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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)



Yeah, it was announced during their conference. Which makes what happened today much more odd.
No, it was on Microsoft's one. That I'm pretty sure of.

That does raise one interesting thing: It was able to leverage a rival's official channel to advertise their product. I guess it's not the first time, but usually cancellation on a platform becomes apparent well in advance because it's not doing so well (sideways glance at the Wii U).
This is the best news in a long time and I don't even care about the game. I just love these one-console fanboy's meltdowns. D:

I agree that it's pretty funny. I don't own either console yet, but I don't really care about TR (Still have the first one sitting in my Steam library unplayed...) so it's funny to watch from the side lines.




But Amazon says it too..
How can people be mad at MS? They're incredibly behind on the console war and they needed to do something to help them to catch up.

XB1 owners will probably be thrilled.

It does suck for PC/PS4/PS3 owners, but you can't blame MS for this move. It's a good move, at least on paper.


I don't even see how there can be a contest with Uncharted.
You just have to look at the sales of any Uncharted and the sales of Tomb Raider on Microsoft to see who is clearly the "winner".

Even more so considering the huge momentum Naughty Dog has with TLOU and the market sells of PS4 and Xbox One.

That's a lot of loss to compensate.



You can't possibly be that terrible at maths. :|

Try again.

Yeah...I just woke up and casually did that on my tablet. It's no excuse, because it would have only taken a couple seconds to realize I was off (I basically posted that, and walked away. Had I actually looked at what I posted...) That said, if it's really THAT much, how can MS possibly pay enough to make up for the lost % of the fan base that bought the first one?

Seems insane to me. And now with Geoff Keighley saying they aren't publishing. This entire thing seems even more crazy to me (not seeing where the deal comes together, financially).


How ironic XD! A franchise famous for being on PlayStation now being Xbox Exclusive....and said exclusive is more or less trying to copy the Uncharted formula that Uncharted itself inspired by from Tomb Raider.....damn circle effect man :D.

Still, while this does suck for those who just got into the series (notiby those getting into the series with the PS4 Definitive Edition) from a business perspective, this makes perfect sense.

Tomb Raider now is a lot like Uncharted, so the fact Microsoft lacks its own Uncharted makes this being exclusive all the more logical; now they 'have' an Uncharted to combat UC4.

I wonder though if this move as also brought about by Microsoft helping out this games development ala Titianfall. Square did say they threw to much money at the first one, so Microsoft covering some of the cost for the sequel does make sense in this case :).
Is the Hawaiian stereotype guy the Sully of Tomb Raider?


So dissapointed with this news, I was really looking forward to played. What I'm supposed to do now SE?. Cause I'm not planniong to spend $450 for a game.


Is there any way this could still be a timed exclusive now that we know Microsoft is the publisher?

Also...why the hell is this game coming out for the 360? It's going to almost be 2016 by the time this game releases...it's time to put the decade old consoles to bed and move forward.
Yeah I'm a Playstation guy, but stop quoting Mass Effect in hopes RotTR will come too.

I don't wanna play a digital only / bundle of discs in 2020.

Props to Xbox, reminds me of the PS2/Xbox Gen where there were exclusives all over the place.


Just stop. No one needs that drivel. There's no salt; its a discussion on the bizarre choice by SE to alienate millions of potential customers simply because MS threw a lot of money in their direction.

what? there's definitely salt. A dude compared Microsoft to the mafia

and GAF just loves to jump to conclusions. What if RotTR would have never been made?Square already said TR failed expectations. Why fund a sequel to a game that sold millions and still failed?

Then again facts never mattered when it came to video games. People still believe Microsoft stole Titanfall from PS4 even though it had development hell and almost nothing to show after two years. EA may not have decided to keep funding (because why would you when you have nothing to show?)

but still to this day, Microsoft stole Titanfall and EA regrets taking their money. so even if RotTR would have never been made, in GAFs opinion MS stole it and they're the mafia trying to destroy the video game industry


Tomb raider has to compete with Unchartered on PS4, makes sense that MS have an exclusive relationship for a game to compete against it.

SE can pay the bills while the game is made, MS have something to compete against Uncharted, makes sense to me
Really smart of MS.
They probably want something that can go head to head with UC4 and TR is perfect for that.

Hopefully it works out for them.

Sorry to bring this back up but how is this really smart?

It's basically a few phone calls on the off-chance that one of the big publishers would be open to this kind of thing -

MS: Give us an exclusive, go on.
Activision: No, sorry.
MS: Ohhh. Alright.

MS: Give us an exclusive, go on.
Ubisoft: No, sorry.
MS: Ohhh. Alright.

MS: Give us an exclusive, go on.
Rockstar: No, sorry.
MS: Ohhh. Alright.

MS: Give us an exclusive, go on.
EA: No, but have a load of other stuff...
MS: Ohhh. Alright.

MS: Give us an exclusive, go on.
Square Enix: Um.....maybe. What can you offer?
MS: Well....
Ummm....5 of those "games" are available in the Xbox store.

The other 4 were released when Microsoft had no console while Sony did, but were all playable outside of Sony Hardware. Not sure what your point is.

I am not sure either but apparently Xbox has had no Tomb Raider games according to some people so I don't know.

rdrr gnr

Well they are coming up with first party stuff like Scalebound. So if they have the extra cash, why not go after a major IP especially if Square Enix was offering to sell it for some low number?
But in what world would that low number make sense for SE unless they were essentially loaning out the IP/brand or if the previous iteration had not done as well as they intended. It's clearly not the first scenario or it wasn't two months ago and it's not the second because it did 7 million units. And since moneyhats often involve compensating for units that would have been sold on other platforms -- what's in it for SE when the PS4 alone would have moved more units than Xbox One and PC combined? It's not a win-win like it was for Titanfall. The only scenario that makes to me is timed exclusivity making it a de facto exclusive and then release on PS4 and PC a year or more later.
MS publishing suggests complete exclusive

'exclusive for Holiday 2015' suggests timed exclusive

Maybe CD did a deal with MS to finance the game, giving them publishing rights on Xbox and a timed exclusivity window - and then can opt for self-publishing on PS4/PC after a few months? At least from a development point of view it shouldn't cost them much to port to PC/PS4 (PS3 might be too high a cost), and if MS are allowing them to retain their IP like with Sunset Overdrive/Ryse, then that might be an option for them?

CD doesn't own it, Square Enix does, IIRC. They're still involved.


Looks like people who RT'ed me a bunch need to RT this too


The game might be 'timed' in the sense that a PC version could come out in late 2016 so it would be exclusive to Xbone/360 in Fall of 2015 and release it in 2016 on PC to get more sales. That way Microsoft gets their exclusive console seller in the Fall and possibly SE (or Microsoft depending on how the contract is worded) can release it on PC for double dipping and PS4 owners, who also own a PC.

However PS4 owners hoping to get the game, even a year down the road, I wouldn't be holding your breath.
Even if Microsoft does end up publishing/co-publishing it (which seems unclear now), I'd still expect it to end up on the PC some time not too far after (Dead Rising 3, Ryse).
Shit. Had to edit now that we know its an error on their website. This game is just a 6-month exclusive on Xbox One. It will release on other platforms eventually.
Everyone can move along.
How can people be mad at MS? They're incredibly behind on the console war and they needed to do something to help them to catch up.

XB1 owners will probably be thrilled.

It does suck for PC/PS4/PS3 owners, but you can't blame MS for this move. It's a good move, at least on paper.

Thrilled? Why would Xbox owners be thrilled that they're getting a game that was already announced for their system at E3?

The only thing they would be thrilled about is the fact that existing platforms will no longer be getting the game "at launch", and that's a shitty thing to be thrilled about.
So since the game is being published by Microsoft, and NOT Square Enix, does this mean that it will be a permanent Xbox console exclusive with PC version coming later down the line?

This would almost make sense....
The first TR did not sell as much as Square wanted it to, so maybe they didn't want to fund a sequel, and so MS saw this as a perfect opportunity to step in and pick up the game as it would help make up for UC not being on Xbox...

EDIT: Nevermind, aparently it is not published by MS, the listing was an error...


It's having the opposite effect on me.

Yep, this makes me want the Xbox One even less now. At the end of the day though we can't blame Microsoft. Square Enix are the ones that let down all of their Sony and PC fans. I would have bought this game day one, but now they will be losing out on my $60 (and many others as well). I just can't justify purchasing yet another console for a single game. I wish I would've never played TR: DE now.
So from what I've gathered.

Microsoft is publishing Rise of the Tomb Raider. Not moneyhatting. This most likely means it's not a timed exclusive, but an exclusive.

Big jab in the face of the fans, but I think it's a good move my Microsoft though. That's a BIG title.

I'm pretty sure fans of Tomb Raider could pick up an Xbone too. I'd prefer to play it on my PS4 as well but I don't see how it's a jab to the face of the fans.

It's not like Microsoft is paying SE or CD to NOT make the game or something. That would be a jab to the face of fans. Fans of the game will have an avenue to purchase it.
Why are you people so upset? PC I can understand but you mean to tell me Sony fans actually enjoyed that shoddy pseudo-pornographic Uncharted clone? It was a dirt simple corridor shooter with "LOL! 100 XP!!" type notifications. Are you serious? This isn't some awesome Platinum Games produced "spectacle fighter" (term coined by Zero Punctuation) like Bayonetta 2.

Play Uncharted 4 and pretend Nathan has boobs.
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