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What have your experiences been like at Gamestop?


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Me: ''I'd like to trade-in these games please''
Employee: ''Which game and which platform would like to use your funds for?''
Me: ''X on Wii U (just in case a GameStop pre-order exclusive appears as most JRPGs from Nintendo)''
Employee: What a kiddy platform

I can't.

However, I was recently able to pre-order Kirby Triple Deluxe in exchange for Bravely Default only, so I'm quite pleased though! :)

It's just the comments sometimes from these clerks really turn me off, I mean one can have an opinion on a platform but don't project such an opinion on somebody else, especially a client.
I generally don't use them anymore. I've had issues with not getting bonus items that were advertised with preorders, and they open everything that isn't a preorder. It's generally just so much easier to use Amazon or Newegg or NeoGAF's sales thread or ebay or anything else. Generally no risk of getting gutted or ruined stuff when you're buying new (although Amazon needs to watch it with the bubble mailers and LEs). Basically the only time Gamestop was relevant in my life was when I didn't have the means to shop online.

That said, haven't had an experience with a rude or overly pushy clerk. I realize that have to play 20 questions or risk being fired, so it didn't bother me too much when they asked if I wanted to sign up for xyz.

I've seen some nice store layouts, but most of them are dark closets with too many racks.
Depends of the gamestop. But the one I usually go is pretty good. Nice friendly service, cheap prices and good recommendations.


Predominantly good experiences, the local gamestop (Boone, nc) has some great employees.

Occasionally I'll have to go to one out of town, though, and that's where I have issues. Most recently a manager from a store about an hour away got into a full blown argument with me because I pronounced 'Project X Zone' differently than he did.
We have this in used, you can save $1.57. Do you want the used copy?

No, I'm good.

Are you sure?

Yea, I'm fine.

I'm just asking because you can get it cheaper.

No, that's ok.

Alright... Would you like to pre-order Uncharted 2?

No thanks.

Are you sure? You're getting the first one and the second one comes out in a few months, we can reserve it right now so you're guarrantied a copy when it comes out.

I'm good.

Ok. We see that you were a member four years ago, would you like to renew your membership? You get a free copy of "GAMING MAGAZINE X".



Are you interested in L4D2?

Yea, but I'm getting it off Steam.

Well if your pre-order it here you get an exclusive pre-order baseball bat.

No, I would rather get it off Steam.

Why? You don't get the pre-order extra if you just get it from Steam, I can reserve you a copy here and you can get it.

I'm not interested in the pre-order extra, I would rather just download the game.

Scoffs at me Well Ok.

That was the last time I went to that gamestop and gamestores in general.

The only other time was at a different one to get Red Dead Redemption. They were out of the regular edition so I got a free upgrade to the special, the dude there was cool too.


My Gamestop experiences have always been excellent.

The employees there know me pretty well, especially the managers. They almost never push stuff on me or ask about all the stuff they're "supposed" to ask about.

I usually have months and months of games pre-ordered ahead of time. Since gaming is a really big hobby for me I often have times were there's 4-5 games pre-ordered for a single month alone. This last February and March were huge for me, even more than that heh - I think I had like 7 games bought in February. However, occasionally I do miss adding games to my list and the managers especially know my tastes to a T and will let me know that I forgot to get something. It's great to have them help me add stuff I missed to my pre-order list like that.

So yeah, I love me some Gamestop and I always enjoy going in there. I'm always treated respectfully and courteously by the staff. They know what I like, what I buy, and never push the corporate bullshit on me. I'll keep going there as long as Physical Games are a thing, since I love collecting and buying them.
When they rebranded Funcoland, and they still had Funcoland employees, it was pretty good. Those were really knowledgeable, passionate people that know a lot about a lot of games and had knowledge about most of the products in the store. As time has gone by, employees have become unspecialized salesmen that fare about as well as any big chain store. The managers, if they're in the front of the store, are always a pain in the ass for employees and annoying to customers. There's nothing special about Gamestop, really.

Lately, I've noticed that they're understaffed for rushes, so it's hard to go in, get a game and get out. And all the spiel that they have to give you at the register makes transactions that should be quick take far too long.

I worked at funcoland in the late PSX days and loved making recommendations to customers. They had demo stations where customers could try them out before buying. Sent many a happy customer on their way.

The pay sucked unless you sold mag subscriptions and cd cleaners


What cracks me up it their midnight releases of big games, like GTA 5 and call of duty. The grouping system is ridiculous...

Instead I go to best buy right next door. And while all the goons who preordered at GS are still standing in line that's 200 people long I am waking out the door at best but with my game in hand. Best buy is amazing for midnight releases. Lots of employees, tons of copies and they let you come in early but the game and then just wait until midnight to walk out the door. And there never more than 25 people.

Sure... Local bestbuy manager!!!


I like the promotions they often have for downloading special Pokemon. I haven't purchased a game there though in a long time. I remember wanting to buy Super Princess Peach there, but they didn't have a shrink wrapped copy on its release day... Such a dumb practice IMO. I have ordered some exclusives from them online, such as Xenoblade.
Outside of gutted copy nonsense my experiences have been pretty standard with anything else. Ask if they have something, go to buy it if they do, decline the warranty when asked, be on my way. Never had them try to push something on me.


Neo Member
I live close to a gamestop, so I mostly go there out of convenience. if I want a new game when it first comes out, I go to gamestop. if its been anything longer than a month, I go elsewhere for a new game. buying used games from gamestop can be hit or miss, but its mostly alright.

trading games there, on the other hand....no way in hell am I going there. "this game's only four months old, how much store credit can I get? $11! you're still selling it used for 54.99!" ...yeah, never trading there again. that's why I turn to the local retro game stores or even craigslist.

the staff I've encountered working there seem alright. they don't hound me to preorder or anything like that.


Used to be fine. Last time I went in there dude had to sell me a AGE 360 controller cause they were out of MS, but it was cheap and works well. Dude was pretty laid back.

Only thing that bugged me was damned kids trying to give me pointers on what games were good.


They always try to push used games on me, which I am very much against. I would rather support my favorite developers than gamestop.
Pretty much this.

My only issue with gamestop is that I get carded for games. I'm 38 years old, I have gray in my beard and I'm a scruffy looking tatted up dude. Obviously not 17.

Other than that I usually buy all my new games there, I've used gamestop rewards points to get a few cool free tshirts from jinx.


Neo Member
Our stores are fine. The employee turnover is terrifying with the exception of a core few, but those few are really nice folks despite being overworked. The pay is average for retail, the benefits and discounts are on the weak side, and the customer base (at least in my area) is painful to deal with.

I was offered a Senior Game Advisor spot by the manager of the largest store around here. I asked to go in for a couple days of training to see how it worked and if I'd like it, which they were more than willing to do. She and everyone I talked to (regional managers, other employees, etc.) were absolutely fantastic people, and if I didn't already have a better job I would have taken it purely because of that, but it's a really rough place to be all things considered. I've got stories if anyone wants.

TL;DR: don't do it unless you really need it and you like the people already.


Related to the topic, my first pre-owned game order from Best Buy came in yesterday, and it kind of put GameStop into perspective for me. Usually, when I buy a new game from GameStop, my OCD ass has to take it home, drench it in Goo Gone to get rid of the four or five stickers on it and try my best to clean up the case so it actually looks sort of new-ish.

In contrast, I just dropped $4.99 on a used game from Best Buy (ordered online). That shit was pristine. Shrink-wrapped -- which even "new" GameStop games can't be bothered with --, what seemed like a new case and a buffed and polished disc. As I understand it, some games may not include the cover art or manual (mine had both), but you're guaranteed a fresh, console-specific case (not a generic DVD case), a shrink wrap and a restored disc. To me, that's worth the risk of having to pop into Kinko's and drop $.50 to print off a new cover. I'd recommend looking into them if you don't like GameStop.
no one ever bugs me about preorders
i think your store just sucks is all
never had any problems
Denham Springs Gamestop btw
hell one of the employees(or was it the manager)
drove to another store just to get me a game i wanted
Generally fine, they try and sell you a warranty, pre-order a game, or sign up for something like a lot of retailers do. And, they do come off a bit pushy as they usually ask again after you say no the first time, I'm guessing they are told to do that.

But other than that it's always a very in-and-out experience for me. One time I was trading in like 20 or so PS2 games, waited until there was no line, and the clerk didn't let me know when a game was worthless and took them all anyway. I can't imagine it was fun having to look up all the games but I would have much rather been told that I was getting a $0.00 trade value and just given them away to charity than give my copy of NHL 2004 through NHL 08 to Game Stop.
Generally fine, they try and sell you a warranty, pre-order a game, or sign up for something like a lot of retailers do. And, they do come off a bit pushy as they usually ask again after you say no the first time, I'm guessing they are told to do that.

But other than that it's always a very in-and-out experience for me. One time I was trading in like 20 or so PS2 games, waited until there was no line, and the clerk didn't let me know when a game was worthless and took them all anyway. I can't imagine it was fun having to look up all the games but I would have much rather been told that I was getting a $0.00 trade value and just given them away to charity than give my copy of NHL 2004 through NHL 08 to Game Stop.
dude dont give those to charity
give them a good game instead


My local Gamestop seems to have made it their mission to act as Xbone apologists, even for the stuff before the 180, to the point of talking relatively ignorant customers buying their kids a console into buying an Xbone over a PS4, which was what they originally set out to buy. No, I'm not kidding, I literally saw it happen in front of me while they played PR for MS. I really don't like them and will always go online when possible. Outside of being heavily pro-Xbox though, they're alright.


It's my last option for any game related purchase. Nothing makes me more angry than when they try to sell a re-sealed game that was a floor unit as "new". I don't care if no one has owned it yet, I am not buying an obviously opened game, ever, and I don't care if it's the last copy you have.

no one is making your buy it. no one is forcing a gun to your head. if you don't want to buy that copy, either walk out or ask them to call another store with an unopened copy to put on hold.

seriously, employees are just people. they don't want to sell you an opened copy unless it's the last one available.


I've never really had a truly negative experience at gamestop.
Usually since i'll be there quite regularly the reps usually know that if I want something i'll let them know.

Though one time I did think it was funny how when buying Ninja Gaiden Sigma, the rep was about to give me a greatest hits case and I had to tell them I wanted the regular case and the original disc as well. Guess they had never heard someone ask specifically since they were a big confused at first as to why i'd even care.


EB in Australia, Some really good people who work there but the turnover seems high, But I guess most retail is that way. If I see some familiar faces in there I will go in knowing they won't hound me with Pre Orders or Scratch protection nonsense. Prices are my main gripe starting to become out of the question though, new releases at least $10 to $20 more is just too much. Always a good time killer to browse the shelves though.


The one near me is now bearable because my friend is the manager. Before that it was pretty terrible, the manager and employees were terrible, the store smelled like a fedora due to the people always hanging around inside yet never bought games.

I pre-order games that have exclusive bonuses and stop in every now and then for a sale or if I need a PSN card.
Ex-GS employee here. My original manager never played games, really found them interesting, but because he read Game Informer and regurgitated information directly from it, he was an excellent salesman. He got promoted to regional manager. He was a terrible boss, treated everyone poorly, and was not a very eloquent speaker, but he knew how to push reservations and subscriptions.

My manager who took over after him was amazing. Nice guy, into games, asked me to watch his house when he went out of town and let me use his 70" TV for the Halo 3 Beta. He treated everyone with great respect, and got promoted outside of the city, so we got a new manager.

The new manager was very open with hispanic employees that he hated and distrusted white people. He transferred out the assistant manager for disagreeing with him (despite having the best sales record in the city), fired my girlfriend at the time for being indecent while on the clock with me (we never once were in the store while the other was working, but whatever), and when I was the last white person on staff (I spoke spanish and had the best sales in the store after the previous ASM), a co-worker told me he joked with her saying "I'm firing all the white people and replacing them with mexicans who will work twice as hard". I stupidly repeated the account to another coworker who apparently told him. I got a call during class the next day from him telling me I was suspended and followed by naming the various ethnicities of women he's dated, though he didn't mention any white people. Then I never got any hours ever again.

I'd never work for GameStop again.


I live close to a gamestop, so I mostly go there out of convenience. if I want a new game when it first comes out, I go to gamestop. if its been anything longer than a month, I go elsewhere for a new game. buying used games from gamestop can be hit or miss, but its mostly alright.

trading games there, on the other hand....no way in hell am I going there. "this game's only four months old, how much store credit can I get? $11! you're still selling it used for 54.99!" ...yeah, never trading there again. that's why I turn to the local retro game stores or even craigslist.

the staff I've encountered working there seem alright. they don't hound me to preorder or anything like that.

but hey! currently you get $10 extra for your used ps4/xb1 games!

I remember being in line to buy a game and some girl came in with a backpack with her ps2, 2 controllers, all the wires, and a bunch of games to trade in. then the store clerk is like "Alright, that's $24"...I couldn't help but feel bad


Working at GameStop boiled down to these things. in this order.

If you can stand working a little bit above minimum wage, then good. You would get paid more if you have some experience in retail.

If your manager is awesome, nice and actually do his job then your job would be a lot easier. if not, then transfer out as quick as you can or quit.

If you don't mind pushing sale, pre-order and warranty at least 40-50% of the time. then you should be fine. You just gotta pick your battle. I only mention pre-order or warranty if the customers look like they might be interested in. If they say no, I just drop it immediately.

If you don't mind doing repetitive craps like constantly putting games back on shelves and answering stupid questions then you'll be okay.

honestly, i've been working there for 6 months. I'm on my 2nd manager now. ( the 1st one got transferred cause he wanted a less busy store, so he switched with my current one.)

Both are amazing managers. They do their job, treat employees like family, and actually hang out with us after work, even give us a break if we screwed something up. Plus try to keep your store clean, wipe the counters, the glass, and stuff once a week or something. my store is cleaner than most store despite it being in a mall with a lot of traffic.

I once accidentally short change someone $20. and the 1st manager covered it with his own money, instead of taking it out of my paycheck, and didn't even mention it to the regional manager.

But if you have crappy manager, and coworker. your life is going to be hell. like a friend of mine was, who work at a gamestop just 5 mins away. (lucky for him, his manager got fired, and his new one is a good one)


if someone ask you if a game is good or not. and you know for sure it's a shitty game. just tell them the truth. It's better to recommend something good then bad just because you need to make a sale.

EX: someone asked me if the Walking Dead Survival Instinct was good. I told her no, it was crap. and she should give the Walking Dead game by TellTale a try instead, sure it's not an action game but more point and click. But it's so much better.

Working at GameStop isn't the worst retail job in the world, sure it got some crappy stuff like (pocket checks, working like you're doing commission, but you don't get any, bad customers) but you get to meet some really cool and awesome people. Customers and Coworkers alike.
They're usually great. I go in, get game, say no to preorders, and leave. Dunno why people become drama queens when they talk about GS sometimes. "THEY GAVE ME AN OPENED BOXXXXXX" Okay...? Ask for a sealed one? Christ.


They're usually great. I go in, get game, say no to preorders, and leave. Dunno why people become drama queens when they talk about GS sometimes. "THEY GAVE ME AN OPENED BOXXXXXX" Okay...? Ask for a sealed one? Christ.

Because they think employees are holding a gun to their head and asking them to buy the opened copy. Most employees if they're doing their job correctly will inform the customer that it's the last copy they have, that it's been opened but has been laying in a drawer.

If they don't want to buy it, the employee can order a sealed copy online and ship it to your house for free, or direct you to the nearest gamestop with another copy in stock.

but yeah, they're "drama queens".
I bought Trials Fusion from them the other day and the guy said "Since you like racing games I recommend The Evil Within. It's made by the creator of Resident Evil."



Gold Member
In the city it's okay because there's probably 2 to 3 stores with employees who've worked there since they were EB or Babbages. Otherwise it's the same crap. They hire young recruits and the cycle of life repeats itself. There literally is something called the Circle of Life for GS employees. I remember it goes something like this:

Meet customer at game wall -> talk to them about used games over new -> sell them on upcoming release titles -> rinse and repeat the cycle.
There's literally a card they give you when you're hired with this circle written on it. I'm not joking.

Push subscriptions and reserves or the store won't do well and you'll get fired.

I'm sick of the GS experience. Last GS I walked into the store employee gloated that he owned both next gen consoles. He told me "PC gaming was way too complicated" and he didn't even know what League of Legends was. lol That was hilarious. I feel like a migraine is going to begin whenever i go into their store. I see the same group of people walk in with their physical copy and it's like looking into the past. I've had a love hate relationship with them ever since I was 12 years old. I worked for them for a while. Felt close to the employees and etc. I even hung out and played D&D with the managers a few times. Then it vanished. People got fired, I moved on, and the stores were quickly filled with gamers and business heads. Their higher ups aren't gamers. So the store's marketing is all about convincing you to buy, buy, buy. I'm glad I stopped shopping there. And it's not because of preference it's because I don't like the constant haggle. They change their business model on who they think buys games. Plus their used games only profits their company.

It was great knowing I had seen or talked about games with employees when I was 13 or so, then getting the chance to work with them. That was a good feeling. Sadly, memories like your favorite sports star soon fade away into adulthood and you realize people are just people. I put in my two weeks after a year. I was getting paid $5.15 for a 15% discount. This was before they raised the minimum wage too.

You feel like you're some jaded gamer after you quit your job. Business is business, so I recommend keeping it as something you'll enjoy. Not something you go to everyday to get paid to do.


I went in to get what I want or browse around. After that maybe some chit chat with the employees and mostly saying no to pre-orders. I never have bad experiences. All the employees were cool and nice. One of them was a former employee from another gamestop and recognizes me. He told me a story how his manager screw him over and demoted him. :\

Uff duh

I used to shop at gamestop quite alot. Wasnt bad, but I havent been in one is at least a year. I just download all my games now. But I think that just depends on employees more than anything, for any retail shop for that matter.


I have my local gamestop people trained even though I rarely go there to leave me alone, and don't give me any of their spiel. I have essentially told them that I am not being a jerk but I am well informed when it comes to games and don't need to be upsold or explained what I am looking at. I generally keep my mouth shut when I hear them BS's other customers, but sometimes its to much and I correct them.


I only use them as a last resort for old or out of print games when Im desperate. I dont know about recent releases, but they use to have nice preorder bonuses. The stores I used in Redmond,WA and Denver always put my preorder things aside and gave me other things left over from older games. Those stores were nice for GS. The employees were friendly and knowledgeable. Even though they were over worked and under paid they had fun and treated loyal customers great. It seems they had employees for each genre of games, platform, etc. there was some overlap, but usually someone was working who could answer questions honestly without making something up.

I moved to Houston and everything changed. The stores looked like a dirty mens gas station bathroom. The employees/manager didnt care about the customers except to fill their quotas. They lied constantly to parents/customers who didnt know better, selling them things they didnt need or ask for. The only times they cared is when they were about to leave work or if a random girl came in. Employees from the store always took the preorder items for themselves or gave them to their friends. They justified their actions by saying they didnt make much money or get a lot of hours, so abusing the system and customers was a perk that help make up for the bad working conditions.

The last straw for me preordering games at GS is when an employee took my Bayonetta preorder posters and lied to me about how the store never got them. Later on a guy working the night shift told me the guy who said they didnt come in took them for himself. At first I was upset, but I started ordering from Amazon and have been happy for the most part ever since. If Amazon screws up they make up for it, unlike GS that doesnt care. I finally realized no matter how nice the preorder bonus is, if you will never see it, it doesnt matter what it is. If you are never going to see the preorder items there is no reason to preorder from them. I guess my experience is hit or miss and it comes down to the employees and the manager working in the store.

Gerah X

The one up here in town, in northern california, is pretty great. Staff is friendly, and for the most part, are all well informed.

unlike a gamestop in oregon which i stopped by a couple months ago. The guy told me i wouldn't be able to install my current fat PS3 HDD into the 12GB super slim i was buying at the store. he said they weren't "compatible."
Try to avoid going into Gamestop as much as possible. Do you want to get a power up card? Want to pre-order so and so game? Want to sign up for game informer? Found out they don't carry any other magazines besides GI.
I had bad experiences there before and it was with an open game or used game sold as new. I shop at Amazon, Best Buy, Frys, Target or any other retailer.
Only went there for a stupid steam card for a friend a few years ago when it was exclusive to them. Really glad other stores carry it now.
There is one about 2 miles from my house. Yeah, ain't happening even if hell froze over.


I only ever go to Gamestop when I need to get rid of a non-working video game (almost always, without fail, one I previously bought there.) Haven't really done this since the GBA era though, since they'd test discs. But it's not too bad if you only go there occassionally. The local mom-and-pop video game store is much better, though. Does midnight launches for more games (Pokemon X and Y, for example), provides pizza for you if you go (although its Papa Johns), has a faster process at midnight launches (seperate lines for those who pre-ordered and those that didn't, and makes sure you're already to go before hand), and almost always has B2G1F used games.

EDIT: Actually, just remembered some really stupid experience I had there once. They sold a Killer is Dead CE that seemed used as new. I don't think it was actually used, but just opened for some stupid reason. It didn't have the shrink wrap on it, and had a sticker put on the box. I asked before buying it where the contents of it were, to which they replied "in the back, so no one will steal them." To which I just kind of wondered "then why the fuck did you open it in the first place?" I could be completely wrong, and the manufacturer could have shipped the CEs to them unshrinkwrapped...but I'd think they wouldn't be so stupid.


They're usually great. I go in, get game, say no to preorders, and leave. Dunno why people become drama queens when they talk about GS sometimes. "THEY GAVE ME AN OPENED BOXXXXXX" Okay...? Ask for a sealed one? Christ.

Games that arent cod/bf/asscreed, gs doesnt order a lot of extras. You cant ask for a sealed copy when they dont have.

Because they think employees are holding a gun to their head and asking them to buy the opened copy. Most employees if they're doing their job correctly will inform the customer that it's the last copy they have, that it's been opened but has been laying in a drawer.

If they don't want to buy it, the employee can order a sealed copy online and ship it to your house for free, or direct you to the nearest gamestop with another copy in stock.

but yeah, they're "drama queens".

I knew you work for gs even before you gave us your story. I was flat out lied to by the employee over the phone. Had he told me it was opened when i asked if it was sealed then i wouldnt have gone there wasting my time.


This so much.

I used to love going to GameStop, EB Games, Babbages etc.

But sometime around 2004 it just started to suck. Everytime I go in there I immediately start getting harassed by the employees. A simple "Can I help you with anything" is fine, but when I say "Nope just looking around" then LEAVE ME ALONE!

But no, it's never that easy. They have to keep on bothering me. And lord help me if I am the only one in the store.

Here is a recent exchange I had at GameStop:

ME: Walks into store

GS EMPLOYEE: Hi there, can I help you with anything?

ME: Nah I'm ok, I am just looking around while my Wife shops

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok, are you looking for anything in particular?

ME: No just looking around

GS EMPLOYEE: What systems do you have?

ME: You know the normal ones, PC, PS4 etc

GS EMPLOYEE: Thats great! Infamous is coming out soon, would you be interested in preordering it?

ME: No thanks, I never preorder games anymore, there is no point, they are always in stock

GS EMPLOYEE: Ohhh well I dunno about this one, it's going to be a hot seller!

ME: Oh well, its ok I'll just take my chances. *I try to walk away*

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok, well if you are also looking to get PC games, I have an inventory of over 10,000 online!

ME: Ok thanks

GS EMPLOYEE: So what types of games do you like?

ME: I dunno everything *Still trying to get out of the conversation, so I head over to the headsets*

GS EMPLOYEE: Oh! You are looking for a new headset? *Then proceeds to run around the counter and right at me with a flyter*

GS EMPLOYEE: We are having a trade-in special right now, if you have any old or new games you don't play anymore, including iPhones, iPads and stuff you can trade them in and help out with your cost of a new headset!!

ME: I don't need a new headset, I already have a couple at home

GS EMPLOYEE: Ok then no problem, check out this flyer though it has great deals!

ME: Ok thanks

*Literally 2 minutes later*

GS EMPLOYEE: Still just looking around? Have you tried out the Xbox One yet? We are doing a layaway special on them right now! You can also try it out on our demo unit!

ME: Yeah just looking around, and I have a PS4, I don't plan on buying a Xbone.

GS EMPLOYEE: Haha I love that nickname for it! I'm sure Microsoft doesn't!

ME: Yeah probably not

ME: *I then give up trying to kill time, and head towards the door*

GS EMPLOYEE: Hey! Don't forget if you change your mind about preodering Infamous just come back and see me!

ME: Ok thanks bye


I left the store pissed off, annoyed and never wanting to return. I usually go to Target or Walmart, or Amazon now a days to get a game mainly because I don't want to get harassed at GameStop.

They really need to change their shit, but they won't and eventually they will go bankrupt due to technology changes.

EDIT: Sorry for the wall of text.

You are much better man than I. About 1/3rd of the way through that conversation I would have told them that I have been gaming for 24 years and am educated about it and to leave me alone unless I ask a question which won't happen.
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