is just silly. Frankly, your other conclusions (as I play PC games) is pretty insulting to me.

The honest reason I play games is not to perpetuate hate of any large agroup of people, but its to get a few minutes alone from the person I love most in this world, my wife. She is Chinese though...
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