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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


So since the game is being published by Microsoft, and NOT Square Enix, does this mean that it will be a permanent Xbox console exclusive with PC version coming later down the line?

This would almost make sense....
The first TR did not sell as much as Square wanted it to, so maybe they didn't want to fund a sequel, and so MS saw this as a perfect opportunity to step in and pick up the game as it would help make up for UC not being on Xbox...

Geoff Keighley is now saying it's not published by MS.

Why are you people so upset? PC I can understand but you mean to tell me Sony fans actually enjoyed that shoddy pseudo-pornographic Uncharted clone? It was a dirt simple corridor shooter with "LOL! 100 XP!!" type notifications. Are you serious? This isn't some awesome "spectacle fighter" (term coined by Zero Punctuation) like Bayonetta 2.

See this:

This is crap...

I have both systems, just so I can play exclusives, but there is no way I am buying this.

You have exclusives that are made in house.

You have exclusives, like the recent Sunset Overdrive, where the developer gets to keep control of their product, so staying on one system makes sense.

You have exclusives, like Bayonetta 2, where one of the big companies helps fund the game which would have never been made otherwise.

With all of these I have no problem buying the game and is the reason I own all the major systems.

Then you have crap like this where one company pays to keep the game off other systems. This is complete anti-consumer shit. This is not helping the gamer. This is not creating exciting content for your fans. This is not making me want to support your company by hiring the most talented artist in the industry and giving them a chance to wow me. This is 100% complete mafia bullshit of taking out all competition and leaving me one single choice.

fuck you I am not supporting this...

Pretty easy to understand why people are upset. Half of the entire fan base is being cut out from a sequel of a series they started. That sucks. No matter how you spin it.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Well, THIS is something disappointing to wake up to. But, it does offer clarity to a GopherD post earlier this year:

OK, I will say that it will be almost a necessity to own all consoles by the end of 2015. So much is being green lit, from a hungry MS to a Sony that is desperate to stay ahead and from a Nintendo who is still trying to work out how to move its brilliant IPs into mainstream.

Devs and publishers have worked out that genre fatigue is real and is expensive to ignore

Looking at it, this quote makes me wonder if Rise only got greenlit because of the moneyhat. Doubtful, but it's worth thinking about.




But Amazon says it too..

Now nobody wants to take the child.
Man, Keighley is ON this. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a ton of details about the deal now. I don't think he's going to let this go unless he gets the full picture


I hope SE understands that they are still competing with uncharted 4 even though they are exclusive on the xbone when U4 releases.


How can people be mad at MS? They're incredibly behind on the console war and they needed to do something to help them to catch up.

XB1 owners will probably be thrilled.

It does suck for PC/PS4/PS3 owners, but you can't blame MS for this move. It's a good move, at least on paper.

Point is: they are not doing this for "Xb1 owners". They do this to get more users buy a XB1, expecially in relation to people who do not yet have a next-gen system.


Junior Member
Why are you people so upset? PC I can understand but you mean to tell me Sony fans actually enjoyed that shoddy pseudo-pornographic Uncharted clone? It was a dirt simple corridor shooter with "LOL! 100 XP!!" type notifications. Are you serious? This isn't some awesome "spectacle fighter" (term coined by Zero Punctuation) like Bayonetta 2.

It was actually a really awesome game.


But in what world would that low number make sense for SE unless they were essentially loaning out the IP/brand or if the previous iteration had not done as well as they intended. It's clearly not the first scenario or it wasn't two months ago and it's not the second because it did 7 million units. And since moneyhats often involve compensating for units that would have been sold on other platforms -- what's in it for SE when the PS4 alone would have moved more units than Xbox One and PC combined? It's not a win-win like it was for Titanfall. The only scenario that makes to me is timed exclusivity making it a de facto exclusive and then release on PS4 and PC a year or more later.

I honestly would have to see Square Enix's financials, and by that I mean working in SE's accounting department. There are very few cases where this makes any sense unless SE sold this for a low number. If Microsoft is publishing then SE has to be in some sort of trouble financially.
Thrilled? Why would Xbox owners be thrilled that they're getting a game that was already announced for their system at E3?

The only thing they would be thrilled about is the fact that existing platforms will no longer be getting the game "at launch", and that's a shitty thing to be thrilled about.

It might be shitty, but anything to 'one-up' the PS4 owners is a thrill right now for XB1 owners.

Like it or not, people are that way in a console war. It's been that way since the beginning of the industry.


Unconfirmed Member
We're going to go about 10 pages with people claiming MS is publishing, while we still have no bloody confirmation.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN

Can't say I'm much of a fan of Keighley after seeing how he treated AngryJoe. I'm not a fan of AngryJoe either, but I think Keighley was out of line. Having said that, I really appreciate him digging around like this, trying to get the truth out there. I'm starting to doubt that this is anything other than timed, because if it was 100% xbox exclusive, why wouldn't the xbox team be shouting it out from the rooftops?


Big exclusive. And while I think we can all agree that this is likely a timed exclusive, what we don't know is what that means. When Dead Rising 3 was announced as an exclusive, I was sure it was just timed. And it was. But it was only timed for the PC (at least so far) and still has never come to the PS4. And of course there's Titanfall. We were all sure it was only timed exclusive and then Microsoft apparently reworked the deal to keep it from PS4.

It's SquareEnix, so I'm sure it will make it's way to PS4 eventually, but will probably hit PC first. Doesn't matter to me, because I own both consoles. I'll be playing it next year no matter what.
It's turning into a farce now. So SE publishing and Xbox* exclusive for "holiday 2015".

Surely that means a "complete" version will hit PS4/PC in 2016.

With MS publishing that wouldn't make sense but with SE publishing and that very specific wording it seems likely.


I'd probably care, but the last one wasnt particularly good. I'm assuming MS is using this as their Uncharted killer. It is sort of amusing in a historical sense since the series was a long time Sony franchise. I get the feeling that it will eventually be ported but it will probably be a year later.


I don't know why people focus on "Sony fans".

As a Tomb Raider fan I'm not happy with this decision because it's going to cripple the series sales, it was going to become huge hit after the reboot, but by making the sequel exclusive and shunning away the biggest fanbase it's only going to bite them in the ass. It's a step back, it pisses of fans who own PS4 and PCs and they will lose interest in the series (especially the casual fans).
When FFXIII was announced for X360 I was happy because it meant more people were going to play the game, on the other hand RoTR not being on PS4/PC means less people are going to play the game.

It's not about being a fan of this or that console, it's about being a fan of the franchise, there's a reason a lot of people are angry over all the Tomb Raider fansites, especially when they bought the Definitive Version to support the sequel.

It's all about short term gain don't you know?
It's a very risky move for the franchise, i get the MS intentions and really they are gambling just some money for a counter Uncharted ,but SQ has put its IP under high pressure, can backfire brutally.

It's possible that SQ doesn't not see a long term value in TR?


Seems timed, so, yeah.


y'all should be ashamed
Can't say I'm much of a fan of Keighley after seeing how he treated AngryJoe. I'm not a fan of AngryJoe either, but I think Keighley was out of line. Having said that, I really appreciate him digging around like this, trying to get the truth out there. I'm starting to doubt that this is anything other than timed, because if it was 100% xbox exclusive, why wouldn't the xbox team be shouting it out from the rooftops?

Whoa whoa, what happened with Angry Joe? You're not confusing Geoff with Major Nelson are you?
Point is: they are not doing this for "Xb1 owners". They do this to get more users buy a XB1, expecially in relation to people who do not yet have a next-gen system.

Listen to your post for a second. That's exactly why they did, to get more people to buy their systems, but the problem isn't MS. MS is just doing their job, Square doesn't know how to do theirs.
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