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2014 Microsoft E3 Conference

I have one question,is this conference preaching to the faithful? Or do u think ms has done enough to convert non believers ?

Personally i think its the former. Feels like ms doing a Nintendo direct to me.

Looked like compelling software to me. Both 3rd party and 1st party. If this is preaching to the faithful... I wish Nintendo could even just get that right.


I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3. I mean, most of them were multiplats so I'm probably still not going to get an Xbox One, but damn if I wouldn't be fine if every conference from now on was just trailers and demos from start to finish.

It's interesting that to me there was hardly anything cringe worthy, unlike in EA or UBISOFT's conferences. That's a huge plus for me, but others are glossing over the horrible parts of those two press events.


Kills Photobucket
I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3. I mean, most of them were multiplats so I'm probably still not going to get an Xbox One, but damn if I wouldn't be fine if every conference from now on was just trailers and demos from start to finish.

No surprises. That's what makes a great E3 presentation for me. I want surprises. MS revealed everything too early. Certainly wasn't a bad event. Was quite entertaining. But it was in no way memorable.
I didn't watch as I'm not waking up at 2.30am to watch a conference, but checked the news in the morning. It seemed underwhelming and the headlines seemed to be "Halo collection, and third party games." But looking at the announcements together, I'm pretty pumped.
I think if the Crackdown, Phantom Dust and Scalebound (god that's a shit name, game looks cool though) weren't just CG trailers people would be more pshyched.


It's interesting that to me there was hardly anything cringe worthy, unlike in EA or UBISOFT's conferences. That's a huge plus for me, but others are glossing over the horrible parts of those two press events.

I agree, but I think people are also forgetting all the news we got prior to the E3. I know it doesn't make the E3 itself any better (though I really liked it). But we have received a lot of great news for the Xbox One the last month.

Can't believe how much better this all would have been for some if they kept last months info for E3 and the leaks didn't happen.
What the hells so exciting about the Halo Master Chief collection? Playing recycled games is just a bore.

It was a satisfactory conference but not great. Jeez, some of you people need to get your head out of Microsoft's ass and articulate some constructive criticism for once

lol thats some hyperbole


Phil delivered games, games, games that's for sure.

The ntkrnl leak really killed their big Halo reveal though as for surprises
My biggest takeaway from the MS conference is that Phil Spencer really came into his own as the head of Xbox. He came off incredibly well and it was a really smart move to limit the Microsoft execs to just him.

P. Fembot

I thought it was great. Games, games and more games. Sunset Overdrive and Halo goodness oh yes.

I liked Sony's just as much, but it didn't flow as well as the MS Conference. It also was confusing as to what was multiplatform and what was exclusive. PS TV got me excited. Will buy.
Alright, so... Let's see what I was all about:

  • Halo - The MS Collection: I've never played Halo's story until two days ago with the Anniversary CE. For any player out there that has experienced this series, this was the highlight. Fantastic games at a great price with some really surprising features.
  • Sunset Overdrive: I liked the attitude of the trailer. It's not supposed to be a serious story-based game. It's a "have a good time and make shit go awesome" type of game. And that's fine! The weapons seem cool and the environment just looks swell.
  • Scalebound: The character design is interesting and the monsters are threatening. Since it was only a CG trailer, I wasn't feeling it. Would really like to see more of it, though.
  • Ori and the Blind Forest: Hmm... As a sucker for story-based platformers, this seems to be a perfect project for me. The character designs were unique, so I'm rather excited to try it out. Maybe more gameplay could help it at the moment.
  • Inside: This game was my favorite title shown in this conference. Wow. I can't wait to see more. The atmosphere, the details, the characters, the enemies... Everything they showed in a 3-minute video captivated me like no other game has done in a while. I'm left with more questions than answers, which is perfect.
I'll give Microsoft a 6/10, since I don't have an Xbox One and don't plan to buy one after the show. Nothing sold me a console, but there were some neat titles shown anyways. The pacing of this show was fantastic, though. They did well with presentation for sure.


They should have kept some of their pre-E3 announcements for the show. Horizon 2 would have had much greater impact if we didn't already know about it
I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3. I mean, most of them were multiplats so I'm probably still not going to get an Xbox One, but damn if I wouldn't be fine if every conference from now on was just trailers and demos from start to finish.

I think the conference itself was planned and presented nearly perfectly, especially coming off last year. There was no lull or boring parts (Sony had some of those). The problem is what they had to show. When Fable Legends is the most interesting thing there, that's a problem.

Spencer comes off as a cool dude you'd like to hang out with, and pretty genuine. I also liked how they included stuff like "favorite game" from each of the presenters, that was a nice touch.
I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3.

Same here, I thought it was exactly what it ought to have been. Lots of what I saw interested me.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
The leaks really hurt the impact of this show. The format was perfection. Game after game after game after game.

Excluding sizzle reels, Microsoft showed 20 games vs Sony's 19. In less time too. But the fact that almost everything was already leaked or heavily hinted at well before the show hurt it's impact a lot I think.


I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3. I mean, most of them were multiplats so I'm probably still not going to get an Xbox One, but damn if I wouldn't be fine if every conference from now on was just trailers and demos from start to finish.

Well, there you go. MS failed to convince me to buy an Xbox One. Maybe when Crackdown is actually released.
MS cut a lot of fat, but it was hardly surprising.

I said it before, pre-announcing Halo 5 Guardians and Forza Horizon 2 didn't mean jack shit. The fact that both games were not given substantial trailers clearly meant that time would be allocated at the conference for both games. They weren't moved out of the conference, they were just announced earlier.

The other thing that killed it was well... ntkrl, that stupid Gamestop rumour of 3rd-party exclusive, and the self-feeding hype.

Say whatever you all want, ntkrl spoiling everything meant you all knew what to expect. And that led you to expect more out of it, especially with Phil Spencer hyping his show as if there's going to be 60 minutes of exclusive games non-stop, and more than what was leaked. As if there were a ton of megatons. Everything turned out to be practically what the leak said it was, and CGi trailers also meant that there's an inner scepticism that PD, Scalebound and Crackdown will be 2015.


I am SHOCKED at the mediocre reception this press conference got. No sales charts, no media apps, just games. This format is what I feel like GAF has been begging for every E3. I mean, most of them were multiplats so I'm probably still not going to get an Xbox One, but damn if I wouldn't be fine if every conference from now on was just trailers and demos from start to finish.

People have an expectation to be surprised, they want to get caught off guard by something they aren't expecting. Nothing at Microsoft's conference was surprising. Things that is not leaked early that would have changed this:
-price drop
-removing Kinect
-Halo bundle kept under wraps
-Crackdown having maybe 10 seconds of gameplay


Not bitter, just unsweetened
At least the rumor of halo: mc collection was so outlandish that its surprising it came true, and even better than the original leak!

Both in terms of content and price


At least the rumor of halo: mc collection was so outlandish that its surprising it came true, and even better than the original leak!

Both in terms of content and price

The price is what surprised me the most. I easily thought it would go for about $150 given the value of all those games. But $60?? Holy shit.


MS cut a lot of fat, but it was hardly surprising.

I said it before, pre-announcing Halo 5 Guardians and Forza Horizon 2 didn't mean jack shit. The fact that both games were not given substantial trailers clearly meant that time would be allocated at the conference for both games. They weren't moved out of the conference, they were just announced earlier.

The other thing that killed it was well... ntkrl, that stupid Gamestop rumour of 3rd-party exclusive, and the self-feeding hype.

Say whatever you all want, ntkrl spoiling everything meant you all knew what to expect. And that led you to expect more out of it, especially with Phil Spencer hyping his show as if there's going to be 60 minutes of exclusive games non-stop, and more than what was leaked. As if there were a ton of megatons. Everything turned out to be practically what the leak said it was, and CGi trailers also meant that there's an inner scepticism that PD, Scalebound and Crackdown will be 2015.

I thought it was a really good conference but all the leaks really did hurt Microsoft a lot more than Sony. The cg trailers are always a little iffy especially Crackdowns promised city destructibility that could be hugely disappointing if they don't get it running to such a large scale. I know nothing about PD so I will have to look it up maybe try to play the original. I don't know what to think about Scalebound like all of Kamiya's games I really like the look at it but I am so bad at the gameplay I tend to avoid playing them.

At least the rumor of halo: mc collection was so outlandish that its surprising it came true, and even better than the original leak!

Both in terms of content and price

Ntkrnl's leak about Halo is still true as well. It didn't get the whole package but it did leak the remaster work being done on the second one. Also I wonder if they will allow people to buy the games individually as well on the digital store or if it is one package period?


ntkrnl ended up fucking two groups of people pretty hard - Microsoft Xbox execs and people that stupidly still thought he was a controlled leak.

All in all it was a great show. The pacing was perfect. What really illustrated how important pacing is to a show was when Sony's show fell completely off a cliff when they decided to stop showing games. MS would have easily beaten Sony if we didnt know pretty much everything going into it. I enjoyed their show far more than Sony's because of pacing issues, but content-wise I'd call it a draw. MS definitely will be winning more of my money this fall than Sony. I can't think of anything coming directly from Sony that I want in the second half of the year.


I thought MS nailed how the flow of an E3 conference presentation should be. I was never bored. Game after game.

Yeah me too but they didnt have the megaton.

MS just have the bad luck of rumors going against them. Everyone was waiting on the AAA third party game going exclusive and it never happen. Also a lot of these game seem very far off, so you had a lot of CG trailers.

MS did also stay aqay from buzz words like "the cloud" and just called them what they are, dedicated servers. Good move...IMO.

They played it very safe this year. The problem is people wanted a grand slam not just a home run.

I hope after all this MS understand what we want in a console. I think the next MS console is going to be a power house.


The price is what surprised me the most. I easily thought it would go for about $150 given the value of all those games. But $60?? Holy shit.

That's true for me too. I was even thinking they might break the collection into pieces (like 1&2 this year and 3&4 next year) so having all 4 in one package with all the goodies at that price was a bit surprising.


Dude, they had Harmonix out there looking pitiful. They opened E3 years ago with The Beatles, now they get 30 secs to announce/show 2-3 games on the same day that MS releases a SKU that can't even play their games out of the box now.

Dark days up there.


Can't get as well why so many seems to be disappointed / bored with press conference. I was just blown away from the mass of games and especially the exclusives! CGI trailer are meh for sure, but still I am thrilled for Phantom Dust, Crackdown and Scalebound.
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