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Irrational Games shutting down, 2K takes over BioShock, KL in new 15 person DD studio


I'm surprised Take Two is interested in making smaller games. I'm glad they are not blind like the rest of the AAA gaming industry.


Infinite didn't sell as well as they hoped? It sold over 4 million units. How much did they expect it to sell?


This is very distressing. I'd really like to know what actually happened...

I was so happy with Infinite, that a big developer was still allowed to take complex, narrative risks and given freedom to make a world as unique as Columbia.
It's important to point out that this is actually part of an ongoing process that people didn't really complain about until it started hitting studios they personally enjoyed.

When the shovelware started getting culled from consoles, very few complained. Less trouble separating the wheat from the chaff.

When the B titles started getting culled, people lamented a bit but chalked it up to survival of the fittest.

Then AA developers like Insomniac or Silicon Knights started feeling the crunch, and the laments got louder but again survival of the fittest was a common refrain.

Now the AAA developers are beginning to fall, and the laments will likely hit a crescendo. I will only state that this is a consequence of the relentless, constant demand for higher and higher production values from bother gamers and publishers alike. Within a few years, only a small handful of games will able to keep up with the AAA Joneses.

Didn't a very similar thing happen with movies? There were a lot more movies being made at the turn of the century and silent era but things collapses or greatly consolidated went sound came around and it got even worse with color and SFX and the Blockbuster. It seems like only now is the Film Industry having midsize projects anymore a long with a pretty healthy indie market. Game making seems so labor intensive. Having a staff of 100s for 2 plus years in addition to marketing and tech costs all to sell a product which nets you what $30-$40 bucks? (I don't know what the manufacturing and retail cut is)


I need a job.


Sorry to hear that man, terrible news.

Hope it works out for you and good luck.


wait what happens to the Bioshock on the Vita...

This gen surely started on a high note I'd say (insert sarcasm)
Oh wow, I hope Shawn (fartofwar) lands on his feet. Infinite was my GOTY this year and it was one of my favorite games in recent memory. The team at Irrational did an amazing job. Good luck sir!
Some of my favorite games have come out of that studio. Sad days.

I can understand where Ken is coming from but it seems like a pretty cold decision for the rest of the team.


I'm definitely surprised, I guess it makes more sense now why Infinite was on PS+ less than a year after release :( Guess it cost 2K way too much and returned little.


Holy crap, I remember hearing Burial at Sea episode 2 would bring closure to the entire series. I guess this is what they meant by that. :(


Feels bad man.

Maybe it's time for devs and publishers to realize that we need to return to midtier development?

This will never happen because fans would not accept it. People want the graphics, voice acting, motion capture, etc. A lot of this stuff is nice to look at and listen to, but on the flip side it limits games and extends development time.
Rockstar released a game/year for the last couple of years that are multi-million sellers, Borderlands/DLC and NBA2K are also multi-million sellers. How is T2 not profitable?

Because the cost of developing is higher than the multi-million selling get profits.


I wonder if Nate Wells moving to Naughty Dog was a sign of this, or if he just felt like he had nothing left to accomplish at Irrational. Is Bill Gardner part of the new, smaller team?


Man, just like hour ago I was wondering where a next -shock game would be set. I've only played a few of their games and they were all great games. Such a shame.
The reason BI kept getting delayed is because someone (not sure if it was Ken or Take Two) kept changing the vision of the game. What was originally supposed to be a guy entering a city built by patriots of colonial America to rescue a girl with telekinetic abilities ended up being about a hardcore christian convincing people to build him a city in the sky to trap his daughter who has the ability to travel through different dimensions. The gameplay was also changed to be more simple "COD style" for casuals to play.

If they stuck to the original vision the game would have been out by 2012 and been far cheaper to make and arguably far superior.


Rockstar released a game/year for the last couple of years that are multi-million sellers, Borderlands/DLC and NBA2K are also multi-million sellers. How is T2 not profitable?

They take 5-7 years for almost every game they make, so even when they sell millions upon millions they can still lose money.

A single game bombing also becomes a huge problem because when even things like Spec Ops cost $50+ million, you have to sell a ton of copies to make up that loss.

Borderlands and NBA come out on a regular schedule, but Gearbox and the NBA have significant profit sharing on those as they own their respective IPs.
This industry is eating everyone - and some people want to double-down on the things that make it do so. :(

Hope everyone involved lands on their feet...
Infinite didn't sell as well as they hoped? It sold over 4 million units. How much did they expect it to sell?

There could be more problems / issues unrelated to Bioshock Infinite's sales performance. And, as said before, 4 million units sold does not mean 4 million units sold at $60 where $29 goes to the publisher.


HOLY SHIT! This is sad and great news all at once. It sucks that Irrational is shutting down and people may lose their jobs but it's GREAT that Ken is going back to a smaller team and focusing on a core gaming audience.

However, I'm concerned about this all digital format and 15 man team. I want a hardcore RPG like Levine made with System Shock 2 but I don't want a mid-tier production value game, I want a AAA game. A fifteen man team doesn't sound like a big enough team to create a AAA game so I'm a bit worried, only time will tell but for now I can only trust Levine won't make something like a mobile game.


why is everyone saying ken levine is shutting down the studio
i dont think it quite works that way
take two owns them. i dont think ken can just shut it down and fire everyone cuz he feels like it. he doesn't own the company

It's possible that Levine expressed a desire to leave Irrational to the 2k higher-ups, and without him there it's possible that they didn't foresee a bright future for the studio given Infinite's troubled development.

Obviously I'm just speculating, but it seems like Levine and his creative vision was the only thing keeping Irrational alive.


Damn well best of luck to him, i'm glad he is taking over his life and not signing on for another 5 year commitment.


I said last year that I expected Take-Two to shut down Irrational Games once Bioshock Infinite is released. Quite simply, because I couldn't imagine that Infinite would be able to make a profit, after so many years of development. Once nothing happened for months and months after its release, I thought Take-Two wouldn't close down Irrational after all. Apparently I was wrong.

Not sure if Levine's story is to be trusted. He's still remaining at Take-Two, so I can imagine that he's not quite faithful with the way he tells the story. I believe him when he says that he wants to work with a smaller team again, but then again I also believe that it wasn't a completely voluntary decision.

It's nice to see that Take-Two gives the talent room to land on their feet, however. And I'm confident that Ken Levine's games become more enjoyable when he's working with a smaller budget. I doubt that he wanted Infinite to become so shootery either, it's just what needed to be done in order to sell the game to a huge audience.


I hope Shawn Elliot lands somewhere where he can shine.

The combat-heavy Infinite always seemed like something he'd dislike back in his GFW days.
Sucks about the lost jobs.
Serously Shawn if you and Jeff start a podcast I'll pay you in like real money, or dogie coins. Pls:(


Plot Summary

- I need to refocus my energy on a smaller team with a flatter structure and a more direct relationship with gamers

- I’ll be starting a smaller, more entrepreneurial endeavor at Take-Two

- parting ways with all but about fifteen members of the Irrational team

- new goal: To make narrative-driven games for the core gamer that are highly replayable.

- To foster the most direct relationship with our fans possible, we will focus exclusively on content delivered digitally.

This is both super sad but also super exciting as a direction.

I have no idea what the small group's next project is but digital delivery only, "as part of fostering a relationship with fans", could be an indication of regular update cycles. For narrative driven games, that could get quite interesting. I'm in! Best of luck to all of them on their transition


It's the same basic pattern as occurred in the Japanese market in the late '90s, and that STILL hasn't recovered (unless you count mobile IAP).
At least many of the surviving Japanese studios seem reasonably smart with money, probably because the mid tier and lower mid tier developers still exist. Most western development seems to be AAA or indie so when shit goes down it'll be outright apocalyptic.
See, that is the problem.

The expectations may be unrealistic, but they are what a game that costs that much needs to sell.
That's kind d of the problem, yeah. It's not so much 2K caught the SE crazy where they go "we need more CT port sales to justify a new Chrono game!" after selling several hundred thousand, it's a game that finally exited development hell and they can just HOPE for a decent return at this point.
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