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Nintendo full year financial results [23.2B yen loss, 3.6M Wii U/12M 3DS forecast]

Third parties could only make a limited number of games per year to not flood the market with crap. This lead to some making shell companies to release more. Obviously this is no longer the case.

Was this the reason Namco released some of their games as Namcot ?


Unconfirmed Member
Shame, since their software is so good. Oh well.

When's that Investor meeting?
Nintendo Q4 Investor Presentation + Q&A
05/07/14 / 09:00 PM EDT

Oh, are we still pretending Nintendo's woes aren't the result of their own inability to produce a product of sufficient value proposition to a broad market and are instead the product of a collapsing industry?
Oh, are we still pretending Nintendo's woes aren't the result of their own inability to produce a product of sufficient value proposition to a broad market and are instead the product of a collapsing industry?

Nintendo is doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed

No, it isn't. Not at all.
So this past quarter:

3DS 590K
WIU 310K

Family total: 900K

When was the last time a Nintendo family of consoles sold sub 1 Million units in a quarter? This is dire.

Their high dividends is the only reason why their share price still above $5. The company desperately needs a new management.


Posting for new page. Am I correct with this?

Yes, you are correct with this. Original FY2013 forecast was 100 billion yen operating profit [that's during the time when Iwata dreamed about 9 mil WiiU sales for FY13], which was in January 2014 revised to 35 bil yen operating loss, which was now confirmed to be 46.4 billion yen operating loss.

Iwata is a joke.


That has been explained already. The huge hit was due to the necessary buyback of shares from the Yamauchi family. It is not due to a huge loss

I shall do some hunting.

You don't count a buyback as a loss.

Edit: Oh, you mean to their cash pile. Then yes.
Tell me one company that was in business for more than 100 years and stayed on top the whole time making a profit every year they are in existence.

Every company falls at some point no matter how successful they are in the past. They just need to survive the bad.

It's not simply a matter of Good and Bad years and cyclical sales. Nintendo isn't GM that just needs to cut fat, restructure, and come roaring back.

Nintendo's situation is more like BlackBerry, in that there is no clear way forward to remain relevant as a major player. They're sitting on cash reserves with no plausible way to spend it. From here out its a slow bleed, barring a drastic and unexpected shift.
I know nintendo has a lot of money in the bank, but this is still a significant loss to stomach. I seriously can't believe there hasn't been a major senior level change up.
Yes, you are correct with this. Original FY2013 forecast was 100 billion yen operating profit [that's during the time when Iwata dreamed about 9 mil WiiY sales for FY13], which was in January 2014 revised to 35 bil yen operating loss, which was now confirmed to be 46.4 billion yen operating loss.

Iwata is a joke.

What do you think its like to be in his shoes right now?


It can't, honestly, because the same issue with almost nil third-party support will remain-- unless Nintendo ponies up some cash to "entice" publishers to come back.

A new and more powerful console will only mean better-looking Mario, Zelda, and other popular Nintendo IP as soon as first-party development teams can make them. That's about it. Third-party publishers have placed their bets elsewhere and won't suddenly come back to Nintendo because "Hey, new console!"

It's a difficult situation moving forward, and we'll see how-- or even IF-- Nintendo tackles it.

Exactly. All we ever get is Nintendo going oh yea yea we're serious about supporting and bringing on the 3rd parties yet it's all talk every gen anymore. Say what you want about both MS and Sony but they support developers and publishers. They give them tools and help to get their games released on their consoles. Nintendo does nothing. They have kept that we're fucking Nintendo and we don't need shit from you mentality and it's still biting them in the ass. Until they truly try and help and do whatever it takes to get publishers truly on board you're not going to see shit from 3rd parties minus the occasional token port or yearly sports game. Part of that is making a console that is on par with the others power wise and easy of development wise. It's really that simple.


listen to the mad man
And the Wii u has a nearly 6 attach rate. It's still a dead console.

Well, I mean, attach rate is pretty simple to look at. Attach rate is not a function of hardware sales, but a function of hardware ownership weeks. Lots of recent owners will dilute the attach rate by raising hardware sales faster than they raise software sales. Lots of older owners will raise the attach rate by raising software sales even in the absence of new hardware sales. Like, if someone bought a Wii U last week you would not expect them to have 6-10 games already. But if someone bought a Wii U day one, and then bought a game every 3-4 months or so, having 6-10 games makes perfect sense.

So with the Wii U, what we're seeing is that since sales have been quite poor, existing owners buying new software has been the primary determinant driving the attach rate--up.

This calculation, incidentally, is in part what explained the weak attach rate of the Wii at the beginning of last generation: hardware sales just kept piling up, while software sales take time. It's also what explained the PS3's attach rate hiccup when hardware sales sped up from near-0 to much more brisk mid-generation.


Junior Member
Again I ask.

Can someone fill me in on Yamauichis third party rule? And if so is it still there?
Just did a quick and dirty search, and came up with some key results:
Yamauchi admitted at the 2001 Space World event that he had deliberately ordered the N64 be difficult to develop for. The intention behind this was to discourage untalented third-party developers from releasing poor-quality games -- it was no longer practical for Yamauchi to personally approve every game -- but the plan backfired somewhat: given the commercial success of previous Nintendo systems, third-party developers were still keen to get their games on a Nintendo console, and this consequently led to a number of sloppy, low-quality third-party games that clashed significantly with the high-quality first- and second-party titles that were being released on the platform.
Link: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/hiroshi-yamauchi-the-iron-fist-in-the-velvet-glove

Under his watch, Nintendo obtained a monopoly on the production of game cartridges for Nintendo game systems and built an authentication chip so only official games would run. Nintendo called it the Seal of Quality. He pioneered the model of charging third-party developers licensing fees to produce games for Nintendo's consoles, then leveraged that power to restrict the number of games developers could release each year, arguing it could improve quality across the board.

Dude had a thing for "ensuring quality" at whatever the cost.

Edit: Beaten
1) look at most of the third parties financial reports. The reduction in software output is pronounced and massive

2) equally, on the console front at least, that output IS much safer and following certain genre archetypes (outside consoles, variety is much more palpable). It isn't hard to see this and how this could have a large effect on the amount of non 18-30yo makes would buy into any particular ecosystem

3) this doesn't need to be predicted - it's already happening

1. You will have to give me some examples of some studios here.

2. I'm just going to list PS3 games that came out last year here:
The Last of Us
Rayman Legends
Dragon's Crown
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Beyond: Two Souls
Tales of Xilia

I'm not even going to go too much into the indies, either. Are you sure you don't want to revise what you said about variety?

3. Ok. I guess I'll have to take your word for it.


Oh, are we still pretending Nintendo's woes aren't the result of their own inability to produce a product of sufficient value proposition to a broad market and are instead the product of a collapsing industry?

No the Wii u is the result of Nintendo fucking up. That isn't debatable. That doesn't mean everything is a-OK and that the market at large doesn't play a role as to why the market conditions are the way they are. That also isn't debatable. There are other gaming markets that are extremely healthy.

To the above poster:
Look at EA last generation. Now, look at them this generation. Feel free to use their financial reports. As far as variety goes, excellent titles like Rayman, ni no kuni, donkey kong, etc aren't what's driving the current market. AAA is increasingly homogenous. That is pretty easy to see.


RE: "They're only losing money because of R&D"

Err, sure. R&D includes software development and hardware development. It's not white lab code advanced minority report R&D. It's daily operations of making software and hardware. If a gaming company is losing money because of R&D, what it means is that their current software is not selling enough to cover their costs in making new software.

Like, if you imagine a company called Electronic Activities that produces games (but not for Nintendo consoles, because they're evil and just butthurt over unprecedented partnerships!!!! and their games sucks anyway so who wants them!!!!), and that company is known for losing all sorts of money because it has tons of games in development that don't get released or that get released but don't break even, what that would look like is high R&D.

But as you said they also make hardware.

Even though I do not think is just high R&D costs that has made them lose so much money, that comparison makes no sense, they also release hardware that is not even produced by themselves, R&D costs of that are completely different from just software development.
So much this. I look at the current situation and... it's not the games that are the problem-- they're awesome. They're just not enough of a draw to justify most consumers buying a second system from the one they plan to use the most.

My kids and I play the s**t out of our Wii U, because of kid-friendly (and just really good) games like DKC TF, NSMB Wii U + Luigi, etc. If Nintendo would just swallow their pride and release their top games for other consoles as well they'd make a mint. Capitalize on whomever is the market leader.

I love my PS4, but the library is sorely lacking when it comes to kid-friendly or Nintendo titles. Mario, Mario Kart 8, Smash on PS4 would sell millions, and would actually be able to have proper online. It would give premier Nintendo franchises that much more exposure. Not to mention if they went with Sony it would give Japan a nice boost and of course PS4 an additional advantage versus Xbox. A lot of people would go PS vs Xbone if they knew they would get a few top Nintendo franchises on PS4, but a lot of those same people aren't going to buy a Wii U just to play Nintendo games (and certainly not at $300).

I think Nintendo massively underestimates the impact and profitability they would have if they brought their content to other platforms. Understood that they think they'll never be able to sell home consoles again if they bring their stuff to Playstation or Xbox, but isn't that sort of where they are at this point already?

I really think an 'our platform + 1' strategy for Nintendo's non-handheld offerings could be great, and would certainly help get them through these dark times.

They still managed to sell you their hardware, though.
Why do people find what mithos said so contraversal? Its not supposed to be offensive or anything.

Not controversial, just hilariously lacking self awareness.

To say the uniquely refined tastes of the fans he apparently speaks for demand a quality of game so great that only Nintendo is capable of providing it is fanboyishly arrogant. To say Nintendo systems are purchased for Nintendo games? Absolutely. To say Nintendo fans love Nintendo games more than any other? Alright.

To say:

Maybe that's why 3rd party fail to be successful on Nintendo platforms, we (Nintendo fans) have too high demands on what the quality of the games should be?

Is dumb. A great many universally loved games on many Nintendo platforms weren't even made by Nintendo.


Nothing surprising with the fiscal report, we already knew that they would post a loss, that sales are down and Wii U is almost a dead platform.
They need to change strategy and come out with new products which can generate growth asap. Also 3DS is not going to do 12m this year considering the lineup and without a price cut....9m seems realistic so I expect that they will have to revise the forecast down later in the year.

Not controversial, just hilariously lacking self awareness.

To say the uniquely refined tastes of the fans he apparently speaks for demand a quality of game so great that only Nintendo is capable of providing it is fanboyishly arrogant. To say Nintendo systems are purchased for Nintendo games? Absolutely. To say Nintendo fans love Nintendo games more than any other? Alright.

To say:

Maybe that's why 3rd party fail to be successful on Nintendo platforms, we (Nintendo fans) have too high demands on what the quality of the games should be?

Is dumb. A great many universally loved games on many Nintendo platforms weren't even made by Nintendo.


What a ridiculous stance to take.... even for a fanboy
Updating some graphs I've maintained out of boredom.







Just a continued trend of year-over-year declines in hardware and software for both of their core markets. They're already projecting a further decline in handheld next year, which I think will be even steeper than they've projected since the trend for the (calendar) year is already quite low, and a slight rebound in home console, which I guess we'll have to see if it will materialize. I personally don't think it will, but then, perhaps some heavy bundling/discounting with Mario Kart and Smash Brothers might help a little bit.


Why do people find what mithos said so contraversal? Its not supposed to be offensive or anything.

Defending their platform choice possibly.

All I know is myself and 3rd party offerings on Nintendo Wii U are sub-par (in terms of quality), they need to step up their game if they want me to buy them at €/$59.

Fifa 2013, sorry I meant Fifa 2012 relabeled as 2013, DROP DEAD EA, or "I'd buy that for a dollar" MAX.

Not controversial, just hilariously lacking self awareness.

To say the uniquely refined tastes of the fans he apparently speaks for demand a quality of game so great that only Nintendo is capable of providing it is fanboyishly arrogant. To say Nintendo systems are purchased for Nintendo games? Absolutely. To say Nintendo fans love Nintendo games more than any other? Alright.

To say:

Maybe that's why 3rd party fail to be successful on Nintendo platforms, we (Nintendo fans) have too high demands on what the quality of the games should be?

Is dumb. A great many universally loved games on many Nintendo platforms weren't even made by Nintendo.
But alot were. Doesnt mean 3rd parties cant be loved (RE4) and doesnt mean all Nintendo games are loved. (other M)
No the Wii u is the result of Nintendo fucking up. That isn't debatable. That doesn't mean everything is a-OK and that the market at large doesn't play a role as to why the market conditions are the way they are. That also isn't debatable.

It's most certainly debatable. From a hardware end, the ps4 and xbone are both successful, two of the most successful launches of all time- which is even more impressive considering they launched right on top of each other and share the EXACT same demographic, to say nothing of Microsoft's very high price on that unit.

This has never happened before, and you'd better believe there's some cannibalization between the two. The vast majority picked up one or the other but not both, especially when you consider that a yearly fee for Live or PS plus is essential now.

From a software end....a decline compared to when? Last year? The year before? It takes time for third parties to ramp up new generation production. Compare this year to the launch year of the ps2, ps3, or 360. Those years were software deserts. The only console that bucked this trend was the DC.

The PS4's first year is stronger than the ps2 or ps3 by a fair margin.


listen to the mad man
But as you said they also make hardware.

Even though I do not think is just high R&D costs that has made them lose so much money, that comparison makes no sense, they also release hardware that is not even produced by themselves, R&D costs of that are completely different from just software development.

Sure, they also make hardware. But we expect today's hardware and software sales (paid for by yesterday's R&D) to cover today's hardware and software R&D (which will release tomorrow and pay for tomorrow's R&D). If Nintendo is spending large amounts of money making future hardware, and they can't pay for that R&D now because their current hardware and software is doing poorly, that only increases the financial pressure on future hardware to perform.

So it's still not something where you say "Oh, it's only R&D, we can spend an unlimited amount on that". An R&D-induced loss is a very ordinary way to lose money. It means your sales aren't covering your primary operating costs.

If you have strong confidence that the Wii U is just a weird aberration and their next console is going to be a major comeback, so bleeding a ton of money now is worth it because next time around they're going to make stacks of cash, then I guess massively ramping up R&D is no problem. But if you're wrong, then the consequences are pretty grave.

RE: "Not even produced by themselves" I don't actually know what you're saying here--you mean they use external manufacturers? Of course, but the process of developing the hardware would still be classed as R&D. It's not like they tell Foxconn and IBM "Make us a console lol".
It's most certainly debatable. From a hardware end, the ps4 and xbone are both successful, two of the most successful launches of all time- which is even more impressive considering they launched right on top of each other and share the EXACT same demographic, to say nothing of Microsoft's very high price on that unit.

From a software end....a decline compared to when? Last year? The year before? It takes time for third parties to ramp up new generation production. Compare this year to the launch year of the ps2, ps3, or 360. Those years were software deserts. The only console that bucked this trend was the DC.

The PS4's first year is stronger than the ps2 or ps3 by a fair margin.

Thank you for posting this


It's not simply a matter of Good and Bad years and cyclical sales. Nintendo isn't GM that just needs to cut fat, restructure, and come roaring back.

Nintendo's situation is more like BlackBerry, in that there is no clear way forward to remain relevant as a major player. They're sitting on cash reserves with no plausible way to spend it. From here out its a slow bleed, barring a drastic and unexpected shift.

The landscape of any industry changes so frequently. Failing this generation does not mean they will the next or even their next console. They have the 3ds and their handhelds always sells.

I am not saying the Wii U is a runaway success but saying Nintendo is doomed and will go out of business is just ridiculous.

As I said before, every company falls no matter how powerful they were in the past. What separates companies if if they will survive it. Nintendo is not RIM in the least. Come on man.
The landscape of any industry changes so frequently. Failing this generation does not mean they will the next or even their next console. They have the 3ds and their handhelds always sells.

I am not saying the Wii U is a runaway success but saying Nintendo is doomed and will go out of business is just ridiculous.

As I said before, every company falls no matter how powerful they were in the past. What separates companies if if they will survive it. Nintendo is not RIM in the least. Come on man.

Their next set of investments and decisions from here on out will be very interesting for sure
To the above poster:
Look at EA last generation. Now, look at them this generation. Feel free to use their financial reports. As far as variety goes, excellent titles like Rayman, ni no kuni, donkey kong, etc aren't what's driving the current market. AAA is increasingly homogenous. That is pretty easy to see.

Are we going to compare EA's output last generation to their output this generation which is basically half a year old?

Your previous post was about variety in games. I've showed you that the variety is out there but you are now moving the goal post and talking about variety of what is driving the market..
Yes they really are amazing at making sure that people who weren't interested in their software lineup remain not interested in it.

Gotta admit, this was my initial reaction to that announcement, too. They'll get good software sales out of it, but it won't drive hardware sales (why would it? the last Pokemon barely did)

EDIT: Also, actually remakes

From Nintendo PR

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire are a fresh take on Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire, which launched in 2003 and were fan-favorite hits on the Game Boy Advance system.
No the Wii u is the result of Nintendo fucking up. That isn't debatable. That doesn't mean everything is a-OK and that the market at large doesn't play a role as to why the market conditions are the way they are. That also isn't debatable. There are other gaming markets that are extremely healthy.
The console market isn't a-okay. But it isn't in the dire situation that people like to paint.

It's a low growth market with escalating costs. There are less titles being released as publishers consolidate towards fewer, bigger titles. Software sales as they are now are a reflection of that, but also likely a reflection of an extended cycle and reduced active userbase amongst last gen owners.

All that said, the industry isn't at any risk of a real "collapse", growth in hardware has returned in the US market on a TTM basis. Growth in software should return during the year as increases from new platforms eventually outpace declines in old, at least for the Xbox and PlayStation lines. There's been a contraction a large part of which has been cyclical.

Which doesn't really have any bearing upon why Nintendo is failing to compete, and so ultimately seems irrelevant and something of a Red Herring in discussing their performance.
Yes they do. The Wii U is a great console imo.

I kinda disagree. The WiiU is an awful console with some really great games.

Edit: Since software is what "makes" a good hardware, most people get the wrong impression about the WiiU. It's dated, slow, not impressive at all. But again, at least 5 "must play" games.
The console market isn't a-okay. But it isn't in the dire situation that people like to paint.

It's a low growth market with escalating costs. There are less titles being released as publishers consolidate towards fewer, bigger titles. Software sales as they are now are a reflection of that, but also likely a reflection of an extended cycle and reduced active userbase amongst last gen owners.

The industry isn't at any risk of a real "collapse", growth in hardware has returned in the US market on a TTM basis. Growth in software should return during the year as increases from new platforms eventually outpace declines in old, at least for the Xbox and PlayStation lines. There's been a contraction part of which has been cyclical and part of which was the result of a transient market expansion that wasn't sustained.

And all of which doesn't really have any bearing upon why Nintendo is failing to compete, and so ultimately seems irrelevant and something of a Red Herring in discussing their performance.

I kind of like the new console market now

Streamlined AAA's. Heavily inclusive Indie scene with community support. Lots of growth and exciting prospects honestly
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