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Eurogamer: Nintendo Wins E3 On Its Own Terms

Gotta disagree. Nintendo had a solid showing, but I don't think they can compete with what the others showed.
Thing is that expectations for Nintendo were extremely low and therefore Nintendo exceeded them by a good bit.

Microsoft hyped their conference way to much and Sony still faced high expectations because their dominating right now.

So yeah, I think the big three were extremely close this E3, I wouldn't say anybody won.
Sony had the most complete showing.
Microsoft made a good comeback.
Nintendo had the biggest sursprises.
Sure Nintendo has great lineup of exclusives but if you take 3rd party games into consideration their lineup falls short to both PS4 and Xbone.

Pretty much. Yeah.

I find it hard to say Nintendo won E3 when so little of E3 actually had to do with games on Nintendo platforms.

Conversely, the PS4 and Xbox One will be receiving the bulk of the games demonstrated during E3.
The EA and Ubisoft conferences barely even apply to Nintendo platforms.

Yes. Nintendo has a great lineup of exclusives. And after such a barren 2011, 2012, and decent 2013, it's about time Nintendo finally gets into full swing with their in house games.
This is the first PS4 and Xbox One E3 since the systems have been out. These systems are babies and the games are taking some time in the oven. So we didn't get as much gameplay as we would have liked for some of our most anticipated titles.

But I find it hard to say Nintendo won E3 when the scope of E3 was so much bigger than just Nintendo.

Gotta disagree. Nintendo had a solid showing, but I don't think they can compete with what the others showed.
Thing is that expectations for Nintendo were extremely low and therefore Nintendo exceeded them by a good bit.

This, too. Expectations were extremely low. There's been loads of rhetoric of people saying Nintendo should start prepping for their next console ahead of schedule along with other similar observations.

They had a solid showing. But ultimately, many of the biggest games the entire industry has to offer will be forgoing Nintendo platforms.

It's good Nintendo has hit a more mature stage with the Wii U and plan on giving the console full support going forward, but this E3 was just more of a reminder that the Wii U acts more as a supplementary platform (like the Wii) rather than a primary platform.


They definitely need to market it more..I agree. It's a great segment and informative to boot. But last year we had threads here discussing various showings of the event as well. Not knowing isn't an excuse for false claims however.
I didn't follow the discussion but instead of showing a negative attitude toward Nintendo by comparing them with Sony is wrong.

You want to do a good thing about Sony ?
You should've opened a thread about Sony live stream like people did for Tree house.
Don't get me wrong, I have a PS3 so I've no grudge against Sony.

Communication is a key to success. But coming here and making an argument doesn't help Sony.

Boss Man

The "who won E3" conversation kinda bores me, especially since I think all three of the major players had some cool stuff. But their showing certainly upped my confidence in the WiiU. Not in a "MAN THIS IS GOING TO SELL!" kinda way. But I know that I'll be getting some cool shit as long as I have it.
I agree that it was a good E3 all around. I think all three delivered this year.

Nintendo showed that it's not just going to drop the Wii U. At this point I was kind of relieved to see that they're even continuing with the Zelda game, but it looks like they're not only not giving up but finally starting to ramp things up.

Microsoft showed that they're still fighting back, grabbing some big third party titles and focusing on games. They're looking to fix their mistakes.

Sony showed that they're continuing to do what put them out in front, and the morpheus project is really exciting and may actually be the biggest thing going on right now.

No disappointments, they all came out and did exactly what they should have. Great E3 IMO.
My preferences are rapidly falling out of alignment with the mainstream AAA community; and anecdotally, they may be more along the lines of where the rest of the industry is headed. It's a hunch, but that alone makes Nintendo relevant again.

Really your all on the mobile and free to play bandwagon? That is where the industry is headed.

sony's got a lot of content on their platforms, but they spent a lot of time at their conference talking about shooters and dark games and then closed it out with a depressing voice over between nathan drake and old nathan drake as nathan drake wanders into a forest. i found it drab and boring. the presentation could have been half as long and twice as good. by focusing attention on everything, i didn't get the impression that they had a lot of stuff, but that they lacked confidence in what to showcase. sony bothered to mention suda 51 by name, and that he was making an exclusive game, and even that announcement got lost in the fold of other dark and violent games.

I get that you did not like the presentation but, that does not stop that fact that Sony has more games whether they be first party, third party, indie or free to play they are still games and everyone at least has the option of playing them. In it's indie game montage Sony showed about as many games as Nintendo had at E3.

if they had kept one major announcement per platform, and if they didn't pretend like the ps3 and ps vita didn't exist, i think i would have come away feeling a lot more positive about sony's direction at least. as of now i got the feeling that they don't really care about making or promoting the sort of games that i like, even though persona 5 is on the way, even though they're making oreshika themselves, even though final fantasy type-0 hd was announced during e3.

This all goes back to the presentation for you who. Also Sony did not pretend the PS3 and Vita do not exist if that was true they would not still be supporting the consoles with software which they are.


They definitely need to market it more..I agree. It's a great segment and informative to boot. But last year we had threads here discussing various showings of the event as well. Not knowing isn't an excuse for false claims however.

uhh how difficult of a point is it to understand that a certain number of view count in one specific media outlet (the initial argument of Nintendo channels' video having more views) is not an accurate indication of the overall views an event had when the target audience have different preferences for viewing those said events? Seriously smh

Ok now you are being intentionally obtuse.

Either stop saying dumb things and actually point to where I made such statements or stop with the persecution complex and wasting my time
Then please, sir. Do give us the total number of views across all streams and media for all the conferences. I would be ever so interested in knowing.


I didn't follow the discussion but instead of showing a negative attitude toward Nintendo by comparing them with Sony is wrong.

You want to do a good thing about Sony ?
You should've opened a thread about Sony live stream like people did for Tree house.
Don't get me wrong, I have a PS3 so I've no grudge against Sony.

But coming here and making an argument doesn't help Sony.

Didn't realize this thread was for praising Nintendo >_>

The argument/discussion started mainly due to comparisons between the three manufacturers have been made throughout the thread already.

I was merely pointing out it's not an accurate notion to claim only Nintendo had a stream post event when Sony did the same...and have been doing so for years.

I'm not trying to ..well shit on Nintendo. I thought they had a solid event and thought the zelda showing was fantastic and have said so several times already. I do disagree with the claim that they won E3 (which mind you automatically brings comparisons into the discussion)...but honestly only time will tell who the real winner was

Then please, sir. Do give us the total number of views across all streams and media for all the conferences. I would be ever so interested in knowing.

You can stop being lazy and go look it up yourself. A fellow Nintendo fan already showed you a couple of examples already. I repeat since you are slow on the uptake..this is my argument

"a certain number of view count in one specific media outlet (the initial argument of Nintendo channels' video having more views) is not an accurate indication of the overall views an event had when the target audience have different preferences for viewing those said events"

I don't see what's so controversial about it. It's a pretty fair assessment I think.


Super Member
Saying Nintendo had a ton of streams isn't saying who did it better. It was about saying that Nintendo was there and they a had a lot of stuff to show.

Nintendo had a big booth last year. They had E3 games at Best Buy. They had a website for their games, including mini-Directs. Somehow that got construed as Nintendo not showing up at all and having no games.

People freak out about Nintendo not working on New IPs. They announced "fucking Donkey Kong" and whine that Retro isn't working on Metroid. Because they didn't do that 3 times already.
This all goes back to the presentation for you who. Also Sony did not pretend the PS3 and Vita do not exist if that was true they would not still be supporting the consoles with software which they are.

This is the E3 where Sony took the Vita brand off a piece of hardware specifically because of how toxic and spent it was. I heavily question how much Sony's support for the Vita actually means in the West.


that's not to say that i think microsoft will do the same thing next year, or sony will trade in their bloated 2 hour epics for a more streamlined presentation either, but i think it proved that it was a viable alternative, and i think it's also only going to improve as time goes on.


so to close this out, nintendo didn't save the wii u with their game announcements. for me, captain toad, splatoon, and zelda all look wonderful, but i don't think those games will reverse the platform's fortunes any more than sony and microsoft convinced me i need to buy their $300+ hardware. however i believe they might have changed e3, and for the better.
Honestly, whether Nintendo "won" E3 as the article posits isn't relevant. What is relevant is how it changes the conversation regarding the viability of not having a press conference and how companies go about engaging the public at E3. And in that sense, yeah, Nintendo really did a fantastic job and you're right, there's only room to improve on that.

sony's got a lot of content on their platforms, but they spent a lot of time at their conference talking about shooters and dark games and then closed it out with a depressing voice over between nathan drake and old nathan drake as nathan drake wanders into a forest. i found it drab and boring. the presentation could have been half as long and twice as good. by focusing attention on everything, i didn't get the impression that they had a lot of stuff, but that they lacked confidence in what to showcase. sony bothered to mention suda 51 by name, and that he was making an exclusive game, and even that announcement got lost in the fold of other dark and violent games.

if they had kept one major announcement per platform, and if they didn't pretend like the ps3 and ps vita didn't exist, i think i would have come away feeling a lot more positive about sony's direction at least. as of now i got the feeling that they don't really care about making or promoting the sort of games that i like, even though persona 5 is on the way, even though they're making oreshika themselves, even though final fantasy type-0 hd was announced during e3.

I think that's really the problem. Yeah, there were great games, but there was nothing platform-defining on show. And if there's anything that critiques of past Nintendo conferences have shown me, it's that one thing: if you have nothing that changes or improves the conversation, you might as well have not been there.

I walked away from MS and Sony's events feeling no different about PS4 or XB1 than I did before I saw them. And from what I read online during the events, that seems to be the case with a lot of other people.

The conversation regarding Nintendo, though? That has changed. Yes, there are still absolutely viable concerns regarding sales, but the actual outlook from gamers (many of whom are now NEW consumers, as several holdouts of GAF bought the console based on this year's E3) has definitely changed. And that's a great start.


I get that you did not like the presentation but, that does not stop that fact that Sony has more games whether they be first party, third party, indie or free to play they are still games and everyone at least has the option of playing them. In it's indie game montage Sony showed about as many games as Nintendo had at E3.

i had stated in another thread that there are two e3s- one in which refers to content and another in which refers to presentation. nintendo probably did more to combine the two than they have in the past, or that other companies tend to over the duration of the convention. the e3 we are presented with isn't the one that really matters in terms of what consumers receive, but it does matter in determining the direction of the company. that's what turned so many people off to nintendo's 2008 conference. the impression i got from sony is that they no longer care to put time or effort into promoting a variety of games, despite having them available on the multiple platforms they support.

This all goes back to the presentation for you who. Also Sony did not pretend the PS3 and Vita do not exist if that was true they would not still be supporting the consoles with software which they are.

these platforms were ignored wholesale aside from using their libraries as content for their new playstation now service and the rebranded ps tv. the ps3 and vita both have a lot of exclusive games coming out for them, but you wouldn't know it from their conference, and that's because scea is bent on showing games to only one audience. it's extremely off-putting, and it doesn't instill me with confidence as an owner of two of those products.
Treehouse was probably the best thing of it all, it really felt like you were attending E3 from home.

I certainly wouldn't compare my experience of games convention to what little I could stand to watch of the treehouse. Maybe I picked a bad time to tune in when that person who would not shutup was playing Hyrule Warriors as midna in the first day.

He was like the worst kind of lets player : had absolutely nothing interesting to say, wasn't talking about the game and was only mindlessly repeating himself despite not knowing what he wanted to say. Then I didn't tune in again.

I'm not reall y a fan of saying Nintendo "won E3" (nor anyone else for that matter. What does that even mean, really? It's a ridiculous notion for rather extremist fans). They certainly didn't if you were expecting 3DS megatons. Or anything 3DS really. The only 3DS announcement (that I'm aware of) was STEAM.


I'm not reall y a fan of saying Nintendo "won E3" (nor anyone else for that matter. What does that even mean, really? It's a ridiculous notion for rather extremist fans). They certainly didn't if you were expecting 3DS megatons. Or anything 3DS really. The only 3DS announcement (that I'm aware of) was STEAM.
Nintendo also announced Fantasy Life and Fossil Fighters Frontier for 3DS. Plus they showed off previously announced games like Smash, MH4U, Layton Vs Wright, Pokemon RuSa, a ton of indie games and other stuff. Plus there were 3rd party games elsewhere like Harvest Moon, One Piece R, Persona Q and so on. Wii U definitely had more spitlight from Nintendo but 3DS wasn't totally ignored either.


Didn't realize this thread was for praising Nintendo >_>

The argument/discussion started mainly due to comparisons between the three manufacturers have been made throughout the thread already.

I was merely pointing out it's not an accurate notion to claim only Nintendo had a stream post event when Sony did the same...and have been doing so for years.

I'm not trying to ..well shit on Nintendo. I thought they had a solid event and thought the zelda showing was fantastic and have said so several times already. I do disagree with the claim that they won E3 (which mind you automatically brings comparisons into the discussion)...but honestly only time will tell who the real winner was

You can stop being lazy and go look it up yourself. A fellow Nintendo fan already showed you a couple of examples already. I repeat since you are slow on the uptake..this is my argument

"a certain number of view count in one specific media outlet (the initial argument of Nintendo channels' video having more views) is not an accurate indication of the overall views an event had when the target audience have different preferences for viewing those said events"

I don't see what's so controversial about it. It's a pretty fair assessment I think.
The only numbers I saw anyone post were Nintendo having more views than MS and Sony combined.
It was your contention that that didn't matter because more Sony fans watched on IGN.
I want actual numbers on this, please.
When Nintendo showed their events on all the same outlets, how you can so offhandly dismiss the largest one is beyond me.


I realize that puts me in the minority, but after Sony, MS, and Ubisoft's conferences, I kind of feel like I'm done with their vision of gaming for a while. And I say this as a PS4 owner (and maybe an Xbox One owner someday.

What is their "vision" of gaming? If all you saw were FPS and open world shooters then you clearly went in with blinders on.

Both systems are growing a pretty diverse library of games.


Calling the Smash Bros. tournament eSports is pretty funny. I mean they had the audience voting for who continued on. It was still a great way (and the best) way to sell the game to people.

That only happened when two players were tied and the fans needed to vote to determine who would stay and who would go
What is their "vision" of gaming? If all you saw were FPS and open world shooters then you clearly went in with blinders on.

Both systems are growing a pretty diverse library of games.

Agreed. There's plenty of diversity to be had on these systems and it's only the first E3 with the consoles actually on the market.


The only numbers I saw anyone post were Nintendo having more views than MS and Sony combined.
It was your contention that that didn't matter because more Sony fans watched on IGN.
I want actual numbers on this, please.
When Nintendo showed their events on all the same outlets, how you can so offhandly dismiss the largest one is beyond me.

You made so many BS claims about what I have said that I think you are trolling by now lol

I said MSony fans have utilized sources like IGN more compared to Nintendo fans. This is accurate. The numbers are there and actually have been posted in this thread already.

I never said one side 'won' over the other when it comes to view count. That's your own overly defensive line of thinking. I already made a clear statement on my point in the post you just replied to so I won't repeat it. You can re-read it and try to understand it this time..hopefully.

I never dismissed any outlet...feel free to point to where I did such a thing or just shut up. This is getting silly now.


You made so many BS claims about what I have said that I think you are trolling by now lol

I said MSony fans have utilized sources like IGN more compared to Nintendo fans. This is accurate. The numbers are there and actually have been posted in this thread already.

I never said one side 'won' over the other when it comes to view count. That's your own overly defensive line of thinking. I already made a clear statement on my point in the post you just replied to so I won't repeat it. You can re-read it and try to understand it this time..hopefully.

I never dismissed any outlet...feel free to point to where I did such a thing or just shut up. This is getting silly now.
I understand perfectly fine.
You think that the views Nintendo got on YouTube don't matter becauss Sony and MS fans use IGN.
Otherwise, what is the point in even bringing it up?
The fact is, through all of E3, Nintendo had the most people watching on both Twitch and YouTube. The two biggest gaming sources in this day and age where sites like GameTrailers are literally dying.


Pretty much. Yeah.

I find it hard to say Nintendo won E3 when so little of E3 actually had to do with games on Nintendo platforms.

Conversely, the PS4 and Xbox One will be receiving the bulk of the games demonstrated during E3.
The EA and Ubisoft conferences barely even apply to Nintendo platforms.

Yes. Nintendo has a great lineup of exclusives. And after such a barren 2011, 2012, and decent 2013, it's about time Nintendo finally gets into full swing with their in house games.
This is the first PS4 and Xbox One E3 since the systems have been out. These systems are babies and the games are taking some time in the oven. So we didn't get as much gameplay as we would have liked for some of our most anticipated titles.

But I find it hard to say Nintendo won E3 when the scope of E3 was so much bigger than just Nintendo.

This, too. Expectations were extremely low. There's been loads of rhetoric of people saying Nintendo should start prepping for their next console ahead of schedule along with other similar observations.

They had a solid showing. But ultimately, many of the biggest games the entire industry has to offer will be forgoing Nintendo platforms.

It's good Nintendo has hit a more mature stage with the Wii U and plan on giving the console full support going forward, but this E3 was just more of a reminder that the Wii U acts more as a supplementary platform (like the Wii) rather than a primary platform.

People say that nintendo won e3 because they had the most game focused e3. They even developed multiple new IP's and a lot of the games they showed looked interested. The same kinda applies to MS, but we already kinda knew everything they would announce. Sony also focused on games,but they failed to introduce the new Sony CEA ceo properly. He spent 10+ minutes talking about stats and etc when he could have spent 5 minutes talking. Sony spent another 20 minutes talking about media when they could have spent half of that time on media.


I understand perfectly fine.
You think that the views Nintendo got on YouTube don't matter becauss Sony and MS fans use IGN.
Otherwise, what is the point in even bringing it up?
The fact is, through all of E3, Nintendo had the most people watching on both Twitch and YouTube. The two biggest gaming sources in this day and age where sites like GameTrailers are literally dying.

That wasn't even the argument at hand when B.O.O.M. interjected. We were talking about the casual demographic that plays games.


Regarding 3rd party stuff like Devil's Third or Xenoblades Chronicles may be ok but it's hard to compare it to blockbusters like Baman, FarCry4, AC4, Battlefield, Witcher, GTAV, The Division, MGSV, Destiny, Evolve, etc.

First off, Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't third party. Secondly, why is it hard to compare?


e3 convinced me to by a Wii U... i was genuinely excited for the Wii U knowing im only going to play nintendo games. I hope with the next console nintendo rights the wrongs and makes a system that third parties would love to support (thanks to a good install base) but it's like i said before... Nintendo needs to take the remaining year(s) of the Wii U's self life and transfer them into fixing their online strategy, marketing, etc... so when the next one comes out... it will be anticipated.
glad to see EG acknowledge Nintendo's great E3 effort

but I would really love to see more WiiU sales from the super effort they put in this year
I was blown away and I still went and got a PS4 because I can't suffer through no 3rd Party support

Bayonetta 1+2 will be amazing to play so Hyped!


I understand perfectly fine.
You think that the views Nintendo got on YouTube don't matter becauss Sony and MS fans use IGN.
Otherwise, what is the point in even bringing it up?
The fact is, through all of E3, Nintendo had the most people watching on both Twitch and YouTube. The two biggest gaming sources in this day and age where sites like GameTrailers are literally dying.

That wasn't even the argument at hand when B.O.O.M. interjected. We were talking about the casual demographic that plays games.

oh look the comedy duo again

Let me break this down for you two so we can actually move forward with this or you can shut up for good

1. The initial reason I brought up other sources like IGN was because a statement was made regarding the view count for the PS Presser ON the Playstation youtube account having less views than the Nintendo even'ts total view count in the Nintendo channel.

Ok? Is this clear to you two?

2. I pointed out that PS fans have used those other media outlets more in comparison to Nintendo fans have.

Again..this is not a hard point to understand. And the relevance in relation to the previous should be evident.

3. The comment about casuals. A statement was made saying casuals would be attracted to the digital event more due to the duration of it. I pointed out that the idea itself is laughable as not only would Casuals not care to watch a whole conference in it's entirety (doesn't matter if it's 45mins or 2 hours) that they will also just watch the trailers of games that they are interested in. This goes for MS/Sony/Nintendo games...not just one company.

This idea is even more laughable as given casuals confusion regarding what a wiiu is in the first place let along a digital event. These events are aimed at core gamers, media, retailers and publishers. Then the media take the message to other segments such as casual gamers.

I'm trying to bring some objectivity here to the arguments being made. I'm not saying Sony won or MS won or Nintendo won in the view count battle..I'm saying due to the difference tastes of target audiences for those console makers it's a moot point to compare just one or two sources. This is as a fair assessment that anyone can make. it's not about me going against your beloved Nintendo or anything. All three companies had their shit moments this E3 after all

This back and forth is becoming meaningless as it's clear to me you two have made up your minds as to what I'm saying rather than understanding what I'm ACTUALLY saying lol. As a final note I reiterate that imho the 'winner' of E3 will be determined by post E3 coverage/attention + future sales. Too soon to determine it


You made so many BS claims about what I have said that I think you are trolling by now lol

I said MSony fans have utilized sources like IGN more compared to Nintendo fans. This is accurate. The numbers are there and actually have been posted in this thread already.

I never said one side 'won' over the other when it comes to view count. That's your own overly defensive line of thinking. I already made a clear statement on my point in the post you just replied to so I won't repeat it. You can re-read it and try to understand it this time..hopefully.

I never dismissed any outlet...feel free to point to where I did such a thing or just shut up. This is getting silly now.

You made two arguments by accident. You did imply that casual viewers will be reached through more hardcore sites like ign than YouTube by virtue of the total number of viewers across all sites well be greater in spite of YouTube's numbers.
The splitting hairs of IGN and Youtube stream views is strange. I mean IGN is a hardcore gaming website, Youtube is as casual as you can possibly get. What makes the argument futile is that Nintendo's conference had many more views on Twitch (a third party outlet that is also focus on gamers) than Sony and Microsoft channels. This completely lays waste to the "all the Nintendo fan's dogpiled on Nintendo's E3 conference site" argument.


This is the E3 where Sony took the Vita brand off a piece of hardware specifically because of how toxic and spent it was. I heavily question how much Sony's support for the Vita actually means in the West.
Also the part where they didn't even focus on any internally developed Vita titles during the time they spent talking about Vita's games. One even comes out this year in the US!


oh look the comedy duo again

Let me break this down for you two so we can actually move forward with this or you can shut up for good

1. The initial reason I brought up other sources like IGN was because a statement was made regarding the view count for the PS Presser ON the Playstation youtube account having less views than the Nintendo even'ts total view count in the Nintendo channel.

Ok? Is this clear to you two?

2. I pointed out that PS fans have used those other media outlets more in comparison to Nintendo fans have.

Source? You can't just make an assertion without showing that information. And don't just say that I need to look it up myself since you can't be half arse to provide that info.

Besides, people who follow Nintendo has just a long a history of following Nintendo as any other fan of other companies as far back with the N64 with N64.com and IGN64.com.

But that's besides the point, your assertion is that PS and MS fans viewed the conferences mostly though the big name websites, and that it totaled more views than whatever Nintendo did. You need to provide your sources on this.

Again..this is not a hard point to understand. And the relevance in relation to the previous should be evident.

3. The comment about casuals. A statement was made saying casuals would be attracted to the digital event more due to the duration of it. I pointed out that the idea itself is laughable as not only would Casuals not care to watch a whole conference in it's entirety (doesn't matter if it's 45mins or 2 hours) that they will also just watch the trailers of games that they are interested in. This goes for MS/Sony/Nintendo games...not just one company.

So your assertion is that the conferences aren't for casuals, then why do you care about making sure people understand more people watch though IGN than youtube?

This idea is even more laughable as given casuals confusion regarding what a wiiu is in the first place let along a digital event. These events are aimed at core gamers, media, retailers and publishers. Then the media take the message to other segments such as casual gamers.

I'm trying to bring some objectivity here to the arguments being made. I'm not saying Sony won or MS won or Nintendo won in the view count battle..I'm saying due to the difference tastes of target audiences for those console makers it's a moot point to compare just one or two sources. This is as a fair assessment that anyone can make. it's not about me going against your beloved Nintendo or anything. All three companies had their shit moments this E3 after all

This back and forth is becoming meaningless as it's clear to me you two have made up your minds as to what I'm saying rather than understanding what I'm ACTUALLY saying lol. As a final note I reiterate that imho the 'winner' of E3 will be determined by post E3 coverage/attention + future sales. Too soon to determine it

Dude, its okay if the company you root for didn't do that well. Its okay, I want Sony to do well too. They didn't. Their conference was just okay, and it is okay to acknowledge that. I mean seriously B.O.O.M. You're saying that I made up my mind, but you won't even call me by name. I'm just 'you two', and 'the comedy duo'. That's pretty passive aggressive comments right there.


The console wars bullshit is so annoying. IMO as a gamer, all 3 had an excellent e3 but IMO Nintendo had the best presentation and games. I know some people preferred Sony's and Microsofts offerings and I can see why. People have different opinions and another persons taste in video games isn't worth arguing over.


worse than politics.

Moreover, like anything at e3 matters to 99.9% of consumers. Sometimes an announcement matters (no online drm, for example), but that has nothing to do with e3. It would have made the rounds exactly the same if it was announced a week earlier or a week later.

e3 is just a trade show after-all. Does anyone argue about who 'won' CES or the Frankfurt Auto Show?

What this year did tell me though, is that Nintendo feels threatened and is serious about saving its console business. I wouldn't be surprised if Iwata's illness comes from overwork in trying to make this happen.

I predict their next console will be laser focused on gaming.


I'm surprised this isn't more of a story on many outlets coming out of E3. Not necessarily saying that Nintendo "won", because it's really a bigger statement than that. It's that Nintendo has embraced a path that it believes in; from it's content being distinctly Nintendo to it's message of genuine, fun gaming experiences. They climbed to the top of the LA Convention Center and planted their flag in heart of the industry.

Nintendo's E3 is a game changer for Nintendo, whether we see an actual paradigm shift with others following suit or not. Amongst gamers it's pretty unanimous that Nintendo pulled off something special whether people are looking forward to their games or not. For Nintendo fans, it seems to me that Nintendo's approach struck a chord and not just because they showed faith in the Wii U or because they were boldly marching to the beat of their own drummer and refusing to go down without a fight, but because they defiantly demonstrated that they cared about gaming, about fun. They didn't just say it, they put their money where their mouth is; and I feel that message was made loud and clear last week.


People say that nintendo won e3 because they had the most game focused e3. They even developed multiple new IP's and a lot of the games they showed looked interested. The same kinda applies to MS, but we already kinda knew everything they would announce. Sony also focused on games,but they failed to introduce the new Sony CEA ceo properly. He spent 10+ minutes talking about stats and etc when he could have spent 5 minutes talking. Sony spent another 20 minutes talking about media when they could have spent half of that time on media.

To me it felt like Microsoft and Sony switched placed this E3. Microsoft was far more on point and talking about games, games and games, while Sony moved away from that a bit. Also that Vib-Ribbon tease and no Vib-Ribbon :C.

I didn't realize it was 10+ minutes long, It felt much longer to me because stats talk becomes a bit mind numbing for me.

Some games like Far Cry 4 we already saw and I really did not want to see them a second time. I wanted more variety past the grimdark stuff. I remember seeing a lot of happiness on my timeline over on Twitter from journalists, devs and everyone I follow in general when LPB3 and No Man's Sky showed up but then kind of got back into cynicism when we moved back into the grimdark.


Agreed best conference because they actually had gameplay and not a bunch of cgi trailers with 2015 at the end of it. Also not many surprises from sony or microsoft or even nintendo, but at least there was gameplay.


I went into E3 expecting absolutely nothing from Nintendo and given the last few years this seemed like a reasonable assumption. They really surprised me this year, showing off some fantastic games (though most 2015, damn that is going to be an awesome year). Based on their excellent showing I will probably pick up a Wii U today (already had a 3DS).


Nintendo put themself in the spotlight again, doesn´t matter if they "won" or not the E3. They needed this marketing push and they got it.



I absolutely agree. Nintendo dominated E3 this year- where others were flashbangs- people talked about them for the duration of the conference, and that was it- Nintendo completely dominated E3 for a period of three days, by completely redefining what E3 is. Absolutely brilliant.

Did a search, and didn't find this posted. Please lock if old.

I've been saying this for days.


The conversation regarding Nintendo, though? That has changed. Yes, there are still absolutely viable concerns regarding sales, but the actual outlook from gamers (many of whom are now NEW consumers, as several holdouts of GAF bought the console based on this year's E3) has definitely changed. And that's a great start.

having been a fan of nintendo through the gamecube and wii and wii u eras, it's interesting to watch perception change. i don't know if maybe it has to do with the average age of the general gaming audience increasing over time, or that the groups i find myself in are just getting older, but i recall vehemence against nintendo's kid-friendly games during the gamecube era. more than that, it was how they were behind the times for not having their own halo or final fantasy or metal gear solid- that they weren't serious video game makers and weren't pushing the industry forward. then when they did push the industry forward with the wii and ds, it turned into how nintendo had stopped making video games and that they didn't care for the traditional audience. that continued into the wii u age until just last week, where the kinds of games nintendo was making during the gamecube era took center stage (complete with a new cel-shaded zelda), and it actually seemed to resonate with people when those same games were unpopular during the gamecube days or ignored when they came out on the wii.

it may have to do with context of course. the gamecube came at a time when the other only-game-maker sega had left the industry and nintendo's fourth major console was beng beaten by yet another newcomer. and the wii was a threat to the status quo. the wii u is about ten years removed from sega's demise, and its library may be seen as a quaint novelty, like something lost in time. and due to its poor sales, it's also not a threat to the status quo.


I mean, are people really okay with 2+ hour conferences?

At 2AM.

Sony, Microsoft: I know there's a lot of strategy involved, and all that, but as a European fan of gaming, I'd be a lot happier if you guys could have a gentleman's agreement to put the shorter of the two conferences at the later time.


Gotta disagree. Nintendo had a solid showing, but I don't think they can compete with what the others showed.
Thing is that expectations for Nintendo were extremely low and therefore Nintendo exceeded them by a good bit.

Microsoft hyped their conference way to much and Sony still faced high expectations because their dominating right now.

So yeah, I think the big three were extremely close this E3, I wouldn't say anybody won.
Sony had the most complete showing.
Microsoft made a good comeback.
Nintendo had the biggest sursprises.

So you don't think they can compete, then you say they were all extremely close? Then you wimp out and say that nobody won. You don't exactly sound like someone with any sort of real opinion, let alone someone who had given this any thought.

Game Guru

Really your all on the mobile and free to play bandwagon? That is where the industry is headed.

I see less Angry Birds, Farmville, and Candy Crush Saga from Nintendo's lineup and more stuff akin to Minecraft, TF2, Dota 2, LoL, and 'Indie-esque' games. Looking at what new franchises Nintendo has, Splatoon and Codename: STEAM take more design cues from games currently popular on PC than they do from either traditional AAA Titles or mobile titles. The feel of both the Digitial Event, Treehouse Live, and the Smash Invitational is something that I would have expected from a company like Valve. This year, Nintendo feels more akin to a company like Valve than they have in years past. To me, it feels like Nintendo is the first big publisher (I mean big publisher as in Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Take-Two, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo whose games make up the majority of major releases) to actually understand the indie movement and make games that are influenced by that.


There's some mad intense kool-aid drinking going on in this thread.

Nintendo put on their best show since 2010, which is good, and they're slowly starting to figure out a new formula for how they're doing E3. They aren't there yet and it's not perfect yet, which you can tell from the NDE being half as long as it should have been and that terrible 30 minute game of "find-the-news" that happened after the NDE. They're starting to find their groove, and there's a chance they could have their "Assassin's Creed II" moment in the next two years. The Treehouse stuff is also in its early stages. Many of the demos were drawn out and it needs better presenters, but like the rest of it, they're getting there.

If that does happen, they aren't "redefining" E3 like some trailblazer. They're noticing that E3 could be on its way out in the next 5-7 years and they're acting pre-emptively. They weren't even the first to adopt a video press conference model (Konami was, in the modern sense at least).

As for the games they showed, it was a good showing. Not great. Not amazing. Not instant E3 win. Just good. If it won E3, it's only because Sony's president fucked up the middle section of that conference. Strictly exclusive wise, I have a tough time thinking Sony and Nintendo weren't on equal footing.

So no. This wasn't revolutionary. They did not objectively win E3 without contest. Nintendo has not and will not change the face of E3 forever. It was a good showing with interesting ideas that might pay off in the next few years. That's it. This feels a lot like those people who are so eager to say TLOU beats 40 years of video games as one of the greatest of all time despite that game still being remarkably fresh in the grand scheme of things. Everyone wants to be part of something special so bad that they will allow themselves to be deluded by something that is only very good.


A big story for Nintendo that has been completely overlooked by everyone as far as I can tell is their big online push at E3. They'll have Bayonetta 2 online (and local) co-op, Splatoon online multiplayer, Devil's Third online multiplayer, Smash is online, and of course they already have Mario Kart 8 online with more Wii Sports Club games set to debut this month with online capabilities.

Nintendo has addressed many of the complaints people have had with them at E3 and as big of a deal their lack of a online push has been for people, I'm surprised that this online push has flown under the radar. I expect this to mark the beginning of more 1st party games (not every game but just more in general) having online play of some sort where it makes the most sense.


The article is right. And EG isn't the only ones saying it either, I noticed similar articles from journalists talking about how Nintendo killed it at E3 this year on the Verge, Huffpost and Arstechnica too.

There's no kool-aid. Those same folks were last year saying Nintendos directs were 'suicide' and whatnot. But they loved the presentation this year because it was objectively well done.


To me it felt like Microsoft and Sony switched placed this E3. Microsoft was far more on point and talking about games, games and games, while Sony moved away from that a bit. Also that Vib-Ribbon tease and no Vib-Ribbon :C.

I didn't realize it was 10+ minutes long, It felt much longer to me because stats talk becomes a bit mind numbing for me.

Some games like Far Cry 4 we already saw and I really did not want to see them a second time. I wanted more variety past the grimdark stuff. I remember seeing a lot of happiness on my timeline over on Twitter from journalists, devs and everyone I follow in general when LPB3 and No Man's Sky showed up but then kind of got back into cynicism when we moved back into the grimdark.

It was long and it made me want to fall asleep. The same problem kinda hurt sony's conference last year,but it was even worse last year.MS did pretty good last year.The only thing that wasn't focused on games for MS was there xbox one reveal even last year. There e3 focused a lot on games last year.Everyone showed a lot of good games this year, but sony's conference got hurt by the mistakes they made during there conference.


I certainly wouldn't compare my experience of games convention to what little I could stand to watch of the treehouse. Maybe I picked a bad time to tune in when that person who would not shutup was playing Hyrule Warriors as midna in the first day.

He was like the worst kind of lets player : had absolutely nothing interesting to say, wasn't talking about the game and was only mindlessly repeating himself despite not knowing what he wanted to say. Then I didn't tune in again.

I'm not reall y a fan of saying Nintendo "won E3" (nor anyone else for that matter. What does that even mean, really? It's a ridiculous notion for rather extremist fans). They certainly didn't if you were expecting 3DS megatons. Or anything 3DS really. The only 3DS announcement (that I'm aware of) was STEAM.

fantasy life as well for 3DS

also you definitely should have kept watching the Treehouse stream. for the demo you're specifically referring to Aonuma and a guy from Koei Tecmo came on and gave some great insight into the game

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