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Angry Joe gets called out by IGNs review editor for misquoting their Titanfall review


I don't read IGN anymore, I don't know hardly anything about Angry Joe. But given the disagreement and what I've seen I would back Angry Joe here.

On that note, there IS a difference between 8.9 and 9.0. It's up to you as the reader to decide how much that difference matters to you. In this case it won't matter to most people. Apparently it matters a LOT to IGN.

Maybe... 8.9 and a 9.0 is only actually different if the numbers are not nominally different(which they completely are). Unless they mathimatically figured out a way to give fractions to different views on certain points, the difference is one of emotions from the reviewer.


Does Dan's bosses think it's a good idea for him to go on twitter and start shit with other people in the gaming community and piss off potential consumers? If I ran IGN he wouldn't be working there anymore..... who am I kidding if I ran IGN none of them would.

Let's face it, IGN isn't worried about it's reputation at this point. Obviously this was something personal for Dan.


With that kind of a preview article, what point is a review? They have already explicitly said to believe the hype, to run out and buy an Xbone and Titanfall, that COD gamers will likely flock to Titanfall, etc.. So any review is meaningless because the game is just THAT good. IGN is a joke and I'm glad Angry Joe called them out on it. That IGN's reviews editor got his panties in a twist a month later over the difference between their advertisement preview and the review, and a 0.1 decimal difference in scores, is hilarious.

Believe the hype brah.

What an hilarious preview.

Hilarious and sad too watching Dan S. trying to act offended; and I though that he was a cool guy from listening to a couple of PCGamer podcast, what a shame.


I would love IGN to explain the difference between a 8.9 and a 9.0 score. What aspects of the game made such a defining difference.

Do the reviewers actually sit there and think "this game is definitely a 7.3, not a 7.2 or a 7.4". Such a ridiculous scoring system, and a farcical site.


Maybe this?

Hello Joe! Love your work; very entertaining.

Anyways, I wouldn't lose sleep over IGN (and even CNET) disappearing off the planet. Sadly, it won't likely happen anytime soon, but one can hope.

Subscribers don't mean everything. If you have 4.5m subscribers and less than 10% watch the content (per above pic you posted; quite funny), where's the value in that? It's kind of like counting followers on Twitter and FaceBook. Yes, you have less subscribers, but there's more value in your subscribers than theirs when they ACTUALLY WATCH YOUR CONTENT. Also, they've been a staple in the industry for almost 20 years, so you can expect them to have more followers as a given anyways.

Anyways, keep up the good/hard work and let's hope Dan Stapleton gets suspended from Twitter by his bosses, or something..
guys an 8.9 is TOTALLY NOT a 9.0. I mean, it only has ONE of those numbers in it! The other number is totally a different number!

There are scales that exist where a single digit makes a significant difference. If one digit causes a label change in ign's system, maybe it is significant.

Just saying, deriding someone's scale off of "just one decimal" is not a great point.


Here's the thing that wasn't shown in the OP.

Dan tweets no less than 5 rude sarcastic character attacking tweets directly at my handle & other twitter users before I even reply.

Granted, I was annoyed by that time that the dude who is supposedly a "real" journalist couldn't handle himself more professionally say send me a private message, direct email hell even snail mail. If I needed to make a correction I would have made the correction, I'm open to that if its warranted.

But that's just the thing, none of this was warranted and if someone from IGN wants to throw down and get dirty on twitter what does one goofy ball on youtube care? I've a right to defend myself in public when someone is bashing me, especially someone who is representing IGN, wouldn't you?

Tweeting character attacks and even trying to hold that kind of an argument on Twitter is really strange, and I can see why you'd be upset about it. I do understand his point that using their preview while discussing reviews instead of using one of those reviews as an example can be considered misleading, but you've got a good point that the preview sentence was used in the marketing for the game as well.

But yeah. Discussions like that are probably not ever going to be done well in 140 characters or less.


Here's the thing that wasn't shown in the OP.

Dan tweets no less than 5 rude sarcastic character attacking tweets directly at my handle & other twitter users before I even reply.

Granted, I was annoyed by that time that the dude who is supposedly a "real" journalist couldn't handle himself more professionally say send me a private message, direct email hell even snail mail. If I needed to make a correction I would have made the correction, I'm open to that if its warranted.

But that's just the thing, none of this was warranted and if someone from IGN wants to throw down and get dirty on twitter what does one goofy ball on youtube care? I've a right to defend myself in public when someone is bashing me, especially someone who is representing IGN, wouldn't you?

Basically the dude is upset that I made a point that most major outlets praised the game highly before and even in their reviews, gave the game high marks but yet left out some of the games glaring commissions and issued 9s and 10s anyway. I help make this point by showing some examples on screen while talking about this idea, some of which was ign's "believe the hype" quote from a preview article, their 9.8/10 review score, another outlets 10/10 review score and a full page ad from that same 10/10 review site.

His major points where:
1. IGN issued the game a 8.9 and not a 9/10! Which not only is that the stupidest point to ever make showing how much importance IGN places on stupid decimals between a good game and an amazing game, but the fact is I NEVER said IGN gave it specifically a 9/10, I just said many outlets. His point is invalid.
2. I showed the believe the hype quote which was from a preview and was eventually used by titanfall, EA, and Origin to sell the game, putting it in bold right up there with other review scores from other outlets. If hes mad that I mentioned that perhaps he should be mad with those companies who used that quote from a preview to sell their game not me, again another stupid point to be mad and talk crap about Angry Joe over twitter for. Misdirected frustration it really seems like.

and this is the doosey...
3. Basically he is saying IGN didnt hype up the game, and didnt issue it a high score so im misrepresenting them. Ill leave it up to you whether Believe the Hype and a 8.9/10 is a higher score.
4. Another funny thing is he mentions they do address the many things missing in the game (for example no private matches at launch) yet its addressed in the most vague general way passingly, yet despite all the games short comings and lack of content BOOM 8.9, because darn you respawn and EA so much is missing so deduction of 0.1 is in order from that coveted IGN 9.0! LOL.

Im sorry but I couldnt believe the dude picked me to get upset at over this. Then he puts the icing on the cake with this: https://twitter.com/DanStapleton/status/456764308811026432
"Fun math fact: IGN has 4x the YouTube followers Joe does."

Sure they do Dan, they are also a multi million dollar company with 400 employees who all keep it running where as im 1 guy, seriously 1 on frigging youtube wearing all the hates. How can I seriously hope to compete and why am I a target of IGN?

Maybe this?

Don't worry. I understand the need of you to defend yourself. You were just doing your job. Providing honest reviews.

You keep on doing what you are doing, brother man.


I don't give two fucks about IGN, Angry Joe, Titanfall, or video game review scores in general. I know whether or not I'm buying a game long before it gets reviewed.

That said, I side with the IGN guy on this. If the score was 9.1 vs 9.0, then yes arguing over the 0.1 would be patently ridiculous. But when the reason for the 0.1 is specifically to indicate that the game is not quite "9" material, I see no problem with that.


Here's the thing that wasn't shown in the OP.

Dan tweets no less than 5 rude sarcastic character attacking tweets directly at my handle & other twitter users before I even reply.

Granted, I was annoyed by that time that the dude who is supposedly a "real" journalist couldn't handle himself more professionally say send me a private message, direct email hell even snail mail. If I needed to make a correction I would have made the correction, I'm open to that if its warranted.

But that's just the thing, none of this was warranted and if someone from IGN wants to throw down and get dirty on twitter what does one goofy ball on youtube care? I've a right to defend myself in public when someone is bashing me, especially someone who is representing IGN, wouldn't you?

Basically the dude is upset that I made a point that most major outlets praised the game highly before and even in their reviews, gave the game high marks but yet left out some of the games glaring commissions and issued 9s and 10s anyway. I help make this point by showing some examples on screen while talking about this idea, some of which was ign's "believe the hype" quote from a preview article, their 9.8/10 review score, another outlets 10/10 review score and a full page ad from that same 10/10 review site.

His major points where:
1. IGN issued the game a 8.9 and not a 9/10! Which not only is that the stupidest point to ever make showing how much importance IGN places on stupid decimals between a good game and an amazing game, but the fact is I NEVER said IGN gave it specifically a 9/10, I just said many outlets. His point is invalid.
2. I showed the believe the hype quote which was from a preview and was eventually used by titanfall, EA, and Origin to sell the game, putting it in bold right up there with other review scores from other outlets. If hes mad that I mentioned that perhaps he should be mad with those companies who used that quote from a preview to sell their game not me, again another stupid point to be mad and talk crap about Angry Joe over twitter for. Misdirected frustration it really seems like.

and this is the doosey...
3. Basically he is saying IGN didnt hype up the game, and didnt issue it a high score so im misrepresenting them. Ill leave it up to you whether Believe the Hype and a 8.9/10 is a higher score.
4. Another funny thing is he mentions they do address the many things missing in the game (for example no private matches at launch) yet its addressed in the most vague general way passingly, yet despite all the games short comings and lack of content BOOM 8.9, because darn you respawn and EA so much is missing so deduction of 0.1 is in order from that coveted IGN 9.0! LOL.

Im sorry but I couldnt believe the dude picked me to get upset at over this. Then he puts the icing on the cake with this: https://twitter.com/DanStapleton/status/456764308811026432
"Fun math fact: IGN has 4x the YouTube followers Joe does."

Sure they do Dan, they are also a multi million dollar company with 400 employees who all keep it running where as im 1 guy, seriously 1 on frigging youtube wearing all the hates. How can I seriously hope to compete and why am I a target of IGN?

Maybe this?

You are right about him sending you rude/sarcastic tweets that are not in the OP but there were SO MANY tweets so I only took a screenshot of the two longest conversations on twitter. The ones with most of the information in it.

But yes, that one tweet comparing youtube followers was awful. I think both sides made some mistakes during this conversation though.
Well, Joe's review instigated it, so he went in with no respect at all. It's not surprising that he got what he gave.

Not even taking the other details into account posted above, here's the review moment in question.

He doesn't say "IGN gave the game a 9!" He says he's surprised ths game is getting such high scores at major outlets," then he says "'believe the hype!' '10 our of 10!' '9 out of 10!'" while showing the IGN review page/review score on screen with a caption reading
"I hate decimal places."

If Angry Joe had said "IGN gave the game a 9" then that would be fallacious and would warrant an apology. Taken in context, there's nothing objectively out of line here. It definitely doesn't warrant initial Dan's response, that's for certain. It's got nothing to do with "IGN sucks, hurr," though I now understand why so many share that sentiment.

Responding to bullshit in kind isn't something I support. However, I'll always assert that whoever starts the bullshit needs to be called out. Strange to see you focus so much on what Angry Joe did wrong here if you're trying to be objective.


Some people have the attitude of I'll treat you with the same level of respect you treat me. *shrugs*

Except you don't try to sway people to your side by saying the other person was being unprofessional when you did the same thing.

Honestly, both these guys are definitely unprofessional in their behavior, and I'm more appalled at Joe for trying to turn this into a case of him being the poor victim.


I'm with Joe on this one. This Dan guy is acting completely unprofessional, and that comparison of IGN's YT channel vs Angry Joe's is just childish.

The saddest part is that pretty much anyone at IGN could replace this Dan guy and nobody would even know lol.

K' Dash

Gold Member
I wake up to this? What the fuck? Fighting and insulting on twitter for 0.1.


Oh IGN you just keep reminding me why I IGNore you.


Except that when the game marketing is using those quotes as if it were , it kinda becomes the same thing.
I mean you just have to google "titanfall believe teh hype" and see just how far this sentence has come

No it doesn't. It doesn't become the same thing. The bolded is the publisher intentionally misusing a preview quote on a box out of context to mislead, but that does not make the action of creating a preview a review.

The fault in the situation you are describing falls on a dishonest publisher, not the writer.

Well technically a preview is a review of an early build.

Which means that its technically not a review. You don't review early builds of an unfinished game.... Its not a review.

AngryJoeShow said:
2. I showed the believe the hype quote which was from a preview and was eventually used by titanfall, EA, and Origin to sell the game, putting it in bold right up there with other review scores from other outlets. If hes mad that I mentioned that perhaps he should be mad with those companies who used that quote from a preview to sell their game not me, again another stupid point to be mad and talk crap about Angry Joe over twitter for. Misdirected frustration it really seems like.

I disagree. In fact thats the only thing he got right. YOU should have mentioned that the publisher used a preview quote out of context in order to promote their game. In that specific case, IGN did nothing wrong, there was ZERO reason for you to mention that without pointing out that the publisher was misusing it the way they did Joe.

I loathe IGN, but had you done that, he wouldnt have had a leg to stand on with his weak little twitter beef. But don't fault him for not taking his anger to the publisher for misusing a preview quote, when you passed on that VERY opportunity yourself.


guys an 8.9 is TOTALLY NOT a 9.0. I mean, it only has ONE of those numbers in it! The other number is totally a different number!

If they feel that the difference between 1/10th when it changes the whole # is THAT significant, then why not make it an actual 10-point scale and ditch the decimal entirely. If 8.0 or 8.99999999 has a different definition than 9.0, then what's the point of the # after the decimal anyways with that kind of rating system.


I always find scores like 8.3's or 8.7's or in this case 8.9's to be stupid as fuck. Either say 8, 8.5, or 9's please.

Hmmm I give this game a 7.8 because yada yada LMFAO WHAT THE FUCK NIGGA JUST SAY 8.
I hate angry joe. His shtick is so bad.

I was almost happy Colonial Marines ended up sucking, after he made that top reasons why it will rock episode.


Absolutely, you have that right when someone is bashing you.

Unfortunately, that's not what you did. What you did was go and fuck up.

While your point was worth making, you made them incorrectly, and he took umbrage with that. You maligned his job. Most people would get upset about that. You could have responded simply saying "hey, woah, no need to get upset, I didn't realize that it was that big a deal or something." Instead, you escalated to the point where you've convinced myself, and others, that you aren't worth listening to. And you didn't have to. Doesn't matter that he was being a douche, because you initiated it.

Pretty simple rule to live by: if something you did upsets someone, even if you didn't think it was a big deal, you still do your best to deescalate, instead of turning into a whiny, angry child.

Your remarks about why he's upset show you don't understand why he's upset, so here, I'll make it clear:

You conflated something someone in a different department said with something his department said. You blamed him for something he did not do. Sure, someone else on the site did, but that someone else was in a different department. You trying to extrapolate this into some narrative where a guy in the industry is butthurt because you were illuminating us with the truth or whatever... that's not accurate in the least. You used a dumb quote from one department to represent a dumb quote from another department.

It's not rocket science, it's basic journalism 101. You should know this stuff. You should live by it.

Your entire point is lost on me, mainly due to the fact that you seem to really only have a problem with Joe and not the other person acting like a child and acting like he illuminated the world to the issue at hand. And if you are going to "take the high road" and tell people not to over react, calling people whiny angry children doesn't make you look like you do a good job taking the high road. Compounded by the fact that you think you need to teach people how to properly react to a formal discussions(that is what twitter is) and you come across as much of a jackass. The only thing it appears you are doing right now is, "preaching to the choir".


Worships the porcelain goddess
Joe, I don't follow you on YT. However, I went ahead and watched your Titalfall review for kicks. I have to ask a question.

Why do you feel it necessary to slam other websites reviews and criticisms in order to support your own within a review? It doesn't do anything to help you make a point. It only serves to undermine your own words and opinions on the same game. Do you do this with all of your other reviews as well? Say what you will about these outlets, they don't do around attempting to discredit their competitors in their versions of reviews. Why do you stoop to this?

There is always a time and a place to criticism gaming outlets overly high scores, but within your own review isn't really one of them.
Here's the thing that wasn't shown in the OP.

Dan tweets no less than 5 rude sarcastic character attacking tweets directly at my handle & other twitter users before I even reply.

Granted, I was annoyed by that time that the dude who is supposedly a "real" journalist couldn't handle himself more professionally say send me a private message, direct email hell even snail mail. If I needed to make a correction I would have made the correction, I'm open to that if its warranted.

But that's just the thing, none of this was warranted and if someone from IGN wants to throw down and get dirty on twitter what does one goofy ball on youtube care? I've a right to defend myself in public when someone is bashing me, especially someone who is representing IGN, wouldn't you?

You sort of lost any moral high ground when you started insulting the guy. Even if you feel he was rude to you first, it only makes you just as bad.

That said, when talking about professional standards, you should probably learn the difference between infer and imply.


I like Joe, and I don't necessarily think he's wrong here. BUT- as he gets more popular, he needs to learn to play nice with others and put his ego in check. He has now had feuds with Geoff Keighley, Major Nelson and IGN. Those are the ones that I know of, there may be others. I understand he's been getting invited to a lot of preview events lately, but if he keeps pissing people off he'll get blacklisted.


Although I think he should have handled it better, I'm on Joe's side because arguing about a .1 difference is really fucking asinine.
Joe, I bashed your 'Angry Joe' personality in the past and will continue to find it borish, but this is me just talking to the guy who puts on a show for the camera...

Why couldn't you just take the high road? I mean, I understand your followers expect a certain level of discourse out of you, but if Dan is being an insufferable twat, then why return in kind? You, as an independent critic of Video Games, have nothing to prove to Dan Stapleton of all people. IGN has ZERO credibility and Dan fighting for some scraps so publicly with you is only going to reduce yours.

Obviously you don't have to take my advice and you don't owe me or Dan Stapleton a single fuck, but a classy and measured response would have blown the dude's mind.

But then there wouldn't be a huge GAF thread on it would there?



So many people saying Joe misrepresented IGN by saying they gave it a 9 instead of 8.9..... NO HE DID NOT



Absolutely, you have that right when someone is bashing you.

Unfortunately, that's not what you did. What you did was go and fuck up.

While your point was worth making, you made them incorrectly, and he took umbrage with that. You maligned his job. Most people would get upset about that. You could have responded simply saying "hey, woah, no need to get upset, I didn't realize that it was that big a deal or something." Instead, you escalated to the point where you've convinced myself, and others, that you aren't worth listening to. And you didn't have to. Doesn't matter that he was being a douche, because you initiated it.

Pretty simple rule to live by: if something you did upsets someone, even if you didn't think it was a big deal, you still do your best to deescalate, instead of turning into a whiny, angry child.

Your remarks about why he's upset show you don't understand why he's upset, so here, I'll make it clear:

You conflated something someone in a different department said with something his department said. You blamed him for something he did not do. Sure, someone else on the site did, but that someone else was in a different department. You trying to extrapolate this into some narrative where a guy in the industry is butthurt because you were illuminating us with the truth or whatever... that's not accurate in the least. You used a dumb quote from one department to represent a dumb quote from another department.

It's not rocket science, it's basic journalism 101. You should know this stuff. You should live by it.

Did you see Joe's video?


I will say that its a bit sad that people are not actually looking at this from both sides. I see a bunch of people siding with Joe simply because the IGN was unprofessional and people here love to hate on the site. They are not looking at what Joe did and jumping to conclusions based on the first burst of information they seem to be getting.


@ DocSeuss : Joe said it himself, he would have not reacted like that if that guy contacted him privatly and ask Joe to correct himself. Also, if you readed Joe testemony, the guy started to picked on him. Joe replied only starting at 5th tweets the guy sended.


I don't like Joe, but the IGN fella gladly instigated this from the hip publicly over what seems to be something extremely minor. If Joe is being a dick about it is more than fair game. This equal blame bullshit? Please.


AngryJoeShow said:
2. I showed the believe the hype quote which was from a preview and was eventually used by titanfall, EA, and Origin to sell the game, putting it in bold right up there with other review scores from other outlets. If hes mad that I mentioned that perhaps he should be mad with those companies who used that quote from a preview to sell their game not me, again another stupid point to be mad and talk crap about Angry Joe over twitter for. Misdirected frustration it really seems like.

I disagree. In fact thats the only thing he got right. YOU should have mentioned that the publisher used a preview quote out of context in order to promote their game. In that specific case, IGN did nothing wrong, there was ZERO reason for you to mention that without pointing out that the publisher was misusing it the way they did Joe.

I loathe IGN, but had you done that, he wouldnt have had a leg to stand on with his weak little twitter beef. But don't fault him for not taking his anger to the publisher for misusing a preview quote, when you passed on that VERY opportunity yourself.


Not even taking the other details into account posted above, here's the review moment in question.

He doesn't say "IGN gave the game a 9!" He says he's surprised ths game is getting such high scores at major outlets," then he says "'believe the hype!' '10 our of 10!' '9 out of 10!'" while showing the IGN review page/review score on screen with a caption reading
"I hate decimal places."

If Angry Joe had said "IGN gave the game a 9" then that would be fallacious and would warrant an apology. Taken in context, there's nothing objectively out of line here. It definitely doesn't warrant initial Dan's response, that's for certain. It's got nothing to do with "IGN sucks, hurr," though I now understand why so many share that sentiment.

Responding to bullshit in kind isn't something I support. However, I'll always assert that whoever starts the bullshit needs to be called out. Strange to see you focus so much on what Angry Joe did wrong here if you're trying to be objective.

Yes. He literally did what they taught us in J-school not to do. By posting the IGN review, he's conflating it improperly. It's a kind of tactic guys like Fox News use. Talk about something objectionable, and post a picture of something not related so you can encourage the audience to draw connections. It's a huge problem in journalism, and an immediate flat that the person in question is full of crap.

Do I think Dan handled it well? NOPE. But I can at least understand why he's upset. His work is being called into question, and Joe's spreading misinformation about it.

Joe, on the flip side, had literally no reason to do what he did other than just capitalize on generic hate for IGN. One's performing scummy journalism, the other's upset about that. Dan absolutely should have reached out and said "hey, Joe, I have a problem with this."

I consider someone who's sloppy and too arrogant to apologize for his sloppiness way worse than someone who's been offended when their work's been called into question.

Your entire point is lost on me, mainly due to the fact that you seem to really only have a problem with Joe and not the other person acting like a child and acting like he illuminated the world to the issue at hand. And if you are going to "take the high road" and tell people not to over react, calling people whiny angry children doesn't make you look like you do a good job taking the high road. Compounded by the fact that you think you need to teach people how to properly react to a formal discussions(that is what twitter is) and you come across as much of a jackass. The only thing it appears you are doing right now is, "preaching to the choir".

A) don't know the other guy in question, don't read IGN at all
B) actually care a great deal about good journalism, and am easily frustrated by people who mess up AND THEN DON'T OWN UP TO THAT (see: Polygon's reaction to SimCity. Joe's doing the same thing here)
C) Calling someone a whiny, angry child isn't the low-road when they're being a whiny, angry child. It's calling out bad behavior.

Preaching to the choir would be preaching to people who agree with me.


Joe, I don't follow you on YT. However, I went ahead and watched your Titalfall review for kicks. I have to ask a question.

Why do you feel it necessary to slam other websites reviews and criticisms in order to support your own within a review? It doesn't do anything to help you make a point. It only serves to undermine your own words and opinions on the same game. Do you do this with all of your other reviews as well? Say what you will about these outlets, they don't do around attempting to discredit their competitors in their versions of reviews. Why do you stoop to this?

There is always a time and a place to criticism gaming outlets overly high scores, but within your own review isn't really one of them.
Joe's Titanfall review was an embarrassing outlier. Usually, his content is of much higher quality than that.

Like I said before, it's just Joe being upset that other people don't share his same values in what a video game is worth.


There are scales that exist where a single digit makes a significant difference. If one digit causes a label change in ign's system, maybe it is significant.

Just saying, deriding someone's scale off of "just one decimal" is not a great point.

Yes, yes it is; when that "scale" is completely absurd you definitely should derail that scale for "ojne decimal point" the idea that a subjective opinion can properly quantify that difference exactly what point made it different. Reviews are not an exact science, trying to pretend the difference between an 8.9 and a 9.0 can be explain with a proper amount of rational explanation is silly.

While I can sympathize, I still think either ignoring the jab or otherwise remaining non-hostile would have been a better move. This makes you both look like idiots bickering over twitter regardless of whether you were in the right or not. If you handled this in a more professional manner it would make you look far better and make him look far worse.


Sadly, all this whole thing really does is reinforce my general attitude of staying away from reviewers, review scores, and games jounalism as a whole.


Joe, I don't follow you on YT. However, I went ahead and watched your Titalfall review for kicks. I have to ask a question.

Why do you feel it necessary to slam other websites reviews and criticisms in order to support your own within a review? It doesn't do anything to help you make a point. It only serves to undermine your own words and opinions on the same game. Do you do this with all of your other reviews as well? Say what you will about these outlets, they don't do around attempting to discredit their competitors in their versions of reviews. Why do you stoop to this?

There is always a time and a place to criticism gaming outlets overly high scores, but within your own review isn't really one of them.

I actually wish more people did this. After seeing all of the high praise for say NBA2k 14 from every outlet, I wish someone had called out other reviewers for how bad and broken that game actually is, and how it's nothing but micro transaction hell. I have no problem with it. In the case of titanfall, if you're getting misinformation from other sources, what's the problem with noting it? If you can't take some outside criticism for your opinion as a "game journalist" then whats the point of having open forums of conversation.


Sadly, all this whole thing really does is reinforce my general attitude of staying away from reviewers, review scores, and games jounalism as a whole.
Also this. I have become increasingly annoyed more than anything by games media recently. There are some outliers but overall it all just feels so shallow.

@NeoGAFNewThread is about all of the games coverage I need.


I'm siding with him more, because the point of the debate is that Joe misrepresented IGN in his review, refused to admit he made a mistake, then started childishly name calling. But IGN did say "BELIEVE THE HYPE" and arguing the difference between 8.9 and 9.0 is very trivial.

The IGN guy initiated the "name-calling" by dubbing Joe's work as intentionally malicious. While he is more subtle about it, his comments imply that Joe is greedy, unethical and malicious. Joe could have handled it better but there's little doubt that the editor went full retard here


Angry Joe is at fault here. He clearly misrepresented IGN by implying that a quote in the preview appeared in the review.

The argument about 0.1 pts if cursory to the discussion and pointless.

Also, the personal attacks on Dan Stapleton are embarrassing. IGN have a right to complain. Not only that, they can actually sue him.
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