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Touhou Community Thread | Highly Responsive to Posts


Man that stage is hard! I really like it though. It's pretty fun.

I focused on the stage itself (resetting at Patchouli) and after some practice I can get to 20m with no deaths. Whenever I start to think about starting to think about going for graze or the get line then I just die instantly, though.

One thing that's worth keeping in mind is that a lot of the stuff in that stage is aimed directly at you and can be streamed. In fact, the not laser part of Patch's first couple of nonspells can be streamed. It makes it pretty easy to get a lot of graze in that stage if you know what to stream.
I still haven't started, but I know this stages scores will heavily depend on who you choose to use, or at least it would in high calibur plays. I'll probably have to refrain from using Reimu B just because I hate Princess Undine.


Phew, broke 30. Nevermind that my score during Patch is static and the only thing I'm rising on is the level, haha. I got to 22m during the level. Feels so good to hit the get line, get your score jumped up by like 4m, and get a life.




I definitely can aim to 40m+ but I'm having really hard times trying to time the finishing shoot between Patche phases, am I doing something wrong or there is no delimiter on the boss health bar? It's driving me crazy.

Regarding the characters I'm always using Reimu A, Patche is really easy using her and the homing amulets are a godsend when there are tons of spinning enemies which runs from a side of the screen to the other, though I'm still dubious about how to use her bomb effectively, I can't kill the three mega fairies just before Patche using one of them and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if the damage output is just too low.

Also I'm trying to improve my grazing score by playing more aggressively, I can't go past Koakuma playing like this but it's hella fun ehe.


Well, put, like, an hour into the challenge and here's the score I have from a fairly bad run. I would have probably done more, but it's been kind of a bad week, so bleh, whatever.

Overall, I kind of forgot how much I liked Patch's stage. There's a lot of streaming fun to be had, and a large chunk of the stage, along with all of Patch's nonspells, can be trivialized with streaming. I feel, though, that it would be easier to handle her spell cards on someone that isn't Reimu-B, because Princess Undine is stupid and whatever spell comes after that is even worse.

I definitely can aim to 40m+ but I'm having really hard times trying to time the finishing shoot between Patche phases, am I doing something wrong or there is no delimiter on the boss health bar? It's driving me crazy.

I guess this is kind of a late response, but yeah, EoSD doesn't have delimiters on the boss health bars. You just kind of have to guess when the nonspells are going to end.


Well shucks I was really busy Saturday so I could not improve my high score and break the 40m, maybe I'll try this evening even if the challenge is over for this week...
I agree with Scher, the stage is really fun though the lack of a quick retry button bums me so much it isn't even funny, I can't even remember the number of times I had to waste 30 seconds to quit the game and start the stage again because I died while trying to being ballsy grazing the aimed shots the spinning minions throw at you (and after all this I still haven't figured out how to stream optimally I should really start watching replays of high score runs)


I'll settle for the current score, the only way I can do better now is do Patch better or go full on streaming and y'know what. Y'know what.

I don't think I can do either!

It is a really fun stage though yeah.


I give up I'm too tired to play well enough to go for a no miss and this is the only way I can think of for improving my score, trying to do some mad streaming would require a more accurate method of control than the shitty laptop's keyboard I'm currently using. But one day I'll improve I swear *shakes fist*


Wow, not even sure my score's worth posting. :p

Leaning towards Imperishable Night, but Mountain of Faith is also possible. Open to suggestions.


I was thinking about them but IN has a crazy complex scoring system which puts solo Yomu above everyone else in terms of scoring potential and also I hate hate hate HATE Marisa as a boss (since all the challenges except for the first one were made in the fourth stage right?). Actually I'm lying Marisa is hella fun but I still don't know how to survive her first spell card, Magic Sign "Milky Way" sigh.
MOF on the other hand has a really strange scoring system if I remember correctly but I've never taken a good look at the mechanics...
My vote would go to Ten Desires but this really comes from my love for Desire Drive (the 4th stage theme) and in any case I think we'll play every single game in the long run so I'm happy with whichever game will be chosen.


I kind of agree. Also Reimu is so much fun to fight in IN.

Best boss theme in the series IMO.

I made a Stepmania chart to it once.


Wow, not even sure my score's worth posting. :p
What kind of excuse is this, don't hide!

I haven't unlocked any solos in IN yet but I'll try my best if it's chosen.

I'm pretty surprised that the thread is staying on the main games, I thought it would be more like... y'know, haha. You guys can talk about other stuff too!
Not that I'm any better because I was busying myself with other stuff and have barely gone into Touhou Mother yet. I did have fun with Reitaisai 11's new stuff though.

Skingheart did you hear this yet?


Any recommendations on where to buy Touhou games? Should I just use J-List?

Also it seems Perfect Cherry Blossom is sold out, how else can I buy that game? I don't want to skip a main entry.


Any recommendations on where to buy Touhou games? Should I just use J-List?

Also it seems Perfect Cherry Blossom is sold out, how else can I buy that game? I don't want to skip a main entry.
In very specific circumstances it might be cheaper to use Akiba-Hobby (or whatever other Japan import is cheaper for you), otherwise Amazon and JBOX should be ok. There's a link in the OP but these are generally your choices, I think.


In very specific circumstances it might be cheaper to use Akiba-Hobby (or whatever other Japan import is cheaper for you), otherwise Amazon and JBOX should be ok. There's a link in the OP but these are generally your choices, I think.

Ooh right, Amazon. Just checked and they seem to have the missing entries too.

Thought I might have to go to Amazon JP but it seems Amazon NA has import fulfillment from Japanese stores, strangely enough.


Not much, but...


Unless there's someone else in favor of Double Spoiler(or whatever), I'll post an IN challenge tomorrow. An easier one(maybe).


What kind of excuse is this, don't hide!

I haven't unlocked any solos in IN yet but I'll try my best if it's chosen.

I'm pretty surprised that the thread is staying on the main games, I thought it would be more like... y'know, haha. You guys can talk about other stuff too!
Not that I'm any better because I was busying myself with other stuff and have barely gone into Touhou Mother yet. I did have fun with Reitaisai 11's new stuff though.

Skingheart did you hear this yet?

Ffffffffff I wrote a giant post which included a nice list of good arrangements I found in these last days but Safari decided to be a dick and deleted everything and now I don't really want to write it from scratch again. I'll do it another day I hope.
Sigh, thank you for the track, it's really nice!
Here, at least here is my most listened track in the last few days. It's pretty noisy and there are a lot of beeps and bops and glitchy drum machines but I like all of these things so ehe
It also made me play PCB again, I really love this game though I can't make a 1CC because I always die in the stupidest places. And also Yuyuko's last spell card holy shit.


Anyone here play 12.3 or 13.5?

I play a bit of 13.5. Mostly just the story mode since my connection isn't that great for multiplayer stuff. Futo and Miko are just too damn fun to play as, and the system makes fighting CPU's a bit more interesting than in normal fighting games.

I haven't got around to playing the older games like SWR or Hisoutensoku yet though, they're kind of big in filesize (also I heard that it's got some randomness to it or something? And that's a bit offputting).


I play a bit of 13.5. Mostly just the story mode since my connection isn't that great for multiplayer stuff. Futo and Miko are just too damn fun to play as, and the system makes fighting CPU's a bit more interesting than in normal fighting games.

I haven't got around to playing the older games like SWR or Hisoutensoku yet though, they're kind of big in filesize (also I heard that it's got some randomness to it or something? And that's a bit offputting).

I dunno, I found 13.5's AI severely lacking, as they are extremely one-note (f.B spam mainly).

The older games (10.5 and 12.3) have an element of randomness, yeah, in weather. Basically weather dictates some changes in general gameplay, such as draining hits, super armor and stuff like that, but it can be disabled with F7. I kind of prefer these games because they are much more fast-paced compared to 13.5 and you can be more creative at combos.


I dunno, I found 13.5's AI severely lacking, as they are extremely one-note (f.B spam mainly).

The older games (10.5 and 12.3) have an element of randomness, yeah, in weather. Basically weather dictates some changes in general gameplay, such as draining hits, super armor and stuff like that, but it can be disabled with F7. I kind of prefer these games because they are much more fast-paced compared to 13.5 and you can be more creative at combos.

I know the AI is crap lol (it normally is in fighting games), I meant that the air fights + grazing projectiles system makes it a bit more fun than say screwing around on other fighting games against the CPU

Also it's cool to hear you can disable that random mechanic. I'll probably look into that now if I ever get the time (and also space on my comp). Just wondering, should I play them in order or would it be just the same as playing only the last/recent one?


I know the AI is crap lol (it normally is in fighting games), I meant that the air fights + grazing projectiles system makes it a bit more fun than say screwing around on other fighting games against the CPU

Also it's cool to hear you can disable that random mechanic. I'll probably look into that now if I ever get the time (and also space on my comp). Just wondering, should I play them in order or would it be just the same as playing only the last/recent one?

Fair enough, although I do find that the floating mechanics make moving around a pain, as it's nigh-impossible to properly control your character.

Unless you're interested in Story Mode, it's fine to just play the latest (12.3). Do keep in mind that you can play the characters from 10.5 in 12.3 if you happen to have it installed on your computer. Check here for instructions.

Edit: You can float and graze in the older fighting games as well, FWIW.


Disabling weather is for Practice Mode only.

You can also play 7.5, which is a pretty fine game (two videos on basic mechanics I've linked to). Despite 10.5/12.3 reusing its assets, their gameplay have almost nothing in common.

It will take up 3.5 GB of your hard drive, though.


Disabling weather is for Practice Mode only.

You can also play 7.5, which is a pretty fine game (two videos on basic mechanics I've linked to). Despite 10.5/12.3 reusing its assets, their gameplay have almost nothing in common.

It will take up 3.5 GB of your hard drive, though.

Well that's kind of a shame about being Practice Mode only

Also is that 3.5 GB for 7.5 only?


Confusingly, the wiki put the function keys in the FAQ section. It also doesn't mention that the keys are instead used for dummy actions for practice mode: F5 gives dummy control to 2P and starts recording dummy moves, F6 stops recording, and F7 plays the recorded dummy moves.


What are the main differences between IaMP and SWR? I spent very little time playing both of them years ago but I'd really like to start playing one of them more seriously, and if I remember correctly IaMP is considered more solid than SWR? But apart from the weather system and the deck system in SWR what puts IaMP above?
I ask this because SWR has both Reisen and Cirno which are my favorite 2hus alongside Suika, and I've always picked my main in fighters looking between the characters I find more aesthetically pleasing.

On the other hand I have a love\hate relationship with Hopeless Masquerade, I really don't like how it plays, I want to stay on solid ground goddammit! (though I've played it for very little time so it's possible my opinion could change) but I love love love loooooove the sprites and the backgrounds and the animation and the general design it's freaking beautiful. Also there are both Miko and Mamizou. <3

Busy week, but this challenge will go till weekend after this, so no pressure. Should have the next up soon.

Please put up the next challenge as soon as possible I need something to distract me from EoSD, I'm trying to do a 1CC run on normal but the fifth stage destroys me, and it seems like no matter how many times I practice that motherfucker I still make the stupidest mistakes and lose tons of lives even before reaching the mid boss battle with Sakuya. It's driving me mad since I learned how to defeat Remilia with a certain consistency, it's not fair. ;____;


I need to work on a 1CC of EoSD too. I'm confident I can.
That said, this one will be stage 3 after testing the waters. As much as I love 4 for that "Bitch, get out of the way!" action, it's too damn tough to be fun.


Touhou Score Attack Challenge: Week 4


Touhou 9: Imperishable Night


Stage 3: Memories of the History-Eater's Home



I know what you're thinking! "Not this bitch again!"


Not this bitch again.


But it's all good. I got help.


I don't know how you talked me into this.


Well, first you got really drunk and~


That's enough of that!


But it was just getting good!


So can we get to the killing now?


Sure. Start with her!


Where do you get off saying that!?


Lucky I don't kill you myself.


I'll just kill the both of you.


This is all your fault!

Challenge ends at 12AM EST, Saturday night/Sunday morning. (6/7|6/8)


Fantastic post as usal cj_iwakura, keep up the good work. <3
Time for me to hit the strategy page on the touhou wiki, this time I want to post a score I can feel proud for!

In the meantime I'll keep listening to this remix of Lunatic Red Eyes for hours and hours, one of these days I'll post tons of remixes and arrangements made by ziki_7 I'm still pretty new to the whole Touhou music scene but they may be on of my favorite artist, they sure know how to make some good glitched beats.


Yay, I like Keine and I like that stage a lot.

It's also pretty easy, first run (Boundary, 141,262,310) was 1 easily avoidable death. I did a few "collect the most time orbs" runs of the stage years ago but aside from that, I have no clue about IN's score system, especially in practice mode context.

Actually I'm surprised it went that well, I haven't played IN in forever. It's great though.

Fantastic post as usal cj_iwakura, keep up the good work. <3
Time for me to hit the strategy page on the touhou wiki, this time I want to post a score I can feel proud for!

In the meantime I'll keep listening to this remix of Lunatic Red Eyes for hours and hours, one of these days I'll post tons of remixes and arrangements made by ziki_7 I'm still pretty new to the whole Touhou music scene but they may be on of my favorite artist, they sure know how to make some good glitched beats.
Can't say why specifically but the first half or so really reminded me of Emiya. I usually look for the folk/violin arranges and Ranko/Nagi vocals so that's kinda where I stay, but I'll probably like anything you put up.
Don't call me a heretic here. From my experience with playing Dodonpachi Resurrection on Android, I'd love to see this series get a mobile port.


Uncompressed music + stage backgrounds stored using an unoptimized format = a one-CD-ROM game ~3 GB after installation.

10.5 and 12.3 are less than 3 GB combined.

Man that's pretty big. I guess I should leave 7.5 for last.

Touhou Score Attack Challenge: Week 4

Challenge ends at 12AM EST, Saturday night/Sunday morning. (6/7|6/8)

Just had a really raw practice run.

I'm not really bothered by the score because I know this was full of dumb errors.


There, managed to get a slightly better run (still got a few dumb deaths, also didn't get that last spell/last word)



Dangit :lol after I finally get a nice run, I hit the first bullet of the Last Spell. I just panicked because I was doing well! I wonder how much I could have gotten out of it.

Also holy crap, IN counts abandoned attempts into the tally in brackets. Like 80% of those are first enemy deaths, haha.


At first I was like:

Well with the border team I can concentrate on playing safe and capturing all spellcards, 200 milions is a good score and I can improve grazing and doing crasy stunts it will be fun.

But then:

I played like the pisslord I am dying two times and generally doing stupid things like forgetting to switch to Yuyuko before the next to last spellcard or not milking the last spellcard and such and still I got a better score??? Youmu confirmed as bestest 2hu


Question for the vets, when do you move on to the next game? I was thinking I'd move on to PCB after I'm able to 1cc EoSD (and subsequently beat the bonus stage) but after reaching Remilia and seeing her spellcards I think that's gonna take a while.

A thing I was surprised by was the game supported my wired 360 pad, considering EoSD came out ~5 years before the 360. Must be a DirectX thing.


I can't say anything about "moving on", but both PCB and IN are more newbie friendly in a sense.

Another thing that should be in the OP: the Vsync Patch.

They are a series of tools that provides some helpful features that can be considered essential:
- Reduction of input delay.
- Enabling custom window size.
- Enabling replay fast-forwarding in earlier games.

PCB in particular suffers from severe input delay in full-screen mode, which the VPatch can mitigate, but not completely eliminate. IN and EoSD also have noticeable delays.

A few weeks ago I saw a forum thread where the OP asked whether the Super Robot Wars games are worth playing purely for their SRPG gameplay, and the answers were uniformly "no, they are not; if you can take Touhou, play Fantasy Maiden Wars instead, huge improvement on the SRW formula".

I've now tried my hand on the first Fantasy Maiden Wars. Can't say anything about strategic depth, but that's a really impressive package, from artwork to gameplay to the soundtrack, which are mashups of Touhou and SRW/robot anime music.


New score. Still had a lot of mistakes on this (mainly during the spellcards meaning lots of lost points), also failed to caputre her Last Spell (thinking about it I don't think I've ever actually beaten Keine's one before...)


I'm thinking about trying out solo Youmu.

Question for the vets, when do you move on to the next game? I was thinking I'd move on to PCB after I'm able to 1cc EoSD (and subsequently beat the bonus stage) but after reaching Remilia and seeing her spellcards I think that's gonna take a while.

A thing I was surprised by was the game supported my wired 360 pad, considering EoSD came out ~5 years before the 360. Must be a DirectX thing.

I'm not really a vet, but I'd say stick with it. I found it much harder to come back to EoSD after playing the others.
First time posting here just to say Hisoutensoku is easily my favorite of the Touhou games simply because I'm absolute trash at the none fighting game ones.


I'm not really a vet, but I'd say stick with it. I found it much harder to come back to EoSD after playing the others.

Is there a particular reason for that, like EoSD is antiquated or something? I really like the game but I might just move on to the next two and try and 1-cc those because they're noob-friendly.

Anyway, progress report. Using Marisa B I can usually get up to Patchouli on a single continue, than she kicks me ass and wastes all my lives with her crazy Spell Cards. Right now I'm just working on familiarizing myself with her patterns so I know how to dodge them. I have also beat Remilia using continues and Jesus she is hard, but not as hard as I expected. The kicker is that her final Spell Card makes her immune to bomb damage so I can't rely on Master Spark to get me through besides clearing bullets :/


Is there a particular reason for that, like EoSD is antiquated or something? I really like the game but I might just move on to the next two and try and 1-cc those because they're noob-friendly.

Sort of. There are some small things that aren't in EoSD like auto collecting (unless you're at full power), having a hitbox indicator when you focus, having a bottom screen indicator etc. EoSD isn't unplayable because it doesn't have those, but after you've had all those little things, along with the faster character speed of later games, it's kind of hard to go back. I know I found myself playing EoSD less the more I got into the other games.


To be fair the ability to auto collect before MAX power was introduced in Mountain of Faith (the tenth installment), so moving to PCB or IN would not change a thing about that. :p
Also since IN the sound of the shoot hitting the boss change in pitch when the current lifebar is drawing to zero, it's pretty useful when you need to milk certain patterns.
PCB and IN (and MoF!) are also quite easier than EoSD, though they turn up the complexity of the mechanics up to eleven, but it isn't really a problem if you play for survival and not for scoring... Except for IN, that game is really complex and I love it to death for this reason.


To be fair the ability to auto collect before MAX power was introduced in Mountain of Faith (the tenth installment), so moving to PCB or IN would not change a thing about that. :p
Also since IN the sound of the shoot hitting the boss change in pitch when the current lifebar is drawing to zero, it's pretty useful when you need to milk certain patterns.
PCB and IN (and MoF!) are also quite easier than EoSD, though they turn up the complexity of the mechanics up to eleven, but it isn't really a problem if you play for survival and not for scoring... Except for IN, that game is really complex and I love it to death for this reason.

Actually you can Auto Collect in IN, it just depends on the character (if you're the Witch team, Marisa already auto collects; the rest of the teams require you to focus to make it work). It's not 100% the same but it still works just as well.

I agree that IN and MoF are pretty easy compared to EoSD. That's pretty much why I think that if you can get EoSD down now; you won't have to worry about going back to it when you go to the other games, and also if you can get EoSD then the next few games should be a cinch. That's just my opinion though.


To be fair the ability to auto collect before MAX power was introduced in Mountain of Faith (the tenth installment), so moving to PCB or IN would not change a thing about that. :p
Also since IN the sound of the shoot hitting the boss change in pitch when the current lifebar is drawing to zero, it's pretty useful when you need to milk certain patterns.
PCB and IN (and MoF!) are also quite easier than EoSD, though they turn up the complexity of the mechanics up to eleven, but it isn't really a problem if you play for survival and not for scoring... Except for IN, that game is really complex and I love it to death for this reason.

Well scoring is pretty important for surviving since you get extra lives every 20 million points and each life comes with 3 bombs. But yeah I think I'll just stick it out.

I'm anticipating getting to IN though, seems like it has some pretty cool systems.
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