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LTTP: Star Trek - Enterprise

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I've been running through each of the Star Trek television series and finally wrapped up Enterprise. I went into this series hearing many consider it the worst Trek series in the franchise (which seemed like a tough task, given that I just finished Voyager), so my expectations were low. I have to say, I think the slightly negative reputation Enterprise gets is unearned. Enterprise exceeded my expectations and I actually thought it was a pretty good series to the point where I'm actually upset it was cancelled after season 4.

Let me get some of the bad things out of the way first. Dear Lord that introduction music is terrible, even the updated season 3 and 4 theme was still unbearable. The Temporal Cold War story line is a neat concept and takes one or two interesting turns, but ultimately is just kind of boring and doesn't feel like it ever goes anywhere. In general the first two seasons feel like they kind of lack a sense of direction (this seems to be a recurring issue with most Trek series). The blatant teenage pandering this series has in the first season and a half is really annoying too. You could really tell they were trying too hard when it felt like T'Pol had to have a decontamination scene where she has to rub gel over herself every 3 episodes.

But then there was the stuff I thought was cool. Seasons 3 and 4 of Enterprise really jumped to another level in my opinion. The Xindi conflict of season 3 in my opinion was really well done, the writing felt like it found some the same magic that made Deep Space Nine so great. I really liked how so many things ended up interconnecting and ultimately playing a role in the resolution of that story line. I also want to give some special props to whomever did the makeup for the Xindi reptilians, those guys looked tough as hell.

If the third season felt like a reminder of DS9's greatness, then I'd argue that Enterprise's fourth season caught some of TNG's magic in a bottle. The Terra Prime two-parter featuring Peter Weller (yay!) was pretty great and felt like really great genuine "Star Trek". The weakest episodes season 4 have to offer are the episodes that wrap up some season 1 and 2 stories, but they're still entertaining none the less.

Also, the Mirror Universe intro to Enterprise deserves a special mention.

And then there's some of the characters I really liked.
--Captain Archer: He's not the best Trek captain but he grew on me. He's a bit stiff compared to Kirk or Picard in my opinion but I feel like he acts like a believable human being when presented with a tough situation. What I think I liked most about Archer was that despite there being no Prime Directive or really firm rule set on how he should operate with alien species, either pre or post warp, he tries to adhere to a non-existent higher standard because he feels it's the right thing to do. And when he's put in a situation where he has to go against his personal higher standards it seems like it really tears him up internally.
The biggest case of this is when he has to raid a non-hostile ship in order to get a new warp coil while in The Expanse.
In this regard, Archer is very much the Anti-Janeway - and that's a good thing.

--Commander Tucker (Trip): He's probably my second favorite engineer in all of Trek (second to LaForge). I'm a big fan of Trek crew members who come across as believable crew members, Trip does this really well. He seems to respect everyone who works above and below him, but he's not afraid to crack a few heads when he needs to get people in line. He's also not afraid to call out bullshit when he sees it, even if its from Archer (and he's smart enough to know when to back down
at least after one incident blows up in his face during the series

--Dr Phlox: Doctors on Star Trek always seem to be pretty solid in my opinion (okay, maybe except for the one/two punch of Crusher & Pulaski), Phlox continued that trend I think. There's nothing bad I can really say about the character. He's also probably the most naturally optimistic doctor in all of Star Trek (Bashir was more naive, in my opinion).

--Shran: Maybe it's just because he's played by Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun from DS9), but I always liked it when Shran popped up. He won me over permanently when during the middle of a large Vulcan vs Andorian battle he hails the Enterprise just to remind them "Now Archer owes me twice!".


The last episode of Enterprise is a little bit of let down.
The last episode of Enterprise is basically an episode of The Next Generation. Riker is viewing a holodeck recreation of Enterprise's last mission during The Pegasus episode from TNG. It's not a bad episode but it's kind of a weird epilogue episode that was clearly rushed because they didn't plan on the show being cancelled. The Terra Prime two-parter before it feels like the "proper" finale in my opinion since it more or less establishes the birth of the Federation.
. But even with Enterprise's last episode being kind of bland, it was still better than Voyager's awful finale.

I'm glad I watched Enterprise and I honestly wish there was more of it to watch. I'd go as far as ranking it my third favorite Trek series. I'll definitely watch it again some time down the line.

  1. Next Generation
  2. Deep Space Nine
  3. Enterprise
  4. Original Series
  5. Voyager
Never thought my first thread on GAF would be about Enterprise


Gold Member
I loved the show so much. Such a likable crew and there was some great episodes going on too.
The final episode pissed me off so much that the two people who wrote and did the script for it should never do a Star Trek again. Also, in my mind,
did not die. Screw that


you can't put a price on sparks
it was a pretty good show once it got going and i agree with your assessments overall.

the last season was what i imagined the show would be, rather than exploration "all of the time" and that whole xindi campaign that took up a whole season.

i loved the format of the last season with the 2 or 3 episode arcs, gave the concepts time to breathe. the mirror universe episode was probably the most fun even though it ended terribly.


I loved the show so much. Such a likable crew and there was some great episodes going on too.
The final episode pissed me off so much that the two people who wrote and did the script for it should never do a Star Trek again. Also, in my mind,
did not die. Screw that

death was pretty unnecessary. In general the episode as a whole is unnecessary but I blame that episode's issues on it being a bit rushed. I'm still glad the series to at least some form of a proper epilogue though. I'm still salty over how Voyager ended.
Janeway: "We did it" *Cut to credits*

All I had to see was
the Xindi weapon getting put to use
for the show to catch my attention. Still haven't sat down and watched it, though.

If you like Trek, I'd definitely recommend it. Season 1 is pretty rough, not TOS season 3 rough but I'd say like DS9 season 1 kind of rough. Season 2 is okay and has a couple of head scratching episodes
like the NX Enterprise fighting The Borg (?!)
. But the third and fourth seasons of the show are some of the best seasons of Trek I've ever watched.
I made it through the first three seasons before losing interest.

I thought the characters were okay. I particularly liked Phlox and T'Pol occasionally had some depth. The writing was probably the worst of all Trek, but the production was great. The spaceships actually looked pretty believable and whenever they visited an alien world it actually looked like it could be an alien world. By the standards of TV sci-fi, Enterprise was at another level.


I feel ill just seeing the banner, but maybe I should give it another shot.

That intro though.


Seasons 3 and 4 were pretty solid, even though it's weird to think
Florida being destroyed is never mentioned in any other Trek.

I'll still go back and watch some Enterprise now and then just because it's Star Trek that I don't have memorized.
Really fun show, i liked almost everything about it, i even own one Enterprise NX-01 model like this one :

Anyway, the show has some cheese here and there but overall is a great series, and a real shame that got axed. It has likeable and believable characters (Phlox and the always amazing Shran are probably two of my favourite characters across all the Stark Trek series), good music (minus the intro) and a fun plot...i must watch it again someday.


Really fun show, i liked almost everything about it, i even own one Enterprise NX-01 model like this one :

Anyway, the show has some cheese here and there but overall is a great series, and a real shame that got axed. It has likeable and believable characters (Phlox and the always amazing Shran are probably two of my favourite characters across all the Stark Trek series), good music (minus the intro) and a fun plot...i must watch it again someday.

Oh yeah, Shran was great. Jeffrey Combs has some of the best recurring Trek characters.


I only watched bits and pieces of the show but it seemed that everything horrible possible happened to T'Pol. I may have some of this wrong do not watching it thoroughly but I seem to remember her
getting telepathic raped, getting put on trial for said rape, getting addicted to emotion drugs, being forced into a marriage, having a baby created from her and Trip's DNA, having said baby die, and having Trip die
. It seems like they shoved every bad thing possible onto her.


Season 3 and 4 of Enterprise were damn good, and a pleasure to watch. Just a shame that the damage had already been done by then, as I'd have enjoyed seeing more episodes about the birth of the Federation or the start of the Romulan war.


I forgot about them. Those 2 felt like left over scripts from the tv series.

Insurrection pretty much plays out like an alternate take on a TNG episode, so I yeah I guess "leftover script" is apt. Insurrection in its earlier stages was supposed to be a Dominion War movie, how did they go so wrong?


Enterprise was an interesting show. It surely doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Even Seasons 1 & 2 had some really solid episodes that really stand up in there with the best of Star Trek, while seasons 3 & 4 were awesome (Season 4 only had 21 episodes in my eyes...urgh).

Yeah, they were targeting some demographics erroneously at the beginning, and in some ways they played fast and loose with continuity (see episode Acquisition).

It even tried to fix some of the continuity holes that Voyager made
with the episode Regeneration referencing why the Hansens were hunting the Borg despite Picard not knowing about them. They could, from this episode, just be rumour and conjecture, covered up by Starfleet, and then pushed forward from there

I may actually rewatch it soon. If the Blu Rays weren't so expensive, I'd order them and replace my DVDs. I want to do that to all my Star Trek really, though when that's done, you know 4k versions will come :p


I couldn't get past the first half of the first season it was pure garbage. Every time I try and go back it's the same thing. I forced myself to watch Voyager, but I can't watch this at all.


There were some good episodes, but what was far too strange, was the crew always speaking like they were talking to muppets on Sesame Street. Humans were all soft and simple.

Not as good as Voyager.
I think the only episode I liked was that one where Tucker starts teaching a third sex how to read, which eventually leads to her/his suicide. That was a good episode of star Trek without having to add 2good for an episode of Enterprise".
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