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Destiny - Review Thread

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Also, USGamer finally submitted their review after a week or so, gave it a 7/10.

Destiny feels like it wasn't ready, but it was shipped anyway. It tantalizes with glimpses of brilliance, but then confounds with clunky design decisions and baffling oversights. Hopefully future updates will fix these, and Destiny will realize its full potential.

Wow, quite the meaty review!


Gold Member
At this point, I doubt it. There's been too much arrogance from Bungie, and too many apologists backing them up. I think that this has pretty much set the pace for the next 10 years.
I can understand the arrogance before launch of Destiny, but after this? They need to take the criticisms to heart.
And those reviewers avoid talking about how Bungie forcefully declared that Destiny is not an MMO and shouldn't be look at one like one.

But now, we should act like it is one (but its supposedly not) and not 'rush to judgement'

THIS makes me chuckle every time. (but also makes me sad - i loved old-Bungie)

The more that is said and shown i think it's clear that even Bungie itself has no idea what their game is. I think they realize this and how they've "let us down" but are still in "what do we do now" mode.

I unfortunately see Destiny dropping lock a rock in Nov. when MCC and COD:AW are released. That's sad.


How exactly does the game "open up" in the higher levels?

Why don't you read the article?

Better gear, switching between different skill tree's, tactical choices within them, skill tree's within gear and the tactical considerations in them too, more weapon consideration, far more loot and drops, better drops, more mission and strike options, more public events, missions with higher difficulty and improved engagement and combat and so on.


I can see the frustrations with the lack of gear, etc. However, these are all things that can and will be balanced. Bungie has a massive budget and a 10 year plan for content.

To give up on this game after a week just because it needs some balancing tweaks, etc. just makes no sense to me at all. Myself and all my friends are thoroughly enjoying playing this and although I will take breaks from it, sometimes maybe for a few weeks while I play a newer release, I will have this game in my library for years to come and will enjoy coming back to it as they patch it and add new content.


You guys seriously? :/

I've reached the point where i think that i'm just going to trade Destiny in. It has become too frustrating.

I'm at level 23, and am yet to find a single legendary or exotic piece of gear. The only purple-rated item i have is a cloak - the cheapest of all the stuff in the Vanguard armoury - and that took about five hours of grinding patrol missions and daily bounties.

I'm not being given the cool and powerful weapons and clothing through natural play, and completing Strikes takes too long for such little payout. This problem is exacerbated by the way that the most lucrative PvE modes do not have any in-game matchmaking, and i have no friends.

Another issue is that the post-release content seems geared towards higher-levelled players. In fact, i'm not even eligible to take part in a Raid. If this is indicative of the way the game will be supported, i fear i'm not hardcore enough to benefit.

It's a shame, because even though the world is sterile, it is beautiful and the gunplay is very entertaining. I just don't have the time to put into it to get to the good stuff.

I will finish the story and see how i feel after that, but most likely i'll be exchanging Destiny when Shadow of Mordor and Sherlock Holmes come out in a fortnight or so.

If you dont participate in raids or think youre hardcore enough for endgame stuff then why do you need legendary and exotic gear?

I'm having the exact same issues.

Yesterday I went to this so called "best way to farm legendaries" spot on earth.

I stood there for 1 hour and all I got was worthless uncommons and 4 lvl 16 rares (I was level 20). One guy came, added me to his fireteam so we both got loot from each other kills and in 1 wave gets a legendary. Meanwhile I stay there for 20 more minutes and don't get anything.

Gameplay is good. Visuals are good. Everything else is abysmal.

This is the worst purchase I've made this year.

Too bad I can't sell it without feeling extremely ripped-off

You farmed for one whole hour and expect to be swimming out in legendaries?

Yall have been spoonfed way too much


Gold Member
THIS makes me chuckle every time. (but also makes me sad - i loved old-Bungie)

The more that is said and shown i think it's clear that even Bungie itself has no idea what their game is. I think they realize this and how they've "let us down" but are still in "what do we do now" mode.

I unfortunately see Destiny dropping lock a rock in Nov. when MCC and COD:AW are released. That's sad.
It's pretty obvious to me that they didn't want any of the stigma of MMOs to be attached to this game (e.g a game for sad people with no life) to keep the bro shooter crowd.


At this point, I doubt it. There's been too much arrogance from Bungie, and too many apologists backing them up. I think that this has pretty much set the pace for the next 10 years.

Aren't Bungie known for being hyper critical of their own work?

Your comment about "hyper apologists" is just antagonistic and has no relevance. Let's drop that stuff please.


You guys seriously? :/

If you dont participate in raids or think youre hardcore enough for endgame stuff then why do you need legendary and exotic gear?

You farmed for one whole hour and expect to be swimming out in legendaries?

Yall have been spoonfed way too much

Some people want to get enjoyment out of games without grinding for 35+ hours.
You guys seriously? :/

If you dont participate in raids or think youre hardcore enough for endgame stuff then why do you need legendary and exotic gear?

For the sense of accomplishment? Same reason people play Diablo 3 after level 70 and continue trying to get legendaries.

You farmed for one whole hour and expect to be swimming out in legendaries?

Yall have been spoonfed way too much

Don't blame him, if the loot system was satisfying alot of people wouldn't turn to mass-farming low level things.


The reason I mentioned that I've never played an FPS restrictive enough to rule these situations out, and the reason I asked you provide an example, is because you stated.

So I was curious what game you'd cite that simply does not allow the player to do anything awesome. You're using the PvP (and specifically your encounter example) as a reason to score 9/10 based purely on the PvP offerings, but if you're simply talking about a "oh shit" moment happening between two human players, than you'd essentially make nearly every FPS ever at least a 9/10 assuming they offer a PvP mode.

I just shared something nice, in a positive way and I never mentioned any other game or compared Destiny to other games.
Looks, it's pretty clear you are trying to move our discussion to another track. So, after
this message I hope you will try to open your mind more or I will stop to spend my time with you. If you really want a list of games that do not allow you to make something nice you will be upset, because it's not my way to act, but we both know there are games that do not allow you to do nice action sequences, maybe are fun, maybe not, but still you can't do anything incredible. The PvP of Destiny, on par with other games, is fun and allows you do to nice action sequences. That's all.


And then what do you then do with these new skills and refined guardian? You got the high end gear and you're all pimped out and ready to... Replay all the same story/strikes etc. that you already played as a level 1-20? (PvP doesn't exist as far as i'm concerned lol)

We are talking about the PvP, sorry.


20 hours later will not make the PvP any better, or the loot system less boring, or the storytelling less awful, or the sociliazation less terrible, or the strikebosses less crappy grindfest, breh

Also, if you thought THIS was a PR piece, check out dude's review diary. Some snippets:

"Indeed, on that same note, the scale of what’s going on can be really affecting. With its carefully constructed world feeling so lived-in and alive from the offset, the effect of every set-piece is amplified. Early on, a small fleet of Fallen dropships warps in over open ground, just above me. As the majority of the ships thunder past, a handful of metres over my head, the instinct to run, duck and hide is uncontrollable. It’s a pretty damn intimidating experience!"

"The ‘no’ part of the solo equation? Some of Destiny’s bosses are insane. Like, ’15 minutes spent hammering away at them with a three-man team, watching their health bar whittle down pixel by pixel, while beset by every normal enemy in the area’, insane. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Destiny is an MMO, and its bosses need to be demand something more involved than a circle-strafe while aiming at the glowing red bit. "

"The Tower, Destiny’s safe, market area, is really starting to thrive as an online community hub. Increasingly bigger crowds are already amplifying its bustling, atmospheric Mos Eisley vibe, just a few days after launch. But even better than that, the community is starting to get really silly with its communications and activities.

Last night, for instance, I found myself partaking in a sneak-line. A few people had realised that you can crouch-walk at The Tower, which looks pretty funny in third-person. Thus, a conga line of creeping broke out around the perimeter of the main market square. I don’t know why, but it was fantastic. And then there was the big dance-off, which broke out into a full-scale wedding disco, as I adopted the role of excitable ten-year old and started using the slide move to skid across the ‘dancefloor’ in between the grown-ups. Oh, and every so often, someone finds a bouncy ball, and we all start jostling and slide-tackling it around, by way of an anarchic game of football without any rules. I died leaping over the edge while going for a header last night. It was brilliant. "

"Destiny’s economy just exploded. In fact it’s now a game in itself. Bungie is just getting started. Destiny is just getting started. I am just getting started. We’re all in this for the long-haul. I could not be more excited about this weekend’s play. And of course, I'll let you know how it all went down, very soon, right here. "


"On the subject of the Crucible, I cannot overstate how good Destiny’s competitive multiplayer is. This really, really is something special I’m talking about here. Very much Halo in its core handling and conceits--though perhaps a little faster and more aggressive--extended exploration of its maps, game modes and tactical possibilities reveals a truly monumental array of depths and intricacies.

Exhilarating, player-created, set-pieces-in-waiting aplenty float just below its surface layer of accessible, aerobatic gunplay. The arresting visual sweep of its maps belies multitudinous, granular skirmish points and invisible, unlabelled, but utterly vital strongholds. Broad-strokes superheroism clashes with intimate, precise, tactical clarity, as rockets and plasma rain bombastically from the sky and small, two-man defence crews turn innocuous caves into impenetrable fortresses. It is, not to put too fine a point on it, sublime. 10-year old Halo clans are getting back together over it. Friends who’ve never played together online before are forging unstoppable new alliances and claiming sections of the Crucible’s maps for their own, with their own strategies and their own terminology. Something big is going on here. It really feels like we might be at the start of a new, Halo 2-style golden era for online multiplayer. "

"I’m in deep, and I’m never coming out

I can’t imagine ever wanting to stop playing Destiny now. The content available already, with its depth, spiralling strategic possibilities--both on and off the field of war--and pure, none-more-satisfying, moment-to-moment action is already enough to keep me enthralled by the present and enticed by my next set of steps. But there’s more to come. There’s already so much more to come, just over the period of September and October. I’m 30 hours in, and only getting more excited and involved all the time.

And the best part is that--as you might have noticed by my wording over the last few slides--it’s really now about ‘we’ rather than ‘I’. Over the last few days, the community has really coalesced into a tangible, thriving entity. Any time I go in, I know I’ll have a whole bunch of people to play with, whatever we want to get involved in. I’ll always have a wingman for locking down that cave with. I’ll always have a strategic strike squad for surgically tearing through Salvage. I’ll always have a team of brave warriors ready to take on the next, incredulously challenging Vanguard mission. And should we ever need to make up the numbers, we’ll always find a random compatriot ready and willing to do the business and work as part of a close, symbiotic team. I’m staggered. I really am staggered by how well this is going and what it’s turning into. I’m going in again as soon as I’ve posted this. Because why wouldn’t I? Destiny is where everything is happening. "

Even as someone who likes Destiny despite it's massive flaws and spends a lot of time in it's OT, I can tell you that this writer is full of shit. What game is he playing? It sure as hell isn't the same one the rest of us are.


No. They really shouldn't have. The goal is to sell games. You could have waited for reviews or impressions.

Please tell me how you think they should have marketed it though.

"Bungie is not an MMO"

"Reviewers should wait to review the game like an MMO"

Yeah...fuck game developer PR.


"Bungie is not an MMO"

"Reviewers should wait to review the game like an MMO"

Yeah...fuck game developer PR.


It's an online game made better by playing it with other people. I don't see the issue?

You're mad because they asked people to wait for the servers to go live to review it?


MMOs are not the only type of games that have ongong content updates or required active online communities to really come together.

And almost all of those games get reviews on day one with no issues

There is almost no standing for Bungie to flip flop from their marketing and now to the 'please understand and please wait'
Here is my little list of what I think Destiny NEEDS

1.) Matchmaking for Weekly Heroic Strikes / Raids. While this will just cause even more complaining because groups will have members drop out randomly, atleast that complaint will be gone. Lose one immediate complaint, gain a few more long term ones.

2.) More rewarding mission system. The mission as it is right now is a bit too unrewarding. I finished the story at lv. 20 and had really nothing to show for it. None of the equipment I was using had been found during any part of the story. It is pretty cool you get a unique weapon at the end of the story though, that gun is pretty slick. Even better if you beat the story at a very high level as the gun will match with your character level. They could take queues from games like Diablo 2 where you would get low level legendary and set items throughout your initial playthrough of the game. It kept you interested as you never knew when that awesome item would drop but you knew it COULD come. For me, I basically know I'm not getting anything from lv. 1-20. So why bother right?

Usually in these types of games, defeating a boss is something that should feel like it brings reward. Pretty much every game of this style rewards you for defeating bosses. Bosses are the toughest challenge, and should reward you as such. With all the various things this game offers, they wouldn't have to guarantee an Exotic or whatever, but you should definitely get at the very least high level mats for high level boss kills and the like.

3.) Unbalanced reward system. Some things just do not give enough reward. For example, turning in 50 planet specific material. Spinmetal for example, or whatever. Unless you have some sort of farming system mapped out, it takes a pretty good length of time to even gather 50 spinmetal or any other material ( took me days to get my first 50 ). When you turn the item in, you get 25 Vanguard Reputation. You can get that by spending 10 minutes on a few patrols or even a single assassination patrol which takes all of 4 minutes. So there def needs to be some rebalancing on the reward system.

4.) Enemy Level should determine chance % of item drops. The reason you see people farming the opening level of the Moon for example, killing that same group of enemies over and over for 2 hours, is because there is no evidence that killing enemies whom are level 28 is any different drop % wise from killing enemies lv. 10. That should definitely change. Higher level enemies should have much higher drop rates then low level enemies.

5.) Legendary Engrems Should Never Give Blue Item. A legendary Engrem can give materials sure, because those items have value. You can turn those Strange Coins or Motes of Light into Exotics and legendary items. But too often that awesome moment of getting a legendary Engrem drop is met by rage when you are given a truly useless item in return for it.

6.) A little TOO grindy. Yeah the game has its gameplay roots within the MMO world, but Bungie and other companies need to realize that the only reason grinding ever existed in the first place was for players of MMO's to keep playing each month and thus continue to pay that monthly charge. So the developers of those games placed these very long processes for players to receive something valuable or gain a new level or whatever, souly so that player has to keep playing to see what happens next. Games like these and Diablo and such, there is no monthly fee, so there is really no reason to force me to spend 4 hours a day for 4 days to get enough Marks to get a single item, or gather the materials to upgrade said item. Up the amount of materials people get, the amount of marks rewarded for various tasks, the reputation you get, etc. Grinding really doesn't need to exist in this game to this degree.

7.) More Random Events / Events. This is the type of game where, while you are out exploring and running patrols and doing your daily stuff, it is a nice break to receive something unexpected and extraordinary. So pump up the volume on the random events and create more of that type of thing. Create mysterious NPC's you can run into out in the field that give special missions that span planets. Create even more variety for the current Public Events. Right now it seems to be set to Defend Warsat, Eliminate Target or the Devil Walker drops on Earth for you to take down. Can't think of any others ... and can't think of an enemy like the Devil Walker that drops on any other planet so far. Make going out into the wilderness a potential for true adventure where you can get unexpected missions for unexpected rewards.

Everything else will be added through time. We already know this is a 10 year project basically with atleast 3 main games with DLC and expansions in between each. So this will be an incredibly large game when it is all said and done, but those things above can make things a bit more rewarding and fun for the players as they are in the game now.


And almost all of those games get reviews on day one with no issues

Most mmos get reviews in progress these days or delayed reviews, actually.

And while this isn't an mmo it does share aspects/features. It does require it's online community to come alive, it takes longer than a coulple of days to try all content, and it is having incremental content updates.


Not everything in games has to be for everyone.

ya tell me about it

Not everything in games is for everyone, sure, but the target audience for this game is too broad for people to not feel like the grind is too much. Also, just because something is locked behind a grind doesn't mean the grind is a fair grind. There are ways to make people spend time on doing things while still adequately rewarding them. See vanilla Diablo 3 versus Reaper of Souls.


King of Gaslighting
Are people really complaining that they aren't able to get rare items? What's the point of purples dropping from the sky if it's supposed to be Legendary?


Not everything in games has to be for everyone.


I think it's a toxic mindset to think that everything is for you and that if you don't find enjoyment out of it, then it is bad. Not just with Destiny (real talk, game has its flaws and the reviews have done a great job highlighting them; I agree with them all but I personally have a higher tolerance for the shortcomings and weird design choices than most) but with everything. You'd save a lot of money, time and/or frustration by ridding yourself of the desire and self-imposed obligation to play everything and cutting things off as soon as you begin to have a stream of negative reactions and thoughts instead of trying to squeeze anything positive out of it, especially if these negative feelings are a result of something out of your control like how a game is designed. Negative feelings caused by skill deficiencies or screwups can easily be remedied, "shitty design" cannot. You probably do it with music and movies already!


Most mmos get reviews in progress these days or delayed reviews, actually.

And while this isn't an mmo it does share aspects/features. It does require it's online community to come alive, it takes longer than a coulple of days to try all content, and it is having incremental content updates.

And other games have those and yet they don't 'beg' reviewers to hold off?

What gives Bungie all of this leeway? Borderlands has more social intergration then Destiny. The earliest MMOs have more interaction, when the entire medium of online games were brand new.
Here is my little list of what I think Destiny NEEDS

1.) Matchmaking for Weekly Heroic Strikes / Raids. While this will just cause even more complaining because groups will have members drop out randomly, atleast that complaint will be gone. Lose one immediate complaint, gain a few more long term ones.

2.) More rewarding mission system. The mission as it is right now is a bit too unrewarding. I finished the story at lv. 20 and had really nothing to show for it. None of the equipment I was using had been found during any part of the story. It is pretty cool you get a unique weapon at the end of the story though, that gun is pretty slick. Even better if you beat the story at a very high level as the gun will match with your character level. They could take queues from games like Diablo 2 where you would get low level legendary and set items throughout your initial playthrough of the game. It kept you interested as you never knew when that awesome item would drop but you knew it COULD come. For me, I basically know I'm not getting anything from lv. 1-20. So why bother right?

Usually in these types of games, defeating a boss is something that should feel like it brings reward. Pretty much every game of this style rewards you for defeating bosses. Bosses are the toughest challenge, and should reward you as such. With all the various things this game offers, they wouldn't have to guarantee an Exotic or whatever, but you should definitely get at the very least high level mats for high level boss kills and the like.

3.) Unbalanced reward system. Some things just do not give enough reward. For example, turning in 50 planet specific material. Spinmetal for example, or whatever. Unless you have some sort of farming system mapped out, it takes a pretty good length of time to even gather 50 spinmetal or any other material. When you turn the item in, you get 25 Vanguard Reputation. You can get that by spending 10 minutes on a few patrols or even a single assassination patrol which takes all of 4 minutes. So there def needs to be some rebalancing on the reward system.

4.) Enemy Level should determine chance % of item drops. The reason you see people farming the opening level of the Moon for example, killing that same group of enemies over and over for 2 hours, is because there is no evidence that killing enemies whom are level 28 is any different drop % wise from killing enemies lv. 10. That should definitely change. Higher level enemies should have much higher drop rates then low level enemies.

5.) Legendary Engrems Should Never Give Blue Item. A legendary Engrem can give materials sure, because those items have value. You can turn those Strange Coins or Motes of Light into Exotics and legendary items. But too often that awesome moment of getting a legendary Engrem drop is met by rage when you are given a truly useless item in return for it.

6.) A little TOO grindy. Yeah the game has its gameplay roots within the MMO world, but Bungie and other companies need to realize that the only reason grinding ever existed in the first place was for players of MMO's to keep playing each month. So the developers of those games placed these very long processes for players to receive something valuable or gain a new level or whatever, souly so that player has to keep playing to see what happens next. Games like these and Diablo and such, there is no monthly fee, so there is really no reason to force me to spend 4 hours a day for 4 days to get enough Marks to get a single item, or gather the materials to upgrade said item. Up the amount of materials people get, the amount of marks rewarded for various tasks, the reputation you get, etc. Grinding really doesn't need to exist in this game to this degree.

7.) More Random Events / Events. This is the type of game where, while you are out exploring and running patrols and doing your daily stuff, it is a nice break to receive something unexpected and extraordinary. So pump up the volume on the random events and create more of that type of thing. Create mysterious NPC's you can run into out in the field that give special missions that span planets. Create even more variety for the current Public Events. Right now it seems to be set to Defend Warsat, Eliminate Target or the Devil Walker drops on Earth for you to take down. Can't think of any others ... and can't think of an enemy like the Devil Walker that drops on any other planet so far. Make going out into the wilderness a potential for true adventure where you can get unexpected missions for unexpected rewards.

Everything else will be added through time. We already know this is a 10 year project basically with atleast 3 main games with DLC and expansions in between each. So this will be an incredibly large game when it is all said and done, but those things above can make things a bit more rewarding and fun for the players as they are in the game now.

Good points! That's a great start for Bungie to work towards.

Bolded - This annoys me (not you or your post this fact)! Lots of people the media and consumers alike are talking about the game and it's 10 year IP FRANCHISE plan as one game. We don't need to be accepting of Destiny-og-release game's non-existing story and horrible flaws just because there is a plan to evolve the franchise over the next 10 years! For all we know the next DLC or main release could be worse!


Not everything in games is for everyone, sure, but the target audience for this game is too broad for people to not feel like the grind is too much. Also, just because something is locked behind a grind doesn't mean the grind is a fair grind. There are ways to make people spend time on doing things while still adequately rewarding them. See vanilla Diablo 3 versus Reaper of Souls.

If you don't like something, why would you keep playing it?

It sucks you thought the game was going to be something else. It's probably not going to ever be what you want it to be. Move on?

You're opinion is the grind isn't fair. I think the grind is pretty short for the reward you get. Maybe i'm old school, but nothing it destiny seems impossibly hard, especially gearing.


And other games have those and yet they don't 'beg' reviewers to hold off?

What gives Bungie all of this leeway? Borderlands has more social intergration then Destiny. The earliest MMOs have more interaction, when the entire medium of online games were brand new.

You're being intentionally resistant to discussion.

Do you really not see why Bungie wanted the world populated before reviewers put their opinions down?

"Shared world shooter".

They didn't just make that description up for fun. The "shared" part is pretty integral.

It's an online game made better by playing it with other people. I don't see the issue?

You're mad because they asked people to wait for the servers to go live to review it?

But the servers were live the Firday before it came out. I believe I remember seeing people on Gaf posting Legends from the bungie site on here? It's a bad excuse from Bungie-"We want you to experience the social living world". In my 30 hours spent, it's not very social except for people who I invite.
I have had enough fun with my time in Destiny to consider it a worthy purchase, acknowledging that there's still a lot more for me to do (if I don't get sick of it before getting around to everything). Still, it's far from the game I envisioned before launch. The biggest disappointment has to be the offensively lackluster story, but the sparse locations are rather off putting as well. I scoured every inch of Old Russia in the alpha and beta, but there's a clear disparity in the exploratory sizes of the other locations (though admittedly I might just not have the will to explore them as I did in the beta since there's so much more content presented at once).

Bungie presented Destiny as an epic adventure that would have us travelling to the ends of the universe and a story to fit such a journey... and while they technically delivered, it's analogous to a developer saying their game will take us across the entire United States and then only feature a chunk of California to play in and then an airport which will fly you to Montana and New York for other restrained romps.

Again, I'm really enjoying myself with this game. I see all the problems that people are having and agree with most of them, but even then, the gunplay and exploration and even the grind to an extent are engaging enough for me to enjoy in spite of all the flaws. However, and this is the point of my admittedly long post, I doubt I'd buy the inevitable sequel if it's more of the same. Even though I realize I would enjoy another huge chunk of this gameplay labeled "Destiny 2," I just wouldn't feel up to paying for it-- because while it's an entertaining game, it's nothing like what I believe most people envisioned throughout Bungie's propaganda campaign.

Judging from how Bungie has handled the criticism so far (and the ludicrous fans defending every aspect of the game), though, I'm fairly concerned with their ability to shape Destiny's sequels into something more in line with the kind of adventure many of us pictured in the first place.


Why don't you read the article?

Better gear, switching between different skill tree's, tactical choices within them, skill tree's within gear and the tactical considerations in them too, more weapon consideration, far more loot and drops, better drops, more mission and strike options, more public events, missions with higher difficulty and improved engagement and combat and so on.

So the same areas on the map but now with gear/weapons that deliver/sustain more damage against the same enemies.
I thought by open up you meant new areas, guess not....


But the servers were live the Firday before it came out. I believe I remember seeing people on Gaf posting Legends from the bungie site on here? It's a bad excuse from Bungie-"We want you to experience the social living world". In my 30 hours spent, it's not very social except for people who I invite.

A small amount of people were in. Probably not enough to keep every instance well populated and MM constantly swift.

The game needs social features, sure, but I've found that hte large number of people online have made it easy to add and meet new players for all aspects of the game. It's been a surprisingly social experience for me.


But the servers were live the Firday before it came out. I believe I remember seeing people on Gaf posting Legends from the bungie site on here? It's a bad excuse from Bungie-"We want you to experience the social living world". In my 30 hours spent, it's not very social except for people who I invite.

That's your own fault for it not being social.

Social doesn't mean you have to talk and group with everyone in the game.

Have you done any of the public events where people join in? That's a social aspect of the game.


Neo Member
Destiny is stunning.

I genuinely judge the journos who released 6/10 reviews two days after the game released. :D

I'm absolutely loving it the more I play. Last night I unlocked an Exotic Weapon Bounty that has given me a massive quest chain to collect items and schematic to build the weapon from downed bosses. It's brilliant!

I'm going to be playing this for years and I'm glad everyone I know is absolutely loving it too. I literally don't know a single person who's not enjoying it immensely.

I think those journos who gave it 6/10 got too wrapped up in the hype and the pressure of rushing through the game to write their review.


I'm not saying Destiny is perfect. It does have issues, most of which I think are system issues that are fixable.

But this read describes exactly how I feel about the game.


I don't necessarily disagree with the article, but shouldn't Bungie get some flack for the confusion as to what the game actually is? Not a new topic by any stretch of the means.

And "the game gets better after twenty hours" argument really sits sour with me. Nobody let FFXIII off the hook.


I don't necessarily disagree with the article, but shouldn't Bungie get some flack for the confusion as to what the game actually is? Not a new topic by any stretch of the means.

And "the game gets better after twenty hours" really sits sour with me.

No they really shouldn't.

They said it was a shared world shooter. That exactly what it is.

Just because people thought it was going to be WoW+Halo or something doesn't mean it's Bungies fault for that. They never said it was going to be that.

And the game DOES get better for certain players. I've said it multiple times. Not everything in games has to be for everyone. Destiny scratches a certain itch for some people. Sadly, this is one of the first times that a game like this has been released on consoles, and some people don't get it. That's okay.


I don't necessarily disagree with the article, but shouldn't Bungie get some flack for the confusion as to what the game actually is? Not a new topic by any stretch of the means.

I feel like it takes the worst parts of mmos and shoehorns them into a first person shooter. They experimented with Destiny but it didn't really pay off the way I think they thought it would.


No they really shouldn't.

They said it was a shared world shooter. That exactly what it is.

Just because people thought it was going to be WoW+Halo or something doesn't mean it's Bungies fault for that. They never said it was going to be that.

The marketing/messaging was confusing at best. Just go look at the threads.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
20 hours later will not make the PvP any better, or the loot system less boring, or the storytelling less awful, or the sociliazation less terrible, or the strikebosses less crappy grindfest, breh

Also, if you thought THIS was a PR piece, check out dude's review diary. Some snippets:

Oh my God.

The worst part is knowing that he didn't even get paid by Bungie for writing this.


Neo Member
This game is so hard for me to get a read on. I am constantly upset over the complete lack of story in this game. This is Bungie, they crafted one of the best gaming universes of all time with the Halo series and for them to drop the ball like this is very disappointing.

I also take issue, like many others, with the lack of a matchmaking system and no voice chat unless you are in a party. I don't have enough friends online with this game for me to pair up and play the missions that require you to have a group. There are plenty of people in my situation and for Bungie to exclude them is ridiculous.

With that being said, I still can't stop playing the game. The gunplay is so tight and the world is beautiful and Im constantly finding myself pouring hours at a time into the game. I can only hope that through DLC, and of course future iterations of the game, that these problems are addressed, however the core of the game is there and the core of the game is fun.
A small amount of people were in. Probably not enough to keep every instance well populated and MM constantly swift.

The game needs social features, sure, but I've found that hte large number of people online have made it easy to add and meet new players for all aspects of the game. It's been a surprisingly social experience for me.

Fair enough. But some people just like to go at it solo. And for this game, that's how I'd want to do it because the social features are a bit...bare bones?

That's your own fault for it not being social.

Social doesn't mean you have to talk and group with everyone in the game.

Have you done any of the public events where people join in? That's a social aspect of the game.

I'm not into inviting random people into my game. Hell, someone invited me as I was going to do a mission, and you know what happened? I had to wait 2 minutes until I actually joined their game because for some god forsaken reason it has to reload you into the map even if they're right next to you, complete with the ship loading screens.

And yes, I've done a few public events in the game. But I didn't feel any compatriot ship with the other people who came to do it. Other than doing the emotes, there's not much in the way of social interaction.

Sadly, this is one of the first times that a game like this has been released on consoles, and some people don't get it. That's okay.

And I'll tell you right now, if Destiny was released on PC in the same state as the console version, it would get even worse reviews because of the lack of the social interaction options.
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