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iPhone Q: can the person with the iphone see if you read a text if you dont have one?

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Barely fit that title in! Just a quick question, can someone see if I read their text if I don't have an iPhone? I read the other day that iPhone has a new thing it can notify you when the other person reads your text.

On another note, just in an attempt to not make this thread completely terrible, what are your guys rules on how fast to text back someone you're mutually interested in? Do you even have any?
No. It only works if both people are using iMessage, Apple's inbuilt text message app. And only then if you enable it.

And it's not new. It's years old.


iMessages only. Plus you have the option to turn that option on or off. I have it off. Kind of creepy feature.
And yeah 'treat em mean' works too often, I've found. Don't text her back instantly. Try to get her to text you initially, that's a good sign. And once you're messaging, mix it up and maybe leave it a few hours sometime. You want to keep her guessing, you want her to think you're busy and active and arent waiting by the phone, and girls mostly hate being chased and doted upon, so instantly replying to texts makes you look a bit desperate and earnest.

It's sad, but meh. It's truth.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
And yeah 'treat em mean' works too often, I've found. Don't text her back instantly. Try to get her to text you initially, that's a good sign. And once you're messaging, mix it up and maybe leave it a few hours sometime. You want to keep her guessing, you want her to think you're busy and active and arent waiting by the phone, and girls mostly hate being chased and doted upon, so instantly replying to texts makes you look a bit desperate and earnest.

It's sad, but meh. It's truth.

Don't play stupid games with response times.. Just text back when you feel like texting back. God forbid you reply immediately and she thinks you might actually like or respect her.
And yeah 'treat em mean' works too often, I've found. Don't text her back instantly. Try to get her to text you initially, that's a good sign. And once you're messaging, mix it up and maybe leave it a few hours sometime. You want to keep her guessing, you want her to think you're busy and active and arent waiting by the phone, and girls mostly hate being chased and doted upon, so instantly replying to texts makes you look a bit desperate and earnest.

It's sad, but meh. It's truth.

This is the truth. Not nonsense at all.
I was waiting on reading texts from a girl I'm "talking" to just because of this :lol Like if she replied after 7 mins I'd wait at least 7 to read it let alone reply back. Fucking pathetic

C'mon dude, reply back whenever you get the chance. Don't wait just 'coz she waited.

Don't play stupid games with response times.. Just text back when you feel like texting back. God forbid you reply immediately and she thinks you might actually like or respect her.

I... think you're generalizing if you think all girls will perceive instant replying as 'he must like and respect me'. Some would, most wouldn't. And if you're going for the higher echelon of female, that's a whole new ball game. I went through this with my current GF (5 years strong) and it worked great. She was one of the 'popular girls' so the last thing she was wanting was some bloke being earnest and too upfront with her.



Don't play stupid games with response times.. Just text back when you feel like texting back. God forbid you reply immediately and she thinks you might actually like or respect her.

Bullcrap. I always wait at least 2 days to respond and I'm swimmin in ladies right now. SWIMMIN!



Serious reply: It really depends on the girl. Sometimes these "games" can be deal breakers. You never know how she's going to perceive things.


Agreed. That feature is also in Facebook messages, and cannot be disabled. It's a pain in the ass.
Fucking hate that shit. If I happen to have an FB tab open and someone messages me, it instantly marks it as read if I click over to the tab and look. I didn't want to talk to that person at that time, why you gotta snitch on me like that Facebook :(


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I... think you're generalizing if you think all girls will perceive instant replying as 'he must like and respect me'. Some would, most wouldn't. And if you're going for the higher echelon of female, that's a whole new ball game. I went through this with my current GF (5 years strong) and it worked a great. She was one of the 'popular girls' so the last thing she was wanting was some bloke being earnest and too upfront with her.
Higher echelon of female? Please. It sounds like a tactic that would only work on the psychology of a woman with an unhealthy attitude.

Sounds to me like something ripped from the playbook of a so-called "Pick Up Artist", circa 2005.

I just negged you. That means you like me more, right?
Bullcrap. I always wait at least 2 days to respond and I'm swimmin in ladies right now. SWIMMIN!



I went on a date once with a girl. On a Saturday. Didn't talk to her till the Wednesday. She IM'd me practically exasperated thinking I didn't like her, but in a roundabout way it must have made me look hard-to-get and unaffected (blatantly false, sadly) and it worked a treat.

Then again we were young (19), I doubt that stuff would fly with older girls.
Higher echelon of female? Please. It sounds like a tactic that would only work on the psychology of a woman with an unhealthy attitude.

Sounds to me like something ripped from the playbook of a so-called "Pick Up Artist" circa 2005.

I just negged you. That means you like me more, right?

I wrote this out and then I checked and you had responded. Some straight up wannabe "playa" tactics. If your playing games at all in a relationship something bad is going to happen. Be straight with the person respond to their texts when you have time.
Higher echelon of female? Please. It sounds like a tactic that would only work on the psychology of a woman with an unhealthy attitude.

Sounds to me like something ripped from the playbook of a so-called "Pick Up Artist" circa 2005.

I just negged you. That means you like me more, right?

I think it works with girls with decent or good self-esteem because they are used to situations where guys are upfront and earnest with their feelings, whether that be in a club or overt affection online and in person. So if someone who is used to male attention doesn't get it from a guy she is interested in, it adds a layer of mystery and intrigue around the bloke. It's worked too many times for me to be some bullshit coincidence.

But I haven't dated in 5 years, things have changed drastically in term of communication and interaction since then.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I wrote this out and then I checked and you had responded. Some straight up wannabe "playa" tactics. If your playing games at all in a relationship something bad is going to happen. Be straight with the person respond to their texts when you have time.


I went on a date once with a girl. On a Saturday. Didn't talk to her till the Wednesday. She IM'd me practically exasperated thinking I didn't like her, but in a roundabout way it must have made me look hard-to-get and unaffected (blatantly false, sadly) and it worked a treat.

Then again we were young (19), I doubt that stuff would fly with older girls.

Unfortunately it does. It takes longer than you would assume to grow out of such things. Though there might be less "exasperation". There's a girl I talk to now who I ignore for two weeks at a time who always seems to come back. She's used to a certain amount of attention it seems.
I wrote this out and then I checked and you had responded. Some straight up wannabe "playa" tactics. If your playing games at all in a relationship something bad is going to happen. Be straight with the person respond to their texts when you have time.

I'm not denying that's its cheap or unsophisticated, but it does work. In my experiences, at least.

It's all about adapting to certain personality types too. Some girls will see right through it. Others will lap it up.

I'm sure it works both ways with the fellas too. Girls are masters at it.
I think it works with girls with decent or good self-esteem because they are used to situations where guys are upfront and earnest with their feelings, whether that be in a club or overt affection online and in person. So if someone who is used to male attention doesn't get it from a guy she is interested in, it adds a layer of mystery and intrigue around the bloke. It's worked too many times for me to be some bullshit coincidence.

But I haven't dated in 5 years, things have changed drastically in term of communication and interaction since then.

How old where you both when you got together?.

A guy being mysterious is one of the lamest things I've ever seen your firstly being intentionally deceptive and lies are not good ground to start a relationship but its mostly immature women who have an interest in people like that. From personal experience women want someone genuine, nice and stable. You can't build much of a life if one of those involved isn't these things.

Maybe If you want casual sex and no strings that mysterious routine works but that's a fools game If you want a companion surely you yourself understands the necessity for honesty.

Casual sex is easy to get without playing games, women are just as eager for it as men lets not pretend their not. Be a genuine person be polite be upfront and don't be a door mat and cut your losses if its not working. The worst thing is people who are trying to hook up with a girl stop focusing on other people are too stupid to realise they are never going to get it but still continue
How old where you both when you got together?.

A guy being mysterious is one of the lamest things I've ever seen your firstly being intentionally deceptive and lies are not good ground to start a relationship but its mostly immature women who have an interest in people like that. From personal experience women want someone genuine, nice and stable. You can't build much of a life if one of those involved isn't these things.

Maybe If you want casual sex and no strings that mysterious routine works but that's a fools game If you want a companion surely you yourself understands the necessity for honesty.

Casual sex is easy to get without playing games, women are just as eager for it as men lets not pretend their not. Be a genuine person be polite be upfront and don't be a door mat and cut your losses if its not working. The worst thing is people who are trying to hook up with a girl stop focusing on other people are too stupid to realise they are never going to get it but still continue

That post made my brain melt, particularly the last sentence. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of the comma.

And I don't think 'strategic replying' should be considered lying. I'm not lying to her, I'm just paying my cards right and seeing how she responds. And your field of experience is narrow if you think all girls' desires can be wrapped up in three buzzwords. They're complicated, beautiful creatures. Strategies like this help you hone in on the right girl for you.

Edit: I was 23 and she was 20.
That post made my brain melt, particularly the last sentence. Please familiarize yourself with the concept of the comma.

And I don't think 'strategic replying' should be considered lying. I'm not lying to her, I'm just paying my cards right and seeing how she responds. And your field of experience is narrow if you think all girls' desires can be wrapped up in three buzzwords. They're complicated, beautiful creatures. Strategies like this help you hone in on the right girl for you.

Edit: I was 23 and she was 20.
Way to discredit his post by calling out his grammar! You just won't this argument! :)

You know, your text conversation would have most likely came out the same, regardless of your little "strategy". I doubt you keeping her waiting changed anything, it was just rude. Why would you keep someone you're interested in and care about waiting? I doubt the thought "He FINALLY responded to my text! :D Oh my god he's so cool, he must be super busy and interesting to take this long! He must only text back because I'm worth his time!"

I really doubt it.
I'm posting from an iPad, its no excuse really but shit touchscreens are terrible.

You talk about how she was "a higher echelon of female" but honestly if she enjoys someone playing games with her I find that hard to believe.

Strategic Replying as you called it is deception you are intentionally making her believe something untrue, you have the text and the ability to reply. Instead of replying you purposefully make her believe you are "busy" because you think it makes her interest in you grow.

Like I said if her interest in you grows because you don't text back she is effectively emotional play-doh. That screams alarm bells at me I wouldn't want anything to do with someone so malleable.
People overthink txting so much with dating. Wow.

I hate texting because of this shit. Why do I have to wait to reply, what precise words to say, and what I dislike the most is it takes forever to discuss something. A 3 hour texting conversion would take like 3 minutes on a phone call.
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