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Could a big budget dinosaur game exist today? Will Jurassic World play a part if so?


I think any game can exist so long as it's done well. Easy to cash cow interest in a game like this and make it badly. I'd love for them to capture the feel of Jurassic Park, if they do it right.
Can I just be a dinosaur? Or many types to choose from? Make combat souls like in execution (with shoulders buttons for attacks and defense and face buttons for dodge, jump, and stances) but with the added versatility of an Assassin's Creed game (microraptors climbing and jumping through trees a la AC3 comes to mind). Edit: and with the climbing mechanics of Dragon's Dogma/SOTC.

Put me in an open world with dinosaurs to hunt or hide from, food and water sources to migrate towards etc. Give me an over the shoulder olfactory mode that increases depth of field and colorizes scents to visualize strength, distance, wind direction and indication of predator and/or prey.

Let me start as a hatchling and have progression be based on objectives completed or attempted with an emphasis on attempted as the game still progresses whether you won the battle for a potential mate or not. Whether you made it across the wild river to join your herd or not or whether you caught that large prey to feed your pack or settled for a smaller selection and fought off your own for the slim pickings. Edit: Basically, each attempted objective furthers the game/"story"/what have you where you visually age and change. Sort of like a timer-less Tokyo Jungle.

Nah, just give us guns to shoot things.


The moment I heard the Alien making shrilling/shrieking noises that sounded similar to a raptor from Jurassic Park I immediately cried that I wasn't in a jungle hiding from a raptor.

Creative Assembly. Do it. Give me an open world fucking dino game.

How is that dino hunting game on the PS3 btw? It was like $11 or so, I was waiting on it to go on sale but it never did so I may just bite.

Carnivores is a classic pc game.
While I never played the PS3 version, the PC version was a lot of fun when it came to hunting dinosaurs. I remember installing it on al the school computers back in the day and during lunch break we would play it.
Jurassic Park on the Sega Genesis was one of favorite games for that console. Having something like an Alien Isolation type game play would be awesome.

I say that because the TRex and Raptor and other big ass dinos cant be/shouldn't easily be killed with traditional weapons.

I love those games. Up res them, and port em to XB1/PS4/Wii-U.


surprised no one has at least mentioned Final Fantasy XV and Xenoblade. Yeah, fantasy... but they do feature dinosaur-like creatures. So, it's not that these type of creatures aren't popular or used. Only in western games they are missed a little. I think even "natural" dinosaurs will return rather sooner than later, mostly because of the "bigger is better" philosophy in games nowadays. And who is bigger than a Brachiosaurus?
yeah, tell me!
I read through the Jurassic Park books recently, and it made me really want an Alien Isolation style game in the JP universe. The books don't have to pull punches with the violence, so the dinosaurs are fucking terrifying.


I don't know whether one could exist today, but I'd love to see one. Hell, probably never happening but I'd love a AAA Primal Rage. Hopefully Jurassic Park will reignite some interest in dinosaurs.
I've actually had an idea for a dinosaur based open world game that I'd love to make but lack a number of the skills needed and don't have a team to fill in the gaps, let alone achieve the necessary scale. But I do like to think the basic premise could be good, although I haven't tried prototyping any of the mechanics since it seems pretty out of reach.

It would be a first person open world game with very little boundaries to dictate what types of dinosaurs could be found where outside of what makes sense geographically and ecologically, so encounters could vary on each playthrough. The main gameplay premise would be one of stealth and rapid escape with direct combat as only a last resort with little options to facilitate it, driving home the need to stay out of harms way. Escape would stem off a contextual animation system so that as many options as possible would be available to the player rather than only having certain buttons that react to certain things in the environment and instead certain buttons would react with that part of the environment in different ways. It would essentially take time and practice to master traversal. Stealth would be less directly tied to crouching all the time but instead having good awareness of your surroundings by visual and audio clues that indicate what type of species may be in which direction. But rather than the explanation of identifying what these clues indicate being a text box that spring up when you first see one, it would be something the player has to figure out for themselves or already have a good guess at from real world expectations.

I could probably go on and on so to avoid a TLDR that's the gist of my dream dino game. Anyone with the time and skills fancy making something like that I'd love to play it one day and with survival games becoming more common I keep hoping one day someone will.
I think dinosaurs are about to make a comeback whether or not Jurassic World turns out good. I expect several AAA dinosaur videogames in the next few years.
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