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Ubisoft: Watch_Dogs will run at 900p on PS4 and 792p on XB1, both at 30fps

And to think, some of you guys thought the game would run at 1080p 60fps on PS4....

Damn, I thought NeoGaf was better than this.....


The Birthday Skeleton
Hahaha, all that 1080p 60fps talk. I wonder if the guy from the Sony's marketing has kept his job. That next gen feeling.
It's perfectly reasonable for someone who spends $400 or $500 on a console to want to make sure that the game runs at full HD resolution and a reasonable framerate, because guess what? That also impacts gameplay. It's not just, visual, even though it also impacts that. So you have something that impacts both gameplay and visuals, both elements which are vitally important to gaming. And you have rather reasonable expectations for both elements that were raised with the arrival of new technology.

That they now hold to those new standards is not their fault for being too picky.

Exactly on point. In the hands of a good developer, the game would trade 60 FPS or 1080p. It is not that high of expectations for a sandbox game to run 1080p at 30 FPS. If Arkham Knight does not do this, then feel free to make me eat crow. It is becoming more clear that developers are using Cross-Gen as a reason to not optimize their ports. BF4 had issue and issue with the PS4 port. I expect Watch Dogs to be bug-filled as well.

Their marketing is based on lies, they reveal trailers that they know they wont rach nearly as whats being showed, and in gameplay form. Thats not right.
That is my issue as well. You never see Nintendo claiming footage is a gameplay trailer on a prototype. Ubisoft's marketing on Far Cry 3 and Watch Dogs is not right in any form. The Division is going to be next.


My bank account looks great these days, and I happen to be fortunate enough to have purchased a new-gen system. On my new-gen systems I expect games to run at the very least 1080p which is why I have little interest in Xbox One's current offerings. While all the games I own, or intend to own on the Playstation 4 are 1080p, it's just as important to deliver at the very least full-hd native resolution on a kit of hardware released in late 2013. Resolution is a number, just like 46 is a number, the number of pounds you ask for your game. All those numbers are valid aspects of how much I think a product is worth. In my case, as a responsible consumer, value is everything. Exploration of prices and offers are everything. You want to have my patronage, but you want me to pay a full price for something that does not correspond to the least of my expectations. I tend to look at products that compete with yours, open world games that have all the effects on and it's unbelievable. I do not compare it with corridor shooters because I'm not an idiot. Are you insinuating your clients are stupid? I hope not. Those games are capable of running on the same hardware you are publishing yours on and have a similar number of dynamic elements that are happening in every frame. They have to deal with the same type of performance costs but were still able to provide a product that was capable of rendering a full HD image with great lighting that looks much better than anything you've unveiled so far.

20 is just a number, but it's the biggest number of pounds you should expect to receive from me unless you fix the technical flaws in your product.

Quoted for saying it better than I ever could


Where does microsoft keep getting these weird resolutions lol?

The only reason Respawn and now Ubi are using 792P is to avoid the "OMG 720P! LOL LOL LOL Last gen LOL!!" backlash or try to soften the blow.

There is no reason to use this resolution. This is a "loop" out of the backlash that developers have found on Xbone. With this resolution they can say "well IT IS OVER 720P so you cant say its like a 360 game being played on The One".

Basically they failed to deliver the game at a higher resolution, they dont want the 720P resolution so they do a little bump to avoid backlash and call it a day while their PR says some nice BS that says that resolution is perfect and offers a great balance between resolution and performance....

..that said, Im gonna avoid this game until its on sale. Will be a purchase on black friday at $25 the most. Ubi does not deserve our money with this horrible performance on both consoles. They delayed it for a reason and still couldnt offer a proper HD experience? Even on PS4, i'd suggest not buying this game until its cheaper. (all for the PC version though)
It doesn't even look nearly as good as Infamous. AC4 ran at 1080p on PS4 without a hitch. Is The Division going to be 720p/25fps at this point?

inFamous isn't really a traditional open world game though. The city is very empty, nearly no pedestrians or cars, no routines for any of the AI, and so on. It looks very pretty and is incredibly fun but it can't really be compared in the same way.


Gold Member

funny that this was on the official playstation site at one time. such irresponsible misleading marketing.

1920x1080 = 2073600 pixel
60 fps

1600x900 = 1440000 pixels

maybe a post-release patch is released like a few other games.

but also the 792p on XB1 is the same from titanfall so that number seems to have a significance.


Idk whats so weird about 792, 900p is weird too.
900p (1600x900) is a resolution that actually is the native resolution of some monitors, 792p does not afaik.
That said I don't really understand where the "weird resolution" thing comes from. Many of these resolution have existed somewhere else, we're just now seeing them used in games with this new generation. Nothing weird about that.


inFamous isn't really a traditional open world game though. The city is very empty, nearly no pedestrians or cars, no routines for any of the AI, and so on. It looks very pretty and is incredibly fun but it can't really be compared in the same way.

soooo you haven't actually played the game?
Fucked up. Hoping for that 1080p patch then, like ACIV.

Suggesting the game is rushed and that's why it's 900p on the PS4?

That...seems unlikely. They've had plenty of time to get it up to 1080p, the fact that they've still failed after the near 6 month delay tells you everything you need to know.


Damn, I thought NeoGaf was better than this.....

Just something I found on the web and thought it was applicable here... still hope the PS4 can seriously impress us eventually but so far that entire marketing campaign/slogan seems to be nothing but marketing fluff.
Can't wait to see what Sony Santa Monica, Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream are up to...


Count me out Ubi, even for PC. Maybe don't repeat this with The Division, okay?

The division looked better graphically than watch dogs in every single conceivable way. Plus it has legit multiplayer with open world pvp zones etc. It will probably be 720p 30 fps on both ps4 and xbone.
What kind of black sorcery did Sucker Punch use, then? Holy shit.

I was genuinely surprised about the 1080p/60fps claim, but I figured they could at least pull 1080p native @ 30fps. And I have little faith in the PC version so I can't even find a reprieve there. Just great.


inFamous isn't really a traditional open world game though. The city is very empty, nearly no pedestrians or cars, no routines for any of the AI, and so on. It looks very pretty and is incredibly fun but it can't really be compared in the same way.

There are lots of pedestrians and cars, it was also made by a small team compared to Ubi and it's one of the most beautiful games ever on any platform. But it's exclusive and it doesn't focus on parity with an inferior platform.


People buy new systems and have certain standards raised by the assumed expectations related to the new technology. It happens all the time. People move on, and have trouble playing the older looking games because they're ugly to them now, even though they previously thought they were attractive.

People spent an entire gen playing sub 1080p games and barely 30fps titles, and many games failed to even hit 720p.

It's perfectly reasonable for someone who spends $400 or $500 on a console to want to make sure that the game runs at full HD resolution and a reasonable framerate, because guess what? That also impacts gameplay. It's not just, visual, even though it also impacts that. So you have something that impacts both gameplay and visuals, both elements which are vitally important to gaming. And you have rather reasonable expectations for both elements that were raised with the arrival of new technology.

That they now hold to those new standards is not their fault for being too picky. Because on top of it all, both Sony and Microsoft have advertised their systems as offering a full 1080p experience now. Except, as we can see, many games are again failing to past muster. So, blame Sony and Microsoft for raising expectations, blame the reasonable raising of standards with new technology, and put it all in a potent mix - but gamers do not need to be ashamed for it. They SHOULD push back. Settle for less is not in a lot of our lexicons.

Very well said Amir0x. It's a new generation and expectations have been raised. It's up to game developers to figure out how to meet them.


The division looked better graphically than watch dogs in every single conceivable way. Plus it has legit multiplayer with open world pvp zones etc. It will probably be 720p 30 fps on both ps4 and xbone.

If one thing can be said for certain, The Division was originally showcased on a high-end PC. Don't expect that kind of fidelity, framerate, or resolution on a current-gen console.

What a fucking joke this is!

I sure hope my experience will not be negatively impacted playing this at 1440p@60fps.

It sucks that we PC gamers lose a lot of that "cinematic" feel that is only available on these next-gen systems.
Calm down, buddy.

If a Ubisift game runs poorly on consoles, it's probably not going to be well optimized for PC, guy.

If you have a really beefy rig then you'll be fine, but the vast majority of PC gamers aren't going to be playing the game at 1440p & 60 fps, friend.


watch dogs does not look that impressive to me anyway unless ur playing on a high end PC.

but if I were going to play it on the AMD twins it would not bother me as long as it was not a jagged mess and played smooth on my tv.


id highly recommend you look within Sony' first party offerings if you need any reason to help justify you PS4 purchase.

Don't worry, I have a PS4 and love it apart from it gathering dust for long periods of time.

I just meant I originally got the PS4 to play Watch Dogs (as a bundle even), and when the delay was announced hoped it wouldn't be too long. Playing the likes of Resogun and Infamous Second Son at 1080p, I can't really go back now for a next gen game. 1080p is a must for a full priced game, at least on the PS4, so won't get it day 1 but will probably get it when it drops. Which I imagine will be fairly quick.


There are lots of pedestrians and cars, it was also made by a small team compared to Ubi and it's one of the most beautiful games ever on any platform. But it's exclusive and it doesn't focus on parity with an inferior platform.

Holy cow, you really believe in that PS4/XB1 parity for reviews conspiracy bullshit, don't you?


Can't say that this will have any impact on my buying decision. I do seem to be in the minority in not being upset by this news. If the game is fun I will be satisfied and likely won't think twice about the resolution. 30 FPS is also not a big deal for me - unless there are regular and significant frame rate drops.
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