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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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I think I could have made a top 20 pretty easily. I think I feel that there was lots of good shows just much fewer standout great shows. At least that line up with my tastes. Though at least there was a no brainer #1.

I could've done a top 20. I liked a lot of stuff from last year.



I enjoyed my time with that, but no. The answer would be Nozaki-kun.

I guess it's just not what I want out of Jojo. My favorite parts of the Jojo series all happened in that first season with Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. I prefer Hamon over Stands. Jonathan and Joseph are better Jojo's than Jotaro. There isn't enough Dio. There isn't enough SpeeEEEeeeeeEedwagooOOoon...


Stands are bar none the best thing that ever happened to JoJo. The series was good before but lacked an identity beyond being Fist of the North Star with Sun powers (moreso in PB then BT, since BT is far better and has far more charisma).
Stands allowed the series to evolve and gain a real stand-out style. A lot of them are pretty generic like Magician's Red and Silver Chariot, but later stands allow for far more insane fights. You can see inklings of that in ones like Geb. It improves in the second half and by the end, and by Part 4 the series really became what it is now.
But for the most part I think Part 3 doesn't go far enough on the crazy scale. Jotaro is stoic, cool-headed and somewhat boring (still better then Jonathan), so instead of moments like Joseph tricking Cars with his old "I know what you will say next" trick to win, you get Jotaro signing a receipt for Steely Dan after he beats the shit out of him. The other characters make up for Jotaro's stoic attitude as well. Instead of just Speedwagon you get multiple people who can fulfill that role (usually Joseph).

Link Man

Nanoha A's 2

So, Nanoha managed to find the two richest girls in her class to be friends with, eh?

And now Fate works for the Bureau.

Well, I guess one way to show how dangerous a new enemy is would be to have them completely humiliate the old big bad. Shonen as it may be.

Did Yuuno just copy Naruto?

And now for some food porn.

Looks like she was really struggling with that wheelchair joystick.

A magical German sword. They're going all-out with the voice acting. "Panzergeist!" had me in stitches.


This is already getting pretty intense. I'm expecting some powerups for the heroes in the future.
Unlimited fafnir - 01
Damn this heroine is clumsy , hardworking , messes up and is already in several precarious situations in only the first episode ?????

Wait ..the dragons want to find the girls so they can change them into dragon in order to mate with them ?? who the hell wrote this ???
Unlimited fafnir - 01
Damn this heroine is clumsy , hardworking , messes up and is already in several precarious situations in only the first episode ?????

Wait ..the dragons want to find the girls so they can change them into dragon in order to mate with them ?? who the hell wrote this ???
Don't worry, the MC's unlimited powers will protect all the waifus from the "D"!
Unlimited fafnir - 02
Damn this heroine is a pure maiden that is EXTRA PERVERTED

Anyway, This second episode did showcase some chara&cter develloppement from a part of the cast , but i have to admit that the flashback openned a possibility ,
wait so the brother and sister aren't related after all ?

Lol that sure isn't going to end well .
MILF commander is a jerk , the anime left no doubt in my mind, i don't think UFafnir is the kind of anime with overly complex plots so this should stay the same ( he's probably going to die and end up being the final boss, who knows ? )

Rest of the episode was alright , if a little too perverted.

lol @that first line of defense , it didn't even last 3 secs... Someone should upgrade this ASAP.


Maria 3 - nice third episode. Some nice expansion of the cast, I especially like the new church folk.

This continues to be more interesting than I expected.


Kuromajo 54-60 END


this was nice clean fun and i hope theres enough material left for a "third" season of sorts. kinda makes me want to give that shin-ei joker show a second chance

nozaki-kun sp4


look at all that reference material


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Asobi ni iku yo! episode 1

Decided to watch this dubbed, which the dub is pretty good overall. Seems like its setting up to be a harem of sorts maybe, but it looks like theres going to be alot of action so thats always a good thing.


ronja 16


this piece of shit got owned so hard by his own daughter you literally see the frame where his mind chucked a bsod. aoty 2015


Started durarara. Its interesting. Dunno if its captivated me though. Sort of slow.

Need something else to watch on crunchy roll. My computer died so I'm using my phone to entertain myself.


Started durarara. Its interesting. Dunno if its captivated me though. Sort of slow.

Need something else to watch on crunchy roll. My computer died so I'm using my phone to entertain myself.

Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time. Do it.
A Certain Scientific Railgun - 11

Holy crap.

Like, when the flashback of her with the kids started I knew something bad was going to happen but I sure wasn't expecting it to go like that! The fact that they're still in a coma and have probably aged makes it all the more sad.

And what was that at the end? It looked like that one boss from Persona 4!


Aiura 1-4

I watched four episodes of this because it's directed by Ryosuke Nakamura, who directed Mouryou no Hako (really unique!) and the Run, Melos episodes of Aoi Bungaku (absolute masterpiece!).

This is nothing like those works. Every episode is four minutes long. One minute of that is the OP. The ED is thirty seconds long. It's about girls at a school and goofy things happen. There's largely a very stereotypical manzai relationship between childhood friends Kanaka and Saki.

I don't think the comedy is all that good most of the time (jokes are pretty hit and miss, and the voice actresses aren't good enough to keep the comic timing up at the pace they have to move at), but it's very well-animated in its limited run-time, and I like the stuff with Yamashita-sensei so far.

I dunno. It's a very easy watch because it's short.


So is Higurashi worth a watch?

I'm of the opinion that the first season of Higurashi is a boring mess, until the last 3 episodes where it suddenly becomes much more intriguing. The second season on the other hand is fantastic all the way through, I found it very engaging and interesting. It's worth slogging through season one just to get to season two.

I've heard plenty of opinions that state the exact opposite though.


It's a joke about how how many go on and on that anime is worse than before because they don't realise they watched gatekept shows back in the naughties vs being aware of everything today. Also known as Cowboy Bebop and Gurren Lagann came out in the same season syndrome a.k.a. a distorted view of how frequently "good" shows come out.


Rolling girls 03

The only danger is if they remove focus from the action and it turns into another 'cute girls' show.

Wait a minute; a complete lack of noses, an unnatural focus on teenage girls, 'cute' girls with speech disorders, the singing in the OP......

It was our planet moeshit all along!

You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you, damn you all to hell.

*sobs audibly*

But thats the best thing about it!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Asobi ni iku yo! episode 2

My mind is bogggling how these people can stormfront a miliary base and somehow arent put on the most wanted list for the rest of their lives.


I'm of the opinion that the first season of Higurashi is a boring mess, until the last 3 episodes where it suddenly becomes much more intriguing. The second season on the other hand is fantastic all the way through, I found it very engaging and interesting. It's worth slogging through season one just to get to season two.

I've heard plenty of opinions that state the exact opposite though.

Two episodes in and this seems to be really intriguing, it is like Paranoia Agent with terrible artwork.


Yuri Kuma Arashi 3

I had gotten the impression from some that the first half of this episode was kind of a waste, and I don't really think that's true. This episode is paced a lot more naturally than the other two episodes, and the purpose of it is largely to express how Kureha has responded to Sumika's being eaten, and how that contradicts the environment around her.

There are some revealing aspects of in her consultation with the principal, particularly in how guarded she is about her grief, but the most revealing part is really her scene in class, and on the roof. The flashbacks connect to the present. She holds onto the eraser she borrowed from Sumika, worn now to little more than a nub. She looks at the garden she built together with Sumika, an act that's already in some respects a remembrance of her mother. She's lost in these memories of the past.

That's expressed most literally here, in the classroom. Everyone is focused on their lessons, but Kureha is focused on Sumika's absence. She can't let go of the things time and circumstance have taken from her. She tries to redirect that grief into a hatred of bears, but she can't quite manage it.

The most interesting thing here is how that serves as a counterpoint to the other members of her class. Everyone goes through the show of the ceremony and its public expression of grief, but the class is business as usual. They're what Kureha is afraid of becoming, and because she shuts herself off from them in favor of the now-absent Sumika, they exile her.

I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around exactly what bears and eating really mean, but the themes related to invisibility, the "invisible storm", and being part of the group are becoming more and more obvious. There's no room for a real love that one doesn't give up on in this school.


I'm of the opinion that the first season of Higurashi is a boring mess, until the last 3 episodes where it suddenly becomes much more intriguing. The second season on the other hand is fantastic all the way through, I found it very engaging and interesting. It's worth slogging through season one just to get to season two.

I've heard plenty of opinions that state the exact opposite though.

I tend to agree with you. Higurashi Kai does a great job making up for some of the problems with the first season, including just in terms of production values, and answering almost everything while giving most of the cast of characters a chance to shine.

That said, usually those who don't like the second series tend to either prefer the sheer craziness and paranoia of the first one, find the explanations too long and boring or just don't like the conclusion. It isn't exactly of high literary value or anything, but I enjoyed the results. That said, the subsequent Higurashi productions aren't really necessary. I like some but not others.


Another 1-13

If someone told me this show was intend to be a comedy, I would believe him. There are nothing scary or creepy about that show. I like the dolls though, and the ending is kind of surprising.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa is getting an anime

This year's ninth issue of Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion magazine is announcing on February 5 that a television anime adaptation of Eiji Masuda's Jitsu wa Watashi wa ([Actually,] I Am…) manga has been green-lit for this year.

ANN Source
Shugo Chara 69-70

How interesting that the first ep was about someone confessing to Rima and the second was about Valentines Day, where both a dude and a girl were mutually tsundere for each other.

The first one particular because unlike all the other asshole boys that went MUH RIMA when she first appeared (and then when they found out she likes gags, they were like SHE LIKES GAGS!? WHAT A WHORE! *okay not really*) he didn't like her initially because of her attitude. But he's clearly a person who was watching Shugo Chara noting how she changed to not sucking anymore. It was like a love letter to Rima fans, telling them that she denies you, but not because you're stupid....

Okay that was stupid...


Maturity, bitches.
This isn't the first time I've ever referred to this so I find it odd that it's only just started to cause confusion. Something must have happened at the beginning of 2015.

Today we can see a show one hour after if broadcasts in Japan thanks to streaming services whereas in the past we could potentially wait years. This meant that shows that broadcast in different years in Japan would premiere at the same time in the West giving a false impression of the quality of the shows at the time. Also we have access to a much wider range of shows, almost being able to see everything on offer, compared to having the shows picked for us by the television channel owners, who would of course choose what they felt would appeal to their audience. This of course means we weren't even aware of the rubbish being broadcast in Japan at the time. I hopefully don't have to explain why I used Cowboy Bebop and Gurren Lagann.

tl:dr: Watching anime on TV meant getting a distorted image of anime output and didn't reflect the reality. That is the fantasy season.


Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Episode 3:

Still not bored, not bored at all, in fact, rather enjoying this.
Though the series attempts at painting Kenichi descending into madness, while accurate, is not all in his head as he has clearly been running with the god damned Children of the Corn.


Came back from a trip and needed to catch up..

Shigatsu 14

Tsubaki I'm so sorry, I feel so bad for you :(

Aldnoah Zero 15

LOL Holyshit Slaine. This show is so entertaining. Even when it's bad.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 75:

Oh, Sailor Moon R you tease, I know you will not kill off the pink spore but hope still does spring eternal, especially since we had to deal with her older, brattier incarnation for a time. Anyway, not only do we meet Sailor Not A Planet anymore but we finally get our first good look at the brain trust behind the Black Moon Clan and gain new insight as to why they desire the Silver Crystal. Also, kudos to this episode for using a premise different from the norm, even if it got a bit confusing when they decided to combine the battle of the mind with the past. Anyway, as far as Sailor Super Model goes, meeting her is about all she does aside from giving her job description and generic helpful advice and serving as the mind conduit. Really this was a weaker episode out of the current crop since it mainly retread the ground we have already covered vis a vis the growing and changing relationship between Chibi-Usa and the ever maturing Sailor Moon. Mild recommendation to watch but you would not be missing to much if you skipped this one.
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