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So internet, why ain't you playing Super Monday Night Combat?

Card Boy

I'm one of the original Monday Night Combat's biggest fans, and it would be an understatement if i said i was very disappointed in Uber Entertainments decision to make Super MNC more of a DOTA game than the first one was. I was straight up pissed. I simply wanted a sequel that played exactly the same as the original where enemies where not bullet sponges, there wasn't a emphasis on farm and i can carry a team solo. Instead i got a game i never asked for.

Around May 25th Ubernet added in Turbocross Mode which is a mode exactly like the original MNC with the same damage, re-buildable turrets etc. This fixed by biggest issue with SMNC but with a another problem; No one was playing in my region.

So i pose the question why ain't you playing Super Monday Night Combat?

  • Did making it a straight up DOTA game put you off?
  • Are you put off by Free to Play?
  • Put off by the first game?
  • Too many other games?
  • Did you simply not know about this game?
  • Is the game dead in you're region too?
  • Are the 2gig weekly patches scaring you off?

The game is FREE on Steam right now.

There is a Steam summer sale on for the game. This bundle gets you the original 6 Pros and some other goodies. This represents about a $30 value for about $3.75


The game has Steam trading and you can trade everything in the game and get it for free, so you can trade you're Spiral Knights, TF2 and DOTA2 items for SMNC items. It does require a $2 investment like TF2 to trade, which the bundle deal above is good for.

Also do you like TF2 hats? Well players that level from 5 to 20 get cross promotion items in both games, Level 20 gets you the MNC Assassin Hat for the Pyro.


TotalBiscuit has a WTF is Video that went up in the past week if you're interested.

So i ask you again internet, why ain't you playing Super Monday Night Combat?


I really do like SMNC, but Dota 2 became my action-RTS of choice and I can really only focus on one F2P game at a time.
Dude, Neogaf is big. You're going to find people who loved and hated for legitimate and illegitimate reasons. I'm not sure what that proves.

But I am sorry the game isn't as popular as you hoped.


  • Did making it a straight up DOTA game put you off?
  • Are you put off by Free to Play?
  • Put off by the first game?
  • Too many other games?
  • Did you simply not know about this game?
  • Is the game dead in you're region too?
  • Are the 2gig weekly patches scaring you off?

I rest my case

Card Boy

Because I kept on getting 1.8 gig patches every week and it was annoying as hell.

I hope Ubernet address this issue. It's what has stopped me and other Aussies from playing. There are harsher bandwidth caps over here.

I also don't buy the 'Unreal Engine' excuse since Tribes updates are usually 350 meg and they add maps and items.


GAF parliamentarian
Massive patches. I don't know if that's just a thing with UE3 games, but damn. It isn't free to play if turning on Steam kills my bandwidth cap.

Same reason I uninstalled Dungeon Defenders (and will never play a TrendyNet game ever again).


Did making it a straight up DOTA game put you off?
Yes. I wanted to like it, but just can't play MOBA-style games.



They decided to make a DOTA game based on The Village People? (Okay, they didn't have an Assassin, but the Leatherman came close to that look)

In all seriousness, while fantasy "cliches" get a lot of hate, I think people do actually like them, whereas a more modern, campy setting probably doesn't fit the DOTA genre all that well.


Because I kept on getting 1.8 gig patches every week and it was annoying as hell.

this. even if i had the urge to pop in and play (which i have) i'd have to wait an unreasonable amount of time to play on impulse because i turned off auto update. doesn't help that i'm only 1.5mbps down i guess.
I'm not playing it because I was getting put on teams with people at my level while we took on a team of higher leveled, and more experienced players. Not being able to leave the spawn point got old. Maybe I'll give it another shot now.

Card Boy

Massive patches. I don't know if that's just a thing with UE3 games, but damn. It isn't free to play if turning on Steam kills my bandwidth cap.

Same reason I uninstalled Dungeon Defenders (and will never play a TrendyNet game ever again).

Something tells me its shitty coding. Even Dungeon Defenders patches never made you redownload the whole game again, and as mentioned Tribes Ascend patches are like 350megs and they add maps! Both which are UE3 games like SMNC.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Played ~5 games in BETA, was really looking forward to it at the time too but something was just "meh" about it. Didn't really seem much tactic besides running around gunning and trying to avoid stuff yourself.

Card Boy

I would really love the server browsers back and late join. Awesomenauts has a late join system that gives a bonus to the player so they ain't at a disadvantage.


I really like SMNC, but the patches are something else. I ditched the beta after it felt like I was downloading the whole game every week, and I am pretty close to uninstalling it again. I guess I am lucky I don't have any bandwidth caps to worry about, but come on.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great game and I have even spent some money on it but something has got to give.

Edit: Also I wish it had some options like late join said above and the option to surrender, among other things.


Last time I tried to play it it wanted me to download a 2 GB patch. Actually, it did that every time it needed to update. Like downloading the entire game again. That's why I'm not playing.
I really like the game but I got really tired of being matched with atrocious teammates. That's a part of any MOBA to some degree, but losing about 2/3 of my matches (usually because I had one or two teammates who had no clue what they were doing) just got old. I'm not a particularly amazing player or anything, the matchmaking just does a really bad job of not pairing up total noobs with more experienced players, which is a guaranteed shitty match in a game like this.

Goon Boon

I really like the game but I got really tired of being matched with atrocious teammates. That's a part of any MOBA to some degree, but losing about 2/3 of my matches (usually because I had one or two teammates who had no clue what they were doing) just got old. I'm not a particularly amazing player or anything, the matchmaking just does a really bad job of not pairing up total noobs with more experienced players, which is a guaranteed shitty match in a game like this.

A big problem was that they decided that 5 man groups could go up against 5 solo queuers. Luckily they realized that was retarded, and now solo queue vs solo queue only, 2/3 mans with 2/3 mans only, and 5 mans with 5 mans only. It's a lot better than before to say the least.


sparkle this bitch
Uninstalled after another 2 gig update and realizing it was more DOTA than expected... when I already had League + DOTA2


Around May 25th Ubernet added in Turbocross Mode which is a mode exactly like the original MNC with the same damage, re-buildable turrets etc. This fixed by biggest issue with SMNC but with a another problem; No one was playing in my region.
Loved the first one, didn't like the dota style of the second one.

If Turbocross makes it feel more like the first one, I'll redownload it and give it a try.
Uninstalled after another 2 gig update and realizing it was more DOTA than expected... when I already had League + DOTA2

I love it and play it fairly regularly but this is always a pain in the ass. As mentioned earlier it really kills any impulse play. I wish more people did play it but I can understand why people don't jump through some of the hurdles to do so.


In my case:
-I was slightly dissapointed at the first game (bought it day one, at full price on Xbox Live Arcade)
-They technically abandoned the Xbox 360 version (even when they admitted that back then there were more people on that version, but since Steam's easier to update/release stuff; Steam became a priority)

So, I see no reason to go back to it at the moment. Even less when back on "day one" I got another friend to also buy it; and he was also dissapointed. XD
The community for Monday Night Combat was tiny, dedicated and brutal. I think I had an easier time diving into CS 1.6 for the first time than I did trying to play MNC. If I could play on more than two servers with a decent ping and play with a wider range of skill levels to start I might've stuck with it and been inclined to try Super Monday Night Combat.

I think if I'm going to invest any time in another multiplayer game, I should try and learn how to play Dota 2 instead.


UI is a mess and quite ugly.
And I don`t know how to explain well but the attacks/shooting don`t feel very good, half the time I can`t even tell if I`m doing any damage


A. In the beta I never got the xbox controller to work despite people saying it worked.

B. All the friend's I played MNC with don't play pc games.

C. When I played with randoms on 360 in MNC I shockingly got 90% cool people, on PC in the beta I got basically all psycho assholes.

D. I liked the classes/maps/balance/speed of the first game much much more.

I played 60-80 hours of the 360 MNC and loved it. Played 5ish hours of SMNC and hated 90% of it.

Best of luck to the devs though they seemed nice.


-They technically abandoned the Xbox 360 version (even when they admitted that back then there were more people on that version, but since Steam's easier to update/release stuff; Steam became a priority)
The game was build around it being updated, it was doomed already with MS strict update policy. It's death could be seen from a mile away.


I've been taking a break from dota 2 to play it. It's not bad. I own MNC, but barely played it. I did feel kind of burned, but I did get some in game money as a reward to buying it. It's way too easy, and you feel like you barely do any damage when you first start out. It's not the best, but it's more balanced than smite.

Also, they fixed the patch system. It's now done in game with smaller update sizes.
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