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The Terminator's (1984) police station shootout scene...

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This movie was almost an horror movie to me as 6 year old kid. The only presence of the Terminator was absolutely terrifying. At the same time i love the atmosphere of the movie is just perfect. The 80´s were some god dammed magical times. I miss them.

Terminator is a slasher movie. Alien was as well. Predator too. Aliens was a zombie flick.


T1>T2 precisely because of stuff like the police station and the club shootout. That said, they're both masterpieces.


Because the movie's audio was originally recorded in mono so that the budget would be better spent on the movie's effects, and when the movie released on DVD, they remixed the audio to take advantage of the multiple channels. Hence the addition of new sound effects.


Only the DVD version includes the original mono soundtrack.

I made my own bluray by muxing the lpcm mono track from the laser disc with the h264 encode fom the remastered bluray.

It makes me so happy to see so much love for T1. I love T2, but T1 will always be my favorite. The soundtrack and tension was so good. It is a very effective Horror/Slasher film, and an excellent Sci-Fi flick at the same time just like Alien was. When I was little, I was so nervous watching this film.

Dead Man

Until you notice the pot bellied, balding dude going hard on the left, then it becomes a hilarious shot.
Nah, still awesome, just with a bloke skanking on :).


this just made my day
Check out the rest of the links to their stuff in the thread if you haven't yet, all really good shit.

yup, also one of my favorite shots from the movie:


Some great visuals in the movie.

It makes me so happy to see so much love for T1. I love T2, but T1 will always be my favorite. The soundtrack and tension was so good. It is a very effective Horror/Slasher film, and an excellent Sci-Fi flick at the same time just like Alien was. When I was little, I was so nervous watching this film.

Last thread I remember where they were discussed it seemed most people preferred 2, which made me sad. A lot preferred 1 though, and this thread generally makes me happy.


Found the scene


From the moment John sees Arnie. It's so good, the camera movement, music, frame rate. God damn.

I'd love to wipe my memory of T2 and see that scene fresh. Up until then there's no indication that the T-800 is a good guy, and when he levels his shotgun you're supposed to think he's going to kill John. Then he tells him to get down and reveals the T-1000 as the enemy.

I assume it was ruined by the studio marketing T2 as having Arnie as the good guy, but I'm too young to remember.

so is there a way to watch the remastered bluray video with the original audio?

If you know where to look, there are direct digital recordings of the mono mix from the LD. They've even synced it to the Blu-ray by switching in the current studio logo sounds.


I'd love to wipe my memory of T2 and see that scene fresh. Up until then there's no indication that the T-800 is a good guy, and when he levels his shotgun you're supposed to think he's going to kill John. Then he tells him to get down and reveals the T-1000 as the enemy.

I assume it was ruined by the studio marketing T2 as having Arnie as the good guy, but I'm too young to remember.

IIRC, the teaser and I think the first trailer did not ruin it. There was a trailer or TV spot that did spoil it, but remember this was the early 90's; well before watching trailers on the internet was a thing. A lot of people went in to it blind because they decided to go based on seeing the poster or the teaser, or because it was the new Arnie movie, or just because they liked the first one. There were a lot of people who didn't know.

Personally, I think the role reversal works; in no small part due to the T-1000's terrifying in retrospect "nice guy" routine, particularly when he talks to the foster parents. The only real red flag is the way he seems to stab the cop when he first comes through the time portal (and of course, Arnie doesn't kill anyone in the bar, despite John not having commanded him not to yet, since he is the "good guy") in the film. If Cameron had left that cop being incapacitated off screen or removed the sound effect the role reversal would be an even more astounding plot twist.

I too love that there is so much admiration for the first film in this thread. A lot of the time it seems split 50/50 or people generally favor T2. T2 is absolutely one of the best action films of all time, if not the best. That said, the first film was a much better movie over all. It's a shockingly cynical, cold, and menacing sci-fi/thriller. What a masterpiece.


So can someone explain how John Connor didn't know Terminators with skin existed in Salvation? I mean, did he forget T2?
T1 is a better movie. The characters are better, there's more tension and drama, Ahnuld is more intimidating than Robert Patrick, there are tits, plus no annoying child actors. T2 has better stunts and special effects but it also cost 10x as much to make.

I think this pretty much sums it up neatly. T1 is a superior movie in almost every respect. The only thing T2 has over it is arguably better effects.

The Terminator is fucking terrifying in T1. In T2 they started to try and humanize it and it just feels stupid. Hes a killing machine, programmed for nothing but MURDER. You cant teach it not to kill people because "wahh wahh you can just go around killing people". Fuck you you whiny little shit, i can and will.
I think this pretty much sums it up neatly. T1 is a superior movie in almost every respect. The only thing T2 has over it is arguably better effects.

The Terminator is fucking terrifying in T1. In T2 they started to try and humanize it and it just feels stupid. Hes a killing machine, programmed for nothing but MURDER. You cant teach it not to kill people because "wahh wahh you can just go around killing people". Fuck you you whiny little shit, i can and will.

It was reprogrammed to follow Johns orders. It did comply, but its solution was to simply cripple a dozen or so men for life and shatter the faces of a few others.

The T1000s casual fascination with murder made up for any missed terminator rampages.
So can someone explain how John Connor didn't know Terminators with skin existed in Salvation? I mean, did he forget T2?

That movie is a mess logically. Skynet kidnaps young Kyle Reese knowing fully well who he is, and instead of just, you know, terminating him, they use him as bait for his own son. How does that make sense?
This is the superior Terminator movie.

Yup. T2 was a bit too much up its own ass (still love both). Plus, the atmosphere was so much richer in the first one. Many more 'in the life of' type scenes that brought home how ordinary his victims were.

I think this pretty much sums it up neatly. T1 is a superior movie in almost every respect. The only thing T2 has over it is arguably better effects.

While T1 is better, this isn't even arguable. The stop-motion terminator is just plain silly.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I can't be the only one who thinks the sountrack is shit?

Brad Fiedel knocked both soundtracks out the park.

And while we're talking about Fiedel's work: the original theme of Fright Night is amazing too.
The pure representations of what Terminators actually are is why I'll always prefer the first movie over the second, as good as both were. The police station, TechNoir, the Infiltrator raid on the resistance compound...the audience was constantly reminded that these machines were relentless, fearsome killers that were incredibly difficult to survive against.

I really wish the subsequent movies had gone in another direction. T3 was a parody and T4 was...something. I would have enjoyed some perspective from SkyNet itself as it initially struggled with the existential crisis that was a natural outcome of its flawed programming. More exciting still was the potential to see humanity truly pushed to the brink as SkyNet improved its battle tactics.

The first two movies set up a lot of interesting possibilities that were never fully realized.
Valtýr;117411329 said:
That sounds like an awesome idea. Where'd he get a high quality print from? Just a screenshot from the bd?

He had it done up in London, not sure where (he was based in Woolwich barracks). This was a while ago so it was done with the dvd version. It is pixilated a bit, but I think it still looks good. I'll ask him when I speak to him next.


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that those red eyes are too far down and to the right of where they should be in relation to the shape of that head?

Not if his head is tilted downward and turned slightly to the left. You're assuming the head is facing directly at the camera which it's not.


Growing up I saw T2 before T1, and when I first watched T1 I counted how many officers the Terminator killed to see if it matched the line from T2 about him killing 17 officers. I think it checked out.



Aside from this, The Terminator is easily one of my favorite films.

I don't see how it's better or worse then T2. I always held them equal to each other because of how well they execute their different stories.

nel e nel

Also, notice in the car even he has a way of moving his eyes. He moves his eyes as far as he can and THEN starts turning his head.

Also in the police station which started this thread, the way he looks down the hall, then scans the entire booth that the cop is sitting in, THEN he says "I'll be back". Like he was checking out the structural integrity of the building before deciding a car would do the trick.

nel e nel

It's argued that because Ripley shuts him down in Alien 3 due to the damage he received.

Was he killed in the Alien vs Predator movie where he played Weyland?

EDIT: yeah, nevermind, brain is not working. If bishop was killed by an alien, then Weyland was killed by a Predator? I forget, been so long since I saw that one.


thanks to this thread for pointing out the stupid remastered audio track
got a copy of the old audio and muxed it into a blur-ray rip


Dat 80th soundtrack.
So awesome.

Kojima's snatcher has some awesome songs of that kind too.
Biohazard is my favorite one.
Does anybody know if the music that's played in Tech Noire or in Sarah's dumb roommate's headphones are original songs for the movie or real songs?

EDIT: nevermind, found my answer. It's Tahnee Cain & Tryanglz. Perfectly fitting for that era and scenes. Very memorable.
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