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Summer 2014 Anime |OT3| where everyone watches doremi for hito

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Record of the Lodoss War OVA 1

I watched this years ago but its been so long I barely remember much about it aside from the music. I'm curious if this will still hold up. I can't say this episode did much for me though.

Girls und Panzer 1

I've heard enough good things about this show from people whose opinions I trust when it comes to anime that I don't want to outright dismiss this show but the first episode left an AWFUL first impression on me. Too animu for me. I'm not vehemently opposed to watching more (it was stupid not offensive) as I hope the show becomes deserving of the praise I've heard it get but ....... meh so far :/
That is insane, I had not even thought of that. Argevollen is better than Aldnoah Zero and Captain Barf. My mind can't wrap around it, yet it's true. That just sad.

Exactly, it's sad that the state of mecha anime has reduced what should have been a "watch if you're bored" into a "watch if you want a mech anime that won't make you bash your head into the wall"


Rail Wars 12 + Final Thoughts

My reasons for watching this were two. Because Maaya Uchida was in it and because I could make easy Toqger jokes with it. It helps that the last episode was all about Baron Nero and Wagon spending the day with each other. I never found the fanservice that intrusive, and the train trivia was just as much a part of the show as anything else. And it made sure to factor into the plot in a mostly natural way, too. Sure, the animation could've been better all around, but I liked the characters, and it's the kind of cop show (with some romantic elements) that anime hasn't really had for a while. My feelings on it are the same as they are with Locodol. Not a favorite show, but one that I always looked forward to watching.

But please, Crunchyroll, no more shows at 11 PM on Saturday nights, that's simply too awkward a time.


Yep, to the point, fun cast of characters, entertaining battle strategies, a wry humor to the whole proceedings. Just a very well-made show all around and I feel sorry for the people who can't appreciate it.

Maybe if had made a better first impression I could have stood to watch more of it.


Girls und Panzer 1

I've heard enough good things about this show from people whose opinions I trust when it comes to anime that I don't want to outright dismiss this show but the first episode left an AWFUL first impression on me. Too animu for me. I'm not vehemently opposed to watching more (it was stupid not offensive) as I hope the show becomes deserving of the praise I've heard it get but ....... meh so far :/

The first episode is the worst of the bunch. That said, it doesn't really stop being "animu" in the way you're probably using the term.


Maybe if had made a better first impression I could have stood to watch more of it.

Well I just did a watchbet with a friend and he watched GuP and basically told me if he had tried ep 1 without there being a bet involved he never would of continued with the show. He ended up enjoying it. I felt that GuP was the type of show that got stronger with each episode, especially when it reached the school vs school stuff.
Shounen Hollywood 9

Man, Japanese TV sure has a lot of crappy shows. Poor Shounen Hollywood, having to slum it on game shows that air at 2:15 in the morning. Anyway, I really liked the way Shun's dilemma was handled. Caught between his dreams of musicianship and cold reality, trying to figure out where his heart lies, eventually realizing, as all the members have (of course), that his heart lied with the group. I like the positive tone the show maintains while acknowledging the harder aspects of life.


Mecha died long, long ago. Now we're just watching the Mass Produced Evangelions tear at its corpse.


the holder of the trombone
My biggest problem with girls und panzer is that the anglerfish dance is the most try hard attempt at being zany and cute that I've seen in awhile.

Ok show though. Noticeably worse when yukari is not on scene.


It was pretty funny trying to sift out those Fate/Zero impressions in a sea of Aldnoah Zero impressions just by glancing through the thread.

Also finished Fate/HA and all I can say regarding a certain scene is to ask Nasu What the hell is wrong with you?!?!
Ojamajo Doremi - 18

Pretty sweet little episode about a girl getting over her hatred of animals that started
after tragically witnessing the dog she grew up with get hit by a car.
Show didn't do a bad job with those parts at all. My only real problem with this episode was that I though it was kind of weak having them just pass the level 7 exam just like that. I mean, come on now.
Mecha died long, long ago. Now we're just watching the Mass Produced Evangelions tear at its corpse.

You just don't have enough fighting spirit is all. Buddy Complex is the stuff Gundam dreams of being!

Terror in Some Stuff 10

Seriously? I really don't get this shit at all. I mean the original terrorist are now the pseudo good guys, and then the platinum blonde chick with too much make up on kills herself for no good reason. "I'm going on ahead..." wtf does that even mean at this point when the story around her is so damned vague and psychotically stupid. This shit is trying way too hard.

And Lisa is STILL a waste of space.


Ojamajo Doremi - 18

Pretty sweet little episode about a girl getting over her hatred of animals that started
after tragically witnessing the dog she grew up with get hit by a car.
Show didn't do a bad job with those parts at all. My only real problem with this episode was that I though it was kind of weak having them just pass the level 7 exam just like that. I mean, come on now.

That's the attitude Doremi mostly displays towards its plot elements; personally I'm glad they don't take them too seriously, because I don't otherwise find them very engaging in and of themselves.


Rail Wars 12 + Final Thoughts

My reasons for watching this were two. Because Maaya Uchida was in it and because I could make easy Toqger jokes with it. It helps that the last episode was all about Baron Nero and Wagon spending the day with each other. I never found the fanservice that intrusive, and the train trivia was just as much a part of the show as anything else. And it made sure to factor into the plot in a mostly natural way, too. Sure, the animation could've been better all around, but I liked the characters, and it's the kind of cop show (with some romantic elements) that anime hasn't really had for a while. My feelings on it are the same as they are with Locodol. Not a favorite show, but one that I always looked forward to watching.

I liked it overall. But I have trouble articulating why. To the point I looked into getting the light novels.
Esclaflowne: The Movie

So it's a darker and edgier retelling of one of my all-time favourite shows which by itself doesn't hurt the movie.

What does hurt the movie though is not having an additional 30 minutes in it's screentime.

The story is underdeveloped and the different interpretation of the characters, while interesting in theory, are not given enough time to be properly developed, barring Hitomi and Van.

The villains, ugh. Dilandau loses most of what made him an interesting character in exchange for his english voice sounding more fitting and Jajuka isn't really developed, sadly. Folken is easily the worst thing about the film. He goes from one of the best anti-villains in anime to a generic straw nihilist and the reason he became evil to begin with is just dumb.

Not to say the whole movie was bad, however. The action scenes are really good and the animation is fantastic. Aside from that though, the film just can't hold a candle to the TV show.


If there's anything I'd put money on, it's the second season of a Sunrise mecha show.

Oh God DAMN you for saying this. Now I'm running the examples and its all coming back "Crazy as fuck and extremely divisive."

I mean we have what, ZZ Gundam, Big O, Code Geass, 00 Gundam, SEED Destiny, in here? Probably other stuff but now my brain is spinning and I blame you.


Esclaflowne: The Movie

So it's a darker and edgier retelling of one of my all-time favourite shows which by itself doesn't hurt the movie.

What does hurt the movie though is not having an additional 30 minutes in it's screentime.

The story is underdeveloped and the different interpretation of the characters, while interesting in theory, are not given enough time to be properly developed, barring Hitomi and Van.

The villains, ugh. Dilandau loses most of what made him an interesting character in exchange for his english voice sounding more fitting and Jajuka isn't really developed, sadly. Folken is easily the worst thing about the film. He goes from one of the best anti-villains in anime to a generic straw nihilist and the reason he became evil to begin with is just dumb.

Not to say the whole movie was bad, however. The action scenes are really good and the animation is fantastic. Aside from that though, the film just can't hold a candle to the TV show.
I like the Escaflowne film as an accessory to the TV series. The script and the character motivations are a bit of a mess, but so long as you can take that in glibly, it's just a beautiful film with the characters and landscape from the series. It also has, what I believe to be, one of the best fight sequences in anime.

It's sort of similar how I feel to Macross: DYRL, albeit to a lesser degree.


Captain Earth is way worse than AO.

AO was actually solid for the very beginning, and a few standout eps before spiraling into insanity and irrelevence.

Captain Earth was just boring shit from the very first frame.

Enokido and Igarashi need to never work together again. It worked with Ouran, but everything since has been a total disappointment.

Again, if AO wasn't connected to E7, I'd agree. Unfortunately, that's not the case so fuck AO.

I'd also argue there were way more memorable (and I say that more in a "less likely to forget" more than "these characters are deep and will stay with me forever") characters in Earf than in AO.

AO did have better OP's though.

Earf's biggest crime was being a bad show with fun bits.

AO's biggest crime was being a bad show with less fun that retroactively destroyed a great show and had absolutely no reason to exist in the first place to do so.
At least your passing was beautiful at times.

The mecha genre is like Nintendo and their current situation with the Wii U and their Mario games. It's something great known for many impressive deeds that it did in the past, with shows like Evangelion, G Gundam, TTGL, and the like.

Nowadays its latest entries are finding it difficult to pick up steam, as it continues to re-hash old ideas, and continually make its mecha constantly have more CG gimmicks to grab new audiences in its attempt to evolve more.
Space Dandy 25

I don't really know what to think of this episode. Was okay? I think some people might like it though.

But that ending. Is this...continuity for the final episode?
Whatever it looks like a final episode. I expect amazing things.
Space Dandy 25

"Then what was the point of this whole trial?"

Meta show audience commentary?

I wasn't too much of a fan of this episode. I guess if anime had bottle episodes this would be Space Dandy's. If anything the most enjoyment I got out of this episode, outside of the end, was the alien designs. We had all of those really extra terrestrial looking aliens, and we also had the glasses kid who looked straight out of an 80's anime.

The scene with baseball was great though, looked amazing visually. I guess my biggest disappointment is that for a show about Space Dandy, he had little to do this episode. I want to learn more about him, and none of the characters here got a focus. It was entirely focused on throw-away characters with a 'cameo' by the recurring cast.

All I can see as the reason this was made into an episode is the Pyonian energy/particle explanation. I know I know, complaining about the point of an episode in Dandy seems pointless since it's an episodic show, but out of all the episodes I've seen this seems the most like it was used to fill up an episode count (outside of the Honey one). Dandy having little to say is a big part of it I guess. I mean the whole point of the trial at the end seemed to be that
younger generations don't know what not to say in social media

The ending I liked and was especially satisfying since
they were discussing the question of why Dandy attracted the ball, and lo and behold we have the army ready to capture him
. Next episode, the finale, seems like we have all of the main recurring characters (which were all present in this trial) hanging out. I don't expect any resolution on some minor plot lines, such as a certain romantic spark that wasn't explored further and made audiences sad, but I do expect the whole 'Dandy being special' story line to end. And it'll be glorious, baby.


Mihara and Takahashi did what was in their power, but if Sato can't deliver an engaging script that has any wit beyond "let's just parody yet another American genre with a straight face" it's kind of hard to salvage it. It didn't move much, naturally, but the drawings were all solid and the two attorneys especially were really personable by their designs and the different poses they adopted throughout. Takahashi used all kinds of fancy transitions and played around with how to arrange the screen, but it didn't amount to that much in the context of the material.

The best part was easily the whole baseball interlude in the second half, not just for the sakuga but it was actually kind of amusing and broke with the robotic tone of the rest of the episode. Mihara clearly put all his time into it too :p


Aldnoah Zero End
Big spoiler so don't click thinking it's not.
Inaho rises from the grave due to writer magic come January A.D. 2015

The mecha CG transformation during the fight felt like I was watching mighty morphing power rangers. Everything except the very end was bland this episode, but that is to be expected. Also it has been awhile since I've seen cannon fodder that I'm starting to feel for the poor regular troops who happen to be written background characters who die. I would just like to take this moment to honor all cannon fodder characters present in all types of media. Poor cannon fodder who exist to just fill plot points about facing insurmountable odds. :( The conclusion definitely wasn't bland though. Great way to end it off since I believe there are many individuals with so much salt right now.

Also can I get some recommendations for good or must watch Mecha shows? I feel like watching some now. Should probably list what I've seen.


I can't take this even the slightest bit seriously if they continue to pan Sinon's body and zoom in on her butt like that.
Tokyo Ghoul end

That is a TERRIBLE place to end things. Didn't even finish the arc, and it's not like there's going to be more anime now that the manga is finished.

Ah well, at least there was some nice animation.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SAO II 11-12

Good god, enough with the random Sinon ass, crotch and chest shots. Like not even just panning around, like straight up a zoom-shot of her cleavage with no particular reason for it. Not to mention they spent the entire cave episode gazing into each others eyes from like 12 inches from each other because Kirito is such a pure-hearted Gary Stu he doesn't understand the implications of spending the entire episode caressing some chick who isn't his girlfriend.

And lol @ the "reveal" of dude's identity and the fact that they've told us you can only have two weapons like 50 times, but Death Gun has three anyways.
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