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Xbox 360 – My Saga continues…


Well what to say,

MS has one hell of a quality product here, it’s my 3rd X360 and it’s dead only after playing PGR3 for 45min! Before people start screaming out “troll!” “Stupid sony/nintendo fanboy!” I have video proof that my console is dead, yet again. I gave the 360 a chance, I bought all the good games… and even some I regret (PDZ, NEVER TRUST WHAT AN EB EMPLOYEE TELLS YOU!).

Is there any way that MS will fix my console? It’s out of warranty. I’m getting the 3 rings of doom as my videos show. This isn’t my first X360, nor my first 360 problem. MS did nothing but dick me around for a month waiting for a PSU, broken promises, lies, I even had to go as far as to threaten using the BBB before something was done.

If you feel like it check out my story which starts here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72695&highlight=defects



EGM92 said:
Well what to say,

MS has one hell of a quality product here, it’s my 3rd X360 and it’s dead only after playing PGR3 for 45min! Before people start screaming out “troll!” “Stupid sony/nintendo fanboy!” I have video proof that my console is dead, yet again. I gave the 360 a chance, I bought all the good games… and even some I regret (PDZ, NEVER TRUST WHAT AN EB EMPLOYEE TELLS YOU!).

Is there any way that MS will fix my console? It’s out of warranty. I’m getting the 3 rings of doom as my videos show. This isn’t my first X360, nor my first 360 problem. MS did nothing but dick me around for a month waiting for a PSU, broken promises, lies, I even had to go as far as to threaten using the BBB before something was done.

If you feel like it check out my story which starts here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72695&highlight=defects


I'd honestly check to see whether the area you have the system in is properly ventilated and reasonably low on dust (i.e., take a vacuum and dust cloth to that part of the home every now and then.)

I don't doubt that there are *plenty* of lemons out there, even dev kits were overheating. But for one person to get three of them in a row seems, well, surprising.


Your third?!
That's some damned shitty quality control there. Either that, or you should stop playing basketball with your 360.


I thought they had extended everyone's warranty to 6 months after all the problems started to pop up. You may still be covered.
Perhaps MS, in an attempt to save money, is recycling 360s? SO, every new they send you is actually a refurbished one, and not necesarily fixed, but bandaged in what they feel is acceptable? Could explain the repeated offenses.


EGM92 said:
Well what to say,

MS has one hell of a quality product here, it’s my 3rd X360 and it’s dead only after playing PGR3 for 45min! Before people start screaming out “troll!” “Stupid sony/nintendo fanboy!” I have video proof that my console is dead, yet again. I gave the 360 a chance, I bought all the good games… and even some I regret (PDZ, NEVER TRUST WHAT AN EB EMPLOYEE TELLS YOU!).

Is there any way that MS will fix my console? It’s out of warranty. I’m getting the 3 rings of doom as my videos show. This isn’t my first X360, nor my first 360 problem. MS did nothing but dick me around for a month waiting for a PSU, broken promises, lies, I even had to go as far as to threaten using the BBB before something was done.

If you feel like it check out my story which starts here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72695&highlight=defects


i honestly feel you man. it feels like shit when your new concsole dies. however, i was lucky it died couple of days after i bought it, i returned the console and put the cash away


xsarien said:
I'd honestly check to see whether the area you have the system in is properly ventilated and reasonably low on dust (i.e., take a vacuum and dust cloth to that part of the home every now and then.)

I don't doubt that there are *plenty* of lemons out there, even dev kits were overheating. But for one person to get three of them in a row seems, well, surprising.

My console is vertical on a wooden desk wide open, with the PSU on a glass top desk near a window with a cool spring breeze blowing on it, and into the back of the console, not to mention that I have a fan blowing cool air at my X360.


Tat said:
3% borken units my ass, MS. :lol

Yeah, true, there's so many people who've had to send theirs back...
Glad mine is fine still, though it's not that strange as all it does nowadays is play DVD's and download marketplace content pretty much :p


hyperbolically metafictive
i was playing oblivion the other day, and i got all these weird sparklies in the picture. they were there when i quit to the dashboard too. they went away when i turned the console off and back on, but that's the graphics card dying, isn't it? i'm going to call ms tomorrow and see if i can talk my way into an extended warranty. i'm going to kill someone if i lose my oblivion save. :x
Wow, that sucks man. I was sort of listening in on a conversation with a customer talking to an associate in Gamestop stating that he went through several X360's as well. I think he said he was on his third or fourth one.


xsarien said:
I'd honestly check to see whether the area you have the system in is properly ventilated and reasonably low on dust (i.e., take a vacuum and dust cloth to that part of the home every now and then.)
Thats more work than should really be required though, and its unique to X360. Even if it were relatively closed and mildly dusty, the console shouldn't bork just because of that.My PS2 and GC are in a closed-space, my PC is covered in dust (the inside at least) Xbox is in the open but I keep stuff on top of it...

You really shouldn't have to think hard about where to put your console. The build quality should be higher. Its like people recommending keeping it horizontal instead of vertical. It shouldn't make any difference.

I should mention the few people I know with an X360 haven't actually had any problems, and I haven't seen too much complaining on Aus boards about problems, so assuming we got a newer batch at our recent launch the problems may be getting resolved.


EGM92 said:
Is there any way that MS will fix my console? It’s out of warranty. I’m getting the 3 rings of doom as my videos show. This isn’t my first X360, nor my first 360 problem. MS did nothing but dick me around for a month waiting for a PSU, broken promises, lies, I even had to go as far as to threaten using the BBB before something was done.

Yes, check your pm, seems you haven't noticed it yet.


EGM92 said:
a cool spring breeze blowing on it, and into the back of the console, not to mention that I have a fan blowing cool air at my X360.
Wild guess - you may want to ensure that all that air blowing in directly isn't dusty or something. Like 'spring breeze', but 'from a playground with a sand pit'. Or 'fan', but 'a lot of collected dust on the blades and grills'.

It's a wild shot, but worth checking considering the frequency of malfunction.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I did extend my warranty because I knew that if my 360 died I would get a shitty refurbished one and the cycle would just continue. Now if it breaks within the next two years I get a brand spanking new one from EB.
Up for grabs if anyone wants it.



Syphin said:
didnt you win your 360 in the befirsttoplay contest?

Yes, he won two of them. And seemed to take great glee in lording this fact over everyone, including being a douchebag to some friend of his. Karma, baby.

That said going through three systems is extremely ridiculous and I feel for the guy.


SuperPac said:
Yes, he won two of them. And seemed to take great glee in lording this fact over everyone, including being a douchebag to some friend of his. Karma, baby.

That said going through three systems is extremely ridiculous and I feel for the guy.
Yes I won 2, I worked hard for them, I stayed up for days on end, getting by with less then an hour sleep for a good week and a half. I admit I was a douchebag to my friends, but they bought core packs and now own PS2's!

Also the second system as I stated before I gave to my brother to give to my nephews for Xmas as they're not as well off as I am. It's not like I ebayed it for $1500 and gloated about it like I could have.


Striek said:
Thats more work than should really be required though,

Keeping any electronic equipment, especially those with optical drives in a relatively clean and ventilated environment isn't "work," it's common sense.


WYWY said:
Wild guess - you may want to ensure that all that air blowing in directly isn't dusty or something. Like 'spring breeze', but 'from a playground with a sand pit'. Or 'fan', but 'a lot of collected dust on the blades and grills'.

It's a wild shot, but worth checking considering the frequency of malfunction.
I have no parks near my house so no sand, it's fresh air.. with the odd weed smoke cloud coming into my windows from my neighbours house lol but my 360 hasn't been there for those occasions.

My fans are clean, cleaned every 2 weeks so my computer doesn't get dusty.


DarknessTear said:
There was recently an article about a guy going through enough 360s to make Peter Moore personally call him and apoligize.
I'd love a personal apology, or maybe a good 10 minutes beating him or Allard with the PSU. if that were to happen all would be forgiven, then again the thing is so big I'd probably kill them:lol


Pedigree Chum said:
That's some serious bad luck, I'm on my second and it works very well. Hopefully your next system doesn't screw up on you.

My next system is going to be sold ASAP, I'm done with this MS bullshit, I'm never supporting any of their halfass products again.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
drohne said:
i was playing oblivion the other day, and i got all these weird sparklies in the picture. they were there when i quit to the dashboard too. they went away when i turned the console off and back on, but that's the graphics card dying, isn't it? i'm going to call ms tomorrow and see if i can talk my way into an extended warranty. i'm going to kill someone if i lose my oblivion save. :x

I've been getting blue fuzz on occasion. Wierd thing is, and why I know it's not heat related, is that the two times it's happened, the machine had been off for a long ass time. Well over 24-48 hours. As soon as I power on and head into RR6, I noticed it in the game and on the menus. Quickly powered down, back on... Gone. This has happened twice, but I'm not worried now that the machine is in abundant supply (at least that's what I gather as I always see them in stores now).

EGM92 said:
My next system is going to be sold ASAP, I'm done with this MS bullshit, I'm never supporting any of their halfass products again.

+1 Sony
Dr_Cogent said:
I've heard nothing but bad things about running the 360 vertical.

I know that's anecdotal though.

Well I've been running Horizontal since I got it (2 months ago), due to the configuration of my setup. I wanted to run it vert., due to its sechsiness! But I'm fine now.....

I convinced my coworker to pick one up soon after I got mine. He picked his up a few days later, and immediatly it would not play 360 games....at all!
He talked to MS on the phone and customer service reps gave him the runnaround. Eventually he got pissed and asked to speak to their supervisor. Supervisor got on the phone, calmed him down and said they would said him a box to ship it back to get it replaced. He said fuck that and just got another one from Bestbuy....

But yeah, wasn't a great first impression :)


I agree. This is a complete piece of shit system. I have yet to hear of anyone who still has one that works. Every 360 shipped in America ended up blowing up and stealing kisses from their sisters.

PS3 FTW, fellow Sonybots! FTFW! Save your money for the REAL system that will have graphics 1000 times greater than the 360! FTMFW, bitches!


I'm glad you're going to sell your system so we don't have to hear your bi-monthly bitchfests about how your 360 broke down in your dust-ridden, moth-infested hovel.


drohne said:
i'm going to kill someone if i lose my oblivion save. :x

Don't worry. If it's a gfx overheating problem (which the blue fuzz pretty much always is) then you don't need to send in your HDD. Just unplug it and send in the console bare. Usuaully they send you a box which really just has space for the bare console anyway.
I used to have it vertical but the system felt like it was almost on fire after a couple hours of play. By having it horizontal, the system seems to cool itself a lot better after that much play. I'm guessing its the fact that the vents are being covered by the bottom.


AgentOtaku said:
Well I've been running Horizontal since I got it (2 months ago), due to the configuration of my setup. I wanted to run it vert., due to its sechsiness! But I'm fine now.....

I convinced my coworker to pick one up soon after I got mine. He picked his up a few days later, and immediatly it would not play 360 games....at all!
He talked to MS on the phone and customer service reps gave him the runnaround. Eventually he got pissed and asked to speak to their supervisor. Supervisor got on the phone, calmed him down and said they would said him a box to ship it back to get it replaced. He said fuck that and just got another one from Bestbuy....

But yeah, wasn't a great first impression :)

Bought another one? Must have money to burn I guess. I couldn't easily part with 400 bucks like that.


there is joy in sucking dick
open_mouth_ said:
I'm glad you're going to sell your system so we don't have to hear your bi-monthly bitchfests about how your 360 broke down in your dust-ridden, moth-infested hovel.

Wow...you sound sort of angry. Here...let me call it for you...



bengraven said:
I agree. This is a complete piece of shit system. I have yet to hear of anyone who still has one that works. Every 360 shipped in America ended up blowing up and stealing kisses from their sisters.

PS3 FTW, fellow Sonybots! FTFW! Save your money for the REAL system that will have graphics 1000 times greater than the 360! FTMFW, bitches!


I'm really not trying to hate on Microsoft but the sheer amount of posts about faulty X360's all over the Internet is alarming. Even if it's a small amount it's troubling to see them still occuring 6 months after it's release. Not good, not good at all.


I'm running mine vertical and it's on at least 6 hours a day and more than 12 hours on weekends and no issues. I feel for the people that are having these issues. It seems the MS is recycling the same defective machines over and over and perhaps that is where the big problem is. There is no other explanation for all these people to be on the 3rd or 4th system.
Mashing said:
I'm really not trying to hate on Microsoft but the sheer amount of posts about faulty X360's all over the Internet is alarming. Even if it's a small amount it's troubling to see them still occuring 6 months after it's release. Not good, not good at all.

hence the extended warranty :)


You must be one of those that puts a blanket on top of the machine, and put it near the fire in the living room. I'm sorry, but i have my 360 since launch, it has the crappier drive, its on a semi closed space, and i have had zero problems with it.

You are on your 3rd, next time read the instructions, the 360 isn't a soccer ball for you to kick

"Lets trow it at the wall, see if it breaks, muahahah"

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