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Guys that can't take a hint

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Sup GAF. So recently this guy has been coming into my work (a restaurant) for the sole purpose of hitting on one of my co-workers. He doesn't even buy anything. The first day he came in, he very bluntly asked her if she was single. (Who even does this to someone they have never met? The dude isn't even remotely attractive. His source of confidence is quite questionable) She politely let him know that she was not single, but this dude just keeps trying to talk to her, to the point where I have to intercept and kind of veer him away. We thought it was a one time isolated incident, but he keeps coming back. My co-worker is now fearful he isn't right in the head or something and is afraid to walk to her car.

What should she say to him? She's already made it quite clear how she feels but he won't take the hint.


Has she tried telling him that she's not interested in him?
And/or that she doesn't want to talk to him?

Some people can't take a hint, and need to be figuratively beat over the head with the obvious.


Stern and to the point.

"Please don't come in here again. I'm not interested."

And if he does it again, gotta get management and/or the police involved


my posts are "MEH"
Sup GAF. So recently this guy has been coming into my work (a restaurant) for the sole purpose of hitting on one of my co-workers. He doesn't even buy anything. The first day he came in, he very bluntly asked her if she was single. (Who even does this to someone they have never met? The dude isn't even remotely attractive. His source of confidence is quite questionable) She politely let him know that she was not single, but this dude just keeps trying to talk to her, to the point where I have to intercept and kind of veer him away. We thought it was a one time isolated incident, but he keeps coming back. My co-worker is now fearful he isn't right in the head or something and is afraid to walk to her car.

What should she say to him? She's already made it quite clear how she feels but he won't take the hint.

Seriously? Who are you to even think this?
This used to be me.

After a while I finally got the hint and now I just assume that nobody will ever be interested in me so I won't bother anyone like that again.


Tell him straight out she's not interested. If that doesn't work and he becomes more aggressive tell him if he doesn't leave her alone you're going to call the cops.


If she does have to tell him to leave her alone make sure someone is with her since he might become aggressive.

I completely understand why she is scared because some people react nuts when rejected.
This is your chance bruh. Step to that clown and be like, "Yo, buddy, the gal says she ain't interested." If it works you'll look like a bit of a badass, and if you take one to the chin then the girl will feel bad and you might get laid (jk, that's never the case).


Careful OP, he probably posts here

This is your chance bruh. Step to that clown and be like, "Yo, buddy, the gal says she ain't interested." If it works you'll look like a bit of a badass, and if you take one to the chin then the girl will feel bad and you might get laid (jk, that's never the case).

Also this


Wish I remembered more details so I could find the thread about the dude who would hound some poor girl at a restaurant and would buy her food. He kept saying that he thought the lady that always spoke to him to stop him from harassing the girl he was after was into him.

This totally seems like the reverse of that. I say be blunt about it and tell him he is scaring the girl he is after and if he isn't purchasing anything that he is loitering and needs to leave.


Has she tried telling him that she's not interested in him?
And/or that she doesn't want to talk to him?

Some people can't take a hint, and need to be figuratively beat over the head with the obvious.
How can you not get the meaning of "No I'm not single."? Unless her following sentence went something like,"I do enjoy swinging though.", her meaning is pretty damn clear.


How can you not get the meaning of "No I'm not single."? Unless her following sentence went something like,"I do enjoy swinging though.", her meaning is pretty damn clear.

Because no one has ever left a relationship to be with someone else?
And no one has ever cheated in a relationship?
Hang on. Why is this your business to handle? Do you have a thing for her and are hoping to impress her?

Also, this is an issue for her and the management of the company.
Not even remotely attractive and full of confidence? Damn it must be hard to deal with ugly people with positive attitudes, OP.
Hurt his feelings.

Something like "she thinks you're fucking ugly lmao"
There's a subgroup of the people who refuse to take a hint and never pick up on the obvious cues of "no thanks" that react to something more direct or aggressive in an...unfavorable manner. This can include stalking, threats, and/or violence. People can be scary and unpredictable. Then again, refusing to take no as an answer to begin with is a warning sign as it is.
Guys need to realize that there are too many X chromosomes out there to waste more than a minute trying to secure one that isn't interested. Get in where you fit in.


Because no one has ever left a relationship to be with someone else?
And no one has ever cheated in a relationship?
Why even ask the question if people are just gonna ignore the answer or rationalize it like this if it's not what they want to hear? People like that will rationalize "No, I don't like you" too.


Discuss with management how they want it handled. I wouldn't accept unwanted advances on my employees. If they will not stop after being told their behavior is unacceptable, regardless if they are buying something or not, I would have them banned.


my posts are "MEH"
The One and Done™;153252329 said:
Guys need to realize that there are too many X chromosomes out there to waste more than a minute trying to secure one that isn't interested. Get in where you fit in.



Sup GAF. So recently this guy has been coming into my work (a restaurant) for the sole purpose of hitting on one of my co-workers. He doesn't even buy anything. The first day he came in, he very bluntly asked her if she was single. (Who even does this to someone they have never met? The dude isn't even remotely attractive. His source of confidence is quite questionable) She politely let him know that she was not single, but this dude just keeps trying to talk to her, to the point where I have to intercept and kind of veer him away. We thought it was a one time isolated incident, but he keeps coming back. My co-worker is now fearful he isn't right in the head or something and is afraid to walk to her car.

What should she say to him? She's already made it quite clear how she feels but he won't take the hint.

1) You should stay out of it. She's an adult, let her handle her own business.

2) If you have to tell her something, tell her to be polite yet blunt. She should tell him she's not single, she's in a loving committed relationship, and she's not interested. Thank you. Don't sugarcoat it. Don't be cryptic. No whiny voice. Just a straight, "I'm not interested, sorry..."


Also, what does the person look like? Someone who has time to go to a restaurant and do nothing doesn't sound like a productive person.


I hate it when people do this, tell him back bluntly, don't be nice. People like that are hopeful so they will try and be as optimistic as possible. Yeah they aren't taking a hint, but there's nothing so hard with hurting that dude's feelings if they're really not interested.



no that's not a real thread...but it could be!


I hate it when people do this, tell him back bluntly, don't be nice. People like that are hopeful so they will try and be as optimistic as possible. Yeah they aren't taking a hint, but there's nothing so hard with hurting that dude's feelings if they're really not interested.
Except it's not that simple. A lot of these people are unpredictable with how they'll react and she's obviously afraid of him.
Gotta be blunt and cut him down in plain words. The guy is not respectful and so now you gotta be real/raw. If that doesn't work, ban him from the store.
no that's not a real thread...but it could be!

Didn't we have someone make a thread exactly like that. It was someone who is REALLY into Korean women and kept going into a restaurant to bring the staff food and hit on them.

If it really has got to that point, get management involved.

This is really the only correct answer. Management really needs to be made aware of the matter, and then they can take address it.


Except it's not that simple. A lot of these people are unpredictable with how they'll react and she's obviously afraid of him.

And she shouldn't be. The guy hasn't done anything yet to in any way indicate that he's "not right in the head" and potentially capable of violence. If you're going to be this afraid of the world, why even bother leaving your house?

Not getting the hint, as annoying as it is, is also pretty normal and happens all the time. Until the girl grows a spine and tells him flat out that she's not interested, you can't really say the guy is being crazy.
Wish I remembered more details so I could find the thread about the dude who would hound some poor girl at a restaurant and would buy her food. He kept saying that he thought the lady that always spoke to him to stop him from harassing the girl he was after was into him.

This totally seems like the reverse of that. I say be blunt about it and tell him he is scaring the girl he is after and if he isn't purchasing anything that he is loitering and needs to leave.

When a third-party gets involved, the stalker convinces himself that there's some agenda for doing so. The girl really needs to make it clear. But there's nothing wrong with OP letting the stalker know she has an ally.

Or call the cops. Make a report and the next time he shows up, he's repeating the offense. The guy isn't even a customer, the owner loses nothing but a criminal distraction.

Hang on. Why is this your business to handle? Do you have a thing for her and are hoping to impress her?

Also, this is an issue for her and the management of the company.
It's alright to be concerned about your co-workers. It doesn't mean you want to come to their rescue and win their hand.


Why even ask the question if people are just gonna ignore the answer or rationalize it like this if it's not what they want to hear? People like that will rationalize "No, I don't like you" too.

People looking to cheat generally just lie about their relationship status. At least from my experience.

My point is just, if one hasn't said "I'm not interested in you" and/or "Please stop talking to me," that would be a good course of action, as opposed to saying "Well, this other thing should imply that..."
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