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Second Destiny Beta Thread of 'SMiLE! The Beta's back up! Welcome Everyone!'

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Found this sweet level 10 hunter arm I wish I could use.

Damn, seeing people's characters in the full game will be awesome.


So is PVP gear separate from PVE gear? I have no interest in PVP and don't want to feel like I'm missing out on gear/weapons.


Gold Member
Hey, so apparently I received a cool primary weapon after a round of crucible (I use scout rifle, and I hadn't unlocked this one yet), however my primary weapon slot was full, so when I go to my inventory it wasn't there. It wasn't anywhere in the tower either, I checked the vault too and nothing... why...?

Is this a bug? If my primary weapon slot is full and I supposedly receive it after a crucible match the item disappears? I also got a piece of armour and that was in my inventory.
Yup, it's the only thing I hate about the beta. They're just so unbelievably broken. The moon map is entirely just trying to avoid vehicles until you have a super.

Turrets and heavies are effective. I giess reduce spawning rate if anything

I am not liking snipers as specials. Way too good of a weapon. They need to reduce the frequency/ammo for specials as I find way too many players use specials as primary weapons


I don't get the whining about the vehicles. You can destroy them with 1 super or with turrets which never break.


Long ass post warning.

So having had tons of time with alpha and now beta I think it's time to put my thoughts out there about the game. I'm not good at putting my thoughts to written word so hopefully this is easy to understand. If not then well I tried.

First let me start off by saying that this game is going to continue a long long tradition of Bungie games I absolutely love. I have no doubt there. The gameplay and the story have all the makings of an interesting tale. I find there is so much good to talk about that this post would be 10 times the length it is now. So I’m going to mainly concentrate on my nitpicks and complaints. Let this be known though. I love what I’ve played and can’t wait until September. I just can’t. It’s going to be insanely hard to wait that long.

Now onto my thoughts. First I love the campaign. I know there are many who want everything spelled out for them but I’m not one of those folks. I love them slowly unveiling everything. I have no doubt that as the game/franchise goes on we’ll learn more about who we are and everything else. I did like that each race had their own voices. That’s a nice touch. My one complaint about the start though is that it isn’t tailored to your race. I would like a bit of tailoring there. For example a robot can’t die. So why not have the ghost say something like you ceased to function, etc instead of died. It’s just a bit of a nitpick.

The pacing of the campaign seems to flow well. I do feel a mission or two are a tad on the short side. An example being the 3rd mission. It seems to be a quick mission to complete. Others though do make up for that by being longer. So maybe it will all balance out later. I understand the reason they did the campaign why they did but I won’t lie and I will say that I would have preferred campaign to be a bit more pieced together. Have the missions flow into each other without having to go back to the map and pick the next one. Course this is understandable due to you needing to be a proper level for the campaign missions and due to the loading times needing to be masked. But yea this does kind of take me out of it a bit. However if the campaign keeps me wanting to know more each step of the way like the beta’s missions have then I’ll forgive this.

This brings me to the strike. I really love it. I think a better job though needs to be done to help the players realize what they can do to make the fights go faster. I’ve run into a lot of players who don’t realize that you can focus on the walker’s legs and that turret on the left side of the cannon. They also fail to keep the trash dead. This can make this fight drag out forever. Same with Sepik’s Prime. People don’t realize that the real boss is the trash in this fight. If you let them build up the fight is going to drag on forever but if you burn them down he goes down quick. Relating to this I also would like to see more feedback and for the bosses to show more progression when you’re working them over. I’d like to see them deform and to really show the damage you’re doing to them as you progress. There is some of this on the Spider Walker but not enough. Sepik’s I don’t think has any of this. As a result you don’t really have any sense of progress when attacking them. Other than that I do hope that other strikes do have more variety to boss attacks. Course we do have to remember this is probably the first strike in the game hence it’s more of a tank and spank type boss.

Next up is the open world they have created. I love exploring this world. I can’t help though feel it’s very empty like others have mentioned. Chests are few and far between and they a lot of the time just don’t have anything interesting in them. I’d like I’d like things besides chests too. The ghosts are a start. I do like finding these also. It would be cool though to come across more things you can interact with. Say a control panel somewhere that would open a door or something as an example. Maybe some generators you can activate to bring some areas to life again. Anything. Fill the world with more to do. Like the alpha I’m not digging the missions you get in explore either. The variety is still a problem. In alpha it was a ton of kill mobs but now I’m finding most of them are go here and survey this. I dislike those a lot more because they involved a ton of traveling between areas and I tend to like to do the missions in an area before moving on to the next. I wouldn’t mind having some that are gathering missions. There is a lot of old abandoned stuff in the world. Why not a gather these parts that are scattered through the area. Some missions like that? Overall though it’s a good start they have here. Just needs some work.

Next the multiplayer. I do enjoy that but I do have a few gripes. I’m in the camp that agree a few of the vehicles do need a bit of work. Not a huge nerfing like most but small ones. Maybe longer firing rate, longer reload between firing, etc. At the same time I’m not a big fan of the Mars map. It suffers I feel from an issue Reach did. Map flow. Due to your jumps, hovers, etc there are a ton of levels to the map and as a result many different ways into an area. This makes it very hard to control a point at times or to just find your enemy to attack. Call me old fashioned but I prefer good old fashioned map flow. Rusted Lands, Venus, and the moon levels are prime examples of maps that have a good flow to themselves. I do also agree that you should be rewarded more in control for actually staying behind and guarding your zones. There is no incentive to hold as a result. As someone who likes to help hold down a zone I find I come in lower just because I’m actually playing some defense. That seems somewhat unfair. Course I’ll probably be team deathmatch in retail anyway but still this kind of sucks. I also agree with what someone mentioned about if you neutralize then capture a point you should get more points than you do. More so if you do it solo. Those are my only real huge complaints about the multiplayer myself. Overall it feels decently balanced otherwise I feel.

Next is the UI. Overall it has grown on me but I still dislike how seeing your friends in it and interacting with them is done. I’d like to see more friends per page. Also it would be nice to invite them to fireteams etc without having to go back out into Sony’s XMB. It’s slow and a bit cumbersome doing it this way. I don’t know if this is due to limits that Sony has imposed or what but I would like in the future to see it done more with in the game. That’s my only real complaint UI wise.

Last but not least is the vendors and glimmer, etc. The vendors need to be more useful. I find most of the gear you get from them isn’t very useful. Same with the weapons. I’m not asking for best in class but I’d like to see more variety then almost just all common weapons and gear. I did notice that as you level the cryptarch he did have some better gear but of course it was unusable due to level cap. I’d like to see that leveling the vendor feature improved upon also implemented with other vendors too like the gunsmith. Maybe level him up for better weapons. This brings me to glimmer and lack thereof. I felt that glimmer in the alpha was at a good level but the prices on things were a bit cheap. In beta here you’ve upped some of the prices while majorly nerfing the glimmer you get. This makes it very hard to afford consumables, etc. I feel that I’m having to grind a lot more just to be able to afford basic things. This isn’t fun. I do hope this is re-examined before retail and I have no doubt Bungie will. They’re the kind who tune up until they can’t anymore.

So those be my thoughts. I love the game already and can't wait. Even if they do not change anything I've mentioned I'd still love the game. Bungie should be proud of the game they're making without a doubt.
Is there a list somewhere of all the differences between classes?

Not looking for a list of spells and abilities, I mean what are the fundamental differences between the three classes - like how the jumping is different, moving speed, shields and recharge rate etc.

for the new page. Anyone?
It's not. They specifically said it's to penalize you for switching weapons mid game. I'm ok with it too. Makes you plan ahead and think about what you're going to use.
Ayup. It's also a consequence for how you feel like approaching certain encounters (long or short range).
Aw man. Why not just prevent switching then?
Then what would be the point in carrying all those other weapons? I'd rather not have to go back to the Tower to switch out a sniper for a shotgun.


Unconfirmed Member
Just gonna plonk down my only really major complaints based on my playtime with the Alpha and Beta

Loot drops / allocation
The loot drops in this game feel really inconsistent and underwhelming. I remember Bungie saying in one of the vidocs that loot was the focus of Destiny and that other players would be able to see what you had been through or where you had gotten your loot, but I just ain't feeling it. Sometimes I go through the entire Strike and get only a single common drop from a Vandal, other times I go through and get an Uncommon and Common drop from a single Dreg and several other Uncommon drops throughout. The Devil Walker never drops anything, neither does Sepiks ( Really, a House Banner? Just give me the 200 Glimmer right away instead please... ). I actually seem to get more and better drops from Dregs and Vandals than I get from Captains. 'Loot' chests contain mostly just a little bit of Glimmer and I just don't feel any excitement when finding one. When I open a chest, I want there to be something in there. When I defeat a boss, I want it to explode into a shower of loot. Have Sepiks explode into 3 loot drops with one being 50/50 Uncommon instead of giving me something that I need to exchange for something else. Give the Devil Walker at least a single guaranteed loot drop with a slight chance for more, etc.

Also worth saying; the randomized loot allocation post-match in Crucible is stupid, annoying and ridiculous. It should either be tied to something tangible ( highest score / highest K/D / most captures / most kills ) or removed completely as this feature is just adding frustration to the Crucible by being completely 100% random. It makes playing Crucible feel like a gamble and it sucks when you do all the work for your team and get nothing to show for it.​

Weapon / Crucible balance

Weapon balance feels non-existant, especially in Crucible. In PVE, there is still no reason to use a Hand Cannon over a Scout Rifle and Hand Cannons might as well just not exist. They need their damage increased and perhaps a faster reload. In Crucible, if you use anything other than an Auto Rifle as primary, you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage. Scout Rifles are just too slow in comparison and if you're running a Pulse Rifle you're better off switching to an AR due to the fairly short lines of sight. The shotgun feels really iffy in Crucible. At very close range, it kills in one hit, but outside of melee range it very rapidly drops off to worse than a peashooter, making it a very inconsistent weapon. Maybe all of this will change with the high level gear, but as for what we have available now, Bungie definitely needs to look at these weapons.​

Side note; They should've definitely raised the cap to 10 for the Beta so we could experiment with some tougher guns.

Anothe side note; They should also definitely look at the vehicles on Last Light. The interceptor especially just has way too much armor and power. Pikes might need slight tweaking as well.

What am I looking at here? Are there more mounts aside from the sparrow variations?

I was riding one too. Was at The Warmind Level 7 Normal and they made an announcement that a group of Pikes(?) was in the area and there they was riding on these. You just gotta kill the rider and it's there for you to mount. The difference between this and your sparrows is that you can quick strife with L1 or R1 and you can shoot. Other than that, it's all the same. It was fun. It could happen it other spots, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Can anyone explain this design decision?

Special Weapon Ammo Loss video

You have ammo for your special weapon. Be it a shotgun, sniper, or heavy weapons like the rocket launcher or machine gun. You got 5 rounds. Then you decide that the situation calls for a different kind of weapon. So you switch from your options menu. However, you have zero ammo for it. Whatever, you haven't used that weapon in a while so ammo might not be saved. You switch to your previous special weapon that did have ammo. Oh wait, all that ammo has disappeared.

I don't like this decision. It discourages you switching from the set 2-weapon limit. It doesn't occur with the primary weapons, but sometimes you need something from the special/heavy weapons bracket. You CAN equip many weapons at a time, but you'll lose all the ammo for it, so you'll have to start again grinding enemy kills for ammo.

It was the same in the Alpha so I presumed it was a bug until they talked about it on IGN livestream that they chose it to be that way. It's fucking stupid.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Got this weapon this morning, my new favorite weapon solely because of the ability:

Bit upset that I probably wont be able to keep this weapon after the beta is over. Hopefully this particular weapon isnt too rare.

I would be pissed too! You probably get so much heavy weapon armor with that.

I know I would miss it.


The music that starts playing at the random spider tank event in old russia, goddamn, that's some intense ass music. Percussion meters off the charts.


Ayup. It's also a consequence for how you feel like approaching certain encounters (long or short range).

Then what would be the point in carrying all those other weapons? I'd rather not have to go back to the Tower to switch out a sniper for a shotgun.

I dunno, I just don't see the point of removing all special ammo when changing weapons. I can change my primary at any time with no penalties, even though each one is suitable for different situations. I don't get why it's in PvE at all.

Just gonna plonk down my only really major complaints based on my playtime with the Alpha and Beta

Loot drops / allocation
The loot drops in this game feel really inconsistent and underwhelming. I remember Bungie saying in one of the vidocs that loot was the focus of Destiny and that other players would be able to see what you had been through or where you had gotten your loot, but I just ain't feeling it. Sometimes I go through the entire Strike and get only a single common drop from a Vandal, other times I go through and get an Uncommon and Common drop from a single Dreg and several other Uncommon drops throughout. The Devil Walker never drops anything, neither does Sepiks ( Really, a House Banner? Just give me the 200 Glimmer right away instead please... ). I actually seem to get more and better drops from Dregs and Vandals than I get from Captains. 'Loot' chests contain mostly just a little bit of Glimmer and I just don't feel any excitement when finding one. When I open a chest, I want there to be something in there. When I defeat a boss, I want it to explode into a shower of loot. Have Sepiks explode into 3 loot drops with one being 50/50 Uncommon instead of giving me something that I need to exchange for something else. Give the Devil Walker at least a single guaranteed loot drop with a slight chance for more, etc.

Also worth saying; the randomized loot allocation post-match in Crucible is stupid, annoying and ridiculous. It should either be tied to something tangible ( highest score / highest K/D / most captures / most kills ) or removed completely as this feature is just adding frustration to the Crucible by being completely 100% random. It makes playing Crucible feel like a gamble and it sucks when you do all the work for your team and get nothing to show for it.​

Weapon / Crucible balance

Weapon balance feels non-existant, especially in Crucible. In PVE, there is still no reason to use a Hand Cannon over a Scout Rifle and Hand Cannons might as well just not exist. They need their damage increased and perhaps a faster reload. In Crucible, if you use anything other than an Auto Rifle as primary, you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage. Scout Rifles are just too slow in comparison and if you're running a Pulse Rifle you're better off switching to an AR due to the fairly short lines of sight. The shotgun feels really iffy in Crucible. At very close range, it kills in one hit, but outside of melee range it very rapidly drops off to worse than a peashooter, making it a very inconsistent weapon. Maybe all of this will change with the high level gear, but as for what we have available now, Bungie definitely needs to look at these weapons.​

Side note; They should've definitely raised the cap to 10 for the Beta so we could experiment with some tougher guns.

Anothe side note; They should also definitely look at the vehicles on Last Light. The interceptor especially just has way too much armor and power. Pikes might need slight tweaking as well.

Excellent posts everyone. <3

Here's a link to a post where I made two criticisms.

Apparently you can die from "Misadventure". So much for trying new things in your beta. I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed that there is an invisible ceiling in this beta. I got to a point where I can keep going up and not be forced down. There was a timer on my screen starting from 10 telling me to go back. I didn't and got this screen. The out-of-bounds seems as though it's the ceiling, from what I can tell. But further down the road I found two Lv ?? mobs. When I headshot with a sniper, it said immune. Also used a nova bomb to no affect. So I just left.


The shotgun feels really iffy in Crucible. At very close range, it kills in one hit, but outside of melee range it very rapidly drops off to worse than a peashooter, making it a very inconsistent weapon..

I did really well with purely shotgun in Iron Banner games last night. The key to shotgun is to use ones with increased range during ADS. They're incredible.


In Crucible, if you use anything other than an Auto Rifle as primary, you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage. Scout Rifles are just too slow in comparison and if you're running a Pulse Rifle you're better off switching to an AR due to the fairly short lines of sight.

You are so incorrect that it's laughable. Judging PvP off of 73 kills and 50 deaths worth of playtime is silly.

ARs suffer from recoil and range limitation outside of immediate CQC, where shotgun secondaries are blatantly dominant. A good Scout Rifle user can dominate all ranges with no damage reduction and consistently land shots at the head because of how their low ROF defeats any need for recoil compensation.



That relies on the tank person being an absolute idiot though. They can just simply stay out of the turret's line of fire and dominate everything else. Also you're completely immobile so you're probably going to get sniped near immediately when playing chicken with some tank. The turrets should be an effective counter but they're really not.
I dunno, I just don't see the point of removing all special ammo when changing weapons.
It's to prevent you from shooting a sniper rifle then shooting a shotgun on the fly. It's in PvE to add a certain rhythm to the encounters.
I can change my primary at any time with no penalties, even though each one is suitable for different situations.
That's so you're not completely defenseless, and they're not insta-kill like the shotgun or sniper.
Interesting, I just tried to do this and didn't see an option to give it to them. I'll try again.

You have to trade in 40

Also like with the toning down of Green Items in shops (which at Level 8 is very frustrating) the Spinmetal seems like it's been reduced a lot since the Alpha. I never once had any Spinmetal pickups that were more than 1 while in the Alpha you could get 2 at a time on occasion. In the Alpha the turn-ins were 20 at a time (if I am remembering correctly) and they are 40 in the Beta.
I don't understand, can't I play the story missions by myself? I want to enjoy them on my lonesome but keep seeing others pop in out of nowhere and start killing all the enemies for me...kind of kills it...


You have to trade in 40

Also like with the toning down of Green Items in shops (which at Level 8 is very frustrating) the spinmetal seems like it's been reduced a lot since the Alpha. I never once had any Spinmetal pickups that were more than 1 while in the Alpha you could get 2 at a time on occasion. In the Alpha the turn-ins were 20 at a time (if I am remembering correctly) and they are 40 in the Beta.

Interesting. Ok, thanks again.
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