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The "inspirational quotes" on FB and Instagram...where do people find this shit?

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Just a few samples from the last few hours:





It's just as bad as meme spamming on message boards. The formatting is always the same, 90% of the time they are posted by women, they almost always post them in chunks, and it's all the most generic life advice you can imagine. I feel especially frustrated since most of the people who post this on my feed are family, I just want to scream out "hey maybe if you didn't take life advice from the image macros, you wouldn't constantly be on the web complaining about why you can't find a man."

When someone repeatedly posts these, I can make a few assumptions:

1) You are single and depressed
2) You don't have an original thought in your head, or you do and you just lack the ability to turn your thoughts into words
3) You would orgasm to death in a Hallmark card store


I so appreciate you sharing your misery with me.
Edit: Oh sort of like the people on facebook do to you.


Well the first looks like it might be from a Tony A Gaskins Jr website. The last is probably from Someecard something or another. The middle two, I don't know.

But I'm with you, have these all over my Facebook and it is the same people that post these as in your case. Really thought about unfriending mist of them, and asked my wife if she would be too upset about me unfriending her Mom, but ended up just going to Facebook less.
You could have unfollowed everyone posting these in the amount of time it took to make this thread and you'd be free of them.

They're probably made by a) teenagers or b) pages that exist to get followers/likes and make money.
Some people feel the need to constantly update to stay on their friends' radar, or to keep up with frequent updates from their friends. Most people don't have enough going on for all those updates, so they transform their feeds into 'curated content'. Turns out, most people kinda suck at curation.


Gold Member
I wish I could digitally punch people in the face who retweet shit like this on twitter.


"The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan."

Jennifer Lawrence
I just insta-block any of my "friends" who does this. Also, more religious people tend to do this as if they have nothing else to say.

It's an easy thing to make fun out of, though.


I've been thinking about this crap too. That shit drives me nuts. I usually find them being posted by people who just ended a relationship or something like that. Like, "look at this thought-provoking" picture of text to see how well I'm doing without you."

Also on topic, the thinly-veiled, looking for attention posts on FB. "Some people just need to grow up." "OMG can this day get any worse!?" "That's it, I'm done caring about people who don't appreciate it." blah blah, ask me what's wrong so I can reply with a comment that make it's look like I don't care.


edit: that Jenna Jameson response is great
The ones that get to me are those hyperlinks or whatever the fuck they are called. When I see a friend post that shit I call them out haha.


Do these things really bother you all that much?

I don't really get what's so horribly offensive or annoying about them? They seem pretty easy to just ignore...


Unconfirmed Member
I don't get those either, I find them pretty annoying.

I don't mind the someecards ones. Those are usually pretty funny.


On my FB its 95% of the time females who post them, young ones in particular

If they work out and try to stay in shape: Its about staying motivated, being sexy etc

If they had a nasty split/divorce: Its about how its great to be free, not being controlled by anyone else

If they are in a relationship that is going wlel: its about how great it is to be in love and found their "soulmate"

Its like they want to say something, but the platform that is Facebook and the hundreds of friends reading is intimidating, they cannot post anything specific, otherwise people will figure out what they are actually talking about. So they just copy/paste a inspirational quote that somehow relates to their own lives and hope others "get" the real meaning.


I have family members mostly aunts who post tons of these silly things.

I think it is in lieu of people not having anything actually interesting to say so hey let me post a quote.
Also on topic, the thinly-veiled, looking for attention posts on FB. "Some people just need to grow up." "OMG can this day get any worse!?" "That's it, I'm done caring about people who don't appreciate it." blah blah, ask me what's wrong so I can reply with a comment that make it's look like I don't care.

Someone pointed out to me that there's a word for this.


You guys are horrible Facebook friends. It's people that complain about the shit on social media that annoy the fuck outta me. Just unfollow and stop whining.
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