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Polytron Hacked?

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This is terrible for anyone. Like the man or hate the man, hacking him and sharing everything is bad bad bad.
And I'm sure the FBI and other cyber crime fighters are going to be on the case.

Why do bad things make you want to peek though? Wont do it. Don't feed the trolls.


This industry is not ready for individuals in the development community to become noticeable "stars". Look at what has now happened over a very small controversy when compared to things that have happened in other entertainment circles. I would hate to see how things turn out after a real scandal.


never left the stone age
Someone on /v/ said they tried calling the numbers and they were fake. I kind of want to try but to be honest I'm chicken.

Honestly better to just stay away, I mean it's not impossible that anyone calling the numbers or doing other things with it could be implicated in the crime.
Zoë ʻGRANOSʼ Quinn ‏@TheQuinnspiracy

this isn't about me. this was never about me. this is about entitlement of people on the lives of the creators of the things they consume.



joshrholloway said...

"These are not even real hackers. They're script kiddies who probably tricked Phil into clicking on something that looked like a login link to another website. It's child's play, but it's scarily easy to fall prey to."

Well damn, the internet can be a frightening place if one dares to make their presence known.
The Zoe thing and this with Phil, people are acting really stupid over things that don't concern them and it sucks that it looks like it's an us vs them thing going on when it's really not close to that.


Don't think /v/ did it. They're freaking out right now as much as everyone is here.

/v/ is like Hamas, they can claim they didn't kidnap Israeli teenagers all day, but some dude is gonna claim they're from Hamas and that they did it, which may or may not be the same thing.


Zoe's Dropbox was also hacked. Ugh, this is really disgusting. These are horrible crimes people are doing. And yes, I understand why devs and journalists are blaming gamers. It's obvious they don't mean everybody, they never did. But there are a lot of gamers inside our community that are just horrible human beings. This needs to be addressed.

Also, 2-step authentication should be mandatory everywhere.


The fucked up part is that people will think that Phil Fish is behind the hack...

Hahaha, I'm naturally cynical and that was the first thing that came to mind.

The volume of information collected is just insane and this is going to hit all of the gaming press in no time. It's an easy way to get your name in the headlines and pity purchases on top of it. Of course that is indeed a conspiracy theory unlike the idiots on this forum who like to use that term every time somebody says something that requires more than regurgitating what you're told to believe. In other words I think the far more likely scenario is simply that he was excessively anal in his ordering of information. One misstep in his security and he just delivered every little thing about himself in a nice tidy package.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I think the idea of being anonymous on the internet is quite a bit more fundamental than just trying to keep posters from dismissing each other.

Online anonymity is a double edged sword. It allows for a great deal of abuse and deflection of any sort of accountability. But it also allows for true, unfiltered discussion.


Zoë ʻGRANOSʼ Quinn ‏@TheQuinnspiracy

this isn't about me. this was never about me. this is about entitlement of people on the lives of the creators of the things they consume.
Entitlement.... So tired of that crap being spouted. Don't pigeonhole everyone because of a minority of cunts.


Anyone can claim to be anyone on the internet, did I just blow your minds?

And the idea behind 4chan having no identification or usernames is so that you dont see a user you dislike and immediately dismiss it, without actually reading the post. It's actually a great thing during certain discussions.

Anyone can be anyone is my point as well.

There structure works.

If they were behind it people can still say, "hey it wasn't us, they were just claiming to be us!"
If they weren't behind it, the people who are can say, "it was those assholes at 4chan"

I guess im just frustrated because it works. There is nothing to do, no one to blame, and no one to ever take the fall.


Who the hell would go through the trouble of faking so many shit for... what?


PS. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I have no clue if it was real or fake.


Thing I would find funny if it happened to a douchebag: A car drives by and splashes water on them

Thing I would not find funny if it happened to a douchebag: Having their life systematically taken apart for standing up for a friend

seriously, people...have some perspective here


I'm actually very concerned with Phil on twitter. Is there a way people can check on him or something?


Online anonymity is a double edged sword. It allows for a great deal of abuse and deflection of any sort of accountability. But it also allows for true, unfiltered discussion.
Debunked thoroughly by Twitter and Facebook. People are openly cunts with their names attacked.


They had posted his SSN, bank info, paypal password, home address and a ton of other crap right on the hacked front page.

Seems like that was from financial docs he had stored on his personal computer. Just looking at the filenames and screenshots, it seems like a data dump more than curated and sniped info. I don't have my SIN on my PC anywhere, I don't have my bank info stored anywhere.

I mean, my bank info can be snooped if my PC was compromised because I do PC banking, but I don't save cookies or anything on my banking site.
Anyone can be anyone is my point as well.

There structure works.

If they were behind it people can still say, "hey it wasn't us, they were just claiming to be us!"
If they weren't behind it, the people who are can say, "it was those assholes at 4chan"

I guess im just frustrated because it works. There is nothing to do, no one to blame, and no one to ever take the fall.

Yeah dude it's totally worked so far, /v/ has a squeaky clean reputation here.
The fucked up part is that people will think that Phil Fish is behind the hack...

People think is him because his account wasn't hacked. I never thought people could be this naive. Of course the hackers didn't have his account as a target. They want him to react and seem desperate. If you think like one of those guys, you want to see him suffer in real time, so you don't hack him and wait until he recovers the password so you can see him tweet "I got hacked. Everything's fine."

Also, if Mr. Fish suffers from depression as it has been mentioned, there's too many reason to make me think it wasn't him at all. Not that you need a mental illness to come to that conclusion tho.
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