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Yoshida: Sony is "Working Diligently" on The Last Guardian


There has been no indication that TLG would play like either. None.

I dont beleive in the past 5 years, there has been one development interview discussing gameplay in detail.

Ryan Clemence, formerly of IGN, is one of the very few journo's to have ever seen a live gameplay demo of TLG. I remember Colin saying this on a recent episode of Podcast Beyond.

Can't remember what mechanics he spoke of specifically but he was extremely enthusiastic about the game and it's art style


The thread resulting from the re-announcement of TLG is going to be one of the greatest GAF threads ever.

Hell, I hope it does end up being some incredible success story. I really do, as I own a PS4 and also remember being blown away by the reveal years ago just like everyone else. However, I am also a realist and am just going by what has transpired with this game. As such, it does not inspire confidence and I am more concerned with games that I know will be releasing. But here is to hoping for the best!


I stand by my prediction from the beginning of this year that next year TGS we will see something from it. I don't believe that Sony will continue funding it if nothing presentable is available by then, with Sony shutting down studios left and right.


The Last Guardan PS+ edition for free confirmed!

Get 1/5th of the beast and 1/5th of the barrels!

Upgrade at a discounted price!
Well we knew that kind of. I've assumed from other interviews they've been hard working on it over the past year, but really, give us a timeline. A real timeline. I don't even need a demo or release date. I just want to SEE the thing.


It must be torture being a fan of Team Ico. I'm glad I never cared about their games.

We are currently in the fourth stage. :)

1.First there was denial.
"I don't care about the rumors of members of Team Ico leaving midway through the game's development and the game disappearing from the face of the earth.I still BELIEVE!"

2.Then there was anger.
"Where the fuck is our game man! Why these assholes at Sony don't say anything about it?Shit!"

3.Then there was depression.
"Fuck it. It's dead. Team Ico is dead. Gaming is dead. I'm dead inside." :(

4.And finally there was glorious acceptance (Y2Kev stage).
"You know what? I'm not going to believe their bullshit anymore. Life goes on and gaming goes on.We got two of the best games ever made from Team Ico but now the dream is dead. Games get cancelled everyday. Lets just focus our excitement on the games from people who are working their asses off to actually deliver the best games possible.Let vaporware disappear and enjoy the games that we have on our hands." :)


Junior Member
Question: Do people actually believe Sony won't release a game called "The Last Guardian", really? Even if it's nothing that was promised, they're gonna push out a product under that name, just to avoid killing all good will. Doubly incredulous are the people who think that it has been dead, and Sony is just hoping people "forget" about it.

That's not how (professional) PR works.
I love how every person that interviews Shu just has to always ask what's going on with TLG. When they're ready to say something they will. Plus, rather than constantly disappoint hopeful fans, it's much better to just not even mention it. It will turn into "Guardian? Guardian? THE LAST GAURDIAN? GAURDIAN?"
Question: Do people actually believe Sony won't release a game called "The Last Guardian", really? Even if it's nothing that was promised, they're gonna push out a product under that name, just to avoid killing all good will. Doubly incredulous are the people who think that it has been dead, and Sony is just hoping people "forget" about it.

That's not how (professional) PR works.

Rumors earlier this year were sprung when IGN falsely announced its cancelation and because IGN posts anything and everything to high hell, a lot of people thought it was true, but IIRC Colin and Greg were having dinner with Shu laughing at how the mess up happened and Colin and Shu were quick to respond saying how Wrong that rumor was. Plus on top of that Shu said that they would never let a title become vaporware and that if they were to cancel it, he would tell us himself.

People just don't seem to have any patience these days.
i never gave up. and this is the 3rd time in like 3 months they've confirmed its in full development, i feel good about my belief :)


Why would Sony lie and say they are still making TLG if they aren't making it anymore? That doesn't make sense to me.
Rumors earlier this year were sprung when IGN falsely announced its cancelation and because IGN posts anything and everything to high hell, a lot of people thought it was true, but IIRC Colin and Greg were having dinner with Shu laughing at how the mess up happened and Colin and Shu were quick to respond saying how Wrong that rumor was. Plus on top of that Shu said that they would never let a title become vaporware and that if they were to cancel it, he would tell us himself.

People just don't seem to have any patience these days.

huh? It's taken over a generation, and it's not been released.
Why would Sony lie and say they are still making TLG if they aren't making it anymore? That doesn't make sense to me.

They wouldn't and there's really nothing about their past that would suggest that they would lie about it. They were open about canning SSM's game, The Getaway, Eight Days and Warrior's Lair. If TLG wasn't actually in development it would obviously be in their best interest to tell people. And Yoshida has even said that if they did cancel it they'd tell people.


Who cares anymore? I mean, I guess it's nice if it's released, but how long's Ueda been only a "consultant" at this point? Three years? Something like that?

Game takes this long to make then something must be tremendously wrong, and it will probably be different - craft-wise - from the other two Team ICO games if it is ever released. I mean, people from the team have split off and are already making their own games. An entire era of gaming has passed since this was announced.

Other games are going to come out that will be released. Some of them even have release dates. I mean, FFXV is going to come out before Last Guardian, even though it seems to have driven Nomura mad. How about that one, huh?

Lots more to look forward to now, and if there is a "last great hope" for artistic games, it's no longer Ueda.


Unconfirmed Member
What irks me is that we worry, get "assured", but still can't get ONE lousy tease with a screenshot??

I still believe the game looks NOTHING like the original, with a possible change in art direction. That's the only possible reason I can think of with them holding back, till they do a full re-reveal.


E3 2015 - A 10 sec teaser with the chain, the well and the feather, now for Ps4
E3 2016 - The old trailler remade for the Ps4.
E3 2017 - "TLG is so awesome that we can't show you. Stay tunned!"
E3 2018 - "TLG will move to the PS5, where we believe it'll be best."
And so on and on....
We are currently in the fourth stage. :)

1.First there was denial.
"I don't care about the rumors of members of Team Ico leaving midway through the game's development and the game disappearing from the face of the earth.I still BELIEVE!"

2.Then there was anger.
"Where the fuck is our game man! Why these assholes at Sony don't say anything about it?Shit!"

3.Then there was depression.
"Fuck it. It's dead. Team Ico is dead. Gaming is dead. I'm dead inside." :(

4.And finally there was glorious acceptance (Y2Kev stage).
"You know what? I'm not going to believe their bullshit anymore. Life goes on and gaming goes on.We got two of the best games ever made from Team Ico but now the dream is dead. Games get cancelled everyday. Lets just focus our excitement on the games from people who are working their asses off to actually deliver the best games possible.Let vaporware disappear and enjoy the games that we have on our hands." :)

That's wrong cause I'm still at stage one.
I wonder if Ueda will ever have the opportunity to make a large scale game again or will he be banished to the mobile market?

Hopefully TLG comes out, is lovely, and then Ueda can at least hang his hat on an amazing trilogy-sequence of games with Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/The Last Guardian.


This game is going to be Sony's most ambitious open world puzzle game :p The epic wait time only sets the bar even higher.
What irks me is that we worry, get "assured", but still can't get ONE lousy tease with a screenshot??

I still believe the game looks NOTHING like the original, with a possible change in art direction. That's the only possible reason I can think of with them holding back, till they do a full re-reveal.
I think the game had the same thing happen to it that happened to VersusXIII. The team got shuffled around, perhaps was underfunded and then by the time they were finally at work, they realized the PS4 was coming out and then they had to completely rework it for a new gen and new system.

Maybe I'll delusional. I dunno.
Yoshida's response: "Development couldn't be better."

A quote he quickly followed with, "... That might be a bit of an exaggeration (laugh)"

It's somewhat ambiguous as to whether Yoshida's "exaggeration" refers to past progress on TLG, or that they continue to be mired in development quicksand.


"Development couldn't be better."

So nothing in 2015 either, then?
There is, like, a 70% chance that you see something of TLG soon.

TLG has taken the piss, that much is for sure. But Yoshida has reassured people countless times now so it's just a case of being a little more patient. The game is on its way. It's like FFXV, you're almost there.


I believe. The fact that they're actually talking about the development gives me the impression it's coming relatively soon. Whether it be 2015 or 2016.


Ico has you guide Yorda through what is essentially a giant Zelda dungeon, and she is both a hindrance (unable to be self-sufficient and the primarily failure state), and required (she opens magic gates, stands on switches, etc). Trico looked to be exactly that. It was capable of moving heavy objections you can't, to get you to areas you couldn't reach, but is a source of peril, can be wounded, must be catered to, must be protected.

I don't see any SotC at all in anything they showed, or anything reported, other than there's a big creature, although Colossi are very specifically not biological like Trico.

This is reductive reasoning at its finest. Anything can be made to sound the same when you strip everything down to some bare bones conceptual point. Functionally, the fact that the griffin is the way it is would make a huge difference in gameplay. You won't be guiding it around by hand, you have to lure it around. You can climb on it to reach different areas. You can use its size to solve unique types of puzzles.

They have similarities to ICO and SOTC in the short bits we saw, but all that could have greatly evolved by now. That's what they've even said in interviews before, and that is what is borne out in the short snippets we've seen. Really, I find it hilarious anyone is drawing any conclusions about how the game will play and how similar it will be to the previous two entries. At best we can say they share characteristics. We have two previous games from the company, and neither play like the other. Last Guardian as well will be its own entity.
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