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STEAM | December 2014 - Read OP for winter sale questions


So after an update yesterday Steam completely broke for me. Happen to anyone else? I guess I'll just have to redownload/reinstall. I just get a fatal error now when clicking the icon.
Yeah, I ran into that too. I didn't bother trying to fix it.
Also, quoting for suggestions from the day crowd;

Kind of an odd request, but I'm looking for something moody, and just straight up depressing and oppressive to play (in terms of story and atmosphere, not that it's a depressingly terrible game, or depression quest, or too the moon ). Just kinda lonely and desolate, I suppose.


There's a list of my games, if I already have something that I haven't touched, that's great, but I'm also open to buying something, or putting it on my wishlist for the upcoming Winter Sales. Thanks c:

What has been suggested to me thus far ;

- Dark Void
- Lifeless Planet
- Dark Souls 1+2 (already beat both)
-STALKER series

(and that's all I can remember off the top of my head.)


really sucks to wake up to an email of "sorry we hired someone else"


anyways, didn't know vgas were today, does anyone have a countdown thingie?

i don't understand american timezones


really sucks to wake up to an email of "sorry we hired someone else"


anyways, didn't know vgas were today, does anyone have a countdown thingie?

i don't understand american timezones
6 hours to go I believe.

2 am GMT. Will have to watch tomorrow morning. Wish it was earlier.


i started play split second
the first thing i noticed is the game is so slow
its capped at 30 FPS
any way to force it to 60 FPS ?


really sucks to wake up to an email of "sorry we hired someone else"

Sorry to hear that, but to be honest it's better than getting no reply at all, which has happened to me a few times in the past.

Enco said:
2 am GMT. Will have to watch tomorrow morning. Wish it was earlier.

But Enco, it's the freaking weekend.


Also, quoting for suggestions from the day crowd;

What has been suggested to me thus far ;

- Dark Void
- Lifeless Planet
- Dark Souls 1+2 (already beat both)
-STALKER series

(and that's all I can remember off the top of my head.)
STALKER is the epitome of atmospheric solitude in games. Plays a bit like survival horror, a bit like Fallout scavenging the wasteland for loot and exploring new locations. One of my favorite game series ever, if you want to lose yourself in a world look no further.


So after an update yesterday Steam completely broke for me. Happen to anyone else? I guess I'll just have to redownload/reinstall. I just get a fatal error now when clicking the icon.

Edit: if I uninstall Steam I won't lose all of my game files, right?

the unable to load steamui.dll message?

I just deleted the beta file from the packages folder.
I have no idea what youre quoting with the snips

1 gif and 1 image. Clicking the little arrow brings you them.

Football-ref-crotch.gif South-Park-horse-dead-beating-stick-being-used-to-beat-dead-horse-South-Park.img

(One more solid call out to bring on a boomshakalaka. Still patiently waiting.)


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Surgeon Simulator 2013 -- MB-7821D794EDAF897D - Taken by TheLight
Ichi -- MB-5FEA8B1CF05B0961 - Taken by Htown
Ballpoint Universe -- MB-28E294BAFBD3A211


Unconfirmed Member
Have you played Far Cry Blood Dragon?


So the older animu girls get, the smaller their eyes become?

That's like anime biology 101 :p

With rumors of a 2nd JoJo fighting game being in the works, I'm hoping that would make it to Steam eventually if not ASB1. Then we'd have Bamco's trifecta of licensed games:
Naruto, DB and JoJo

...and for the uninitiated in JoJo, here's a quick guide

I really wasn't expecting that at all. If anything I thought it would have ended up as a console exclusive, but it's great that it's coming to PC at launch instead of having a slightly later port. Shame for people that only own xbones, but they'll probably get the multiple updated versions that Capcpom will eventually put out.

I thought that this had to be a parody until I looked at his other posts :|

Still has a release date of "coming soon." It's been coming soon for a while now.

It's Walt Disney's birthday
and mine

Happy birthday!
and i said i disagreed with the notion that it's a douche move when what one was doing is donating to the production of the game, and as part of that donation one was sent a key. No one is a victim here, nor is anyone being a douche. Besides that, one didn't just get a key, there were other things offered as part of a donation depending on what level one gave money at.

Again, those who donated knew what they were getting with that and, in this case, are still very much getting what was promised to them, albeit not in the fashion that they were told it would come in. You've taken a position that is irrational, and the hypothetical people who feel like they're being douched would be doing the same in this regard.

In addition to that, the entire concept that a game shouldn't be priced at a cost lower than the Kickstarter donation (at the risk of being a "slap in the face" or "a douche move") is completely ludicrous.

You back the game because you feel that you can. Because you feel that what is presented is worth the backing. Because you feel great that, when a game takes off, you backed that.

If the game costing less is a slap in the face, KS is not for you. KS is not for you if you want a sweet deal on a cool game concept from people you whose games you remember. Nor if the rewards looked tight. Nor if you have expectations of perfection. Nor if the think someone enjoying it as much as you without the exact same or more monetary investment is critical to a game's reception.
I just started playing SFIV, hope they bring back my boy Hakan.

I found none of the new characters in SFIV memorable, except maybe Crimson Viper since she's basically an SNK character. Hakan was ok, but if they didn't bring back an original SFIV character i think i'd be ok with that. It's telling that i remember the SFIII characters that appeared in the SFIV games more than the new characters.
They couldn't have picked a worse actress for Sarah Connor.

I'm sure they could've.

I really wasn't expecting that at all. If anything I thought it would have ended up as a console exclusive, but it's great that it's coming to PC at launch instead of having a slightly later port. Shame for people that only own xbones, but they'll probably get the multiple updated versions that Capcpom will eventually put out.

It's not a shame. It's hilarious. Between GG Xrd and this, PS4 is slaying everything when it comes to next-gen fighters.

If we're talking "shames" and X1s... the real shame is that KI looks like an actually legitimately good game made by Double Helix and now being updated by the 98% awesome Iron Galaxy. And unfortunately it's trapped on the X1 where it won't get the full exposure it deserves.

I can't get hyped with the same 2 characters used to present a new SF game.
Needs more Juri or Q

I'll never understand Q, but I do hope Juri comes back... best new original character in a long time.

As far as expecting anything other than Ryu and Ken? I mean, look, I hate Ryu more than pretty much anyone... and yet I understand that you're going to use the iconic characters associated with the franchise for the reveal. Much like MKX started with Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero.

everybody besides ryu and li is out until proven otherwise :p and yes, that means ken and akuma too.

Roster must include:
Cammy, Cody, Ken, Juri before I even contemplate a day one purchase.
I'm okay with Remy replacing Guile this time around... or just being added. And they should retain Poison, Makoto, Fei Long, and several others... if that happens, I'll preorder, full price, once it's up.


If you backed it on KS, you were more than happy to pay full price for that experience.

It's a strange line of thinking that those who paid up front for the game - so as to help produce the game - would be upset that the game is on sale, given that the game wouldn't even exist if they didn't donate to it in the first place for them to get upset over it being on sale.

I read through this conversation but I'm quoting this post because this is the best part from my perspective.

I paid $15 for a game that ended up selling for $25 on Steam. I wanted it to be made and I wanted to watch the documentary. If I was looking for the best price I would have waited for a sale rather than paying for the retail estimate before the game was even designed.

I haven't been upset at all at any of the sales. The value of the documentary series for me was pretty high and I really enjoyed the first episode. If the second episode sucks I'll be disappointed with the game, but I've already gotten $15 worth of entertainment out of it and won't regret backing.
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