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Destiny: Only one area per planet


I did fine in the beta and had a 19 kill streak at one point, but it is unbalanced as shit. Supercharged abilities are worse than armor abilities in Halo 4 and Reach.

Its not unbalanced at all. Dmg and stats are normalized except Iron Banner.

It's not Halo so yeah about those supers. I love them. And it's not like they happen often enough to get a match in one direction.


I think it's safe to say that sometime in the past 14 months huge chunks of content were cut.
Possible but I don't think its 'safe to say' at all.

Either it's an MMO or it isn't.

Then why is it using mmo terms like raids then. Call it what it is.
There is no need to stick to strict definitions of things.

Its like arguing whether Borderlands is an RPG or a FPS. Its possible to take both genres and pluck many of their ingredients to blend in to your own unique recipe for a game.
I am glad that I never got aboard the hype train for Destiny. I want it to be good, but I am not expecting the Second Coming like so many people here.


After playing the majority of the beta content, I am so sick of Old Russia (except for the gorgeous skybox). Really boring to explore by now and has a very little variety of enemies that constantly spawn.

I totally expected there to be 8-10 maps like that, to hear there is only 4 is incredibly disappointing. I'm going to be so sick of each area by the end of the game then... For a game that claimed to have an amazing open world to explore, I can only be incredibly underwhelmed. If they sell locations as DLC close to launch, I'm going to laugh my way into not caring about this franchise.


I am getting a Titanfall + Spartan Ops feeling from the game. The focus is the mp. The missions are just dropped on the same maps?

In the beta when I was exploring, I kept going through the same corridors over and over again.


Saint Titanfall
Because it gives you a basic idea what it is and probably is impossible to solo. What else are they going to call it anyway?

The map

There's terms like dungeons and group instances that infer the same meanings. Raid implies a large number of organised to complete a dungeon-like instance. Just like this game is not an mmo that is not a raid not remotely.


I think this is BS. I am pretty sure Bungie has said otherwise in the past. There was even screenshots of other places on earth. Unless they are holding those back as part of the expansions / DLC.

A lot of that was concept talk, but yeah it certainly helped give the idea that there would be multiple zones, any one saying otherwise are lyin. I'm sure if you go read a destiny wiki. It will still have like 6 zones listed for earth.

Also, doesn't help that this is their lore text for earth on their site -
The wilderness beyond the walls of the City are ruined and corrupted, claimed by nature and our enemies. From the war-torn fortresses of the Twilight Gap to the skyward steppes of Old Russia, evidence of our lost glory still litters the Earth, waiting to be rediscovered.


This is making me second guess my pre-order as well. I don't know if I can support a company that wants to release this game that's supposed to be so grand in scale, with so much shit to do, yet has to meet the terms of pumping similar pieces of the game in the span of 5 years.
Won't be doing anything until we have concrete word from Bungie on the game's content, but if it winds up being true, I'll be canceling my preorder and waiting for a sale, Black Friday maybe. While I really enjoy the PSO-style elements, I'm still mainly in this for the "singleplayer" campaign, and this would almost certainly mean it'd be pretty short.
Maybe this is what they meant when they said the locations are as big as reach. For all the people cancelling pre-orders and dashing the game under the bus, don't be too hasty. At one point Destiny was met with palpable indifference because of speculation stemming form Bungie intentionally coy. I think bungie have earned the benefit of the doubt with their work on the Halo series, and the shit ton of content in those games.


Thats bullshit! you have no idea what might be opening up when we go past lvl 8 in the game. Unless there is a source this is speculations.

It's less bullshit than people saying there will be 2 strikes per zone with no evidence whatsoever though, why not call bullshit on them aswell?


Thats bullshit! you have no idea what might be opening up when we go past lvl 8 in the game. Unless there is a source this is speculations.

See Hellmouth

See Devil's Lair

Unlike Venus, Earth and Mars only have 1 strike symbol each.
So the beta is basically the whole Earth?

No. In the Alpha I was able to go back outside the wall. In the Beta, I wasn't. I have a feeling there may be areas that were blocked in both the Alpha and the Beta.

They also talked about Old Chicago so either that is in the game or DLC. Either way it looks like we are getting more areas.


I want Destiny X Warframe, with No Mans Sky stuff for end game content.

And, anyone else extremely disappointed the moon had the same physics as the earth, wtf bungie? I mean, if it was 5 planets, and each had their own physics you had to learn, then that would be a great amount of content.

It would also be cool if the sounds were different, eg no sound on the moon from weapons etc, martian sound based on actual emulation of how that atmosphere would transmit sound waves, etc.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Thats bullshit! you have no idea what might be opening up when we go past lvl 8 in the game. Unless there is a source this is speculations.

I wouldn't take that as gospel, though I will mention you can actually see icons on the map before you're able to pick them. The moon has one transparent strike symbol.

I reallllly hope there's more than that though.


No. In the Alpha I was able to go back outside the wall. In the Beta, I wasn't. I have a feeling there may be areas that were blocked in both the Alpha and the Beta.

They also talked about Old Chicago so either that is in the game or DLC. Either way it looks like we are getting more areas.

That's where the beta fricking starts dude?


A lot of that was concept talk, but yeah it certainly helped give the idea that there would be multiple zones, any one saying otherwise are lyin. I'm sure if you go read a destiny wiki. It will still have like 6 zones listed for earth.

Also, doesn't help that this is their lore text for earth on their site -

It's confirmed.

This is kinda disappointing. Game is still fun as hell, but I was under the impression there were more areas on Earth. I really hope what we played in the beta is not all there is to do on earth. This game will be short.

Also, if the level cap really is 20, that also adds in disappointment.


This is making me second guess my pre-order as well. I don't know if I can support a company that wants to release this game that's supposed to be so grand in scale, with so much shit to do, yet has to meet the terms of pumping similar pieces of the game in the span of 5 years.
Are you only going to make one character? Each of which will have 3 sub classes that have to be leveled up with their own set of end game gear?


Shame. Already beyond bored of Old Russia.
I see a lot of people saying this, but of course you are. Its never fun to be stuck in one area for a long period of time with no feeling of being able to get anywhere else.

I have a feeling that people who haven't played the alpha/beta will be far less bored of Old Russia in the full game as there wont be that looming feeling of limitations held over you while playing. It sounds like the mission structure means people will be able to jump around as well, so people can create a change of scenery for themselves if they like.

I do wonder if people who played the alpha/beta really weren't doing themselves a disservice by doing so, though. I think people who come in new will have a far more 'fresh', and thus enjoyable, experience as a result.


Neo Member
It looks like we get:

Earth: Explore, 5-10 Story Missions, 1 Strike (Devils Lair)
Moon: Explore, 5-10 Story Missions, 1 Strike (The Summoning Pits)
Mars: Explore, 5-10 Story Missions, 1 Strike (Cerberus Vae III)
Venus: Explore, 5-10 Story Missions, 2 Strikes (Winters Run, Nexus), 1 Raid (Vault of Glass)
The Reef: rumored to be a Hub like the tower with the Queen of the Reef Faction, recurring bounties

10-12 Crucible Maps including teasers of upcoming locations such as Mercury or Jupiter

Source: destinypedia and my imagination


This makes it even worse for Xbox fans who don't get the exclusive Playstation strike for over a year due to the exclusivity. I mean if Earth and the Moon only have one each, that's potentially what, only 5-6 strikes total in the game?


Not really a great answer, no.

Explore all of Old Russia, notice the areas that will obviously be opened up later, then the Moon areas we got to explore.

It's incredible that you people think this game won't have enough pve content.

Well an average of 6 missions over 5 planets is 30 missions and they've been 15 mins at most. Campaign wise certainly this looks lacking.
After the alpha/Beta i am burned out already to be honest, So the thought of going through old russia again and thats it on earth isnt exactly enticing, But then they was generous with the content in the alpha/Beta.

For a gigantic game like this i would have thought alot more content would be in each planet.


Are you only going to make one character? Each of which will have 3 sub classes that have to be leveled up with their own set of end game gear?

That's besides the point. You're basically trying to stretch the content that's going to be available to us now, when that should never happen in a game like Destiny. Since we're comparing the game to Borderlands a lot, I didn't have to make a second character there to feel satisfied with the length. Neither in any other game similar to Destiny.

If I'm leveling up all those characters in the same 5 planets then what's the point? PvP isn't my cup of tea either.
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