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GTA V on PS4/X1 Review Thread


hmm I dont know, was destiny, COD AW, Unity runs significantly better on PS4? Even with the higher PS4 resolution, fps are consistent on both version for those games.

You can wait for the Digital Foundry face-off, but unless something is really wrong the 40% difference in GPU power will give a performance edge to the Playstation 4, even with the same rendering resolution.


hmm I dont know, was destiny, COD AW, Unity runs significantly better on PS4? Even with the higher PS4 resolution, fps are consistent on both version for those games.

Destiny on the Xbone still experienced frame pacing issues at launch (don't know if they fixed it or not), and like you said, CoD : AW is running at a higher resolution while maintaining the same consistent framerate. In the case of AC : Unity that game runs like ass on both platforms so neither console is the preferable place to play that game. I think at this point it's easy to say most if not all multiplatform games will be better on the PS4.


I wonder how does the shooting feel in first-person. I've always found the "free-aim" option in R*'s games a total mess.
To everyone worried about the differences between XB1 and PS4:

It's obvious at this point that the PS4 is more powerful. Just look at the consistently higher native resolutions in multiplatform games. It is my understanding that the CPUs are similar so I don't expect much a difference in this realm, although I could be wrong here.

However, I do not believe that XB1 owners should be concerned. This is Rockstar. I whole heartedly believe that they're going to deliver a great experience on any platform they release a game on.

I personally have both systems, but I'm opting for the XB1 version simply because I prefer the controller, and I had some Gamestop money left on the account.


Seems people do not understand that a 100% review of anything doesn't necessarily mean perfection, despite what the mathematics show.


To everyone worried about the differences between XB1 and PS4:

It's obvious at this point that the PS4 is more powerful. Just look at the consistently higher native resolutions in multiplatform games. It is my understanding that the CPUs are similar so I don't expect much a difference in this realm, although I could be wrong here.

However, I do not believe that XB1 owners should be concerned. This is Rockstar. I whole heartedly believe that they're going to deliver a great experience on any platform they release a game on.

I personally have both systems, but I'm opting for the XB1 version simply because I prefer the controller, and I had some Gamestop money left on the account.

much like they did on last gen systems with consistent sub-30 framerates ho ho ho

(a reminder that these are developers like any other, and there's no "this is X developer" commentary that'd be accurate; Rockstar has no qualms releasing technically disastrous games. not that this will be the case here)
Game Informer is holding back on their review until Thursday so that they can see more of the game as well as spend time with GTAO, But they do say this about it

I've logged a few hours into the PlayStation 4 version, and my early takeaway from it can be summed up in one word: Wow! The first-person view point is implemented beautifully, giving players a more intimate look at the little details in the world, and a better perspective for combat. The lighting and draw distance are improved, and thus far, I haven't experienced a graphical hiccup or framerate glitch. It seems like it's running at a smooth 30 frames per second. You can watch my playthrough later in the day on my Twitch stream. Feel free to drop by and ask a few questions.

much like they did on last gen systems with consistent sub-30 framerates ho ho ho

(a reminder that these are developers like any other, and there's no "this is X developer" commentary that'd be accurate; Rockstar has no qualms releasing technically disastrous games. not that this will be the case here)

That may be true, but I found the performance to be rather impressive granted how old the hardware was. Hopefully they'll make framerate a priority this time around, but this issue didn't prevent me from enjoying the 360 version.


That may be true, but I found the performance to be rather impressive granted how old the hardware was. Hopefully they'll make framerate a priority this time around, but this issue didn't prevent me from enjoying the 360 version.

Yeah, and it'd be "impressive" if they got it to run at 1fps on PS2, but it'd still be a technically awful game.

Design for the systems limitations, developers!


Gamespot - 9/10

The Bad
Some frame rate drops during busier moments
First-person doesn't work so well for vehicles


A slight drop in frame rate isn't going to deter me, and I drive in FPS view anyway so this also shouldn't apply either (for me)

GTA V - 10/10
I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

Which one of you is taking me in when I'm served with divorce papers? I'm so poor but I STILL just pre-ordered this game! Stop talking about good games so I can stop buying them!
I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

Which one of you is taking me in when I'm served with divorce papers? I'm so poor but I STILL just pre-ordered this game! Stop talking about good games so I can stop buying them!

This one will last you forever. Same with Dragon Age. the value is impeccable.


I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

Which one of you is taking me in when I'm served with divorce papers? I'm so poor but I STILL just pre-ordered this game! Stop talking about good games so I can stop buying them!

Just sell your old games that you haven't touched in awhile. Problem solved!



This gif should be in every review thread ever.


Having played GTAV for 360 I think this is mostly true. While some of the writing is weak in the game, there are a lot of really strong moments for it. The "I'm not a hipster" debate between Michael and Trevor later in the game is extremely well written for a videogame.

And the voice acting is good. I can't think of any characters that stand out as being poorly voice acted.
I like GTA and think GTAV has the best writing and VA of any game in the series, but some of the best ever as the GameSpot quote states? Of all time? Sorry, I think that's absurd.


I'm sure they're infrequent and minor, but the frame drops are disappointing.

Current gen already struggling for locked 30 FPS is :\

Still psyched for tmw doe.
When the PC version comes out, it'll be GOTY for three consecutive years...

TLOU was 2013 GOTY :p

This will be like a brand new game though. With much smoother framerates and much cleaner IQ. I will actually be able to stomach it enough to finish the story and whatnot.

Just hope the online isn't as bad as it was as when it launched for PS3/360.
Hyped for Christmas.

I can wait to see how Gaf receives it, a bit like Halo MCC.

With recent big launches, many have come with issues. By Christmas, hopefully those issues are ironed out.

Sky Chief

Ugh, so tempted to buy again but I really should wait for PC

EDIT: Wasn't somewhere doing a trade in deal for $30? Is that still on?
I'm going to be getting it with the PS4 bundle in a couple weeks, but I'm still not sure if I should keep it or sell it. I've gotten bored quickly with every sandbox game I've ever played, especially the GTA games. I also REALLY hate ultra-violent or overly vulgar games, especially when they're done in such a realistic fashion. The game seems really polished for once with tons to do, but I think I may still try to sell it unless there's a way I can play it without playing like a serial killer.

Mikey Jr.

I have never seen first person done like this. Killing people in this view mode makes me feel kinda sick. Feels real. Dunno.


Neo Member
Wow amazing review by Metro there.

How can you give this game a 10 when you have problems with its story, gunplay, driving and first person view?


Years of lobbying against GTA by every mainstream news outlet across the globe has left a mark on some of you it seems.

Because when it comes to violence it is as if no other game exists all of a sudden.


"The best writing and voice acting you'll see in a video game" - GameSpot


Actually, Gamespot is right.

All three characters were fully and completely developed and all had independent agendas.

Michael - save himself/family

Franklin - make a name for himself

Trevor - starts out as a total psychopath, but then he kinda/sorta falls in love and at least develops "concern" for someone other than himself.

The back story with Trevor and Michael sets up the whole plotline, creates opportunities for Franklin and sets everyone up for the big ending.

It was one of the most well-crafted stories ever told in a videogame.


To everyone worried about the differences between XB1 and PS4:

It's obvious at this point that the PS4 is more powerful. Just look at the consistently higher native resolutions in multiplatform games. It is my understanding that the CPUs are similar so I don't expect much a difference in this realm, although I could be wrong here.

However, I do not believe that XB1 owners should be concerned. This is Rockstar. I whole heartedly believe that they're going to deliver a great experience on any platform they release a game on.

I personally have both systems, but I'm opting for the XB1 version simply because I prefer the controller, and I had some Gamestop money left on the account.

Thanks for telling us that, but honestly and not being a dick, it really does not say anything about the state of the Xbox One version. It is great to have faith in the developer, but since both versions are 1080p/30fps, I am sure something has to give on the Xbox One version, exactly what that is, is what everyone is wondering.

I also prefer the controller on Xbox One for my games, so I have been wondering and asking how the Xbox One version turned out. It seems no reviewers have the Xbox One version which is highly worrisome to me.
the voice acting for the key characters is amazing. Up there with TLOU but of course more cartoon-like.

the writing has its moments of genius and there is so much of it: radio djs, minor characters etc.

the story arc is the second rate part (third rate by movie standards), really. Michael has the closest to some kind of arc, Trevor is as terrifying at the start as he is at the end and Franklin never really did much more than react. Luckily they are mostly amusing all the way through.

videogamer is right that the game misses an opportunity to have a strong female lead. TLOU makes it look like a throwback designed for maximum teenage male appeal, in that way.

The city itself also never changes. In a future GTA it would be interesting to have the city go through a transformation of some kind as you play the game.


Jesus I can't justify spending £350 on a console for this game. I would love to play it. Suppose I could get it for the ps3 but I fear my ps3 is going to die soon (and my 3year old has stuffed a pile of money into the slot).


Is anyone else annoyed at how many words are wasted talking about the reviewers delicate sensibilities? I get it, it's 2014, everyone wants to look morally concerned, but how about you save the in depth reflections on violence for some real world stuff and dedicate that paragraph on how Tomahawking a soccer mom in the back of the head made you feel inside onto telling me if the driving has been updated, how do some of the new cars feel, what kinda new strangers sidequests are popping up?

I'm not trying to be all silly GG "I WANT OBJECTIVE REVIEWS" but for the love a pete this is Grand Theft Auto. I understand, maybe, trying to use that uncomfortable feeling as a way to frame how immersive the new first person view feels but I gotta say this feels way guilty trippy. I'm sorry, but watching digital puppets go through animations where they fall down and some textures turn red doesn't shake me to my core because well they are fake and I don't play the game pretending they are real.
Jesus I can't justify spending £350 on a console for this game. I would love to play it. Suppose I could get it for the ps3 but I fear my ps3 is going to die soon (and my 3year old has stuffed a pile of money into the slot).

Play it on PC in January?


Actually, Gamespot is right.

All three characters were fully and completely developed and all had independent agendas.

Michael - save himself/family

Franklin - make a name for himself

Trevor - starts out as a total psychopath, but then he kinda/sorta falls in love and at least develops "concern" for someone other than himself.

The back story with Trevor and Michael sets up the whole plotline, creates opportunities for Franklin and sets everyone up for the big ending.

It was one of the most well-crafted stories ever told in a videogame.


I found the story in GTA 5 more compelling than TLoU.

Bravo Rockstar.
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