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The Terminator's (1984) police station shootout scene...

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War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
The original film is essentially a slasher film with an emphasis on guns as the tools of death and a sci fi coat of paint.

The first movie is good because it works so well with primal fears. Fears of the unknown (the future), fears of technology (Skynet), and fears of a powerful bogey man coming after you (the terminator).

Both of these are absolutely spot on. Terminator 2 is an excellent film in its own right and one of the most worthy sequels around, but the original has a purity of vision and execution that only truly great films have.
Both of these are absolutely spot on. Terminator 2 is an excellent film in its own right and one of the most worthy sequels around, but the original has a purity of vision and execution that only truly great films have.

It also has a sense of urgency that the second film failed to capture. Fir every minute of its 100+ minute run time, the original moves at a relentless pace, never really stopping. Whereas T2 suffers from Cameron's later tendencies for indulgent largesse which slows the film down and doesn't make it as good as the original. The original movie also has a lot more bite to it and mean streak that works to its advantage.
Despite being a big fan of the first and second films I have still not found the courage to watch Salvation.

I try to block the memory of the third out of my mind like I would an abusive uncle.

Salvation is not as bad as 3 by any means, but is nowhere near of the 2 first films.
The first movie is good because it works so well with primal fears. Fears of the unknown (the future), fears of technology (Skynet), and fears of a powerful bogey man coming after you (the terminator).

But those outdated effects scenes need to be Lucased. :)

You're acting like T2's effects aren't outdated. Why don't you go back and rewatch the T-800/T-1000 grapple towards the end of the film again. It's ... pretty amazing when you realize that a good portion of the quick shots are a stunt double literally wrapped in foil.

Dead Man

You're acting like T2's effects aren't outdated. Why don't you go back and rewatch the T-800/T-1000 grapple towards the end of the film again. It's ... pretty amazing when you realize that a good portion of the quick shots are a stunt double literally wrapped in foil.

The fake head when the T800 walks out of the lift at Cyberdyne is pretty bad too. It's not quite T1 eye scene bad, but it's not great.
The Terminator and T2 are both masterpieces in their own ways. I could not live without either, and would die before choosing one over the other.
I will never understand people who think that stop motion effects have any place in films today.

I love stop motion. I grew up with it. I will never understand how anyone could prefer something like Avatar over Jason and the Argonauts. Not saying my opinion is right, you're welcome to yours. I just find CGI characterless and with little charm. Just look how good the original ED209 was.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
You're acting like T2's effects aren't outdated. Why don't you go back and rewatch the T-800/T-1000 grapple towards the end of the film again. It's ... pretty amazing when you realize that a good portion of the quick shots are a stunt double literally wrapped in foil.

You're wrong, because opinions.

I'll go watch it again, just to verify how wrong you are..
Figured some of you might get a kick out of this: http://perturbator.bandcamp.com/track/humans-are-such-easy-prey

I love stop motion. I grew up with it. I will never understand how anyone could prefer something like Avatar over Jason and the Argonauts. Not saying my opinion is right, you're welcome to yours. I just find CGI characterless and with little charm. Just look how good the original ED209 was.

Or Carpenter's The Thing, that film still blows every modern monster movie out the water. Easily mind you.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
I love stop motion. I grew up with it. I will never understand how anyone could prefer something like Avatar over Jason and the Argonauts. Not saying my opinion is right, you're welcome to yours. I just find CGI characterless and with little charm. Just look how good the original ED209 was.

Standing still and shooting up salaryman? Yup, it was terrifying.

Moving? LOL


I love stop motion. I grew up with it. I will never understand how anyone could prefer something like Avatar over Jason and the Argonauts. Not saying my opinion is right, you're welcome to yours. I just find CGI characterless and with little charm. Just look how good the original ED209 was.

It looked fucking ridiculous when it tried to walk.

nel e nel

I love stop motion. I grew up with it. I will never understand how anyone could prefer something like Avatar over Jason and the Argonauts. Not saying my opinion is right, you're welcome to yours. I just find CGI characterless and with little charm. Just look how good the original ED209 was.

Ha! This was on a vacant lot in my neighborhood over the winter:

I just want to thank this thread for introducing me to Perturbator.

I know what I'm listening to for the next couple of hours.


Terminator 1 vs Robocop 1. To this day I cannot decide which is the better masterpiece.
I kinda wish we had some scenes of the cops wondering why he wasn't going down.

They should create a small mini-series about the aftermath of that shootout. One of the surviving LAPD officers, having graduated to the ranks of the FBI, tries to uncover the truth of the mass murderer, from the moment of the shooting spree to the incident at the Cyberdyne building 7 years later.
I love the movie-and the shootout scene is amazing

Bill Paxton as a punk in the movie was also great-I looked just like him when the movie came out-
They should create a small mini-series about the aftermath of that shootout. One of the surviving LAPD officers, having graduated to the ranks of the FBI, tries to uncover the truth of the mass murderer, from the moment of the shooting spree to the incident at the Cyberdyne building 7 years later.

He killed 17 police officers that night. Men with families.


The original film is essentially a slasher film with an emphasis on guns as the tools of death and a sci fi coat of paint.

I was comparing it to Halloween in my head since they're both about unstoppable killing machines (one literally) who are basically the bogeyman and are focused on one woman. The Terminator is far more violent and close to what we associate with horror nowadays.

It's a shame it lost a lot of the tension in the sequels because action movies are ten-a-penny but there's very little like The Terminator.
Terminator 1 vs Robocop 1. To this day I cannot decide which is the better masterpiece.

To me it's Terminator. Not that Robocop isn't good, but there's a tongue in cheek, parody type element to it while Terminator plays it dead fucking serious - and makes it work! The 'I came across time for you, Sarah' stuff in that film is beautiful to me. Especially given how vulnerable Kyle looks in that film, as a guy visiting a world that is doomed, fighting something he's likely not going to beat. That desperation makes the whole thing all the more poignant. Selling this kind of stuff in what was, up until then considered, b movie material, is an incredible feat.

It's Terminator, has to be.


Why did he need to drive the car through the desk? Was it just that he had to nip back to fetch his guns and couldn't be bothered walking?

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Terminator, but it's close.

Yeah, its harder for me to decide.

Robocop is more tongue in cheek, but the issues and the look at the human condition in a capitalist society age very, very well.

Terminator is b-movie sci-fi horror flick that rose FAR about its script and premise and became a very good sci-fi horror flick.
John Connor was just a kid in T2, he wasn't ready to see the black guy and the mullet dude getting their heads blown off by the Terminator in the parking lot.

He was just thinking like a kid. Kids don't want stuff like this.

Sure, but the terminator doesn't kill anyone before hand either. There's way less tension about it in the sequel (as a stand alone film--all the tension for the T-800 is based on our established knowledge of T1, which I've grown to really dislike.)


I love T1 and T2. I like to think of them the same way I think of Alien and Aliens. I prefer the first of each, a slower more methodical film with horror/thriller elements, and the second is a blockbuster action film. The second one is quite different but still amazing in its own way.
This scene is insanely intense, the sense of menace and horror in T1 is just so great, the series had its balls snipped off after it. T2 is a fun enough movie but everything Terminator-related after is just, like, how the FUCK did T1 spawn this stuff?


They should create a small mini-series about the aftermath of that shootout. One of the surviving LAPD officers, having graduated to the ranks of the FBI, tries to uncover the truth of the mass murderer, from the moment of the shooting spree to the incident at the Cyberdyne building 7 years later.

It's got to be an interesting story, trying to find this guy who doesn't exist, who slaughtered dozens of cops, who shows up again 10 years later in a mall and blows up the headquarters of a major corporation. All the survivors of both encounters describe how he took everything they threw at him without sustaining a scratch. And the common thread is a madwoman who claims that she's been stalked by an invincible killer robot from the future, which seems increasingly like the only answer that explains everything.

I'd prefer that story over a shitty reboot, in any form. Miniseries, novel, movie, whatever.


Y'know, I've always loved that scene, but with the way the world is today with things like Sandy Hook happening it makes me really uncomfortable now.

Terminator 1 vs Robocop 1. To this day I cannot decide which is the better masterpiece.
The original Robocop is unmatched by anything. I can't even begin to articulate how much I love that movie.


Unconfirmed Member
Terminator and Terminator 2 remind me of Alien and Aliens, although I think the latter series is much better. Terminator and Alien are more dramatic and horror than their successors, while Terminator 2 and Aliens work on what made the first movies great and evolve them.

I love all four. Oddly enough, Terminator 3 is like Alien 3 in quality, and Terminator Salvation is a wtf like Alien Resurrection. At least in my opinion.

Although very different movies, that's how I like to strike a comparison between the two series. Fucking hilarious to me.
The slow reveal of just how implacable the Terminator is is super well done in this movie.

The effects in his eye removal scene haven't aged super great, but damn that scene gave me nightmares when I was younger.

It's great too because in most slasher style movies the audience always asks "Why doesn't she just go to the police??" Sarah behaves completely rationally and does exactly that, and it does no good at all.
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