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Scott Rohde on Amy Hennig's Departure [Up: Naughty Dog responds]

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The whole industry needs to grow up. This kind of stuff is business as usual across many other industries.

Disagreements between employees happen. Reporters getting bad information happens. Reporters getting good information that companies don't necessarily want getting out...also happens.

We can only deal with what we know to be fact and draw our own conclusions from that. When you have two extremes like this, the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I'm not going to speculate because this thread alone shows the type of outlandish conclusions you can come to.

All we know for sure is Hennig is gone and not because she wanted to be. Maybe "forced out" isn't the politically correct way of saying, but it's essentially the same thing as being fired or asked to leave. The reasons for that firing make all the difference in terms of how we would view the situation; unfortunately, it's not something we as consumers have any "right" to know. We'd all love to know, no doubt...but we shouldn't. And we likely never will. Naughty Dog made a decision to move on and she's gone. If you like them both, it freaking sucks. But there's nothing stopping you from supporting both parties in the future.

Edit: And make no mistake, this isn't the end of this. Naughty Dog has called IGN out by explicitly referring to their report as "unprofessionally misreported." Dyer and IGN's name is now on the line. As much as folks like to hate on IGN, they're the biggest video game site on the net and they know how closely folks are watching this story. I would expect them to do one of two things: 1) Double-down on their original story and further explain/solidify what they meant and how sure they are of their source OR 2) Issue an apology to Naughty Dog, Straley and Druckmann.

Absolute this^. Should websites be running with this damaging rumor when their is no evidence backing it up? A "reliable source" saying something is true isn't a line of defense for damaging a company's reputation or the personal reputation of Straley and Druckman. It's very disappointing that they chose to run with this story and put that out there, knowing it was unsubstantiated. They should absolutely apologize for putting it out there.

Look at some of the reactions in the last thread or even here. People speculating and jumping to conclusions -- most of which boils down to having a more negative view of those involved and Naughty Dog.

Can I also add how ridiculously big people are blowing this out of proportion. There were 700 people fired from Disney that really isn't getting enough attention.


It was about a former coworker with cancer. She may have just been looking through his tweets to see if he said anything else about the situation with her and clicked retweet on the link because of the cause.

Fair enough but I'm sure she's more than smart enough to know what type of implications and reactions would come by retweeting something from him.
And that's how you lose an argument on the internet...

Well, all you've done is dismiss the prospect out of hand with no backing. For as little backing proponents of the "theory" have, you have less.

But the consensus forming now is correct. This thread needs to die, and soon. I will be excusing myself from it at this point in time.

Actually I believe that is "grossed out to the point of not knowing how to respond".

To make it precise...

But believe what you want. You are already doing it.
What's going on is none of my business, but seeing the credits for the Uncharted series,

1) I was surprised that Mark Cerny was a producer and designer of the first game. Neil Druckman was also a designer.

2) The second game, Bruce Strally was co-director.

3) The third game, both Druckman and Strally wasn't involved because they were working on tLoU.

4) The third Uncharted was considered a disappointment.

I'm not suggesting anything but that's interesting to note.
Sorry but that tweet is complete bullshit as evidence. The fact that she left before UC4 was released is evidence enough that she did not leave on the best terms,

no its not even that. The creative director (or is it lead writer?) for Destiny left as well, and that game isn't out yet.


This is just sad, hard to believe Amy Henning isn't on ND anymore. I wish she finds a place at another great studio, pretty much any studio would benefit from having someone as talented as her.

Whatever Uncharted 4 ends up being, it will have to really impress or this will comeback and bite them. Personally I think the shortcomings of the series were pretty much all on the gameplay department. I challenge Naughty Dog to limit Nathan Drake to a Body count of 10 enemies per game, I'm sure gameplay would have to improve a lot for something like this to work.

Post like this make It seem as Henning was a one person studio. Her writing was nothing special imo. Was fun Indiana Jones clone type story. The whole package is what made those games great.

Story atmosphere the amazing set pieces ect. Tons of very talented people worked on those games. Hell if It was all Henning and everything else was trash just watch youtube clips of the cutscenes. Promise without all the other parts that make the whole, they wont be the greatest thing ever written in the history of our dimension.


There are a lot of reasons you can get fired. Not all of them are because someone at your company doesn't like you. Just saying, maybe it would be better not to assume things you know nothing about. It happened. It sucks. Move on.


Maybe she was planning on jumping ship to another developer and Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann found out about it through developer friends and tattled on her to the studio heads?

Lots of developers have been changing companies lately. Remember even Naughty Dog have picked up a few ex-Microsoft people in the last year.

That doesn't happen to high profile directors mid-project though. If she were leaving, she would have have communicated with her higher ups. She's not some minimum-wage file-clerk, if you're a high-profile high-status individual it's almost a problem if you're not being recruited by people on the outside.


It's easy to say that, but when the person involved is a large part of what makes Uncharted what it is today, it's not hard to see why people are incensed about the topic.

It's the equivalent of some prized director leaving his or her long established pet project behind. Do hundreds of people work on the Uncharted series? Of course, but many would argue the story is the most important aspect to the franchise. This isn't just normal procedure.

EDIT: On the same wavelength. :)

Sure, I don't dispute that. However, who's to say that the end product will be any worse? or better? No one person has a monopoly on good ideas. A lot of times the best ideas come from people bouncing stuff off of one another. Judging from Naughty Dog's past output, not one single person "makes the game". It takes a truly talented team of individuals to make it better than the sum of its parts. Who's to say that there aren't any other good story writers on the team? Even if there aren't (which I highly doubt), they can hire someone else.

This is not to disparage Amy and her work - she's great. But change happens, and in the long run, change can and often lead to something better, different, and new.


Fair enough but I'm sure she's more than smart enough to know what type of implications and reactions would come by retweeting something from him.
Why does there have to be a passive aggressive subtext to her retweeting what could have been the first/latest mention of Brandon Boyer's cancer treatment crowd funding on her feed? Boyer having cancer is unfortunate and Hennig using a tweet to hint at rumours relating to herself as you've suggested would be incredibly selfish.

If you respect Hennig you should think she wouldn't do such a thing. Come on.


Post like this make It seem as Henning was a one person studio. Her writing was nothing special imo. Was fun Indiana Jones clone type story. The whole package is what made those games great.

Story atmosphere the amazing set pieces ect. Tons of very talented people worked on those games. Hell if It was all Henning and everything else was trash just watch youtube clips of the cutscenes. Promise without all the other parts that make the whole, they wont be the greatest thing ever written in the history of our dimension.

Also worth noting the Like to dislike ratio of Uncharted 3 on Neogaf before Amy got fired and then after she got fired.
What's going on is none of my business, but seeing the credits for the Uncharted series,

1) I was surprised that Mark Cerny was a producer and designer of the first game. Neil Druckman was also a designer.

2) The second game, Bruce Strally was co-director.

3) The third game, both Druckman and Strally wasn't involved because they were working on tLoU.

4) The third Uncharted was considered a disappointment.

I'm not suggesting anything but that's interesting to note.

Cerny has been consulting on Naughty Dog and Insomniac games since the PSOne days due to their involvement with Universal Interactive.

He is involved with the ICE team, which is kinda part of Naughty Dog, who are involved in a lot of the 1st party stuff for Sony.


To make it precise...

But believe what you want. You are already doing it.

HA. I guess since you've already staked out the moral high ground and can comfortably look down your nose at everyone else, there's just nothing left to say. Waiting for the lock...

(this time I'm leaving the thread for real)


I'd be in the dick
Fair enough but I'm sure she's more than smart enough to know what type of implications and reactions would come by retweeting something from him.

True but that's the sort of thing where you might not think ahead. I've done it myself on Twitter.
Well, all you've done is dismiss the prospect out of hand with no backing. For as little backing proponents of the "theory" have, you have less.

But the consensus forming now is correct. This thread needs to die, and soon. I will be excusing myself from it at this point in time.

I don't think you know how Occam's razor actually works...

HA. I guess since you've already staked out the moral high ground and can comfortably look down your nose at everyone else, there's just nothing left to say. Waiting for the lock...

(this time I'm leaving the thread for real)

Dude, what?

"Iám" the one taking the moral high ground when you post this:

But the consensus forming now is correct. This thread needs to die, and soon. I will be excusing myself from it at this point in time

I really don't know what to say to you without sounding like an asshole...


She is still following Neil on twitter. I don't know about you guys but I would insta unfollow anyone that forced me out of a company I love working on a project I love.

using twitter for evidence is still stupid


I think it simply comes down to, who do you want to believe? IGN? Naughty Dog themselves? Or somewhere in between.

You can draw your own conclusions, but there is no definite answer. Especially with the little facts that we do have. I'd like to think Bruce and Neil had nothing to do with this and Evan Wells/Christophe wouldn't lie to the community, so I'll go with that and bury the hatchet.

Here's hoping that Uncharted 4 remains great and Amy continues doing great work...


You know what's not okay is spreading an unsubstantiated rumor. Websites picking up the story are leaving in that she was "forced out". That is unfair to the parties involved and it hurts their reputation. There's no reason that we know of to believe that part is true. Amy isn't coming out and saying that's what happened -- so why are we validating it for her?

Edit: Oops. Didn't mean to reply to you. lol

Hahaha I was going to ask why you quoted me.

You are right though - speculation is harmful. It might be that one of the parties or both were in the wrong; it might also be that both were in the right but unable to resolve creative differences.

There doesn't have to be a villain here, there also might be, but it is reckless to single out anyone when the reality of the situation is probably not something we will ever know (or need to know).


Junior Member

Someone wanted to start a fire...and it worked...shame really. Gross actually.

This is why i tend to stay quite until more "facts" come out...so many people were calling them cunts, assholes,etc you name it...all sorts of name calling going on in the other thread but yet no one really had any proof nor really know what she is like or what goes on behind closed doors. I just think being hasty with the mouth can be a real mean thing imho....i love peeps with a humbled mind and mouth ;)


I see the "Naughty Gods" defense force is out in full force. This has to be one of the most embarrassing threads I've read in a while. Corporate apologists are the worst.
As are the fucktards who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on. Maybe Amy will want to comment down the track but until then everythong posted is speculation and wildly inaccurate.

So get back in your box.
Being forced out because of someone is different than being forced out by someone. This is where i think Mitch may have got it wrong.


As are the fucktards who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on. Maybe Amy will want to comment down the track but until then everythong posted is speculation and wildly inaccurate.

So get back in your box.

By people on GAF. It sold very well and has a great critical reputation @ 92 on Metacritic, though shy of UC2's 96. Uncharted 3 was a very good game.
My point is, ND wasn't bashful about letting a very important person go from Uncharted 4. Perhaps they feel they can move on without her.

I don't know. It's just a strange turn of events and not a good sign when a creator or director is pushed out in the middle of development.

I'm not suggesting this is the same thing, but Pixar and Brave had a similar incident, right?


I'd be in the dick
As are the fucktards who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on. Maybe Amy will want to comment down the track but until then everythong posted is speculation and wildly inaccurate.

So get back in your box.

This is one of the best smack downs I've seen in the history of GAF.
What's going on is none of my business, but seeing the credits for the Uncharted series,

1) I was surprised that Mark Cerny was a producer and designer of the first game. Neil Druckman was also a designer.

2) The second game, Bruce Strally was co-director.

3) The third game, both Druckman and Strally wasn't involved because they were working on tLoU.

4) The third Uncharted was considered a disappointment.

I'm not suggesting anything but that's interesting to note.

Well amy was basically asked to write a story around the levels the design team already made/planned. I doubt she was writing an uncharted 3 story the way she really wanted it to be written.
Unfair to blame U3s failures all on her. The worst part of U3 to me was level design and gameplay issues it had. Which I would think has nothing to do with amy.
By people on GAF. It sold very well and has a great critical reputation @ 92 on Metacritic, though shy of UC2's 96. Uncharted 3 was a very good game.

It had the best cinematic moments ever in a video game

As are the fucktards who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on. Maybe Amy will want to comment down the track but until then everythong posted is speculation and wildly inaccurate.

So get back in your box.



Neo Member
It is kind of odd that she would re-tweet from that person and follow them after them writing a article that holds no truth and tarnishing the reputation of two current employees
This thread is amazing on so many levels.

I want to say that it all came down to creative differences, but we won't find out for some time. The speculation is hilarious though


What's going on is none of my business, but seeing the credits for the Uncharted series,

4) The third Uncharted was considered a disappointment.

I'm not suggesting anything but that's interesting to note.

The 3rd uncharted scored 92 on metacritic from 97 reviews. That is a score a lot of people would dream of for their games.
As are the fucktards who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on. Maybe Amy will want to comment down the track but until then everythong posted is speculation and wildly inaccurate.

So get back in your box.

Lots of jumping to conclusions in here.
Well amy was basically asked to write a story around the levels the design team already made/planned. I doubt she was writing an uncharted 3 story the way she really wanted it to be written.
Unfair to blame U3s failures all on her. The worst part of U3 to me was level design and gameplay issues it had. Which I would think has nothing to do with amy.
I'm not blaming on her. I'm implying Druckmand and Strally was working on the first two. Seeing how the first two UC games were great, and TLOU turned out great, just wondering if ND is handing over the UC franchise to them.
It is kind of odd that she would re-tweet from that person and follow them after them writing a article that holds no truth and tarnishing the reputation of two current employees


who make comment with no knowledge or understanding of Amy, Neil, Bruce or anyone else's thoughts, feelings or sensibilities in any of this. The matter is closed not because something is being hidden, but it is entirely inappropriate to comment on.

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