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Cities: Skylines |OT| Not Related to Cities XL.

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Up to 55k:


Kind of struggling to keep growing fast enough to buy new squares. I guess I should pack people in more densely, maybe get rid of my suburbs though I feel like cities should have some of those. Do people complain if there's no low density residential? I also haven't built a commercial building for years.

I'm not sure what else to do with my city, apart from keeping the growth going, trying to get these unique buildings with daft unlock conditions and putting a fire station on every street corner to stop buildings from burning down.
That feeling when the hopeful-sounding music begins to swell and little green arrows start popping up everywhere.

...followed soon by the realization that your infrastructure cannot handle the growth and your waste management department is run by utter nincompoops.


Rodent Whores
It might be too early, the game is still new to most people and they are still learning it and messing with their cities. I know personally I'm spending every ounce of my game time working on my first and only city, I've not even started any others yet but I have so many plans to do so.

Hard to believe it's been just a tad under a week now, man what a week!

Perhaps, it might be too early. I didn't do the Banished one until a month after release.

I was thinking that it would be good to have people trying to work out these problems on their own before optimal solutions become better well known over the internet.


I shouldn't play this when sleepy. My dedication to aesthetics takes a hit. I'm gonna play this on Thursday and be disgusted with myself.

On the otherhand, the roundabout overpasses to connect to main roads seems to work wonders. I might fiddle with the asset generator and see if I can make it more compact.
Just made my first custom prop and got it ingame. This game is great for modding. Here are some pics and links. Hope you like it.

A playhouse for kids prop(Asset):


A park with the playhouse in it:


Links for both: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409262734 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=409262200

Note that to get the playhouse to work you will need the prop to as an active asset.
Any other modelers or modders here on GAF?

Im going to make some buildings from my hometown, hope to start soon. What are you using? 3DS max?
Im going to make some buildings from my hometown, hope to start soon. What are you using? 3DS max?

Thats what I like to know. I don't own the game yet (paid on thursday) but the asset editor looks super powerful. Can you build buildings from primitives within the asset editor? 99% of the videos on youtube look like someone messing with the asset editor for the very first time and I'm not sure how deep it goes. One guy mentioned making objects in blender but that seemed like he was guessing.


How do I jumpstart interest again?
Just speaking from the mindset of a Sim Mayor, but have you tried cutting tax significantly and offering other incentives? I assume that must help some..you can probably take a decent chunk on a month to month basis as it seems very difficult to not develop a significant surplus of cash.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Can't wait!

When does GMG send out Steam codes? Day of release?

Also, I want to highlight this awesome pedestrian walkway from the older thread made by GSY Miguel:


Seems like a great way for a clueless person to accidently get on a civilian walk way. Perhaps the light being placed partially on the walk way may obstruct a car from fully getting through.


Rodent Whores
Current state of my city: 204K Each day takes 8 seconds to pass

Staggered grid pattern. Minimizes four way intersections with traffic lights.

Street layout has max density; each inner ring is comprised of two lane streets only to increase traffic flow. Outer ring is zoned commercial 1x1 since it has the highest jobs/cell ratio, inner-outer zone is office to provide noise dampening. Inner block is a mix of residential and office.

I was experimenting pedestrian path placement. Basically while the main boulevards are staggered, the pedestrian paths all form a grid pattern, so walking is easy. I also experimented with elevated paths too, and while neat, they do take up more space that could be used for zoning.

Here is the traffic in each block

Here is a more zoomed out view of the traffic

I made one block a district so you could see how many people are in each block. Around 7k. Now that I've repeated this pattern a bunch, I feel like each block could be larger. It would make more space between each intersection.



Current state of my city: 204K Each day takes 8 seconds to pass

Staggered grid pattern. Minimizes four way intersections with traffic lights.

Street layout has max density; each inner ring is comprised of two lane streets only to increase traffic flow. Outer ring is zoned commercial 1x1 since it has the highest jobs/cell ratio, inner-outer zone is office to provide noise dampening. Inner block is a mix of residential and office.

I was experimenting pedestrian path placement. Basically while the main boulevards are staggered, the pedestrian paths all form a grid pattern, so walking is easy. I also experimented with elevated paths too, and while neat, they do take up more space that could be used for zoning.

Here is the traffic in each block

Here is a more zoomed out view of the traffic

I made one block a district so you could see how many people are in each block. Around 7k. Now that I've repeated this pattern a bunch, I feel like each block could be larger. It would make more space between each intersection.

Shouldn't matter which modeling software you use since they use fbx directly, just be sure to follow the guidelines.

Thanks, knew about that page, spiritfox told me the other day, seems to be pretty explicative but i wanted to know if there some quircks and tweaking when using 3DS max. Im modelling building for a game im doing, but I dodnt know if there somethign special to do when working with cities skilines (not using speculars and lighting maps for our game, so i need to learn those for here).

Thats what I like to know. I don't own the game yet (paid on thursday) but the asset editor looks super powerful. Can you build buildings from primitives within the asset editor? 99% of the videos on youtube look like someone messing with the asset editor for the very first time and I'm not sure how deep it goes. One guy mentioned making objects in blender but that seemed like he was guessing.
From what i know, no. You can recolor and attach already done assets to other buildings (to create things like parking lots and parks) but theres no primitives like, lets say, theme park studio, to make your own buildings without the need of a 3D program.
The most useful thing with the aset editor is importing your own building and then adding things like benches, lightposts, roads and parking lots with it, without the need of doing them from 0 with your building on a 3d program.


Rodent Whores
Smart thinking. I got work to do :p

It's actually not that hard anymore though...once you unlock the wonders, the game becomes even easier. I could actually not give a shit about noise pollution anymore to be honest. The health and land value are going to stay maxed no matter what.


Just got the Zen Garden key from Paradox. Check your inboxes guys :p

Edit: It appears to be a 4x4, making it the smallest park in the game. (Not counting mods of course.)


Current state of my city: 204K Each day takes 8 seconds to pass

Staggered grid pattern. Minimizes four way intersections with traffic lights.

Street layout has max density; each inner ring is comprised of two lane streets only to increase traffic flow. Outer ring is zoned commercial 1x1 since it has the highest jobs/cell ratio, inner-outer zone is office to provide noise dampening. Inner block is a mix of residential and office.

I was experimenting pedestrian path placement. Basically while the main boulevards are staggered, the pedestrian paths all form a grid pattern, so walking is easy. I also experimented with elevated paths too, and while neat, they do take up more space that could be used for zoning.

Here is the traffic in each block

Here is a more zoomed out view of the traffic

I made one block a district so you could see how many people are in each block. Around 7k. Now that I've repeated this pattern a bunch, I feel like each block could be larger. It would make more space between each intersection.

I am going to start imitating this.

My current city has around 30K citizens and uses a grid pattern, which could be slowly modified.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Current state of my city: 204K Each day takes 8 seconds to pass

Staggered grid pattern. Minimizes four way intersections with traffic lights.

Street layout has max density; each inner ring is comprised of two lane streets only to increase traffic flow. Outer ring is zoned commercial 1x1 since it has the highest jobs/cell ratio, inner-outer zone is office to provide noise dampening. Inner block is a mix of residential and office.

I have built very similar setups in Simcity 4, kind of like connected fused grids. It always worked well for me, haven't built a setup like that in CSL yet but it appears to work very well by the looks of your city!


Rodent Whores
Very impressive! How do you deal with trash and deathcare?

At least one crematorium for each block, which is over capacity, but I need it since my population spikes a lot due to the way I'm mass dezoning my old city layout and rezoning it in the new city layout. With every population spike comes a death spike 6 years later when they all die at once, so I need enough hearses to deal with the spikes.

Trash is not that bad, I just have 3 corners with 2 incinerators each. Garbage trucks travel far, and for hearses and garbage trucks, as long as their general path stays unfucked with traffic, they could be out in the middle of nowhere and still work fine.


That explains why you get a random deathspike to deal with after you unlock high-density residential.

You go through this massive expansion period, then 6 years later they all drop dead.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
That explains why you get a random deathspike to deal with after you unlock high-density residential.

You go through this massive expansion period, then 6 years later they all drop dead.

Yep, reminds me an awful lot of the population swings you get in Banished due to generations of old timers dying off. The first time it happened to me in CSL I panicked as I didn't know why my population was going down so fast. Now that I know what's going on I relax and just ride it out. At least it's not completely like in Banished where if your people aren't having enough babies your town can outright die, LOL.

Man, between CSL and Banished, both with awesome mod support, my city building needs are going to be fulfilled for a very long, long time. I pity any other devs even thinking of making a city builder in the near future.


Awesome work, Hamster. I still don't have any elevated paths. I don't really know how to do it..I think there was an advisor message but I ignored it. As is, I have effectively zero pathways with a few rare exceptions.


Rodent Whores
I pity any other devs even thinking of making a city builder in the near future.

Challenge accepted! Oh wait, I don't have a game development studio.

I wish I did ;_;

I think I could make a better one, though.

The only major thing that could be implemented would be stuff that is currently unmoddable or unfeasible to mod. Certain core simulation aspects, etc. I think the main thing would probably be the engine that the game is created in. Could you imagine this game in Unreal Engine 4?


Awesome work, Hamster. I still don't have any elevated paths. I don't really know how to do it..I think there was an advisor message but I ignored it. As is, I have effectively zero pathways with a few rare exceptions.

They work like anything else that can be elevated (roads, tracks, power lines), PgUp and PgDn changes elevation when laying them down.


Does passenger train/ship count as a method of commute for residents?

I am thinking to create a "casino island" that has no outside road connection, just served by a dock and train station.


Canadians burned my passport
I can't get any of the lighting mods to work. There doesn't seem to be a discernable change. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: Nvm I found the issue


I played about 10h, looked at this thread and the subreddit. I don't know if I want to play anymore, I thought my city was cool :'(


They work like anything else that can be elevated (roads, tracks, power lines), PgUp and PgDn changes elevation when laying them down.
Ha! I haven't elevated anything yet. Will have to try and remember this for some of my roads. Doesn't make a lot of sense to have them intersect my highways.
Is there a mod that unlocks all the tiles from the start? I looked, but all I can find are the ones that unlock the tiles after reaching the last milestone.

I'd kill for a mod that allowed me to actually choose my own starting tile.
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