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What have your experiences been like at Gamestop?


the last time i've been inside a gamestop was to purchase soul caliber 4. they offered me the game in a sleeve, proclaiming that it was new. i walked out and haven't been inside one since.

i ordered xenoblade online through gamestop. even though it was listed as new, the case it came in was dirty as fuck, had no shrinkwrap, and had an ugly-ass sticker on it.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
Here in California the ones in Riverside and Moreno Valley mall I get followed around the store(and it's a small store at that), like I'm actually gonna steal some empty video game boxes. The gamestop I visited recently in one of those Century City/Santa Monica malls was pretty good and the clerks were both pretty cool dudes.

The clerk even bothered to cut more space in the game case for the used 3DS copy of Resident Evil Rev I bought, since they still use old DS game cases for used 3DS games. It was for his own OCD but I didn't mind it. Also didn't get hounded to preorder

Fuck Riverside and Moval gamestops unless they changed recently since I haven't been there in a while.


I like my particular gamestop, hate most others.

Any of you in San Diego area, san carlos gamestop is not bad and the staff is cool.
'hey i would like to buy *insert game here*'

"sure, what is your phone number so i can look at your history, and try to drag the conversation so i can reel you into boosting my rank so i can keep my job?"


I've shopped at GameStop pretty extensively mostly because a lot of times I get the urge to buy a game so I just walk in rather than waiting for a delivery from online. More convinient for me. I get the game I want and I'm out in less than 5 minutes usually. Why people hold such a disdain for them I don't understand. Their policies are irrelevant to me so long as I'm and out with what I want.
Overall pretty great actually. Real nice people. Managers are real nice and even though I hear it's a bad place to work I'm thinking about getting a job there so I can be in the presence of Video Games and be somewhere where people come up too me and ask me to inform them about games. I would much rather work at Gamestop(even though I heard it's not great) than work at a boring place like Kroger or Walmart.

Just personal preference though. :)


It's an allright store. The extra crap they make the employees ask you if you want to buy grates on me, though. I'm pretty much only there if they have an interesting promotion; otherwise it's Amazon or Best Buy.

MC Safety

I once tried to get the GameStop employees to combine the currency values on two Power Up (or whatever they're called) game cards.

I am not lying. They did this when I was trading in old games and instead of one card holding all the value, I ended up with three cards.

This is after I spoke with someone at the corporate headquarters who assured me any GameStop manager would be able to merge the values onto one card.
As others have stated, the employees are generally clueless about video games in general, let alone the history of video games.

The employees aren't hardcore gamers. They don't follow the industry whatsoever. They don't even keep up with reviews and scores of the latest games. I was talking to an employee about Aliens: Colonial Marines back when it came out and he had no clue it was a poorly developed game with mediocre reviews.

You would think being such a small and focused company, they would hire employees who know the product well. This isn't the case, however. They hire anyone who applies.


I went there this past weekend and helped a lady find a copy of Saints Row IV (she wanted Saints Row II, but then I sold her on IV because of the superpowers aspect), she then wanted a copy of GTAIV (not V) too. Again, I pointed her to a copy of GTAIV + Episodes of Liberty City. The clerk didn't bother to offer any help to her, and the lady questioned why I wasn't employed there. It's simple: GameStop doesn't employ people who know what they're doing. I've tried multiple GameStops around Wisconsin and none of them will hire me. My friend finally got through at one of them after knowing the manager and going to college with him for an entire year. Ever since the Xenoblade and Metroid Prime Trilogy fiasco, I've kept my distance from GameStop and stick to Amazon, digital downloads and Steam.


When ALBW and BD came out there was 1 employee working, the lines were long, just because it's normally busy anyway plus the extra crowd wanting the release games. I called corporate and complained and I've never done that about a store before.
Generally, my experiences there are pleasant though



Not really, I just wanted an excuse to post that.

My experiences are that some GS have clerks with bad personalities and information about video games, and others are just good retail salespeople who do their best to help me whether or not they are knowledgeable... which is basically American retail in general.

I buy both new and used from them, but new only if I pre-order it, since they're more likely to gut them instead of keeping them shrinkwrapped in the drawer if waiting too long after release.


When ALBW and BD came out there was 1 employee working, the lines were long, just because it's normally busy anyway plus the extra crowd wanting the release games. I called corporate and complained and I've never done that about a store before.
Generally, my experiences there are pleasant though

They probably thanked you for the call so that they know they're only going to have to pay minimum wage for one store to sell thousands of dollars of product for the next couple hours.

Fox Mulder

I've never had a problem with them. I actually appreciated how they offered metroid prime trilogy and xenoblade. I got both far below the market price due to power up reward coupons and other promo codes.

it's also convenient to buy cheap games impulsively without having to wait days from eBay or amazon.


I used to preorder stuff from them to help the workers out (I know they have a quota or something) but they I heard them talking shit about how I never pick anything up so I stopped.... That's pretty much it....

Oh, and my local GS loves to make fun of people with less "knowledge" of video games than them.


I've been lied too on multiple occasions about how to gain beta access just so they could get pre-orders. One time an employee told me he liked Impulse more than steam.


Last year GS had some decent trade promotions where they gave 50% more for some games so I took advantage of that and their rewards card which I got about $10 back with. In one visit I ended up getting almost $100 for some old ds and wii games. sure I could have maybe eeked out some more on craigslist but I wasn't in the mood for that waiting game. That was probably my best experience with them. other then that it's pretty meh. It's definitely not a first option you just have to watch their deals they can be moderately competitive every once in a while. The employees usually don't know shit though.



I've seen a lot of varying opinions on GAF about game stores. In the US, the only ubiquitious video game store chain these days is Gamestop.

I've had all kinds of different experiences at different Gamestops, ranging from unpleasant to terrific, and I'm just wondering what the larger GAF consensus is on this chain (as well as its sister chain EB Games up north).

I'd be interested to hear stories from both sides of the counter.

It has really run the gamut from great clerks that were really cool and helpful to those that were argumentative and condescending. Lately, its been really good. I used to hate the place with a passion; not so much anymore.

8/10 would return
I go in and get out in under 10 minutes (max) at my local gamestop. I never go during peak hours, and politely tell them I just wish to purchase a game and not to offer me anything with my purchase. Generally I only go to gamestop when I want to get a game that is releasing that day and need a physical copy of it. I avoid lengthy conversation about gaming in general and am very direct with what I want when I go there.

I havent had any problems since I adopted this method.
My local GameStop has C-grade employees ranging from cold and aloof to used car salesmen which are the worst. They make terrible recommendations in order to rope you into pre-ordering. I guess it works on less informed customers but that annoys me even more.

GameStop needs to shift the focus away from memberships and pre-orders, if only just a bit. Recommend me some genuinely good games I may not notice based on my usual buying habits. When new takes precedent over good then you miss out on opportunities to make a sale. GAF gives me recommendations all the time and I go through with them. Why? Because no one is trying to shove a pre-order in my face because they have a quota to meet.
I've never had an issue going into a GameStop. Usually I buy new games off of Amazon and whenever I'm in the mood to look for an older game that is harder to find or a deal on a used game, I go to GameStop and pick it up. On rare occasions that I want to make sure I get a game on day one, do I preorder and reserve a new copy.

The weirdest experience I've ever had at a GameStop was when I went into a store with a friend and I casually mentioned a game I was looking for to him. The person at the register overheard our conversation, proceeded to look up the game in their system and interject and announce where the nearest GameStop was that had the game. Both me and my friend gave him a confused look, I said thank you, and then we promptly left. I know the guy was probably just trying to be helpful but...it just felt really weird.
A few years ago Gamestop was the most annoying, horrible shopping experience ever. The sales clerks would ask me if I wanted to pre-order 10 different games as soon as I walked in the door, and whether I want the strategy guide with that.

In the last few years however, it has improved significantly. The staff at my local Gamestop knows who I am and they don't ask me for pre-orders anymore. I will still pre-order the occasional game, but I tell them I want to pre-order a game-- they don't ask me. If I go to a different Gamestop I get a terrible experience, but my local Gamestop is fine.
My experiences in Italy were usually awful. They push used stuff ridiculously hard, games and hardware, to the point of arguing over and over about the fact that it's more convenient for you to buy used, and when you refuse they treat you like an idiot. About used hardware I experienced silly situations, in which the clerk wanted me to buy, for the WiiU, a used Wiimote for like 40€ while the brand new one, with motion plus included, was 26€ and was clearly exposed on the shelf. If I weren't aware enough as a gamer, I would probably have followed her suggestion ("It's more convenient"). I don't think I'll ever step in a GameStop again, they enjoy stellar margins on used while rarely restocking the new games/hardware, they make piles of money with transactions in which publishers/developers are not involved and in doing so they damage the entire industry.
Ever since I started buying every video game thingy online, my life is easier.

Being forced to buy a second PowerUp Pro card with my PS3 was probably the last straw.


I've seen EB Games (Gamestop) staff outright lie to customers in an attempt to rip them off. Things like selling a season pass for a GotY edition of a title which has the content with it. Or expansion packs, etc. They love tricking people into buying GTAIV/Red Dead titles separately for much more than the price of the complete editions. There's the disc protection, reward club and pre-order pressure as well of course.

Australia / New Zealand-specific hell: EB sells their games significantly higher than other stores ($10-20), and buys up exclusive limited editions. Price matching only on released games of course, no pre-order DLC for you. And sealed games? Hell no. Every game gets cut open and the discs taken out. Granted we have better consumer protection laws and can do EB rentals - borrow for a week, return for full money back, they resell as new - but the idea of a new, sealed game is pretty laughable. Order online or digital, EB is just the worst.

But oh no, I need to show ID to buy a VIDEO GAME. I'm standing there, 21 years old, and I have to prove to this jerk that I'm above 17 years old and won't suffer trauma from playing a game about stabbing people.

This isn't ridiculous however. In most countries it's the law, if you look under 25 you have to show ID or something similar. I worked in retail selling age-restricted products, the fine for selling to someone underage or not checking ID was a couple of thousand and you lost your job. Customers who get pissed at retailers for obeying a law are the worst.
For a store completely devoted to video games, I almost always leave disappointed if I go in looking to browse.

If you're looking for a game that isn't brand new and sold fewer than a million copies, you pretty much have to get on your hands and knees and navigate a hidden maze of sewer ducts.


Only problem I have with GS is the constant upselling. Checkout is always a hassle and feels borderline like an interrogation.

I remember one time I went in to pick a game I'd ordered and the manager kept pushing the guide book for the game on me (I believe it was an rpg or open-world game). Twice, I told him "No thanks" before giving him a longer explanation on why I'd prefer to discover the game's world on my own. The guy looked at me like I was from another dimension. Dumb stuff like that gets annoying.


I microwave steaks.
I've been getting all my newly released games from them. The store I frequent hooks me up and the midnight launch parties are fun. I understand that their job depends on pre-orders so I definitely try to pre-order everything I'm planning on getting. Plus I feel like picking up a game makes me more inclined to play it rather than waiting for the mail man.

But man, fuck the condition of their used games, not only that but accepting games without cases? So fucking stupid, what kind of jackass throws away a vita case, that shit is so small yo.


I've never had a negative experience at Gamestop. I'd even go as far to say that most of my experiences there have been pleasant.


I go in, I find the game that I want to buy, I politely ask a clerk if they have a non-gutted copy. If a shrink wrapped copy is available, I patiently wait in line, I check out, politely thank the cashier and then I leave. If it isn't available, I politely thank the clerk for checking for me and then I leave.

This is what I do with my local retailer. The trick is to make them answer your questions, not the other way around. If they are determined to hover around me and ask questions, I'll send them off to go and look up an obscure release date or something that makes them feel helpful. At the till I politely say 'no thanks' to the first two enquiries about pre-orders and trade-ins, after that I say 'may I just pay for x please,' firmly and cheerfully, then I go about my day. It's served me well for years, pretty much seizing control of the conversation and drawing a line under it.

Same as when they are talking to me on the shop floor. It costs nothing to be polite but firm, and nothing is physically keeping you there or stopping you from taking your business elsewhere in the long term. I remember what it was like when I was in my early twenties/late teens with a minimum wage retail job, looking to make a sale, I know they are just following company orders. Generally I get on better with retail staff now that I tend to be a decade older than them and more confident about making it clear exactly what I do and don't want from them, but for the most part I'm lucky the ones near me tend to be pretty good and with a sense of humour.

I do accept that sometimes, as with any company, the odd staff member can be unreasonable, ignorant or just deeply unpleasant though. That goes for customers too, and some poor sods have to deal with both.

The worst experience for me is CEX in the UK. At least in Game you don't have to put up with terrible music, hand-picked by the staff (bless their little cotton socks). Or a shop that looks like the set of 'Gamesmaster' and is full of huge queues of people trading in piles of stuff that have blatantly fallen off the back of a lorry before arguing that their copy of Fifa '04 must be worth more than 50 pence.
The GameStop I've shopped at for years (Roseville, CA) is fantastic. There have been a few management transitions (not for the better) - but overall - the employees (and ASM) have stayed and they all treat me very well. I've purchased 2 PS4's, 3DS and Vita on their launches; I got a deluxe WiiU a second Vita and a few 3DS/XL variants over time, as well. All from this one location. I won't shop at any other.

In fact, I was just at this GameStop, preordered Thief PS4, Mario Golf WT, Kirby TD; also picking up VLR and Heroes of Ruin on 3DS - while having a really excellent Majora's Mask conversation:

Noah (really cool SGA) gave me his whole theory about MM being a
for Link.

Mind blown.


This is the most accurate depiction ever:

This so much.

I used to love going to GameStop, EB Games, Babbages etc.

But sometime around 2004 it just started to suck. Everytime I go in there I immediately start getting harassed by the employees. A simple "Can I help you with anything" is fine, but when I say "Nope just looking around" then LEAVE ME ALONE!

But no, it's never that easy. They have to keep on bothering me. And lord help me if I am the only one in the store.

Here is a recent exchange I had at GameStop:

ME: Walks into store

GS EMPLOYEE: Hi there, can I help you with anything?

ME: Nah I'm ok, I am just looking around while my Wife shops

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok, are you looking for anything in particular?

ME: No just looking around

GS EMPLOYEE: What systems do you have?

ME: You know the normal ones, PC, PS4 etc

GS EMPLOYEE: Thats great! Infamous is coming out soon, would you be interested in preordering it?

ME: No thanks, I never preorder games anymore, there is no point, they are always in stock

GS EMPLOYEE: Ohhh well I dunno about this one, it's going to be a hot seller!

ME: Oh well, its ok I'll just take my chances. *I try to walk away*

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok, well if you are also looking to get PC games, I have an inventory of over 10,000 online!

ME: Ok thanks

GS EMPLOYEE: So what types of games do you like?

ME: I dunno everything *Still trying to get out of the conversation, so I head over to the headsets*

GS EMPLOYEE: Oh! You are looking for a new headset? *Then proceeds to run around the counter and right at me with a flyter*

GS EMPLOYEE: We are having a trade-in special right now, if you have any old or new games you don't play anymore, including iPhones, iPads and stuff you can trade them in and help out with your cost of a new headset!!

ME: I don't need a new headset, I already have a couple at home

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok then no problem, check out this flyer though it has great deals!

ME: Ok thanks

*Literally 2 minutes later*

GS EMPLOYEE: Still just looking around? Have you tried out the Xbox One yet? We are doing a layaway special on them right now! You can also try it out on our demo unit!

ME: Yeah just looking around, and I have a PS4, I don't plan on buying a Xbone.

GS EMPLOYEE: Haha I love that nickname for it! I'm sure Microsoft doesn't!

ME: Yeah probably not

ME: *I then give up trying to kill time, and head towards the door*

GS EMPLOYEE: Hey! Don't forget if you change your mind about preodering Infamous just come back and see me!

ME: Ok thanks bye


I left the store pissed off, annoyed and never wanting to return. I usually go to Target or Walmart, or Amazon now a days to get a game mainly because I don't want to get harassed at GameStop.

They really need to change their shit, but they won't and eventually they will go bankrupt due to technology changes.

EDIT: Sorry for the wall of text.
I know this is a long shot, but I've got two PS2 plastic guitars and two PS2 DDR mats. Does GameStop take these at all? Else it's likely off to charity.


I honestly don't bother anymore. Too much hassle in trying to get a non gutted game and when I'm looking for older games they just have generic cases or no manual.


It's really hit or miss, like most chains. Some have cool people, others are just hustlers. Every now and then you can find a gem.

Fiancée has had the new - used trick pushed on her before. She didn't care since it Das a dollar difference.


Went to buy FFX-HD for the vita on sunday. Called and asked if they had it new and the guy tells me yes. Got there about an hour later and i ask for it. The guy pulls out the game sleeve and i asked if him he has it new. The case was already on the counter because i called prior. He pretends to look for the new one and then tells me thats the last copy. I refused and was walking out and he shouted he must've sold the new one before i came. Bs if you ask me. Thank god it was only a 3 minute drive or i would've bitched his ass out.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
I've only ever had one *bad* experience at my local GameStop. Basically it was not long after the PS4 came out--I wanted to come in and ask if they were still doing pre-orders, but the manager--the only guy in there--was on the phone. Rather than notice he had a customer, he stayed on the phone for like 10 minutes. I think I eventually just left.

But that's definitely a unique experience. One of my good friends works at GS and I know he has to keep his pre-order recs up and ask about Power-Up rewards and all that BS to keep his job. I have very little use for Power-Up, but I just don't see the evils of pre-ordering like a lot of people do, so if there's a game coming out that I want I'll toss my friend the pre-order. The reason "they always have new copies in stock" is because the more pre-orders they have the more regular copies they can buy to put on store shelves anyway.

It's an experience no better or worse than I get going to any other retail shop. Go into a clothing shop they'll ask if you want to sign up for some shitty credit card. Go into Wal-Mart they'll ask if you want to buy some bullshit warranty. Turn them down, pay for your crap, leave. It's pretty simple.

Now this thing about selling opened copies as new is pretty crappy, but then now that I think about it...I only buy games I've pre-ordered anyway. If I didn't care enough to get it the day of release, then I can wait long enough for Amazon or eBay to ship me a new copy. Their prices are better anyway.


I'm digitally only from now on. I won't be going back into a gamestop again most likely.

However, the two that I usually would frequent were always clean and had good employees. Could strike up a conversation easily and was never pushed into trying to preordering anything.


Most EB GamesI have been too have been overall good experiences with the employee's being helpful. Only one time did I have a negative experience with a guy who was working and he was a bit of a dick but never saw him again so I'm betting he got fired at some point.
Start the flaming...

I'm a store manager at a store in Illinois. I completely understand the reputation that the company has because I have been in multiple stores with terrible service and pushy associates. I'd like to think that most people that come in to our store have a good experience. As far as reservations and such, these things should never come off as pushy, they should come naturally.

From the managers and associates that actually enjoy giving good service, we are sorry.
I went to EB Games on Black Friday to look around for any decent sales. I went to the PSN cards to see if they had any $5 ones. Since it was Black Friday and AC: Revelations was on sale for $20, the place was completely packed. An EB Games employee picked me out of the crowd to let me know that if I walked out with any PSN cards, they wouldn't work. I don't know if it was because I'm black or because the guy's an idiot. Possibly both. I just go to Best Buy now.
I haven't been to our local Gamestop too often but for a specialty store they always have too many stock problems for my taste. They never had what I wanted while the next general store 500 meters down the road somehow managed to stock these things that they sell in a small corner of their huge store and for cheaper too. It just baffles me.
Not to mention the annoying clerks in that shop. They're either pressured to sell you shit or they have no idea about retail. When I'm just looking around I don't wanna be annoyed every 5 minutes about some great deal* you have at the moment.

So yeah...I don't go there if I have alternatives. :p

*not actually a great deal


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I've had zero issues with GameStop.
In fact, the one I use is really nice. When Fire Emblem Awakening came out, I kept calling around asking if stores had it, and GameStop held on to one just for me. It was so great.
"This is gonna be it for you?"
"Do you have your power up rewards card?"
"Do you want to join?"
"Do you have any games to trade in?"
"If you join our club you can get trade-in bonuses"
"Do you want to give us your e-mail address?"
"Do you want to subscribe to our magazine?"


The worst part about cool pre-order bonuses is that Gamestop always has the best ones. And their website doesn't offer release date delivery for free so I have to man up every once in a while.
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