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LTTP: Remember Me. I shall not forget.



As an individual who has been enamoured with the atmosphere of "Cyberpunk", I finally finished this game last month on PS3 during the holidays. Despite the notable flaws that has been talked to death about by critics, DONTNOD delivered an audio visual experience whose understanding "lighting", "art" and "atmosphere" is rather exemplary. I'd go as far as to say that they ought to be templates for other games in the same genre.

Let me condense the "Good" and the "Bad" from my perspective:


  1. Design of the city. At some points when the game allows the player to take in the vista, it often felt to me as looking at a precursor to Blade Runner. I felt absolutely immersed.
  2. Lighting is done exceptionally well with ample amount of reds and whites. The way the light sources cast said light was harsh and apropos lending to the overall atmosphere.
  3. A strong female protagonist who possesses one of the better designs from the crop of last generation of games. I often found myself placing Nilin in front of a light source and admiring the proficiency with which the polygons were spent on her.
  4. French voice acting done quite well, considering the script (which thankfully refrains from doing disservice to the main character). I played the game in french with english subtitles and it felt just right.
  5. Great soundtrack. It also helped to have had a combat soundtrack that indicated the success or failure of an attempted combo.
  6. Interesting premise. I loved the Remix segments.
  7. Combo lab is brilliant idea that fundamentally alters how melee operations can be conducted in third person adventure game.
  8. Some good brain teasing puzzles.


  • Suffocating linearity juxtaposed against the backdrop of beautiful vistas.
  • Far too much hand holding for traversal.
  • Inconsistent script for NPCs with some really cheesy dialogues from adversaries.
  • Existence of leapers, especially as physically designed, make little sense.
  • Combat music got monotonous. A few more possessing the same functional quality would have been nice.
  • As good as Combo lab idea is, the design felt it required further fine tuning with balance. There was little pay off for using longer combos as opposed to shorter ones designated purely for cool-downs.
  • Story felt inconsistent. The idea was grand but the impact as presented in the game had a small scope which ran counter to what the global implications of the technology. Furthermore, the way the conclusion was reached felt "rainbows, bunnies, sunshine" i.e. unrealistic.
  • Remix feature felt quite under utilized.

Another scrap of personal opinion:

I think it was bold and absolutely right thing to not only have a non-white female character (whose gender had no bearing on the story portraying its irrelevance in terms of what the goal is and relevance in terms of inclusion of both race and gender) and show off an interracial (human) couple (which, in my short few years of gaming I witnessed for the first time).



Overall I hope DONTNOD keep on nailing the atmosphere, character design and inclusion factors and improving scripts. After playing TLoU, if a dialogue feels cheesy or "game-y" it really breaks immersion for me.

I hope that CDPR delivers of C2077 and DONTNOD succeeds at delivering their vision with Vampyr.

Here's the detail on her in-game model:


Atmosphere and design:





As good as Combo lab idea is, the design felt it required further fine tuning with balance. There was little pay off for using longer combos as opposed to shorter ones designated purely for cool-downs.

This is really my only major issue with the game. Not universally great writing, linear, whatever I can deal with that. But when combat just became a case of "mash combos to reduce your cooldown because your super is the only thing that hurts anyone", no, I quit.

Honestly the game didn't really need combat, but if they had to add combat, they added about the worst combat they could have. I was totally okay with derping my way through on easy for the story and remixes until they started throwing in the invisible dudes you need the cooldown to fight.

It's a damn shame, the main character, the world, the visuals, the music, this game really deserved better.


Wow, pretty fantastic OP already. I remember liking this game a lot. My biggest gripe with it was the inability to skip cut scenes in NG+. Did that change?


I admit that the atmosphere and the use of a non white female protagonist was superb, in fact, I applaud the developers for it. But the gameplay, the story and the linearity killed this game for me.


The visual design and the core idea were completely let down by the awkward clunky combat and mediocre platforming. I'm glad I played it, it was a neat game, but it could've been so much better.
There was some good potential for a game, but the focus on brawling lets it down a lot. I could live with it if it was really good combat, but the mechanics are half baked and the enemies are not particularly interesting to fight.

Change the game to be a stealth game primarily instead of a combat game primarily. Make remixing and such a much more prominent part of the game, and increase the complexity of those sequences so it's not as easy to just brute-force the solution for everything. Put in a substantial hacking mini-game, like DX:HR but maybe even more in depth than that.

Then you've got your cool cyberpunk game. It felt so wrong to have the protagonist just punch everyone to death. Very disconnected from the world it takes place in.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Good post. I agree with most of the OP. It's an underrated game. It's quite hand-holdy and overly modern, but somehow other games like it don't get bad reviews. I imagine if Neo-Paris were "open-world" with a bland map filled with pointless collectibles, instead of having a more linear structure, it'd get 9's everywhere.


The visual design and the core idea were completely let down by the awkward clunky combat and mediocre platforming. I'm glad I played it, it was a neat game, but it could've been so much better.

This and I personally did not like the soundtrack. This game was loads of wasted potential.


Neo Member
I finished this game a while ago. I liked it for the most part, but the way it derails at the end totally destroys it. It is so absurd and bizarre that you just want it to end and move on.
There was a VERY interesting thing in that game, the combo lab or something like that, where you could actually create your own combos. It somehow works, but there was not many reasons to simply create the basic things and stick to them the whole game. Why would I want to create a long combo that is difficult to remember if I can simply create a short one and spam it more times?

Not a bad game but I would not play it again.


Tried it when it was free on PS+, bit I gave up pretty fast on account of the appallingly low FoV. At first I thought that it was for cinematic disorientation effect in the opening sequence, but then it didn't get bigger...

I really liked it, stylistically it looked great and the universe was kind've interesting, especially the remix capabilities that felt like a puzzely Heavy Rain-ish (wish there were more of those). The combat was a bit by the numbers but I did like what they started with a semi 'choose-your-own-combo' system. Had some primitive platforming that was satisfactory, like an Uncharted lite, you always knew where you were going and couldn't really go off the beaten path but it was serviceable.

But I'll agree with what others have said, felt like wasted potential for something that could've been great but only something that was good to okay, despite that I still think its a good play if people get a chance, it's interesting to say the least. Let's see what DONTNOD do with Life is Strange.
That looks enticing! Game was always something I only knew by name but somehow kept a super low profile. I think we've got this via PS+? guess I'm gonna check it out.


I thought it was a great effort but in the end was disappointed. That said I wish it had done well enough to get a sequel because there was a lot of stuff that they could have fixed based on the feedback they got. Heck even an overhauled re-release could end up being very good.


I always wanted it because of its amazing concept art. Back when it was called Adrift or something. I'm glad it was on PS+ so I'll play it eventually.


I wanna know the dev history of this game. Like... brawler couldn't of been the first genre it was suppose to be. I can't help but think some suit said "Nope we gotta have fighting" and hence the shoe horned brawler.

I mean I hope that's how it happened, cause man it was such a stupid decision to go that route.


I liked the setting, the graphics and the remixes. The game had some truly gorgeous moments. The combat, storytelling, voice acting and linearity were weak.


Tried to get into it, but the combat really put me off of the game. I stopped after the first boss, because I wasn't really enjoying it. I will say that I really liked the art style and atmosphere. Gave me a Ghost in the Shell vibe, which was really neat. I may try it again some time.


This was a true hidden gem of last gen. Every area had a different feel to it, keeping the game fresh and wanting me to move forward. The boss fights felt really old school to me, which was fun. Also the soundtrack was phenomenal. Game was a blast and I hope we get a sequel, but I'm not sure if it'll happen. I didn't hear good things about sales unfortunately. :(
I wanna know the dev history of this game. Like... brawler couldn't of been the first genre it was suppose to be. I can't help but think some suit said "Nope we gotta have fighting" and hence the shoe horned brawler.

I mean I hope that's how it happened, cause man it was such a stupid decision to go that route.
Their next game, Life Is Strange, has similar memory concepts but without combat.



Good lord, the music.

The game had it's fair share of flaws, sure, but it was in my top list for that year. Visually its one of the strongest games on either system, and I felt that the pacing was pretty good as well.

Some of those remix situations made me feel downright bad too.

The linearity, traversal system, and combat all needed more work, but there was nothing broken about it and there were a lot of parts to the combat that I did enjoy.

Like your title suggests, a lot of people make the 'forget-able' joke, but man, I am gonna remember this title for a long time. Looking forward to trying their next game Life is Strange, pretty soon here.
I wish this game was 3D Ghost Trick.
Yeah that's pretty much what it should have been but wasn't
I don't agree with this. While I think there could have been some more situations with the Remix stuff I don't think it should have been just a puzzle game. I feel like you needed to have Nilin fighting against the forces in an action type atmosphere.


Setting was interesting, and the main character's design looked pretty great too. Nice soundtrack. Unfortunately, the combat put me off and I didn't get very far. It felt like I was playing a mediocre version of the Batman games.

It's a shame because I thought it had the potential to be a lot better.
I didn't have huge expectations, but ended up really liking Remember Me. The world-building, visuals, and music were fantastic, though my favourite parts of the game were the bosses and memory remixes. The whole thing feels whole, complete, and bold, in an era of games terrified of such things.

Games that feel visionary are very rare indeed - and that's really the best way to describe Remember Me. More than anything, it makes me interested in DONTNOD's next steps (which seem really promising).

I now present the best song in Remember Me.


absolutely loved everything about the game. maybe i'm just easily pleased. i'm really excited to hear about, and eventually play, dontnod's future projects. life is strange looks and sounds great as does vampyr. definitely a studio that's on my radar. just reading about it makes me want to play it again. i will admit though, it was far more enjoyable for me on pc than it was on the 360. technical reasons most likely. my favourite name for a bar will always be the leaking brain.
One my favorite games I played last year (got it in the last Steam Sale). The biggest gripe I had was fighting Kid Xmas, I hated the last stage of the battle (reminded me of fighting Bane in Arkham Asylum which is another boss I hated). But I am probably one of the few who liked the battle system overall, (at least when I had all of the abilities) flipping, kicking, punching, shooting the Spammer and using the different powers was a whole lotta fun. Though it could have been skewed because I heard how bad it was and I expected far worse, I might be just easy to please. :)

I loved how the world looked but the linearity was annoying if you were trying to get the SAT and Focus patches due to the fact there was no backtracking.

The story was okay, I didn't like the fact that she had misgivings yet still did what Edge wanted.

I really appreciated the fact that the main character was mixed because that really was something that I really haven't seen in a lot of media much less video games.

Additionally, I found the Remixing one the coolest things I have done in a game in a while.
All in all, while I know we will unfortunately never get another game in this universe, it was still memorable to me
couldn't resist
and I am really looking forward to Life is Strange, Vampyr, and whatever else DONTNOD does.


I really enjoyed the game I just wished there were more memory remixing sections. I didn't mind the combat at all, it probably helps in my case that I have a higher tolerance for brawling combat mechanics then I do other combat mechanics. If there was say TPS combat instead I'd have probably hated it. Heck I'm struggling through the Last of Us right now because I just don't like the shooting...

The setting, world and music made this a good experience for me. I appreciate what it tried to do, it didn't get it all right but I see it as a enjoyable unpolished gem.

Ill Saint

It really is all about that exquisitely rendered world. I spent hours slowly walking around and simply marvelling at the view, but lamenting the total lack of exploration. It's also a shame that the emory remix mechanic was not expanded upon and played a larger role in the overall gameplay.

I always imagined that if the levels were more like Dishonored style sandboxes with the memory remix mechanic at the forefront, it could have been something quite special and unique. As it is, it's a decent little game that was something of a missed opportunity.
The game isn't perfect but I still enjoyed it for the most part and its the reason why I'm interested in checking out Life Is Strange.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The world was absolutely well done. It's a shame we don't get to explore it any further, at the end you might just forget you were in a Neo Paris. I wish the devs had try to make more exploration, make you want to explore every nook and cranny of it. However you gotta give it to them, because even without that pull, I still wanted to see everything of it and even more.

The story had its flaws, but I love how they made Nilin such a strong character.

The gameplay could have definitely been better, but in some occasions it did make you feel like a badass. Specially with the incredible soundtrack, my God, that composer is freaking amazing. It's a shame it only happens a couple of times.

There was some good potential for a game, but the focus on brawling lets it down a lot. I could live with it if it was really good combat, but the mechanics are half baked and the enemies are not particularly interesting to fight.

Change the game to be a stealth game primarily instead of a combat game primarily. Make remixing and such a much more prominent part of the game, and increase the complexity of those sequences so it's not as easy to just brute-force the solution for everything. Put in a substantial hacking mini-game, like DX:HR but maybe even more in depth than that.

Then you've got your cool cyberpunk game. It felt so wrong to have the protagonist just punch everyone to death. Very disconnected from the world it takes place in.

I have to agree with this. Specially since she's supposed to be part of a group that is almost like a guerrilla group who's up against the whole world. While they explain through backstoy why the guards didn't use guns, it felt more like an excuse to force you into fist fights. I would have loved the game, and would definitely be in my GOAT if it had followed what you said. For being someone who changes people's memories, she certainly doesn't do it all that often. For being someone who's being hunted, she's definitely not sneaky.

Argh, this game feels as if it would've been amazing if the devs had more time, and a better budget. Frustrates me.

That being said, I can't wait for Life is Strange and their upcoming WWI Action RPG game.
There was some good potential for a game, but the focus on brawling lets it down a lot. I could live with it if it was really good combat, but the mechanics are half baked and the enemies are not particularly interesting to fight.

Change the game to be a stealth game primarily instead of a combat game primarily. Make remixing and such a much more prominent part of the game, and increase the complexity of those sequences so it's not as easy to just brute-force the solution for everything. Put in a substantial hacking mini-game, like DX:HR but maybe even more in depth than that.

Then you've got your cool cyberpunk game. It felt so wrong to have the protagonist just punch everyone to death. Very disconnected from the world it takes place in.

I kind of agree with this, but stealth games can have their own frustrations as well. I don't want Nilin to be so underpowered that she can't fight her way out of a situation, even if generally stealth is the better option. The Metro games, especially Last Light, or maybe Wolfenstein: The New Order strike the balance I would want for something like Remember Me: one where stealth is a viable option throughout, but not by any means the only one or even the one you're expected to pursue all the time.

And I still liked the concept of the combo lab, and the fact that each pressen actually led to a different move (with different timings, even, I think); it's just that in practice those subtle differences didn't matter at all. Having those choices matter much more not just for the bonus you get from each move but also in terms of the combat itself (this move is an uppercut that leaves you vulnerable to low strikes, this move takes some time to charge up and can be interrupted, this move is quick but weak) would've made the combo lab a much better system.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I would've loved a balance, where you could stealth sections (which obviously entails a complete change of map design) but you can still take on 2 or 3 enemies like a pro, but anymore and you'll be outpowered. And make her feel a bit heavier, not as floaty as she felt in the game.

And bam, the game becomes amazing.


I remember getting this game from Plus, and I remember disliking it.
It's combat was boring and I didn't like the story at all. Only positive thing about the game I could say is that the game's setting looked pretty.


I've completed this three times so far, I even like the combat. The soundtrack is one of the best in recent memory and the environment sells the game perfectly - right from the moment you first emerge from the underground ruin/dumping ground into the lower levels of a Bladerunner style Paris.

Nominated it in my 20 picks of 360/PS3 artcle here:

And made a couple of videos, the first is just some play through one of the stages, second is the boss fight with Madame.


The artbook is pretty great and worth tracking down, the soundtrack is somewhat incomplete and only available digitally (sigh). If you want to go for the best version the 360 has the tiniest of edges over the PS3 version, but of course the PS3 one is free now, I played it to completion on both platforms.

Huge fan of this game.
Certainly a flawed game, but still one of the very few games I finished in 2013/2014. Not least because of the fantastic art direction and the phenomenal instrumental score by Olivier Deriviere.
Despite some budget constraints (I presume), you could definitely feel the passion and love poured into this game at every moment.


Man, imagine if the Dragon's Dogma team had been giving DONTNOD combat pointers instead of trying to salvage DmC.

I would have also taken an increased emphasis on stealth and enemy avoidance/evasion.


Neo Member
This was definitely one of my favorite games from PS+ last year. I probably would have never tried it, but it was free and now I'm really looking forward to Life is Strange. The atmosphere was so great and I loved the concept. The combat wasn't too terrible for me either. I suppose the remix memory concept is being expanded upon and used for Life is Strange, but I kinda wish they went ahead with a sequel. I'm glad Dontnod didn't go under for this.
I kind of agree with this, but stealth games can have their own frustrations as well. I don't want Nilin to be so underpowered that she can't fight her way out of a situation, even if generally stealth is the better option. The Metro games, especially Last Light, or maybe Wolfenstein: The New Order strike the balance I would want for something like Remember Me: one where stealth is a viable option throughout, but not by any means the only one or even the one you're expected to pursue all the time.

And I still liked the concept of the combo lab, and the fact that each pressen actually led to a different move (with different timings, even, I think); it's just that in practice those subtle differences didn't matter at all. Having those choices matter much more not just for the bonus you get from each move but also in terms of the combat itself (this move is an uppercut that leaves you vulnerable to low strikes, this move takes some time to charge up and can be interrupted, this move is quick but weak) would've made the combo lab a much better system.

I think that fist fights being the primary combat in a cyberpunk setting is implicitly leading to a disconnect with the setting. It's the same thing with Too Human
where you've got this rich cyberpunk norse mythology, and then people are doing air juggles and silly melee combat. This aesthetic feels like it should be more at home with grounded contemporary or futuristic weaponry as the primary mode of combat, and thus a different genre to what it was.

I personally think that the setting and story is best paired with stealth gameplay - not necessarily a pure stealth experience, but you shouldn't just be rolling around punching everyone.
It's a pretty game that I wanted to rent when it first came out. However, there were no options for that around, and I never thought about the library.

I picked it up recently, but have yet to play it. Hopefully this summer.
I actually avoided this game due to lukewarm/borderline cold reception. But I decided to boot it up through PS+ one day and found myself loving it (besides some of the sections on hard difficulty). The combo lab was pretty interesting too. I felt like it was a way to overcomplicate an arkham style combat system at first, but then I mixed up some of the properties in each of my combos and found uses for all of them.

In general, the game was pretty fun and had great world/art design. Only negatives for me was probably unskippable cutscenes and remixes being underused. Pretty solid game otherwise.
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